Grigory Antipenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Gregory Antipenko belongs to the category of actors who are closer the theater scene than a game on the camera. What is removed by the words of the artist is difficult to call movies. And the theater is a place where he sought from the first days in the profession, there can be improved daily. The creative biography of Antipenko is built on the principle of "not to force, but to interest" - he does not participate in projects just because it is necessary for someone. After all, the viewer does not deceive, he will always see that the actor does not like the role or other circumstances.

Childhood and youth

The Russian actor and cinema actor was born in October 1974 in Moscow in the family of engineers. His mother worked as an engineer-technologist at Mosfilm. In childhood, Grisha was fond of biology, chemistry and physics. The boy constantly studied the encyclopedia, studying the Latin names of animals, and dreamed of distant journey. After graduation, he entered the Pharmacist Pharmacist's Medical School.

Having received a specialty, Grigory began working at a pharmacy, but the monotonous work he was quickly tired, and he decided to master other spheres. In his youth, the future actor went to accounting courses, visited the preparatory classes to enroll in the legal admission, worked in an advertising agency, manager, social worker and even manufactured facsimile copies on Mosfilm.

Gregory Antipenko has long been looking for "his" profession. As the actor told in one of the interviews, it is better to look for his work for a long time than to deal with something mediocre and not enjoy what you are doing.


Being a teenager, Grisha was engaged in the theater studio "Candle", but he was serious about the acting profession only after he began to work as a scene by the scene in Satirikon. For 2 years, he watched the work of the actors and theater from the inside. After that, Antipenko decided to try his hand in the creative sphere.

In 1999, the young man entered the Schukin school to the Ovchinnikov course. In the fourth year of training, the actor debuted into the cinema, received an episodic role in the TV series "Code of Honor". During his studies, the artist performed on the stage of the Mayakovsky and Class Theater, and graduating the theater school, served in the Et Cetera Theater.

Gregory played in such productions as "the secrets of the aunt Malkin" and "Parisian Romance". By the way, for the last theatrical work he was nominated for the prestigious Award "Moscow Debuts".

In 2012, Antipenko decided to continue his studies and entered the highest scriptwriters and directors. Since the summer of 2013, the actor was enrolled in the court of the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov. In this amplua Gregory received many international awards: "The best entrepreneurs", "best musical performance."

For the main role in the Pygmalion formation on the eponymous play of Bernard Shaw Gregory, Gregory was awarded a special prize from members of the Festival's jury "Amur Autumn". During this time, the artist played in different performances: "Orpheus and Euridica", "result is evident", as well as in many other productions. In 2014, the premiere of "Smile to us, Lord" took place in the Theater of Evgeny Vakhtangov, in which Grigory played one of the central characters.

Within 5 years, the choreographic performance "Othello" noted from the repertoire of the Wahtangov Theater, marked by the Star Star Award. In the unusual reading of the Shakespeare tragedy, the tongue of dance Antipenko performed the main party. Viktor Dobronravov was performed in the role of Yago.

On the same scene, the actor half an hour held the attention of the Hall of Jason's monologue in the mode of "Medea". Grigory speech learned in 10 days, and since this time spent on the bank of the Adriatic Sea, enjoyed the smells of spring, sunrises and sunsets, on return experienced incomparable sensations. A hard role is one of the reasons why Antipenko refused the series.

The theater billboard at the small armor for 2019 pleased the fans of the artist with the news that Grigory will appear on stage in the romantic drama Edmon Rostan "Sirano de Bergerac". The beggar ugly poet is a favorite image of Antipenko. With this hero, the actor coincided internally, in uncompromising and moral position. In the "modern theater of entrepreneurs", Grigory was involved in the formulation of "Two on the swing", in the theater named after Yermolova - in Odessa 913.


Since 2004, Antipenko has begun more actively to film. The actors were invited to the Mascot of Love Mascot, where he played the villain. After this painting, Gregory began to find out, the first popularity came. But the nationwide pet antipenko felt after the main role in the series "Do not be born beautiful."

Here he embodied on the screen of the representative of "Golden Youth", an irresponsible son of rich parents, who got the firm of the Father - a large company "Zimaletto". And everything would be wonderful if under his control the company did not start to endure Fiasco.

To correct the situation, Zhdanov helped his smart, but terribly unattractive secretary Katya Pushkareva (Nelli Uvarova), in which the hero of Antipenko eventually fell in love. For the role of Andrei Zhdanov, the artist received the Ukrainian folk award of "heading" and became megapopular in the expanses of the former Union.

After the completion of the telenovella "Do not bother the beautiful" Antipenko began to film and show more actively. In the melodraman "Rapid" the character of Gregory suddenly appeared in the life of a woman who did not believe in treason to her own husband. In the historical film "Conspiracy", the hero, played by the Contractor, was investigated by the murder of Gregory Rasputin. The identity of the mysterious friend of the imperial family was embodied on the screen Ivan Okhlobystin.

Antiphenko starred in a number of films and with partners on "not boring beautiful". With Olga Lomonosova, who performed the role of a business woman Kira Voropayeva in the famous series, Grigory was friendly since Schukinsky school. Together with the actress, he starred in the "45 seconds" melodrama. In addition, Olga is a close friend of the Antipenko family, she became the godmother of the eldest son of Ivan.

From Nelli Uvarov, masterfully played by Andrei Zhdanov's beloved, Katu Pushkarev, the artist starred in the drama "M + F". Also, Gregory was a duet with another actress who loved the viewers of the series - Maria Mashkova. The couple appeared in front of the audience in the painting "Black Tag", filmed by the director Victoria Derjitsky.

Directors, as if concerned, saw in an attractive artist (height - 185 cm, weight - 83 kg) of the conqueror of the ladies' hearts or the object of interest of women, regardless of age and status. Grigory Antipenko made a married couple with Natalia Lukeich in the picture "She hit the pilot" and with a seraphic of the town in the melodrama "I will give my wife in good hands." In both films, the chief hero has to choose between family and new romantic passion.

In the drama "This evening angels cried" the actor played a businessman in love with a prostitute. In the criminal tape "Torgsin" Gregory made a bright duet with Catherine Klimova. Antipenko played the director of the store, aspiring to live on conscience, and Catherine is his mistress and at the same time his wife's wife. In the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of His ..." The actor appeared as a marriage sweat.

Grigory himself said that she appreciates the personality in his companion, mystery. If a woman is immersed in home care, she "stops in spiritual development and becomes a faceless attachment to a man."

Melodrama "Valid Victims", according to the creators, was named according to circumstances in which people sometimes fall for the sake of achieving a dream. To go without much throwing on personal sacrifices are those who older in age. Therefore, performers of the main roles of Grigoria Antipenko and Ivan Stebunova before the start of the filming were changed in places. Antipenko played a journalist who gave way to a favorite girl to the young and promising chapter of the company.

In the militant Egor Konchalovsky "Return to" A "" Gregory starred in the secondary role of a military doctor. The first Kazakhstan project in the 3D format was advanced at Oscar in the category "Best Foreign Film".

The current cinema, considers Antipenko, made a lot of steps back. Gregory does not refuse to replenish the filmography completely from the opportunity to replenish the filmography, as a similar step will lead to dick of acting. He admits that he became the hostage of the image of Zhdanov, and a sentence awaits, which truly "shoot." "Maybe you will need 10, 20 or 30 years. But there is no other way. "

In addition to working in the theater and cinema, the actor announced several times children's cartoons, among which Ted and Jones and the Lost City. Gregory manages skillfully combining theatrical performances, shooting in new series and films and personal life.

Personal life

With his first wife, the actor met still in his youth, in marriage the couple lived for 7 years. Grigory and Elena have a common son Alexander. The actress Julia Taschin became the second chief of his chosen, with which Antipenko worked on one site of the series "Do not be born beautiful." Julia performed one of the main roles. It is curious that according to the story of the series heroine tashchina, dazzlingly beautiful, but not far, conflicting with Zhdanov, since he prefers her girlfriend a dugushk.

In 2007, the son of Ivan was born with lovers, and in 2 years the second son appeared, which Fedor was named. In 2012, there was information that the star couple broke up. Julia and Grigory tried several times to restore relations, but everyone decided to live their lives and divorce was inevitable. However, there was no divorce as such, since there were no weddings: the actors lived in civil marriage and officially did not register the relationship.

After some time, after parting a couple in the press, information about the novel Grigory Antipenko and Tatiana Arntgolts appeared. The actors played in the play "Two on a swing." At first, the pair in every way hid its relationship, but in 2014 they announced that they were found. The actor even moved to live to Tatiana to Nizhny Novgorod Street, which in the southeastern part of Moscow. Antipenko often saw the garbage, as well as the Arntgolts from the first marriage with the Children's playground with her daughter.

For a long time, their relationships did not last, and colleagues told that suddenly broken passion passed, the couple broke up. In 2015, the media began to move with loud headlines that Grigory Antipenko reunited with the former civilian wife Julia Takschina. It turned out that the couple reunited for a while to take the Son in the 1st grade. According to Takoshina, Antipenko does not miss important events in the life of sons, they also often spend time on the weekend.

Antipenko considers it normal: he loves children and wants them to know that their father is always with them. But there was no speech about complete reunification. The tank itself admitted that she dreams of solid relations like the union of her parents, who after 45 years of living together decided to marry.

Antipenko tries to pay time to his hobby - rock climbing. Every year he conquers some vertex. At this time, a month, an actor forgets about his affairs, work, problems and an external world. The skills of the conqueror of the mountain slopes Gregory was useful in the Ribbon "Mountaineer", where the main role was performed by Andrei Chadov. Antipenko got a character of his opponent - a banker who seems to love Agnia Ditkovskite.

Fans of Gregory brought the fan site and page in "Instagram", photo and audio recordings Interview actors are published on the official website. In addition, there are many fan romantic clips on the network on the songs of popular performers - the video orders are based on the films with the participation of Antipenko.

In the summer of 2019, Grigory surprised fans and journalists, saying that he became the Father for the fourth time. It turned out that the performer secretly married everyone. The name of the chosen artist chose not to call. The new wife of July 3 presented his Son's spouse, which was called Afanasiy. Interestingly, on the same day, only before 10 years, the third child of Grigory, Fyodor, appeared.

In an interview, the artist admitted that in the family the baby is affectionately called Afona. The event was covered with Antipenko - the actor called him the main thing in 2019. The performer is happily plunged during the "sleepless nights", saying it does not scare him. At the same time, Gregory stressed that it does not intend to be limited to four children. Now the performer dreams of a daughter.

Grigory Antipenko now

In 2020, the actor continued his creative career. The theater continued to go on performances with his participation, having managed to love the public. Free from work Time artist tries to spend with his family. In one of the interviews, Grigory reported that with his wife and little son managed to visit the sea.


  • 2004 - "Code of Honor 2"
  • 2005 - "Love Talisman"
  • 2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2007 - "Conspiracy"
  • 2008 - "Mountaineer"
  • 2009 - "Rapid"
  • 2010 - "Valid Victims"
  • 2011 - "Retribution"
  • 2012 - "45 seconds"
  • 2016 - "She hit the pilot"
  • 2017 - "Torgsin"

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