Vladimir Epifantsev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Fighting Bar, Actor, Wife 2021



In his youth, Vladimir Epifantsev had an avant-garde perception of the surrounding. Theatrical public loved him for innovation, entertainment and an extraordinary approach. And the filmmakers, as a rule, see it criminals or those chasing the representatives of the criminal world. However, in fact, and in another case, the actor gives its characters an unforgettable charm.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the future star met on the set. Vladimir was born on September 8, 1971 in Moscow. In childhood, thanks to the Father, Georgia Epifantsev, got into the MCAT named after A. P. Chekhov and together with Brother Mikhail began playing on performances. Tatiana Epifantsev's mother, retrained from the economist in the artist, served in the theater.

Volodya Ros Buntar, periodically turning out in the Children's room of the police. At the age of 15, the guy understood: if nothing changes in the biography, then it will go on the inclined, "tied up with a flyney and engaged in sports." In the army, the artist did not serve, in which he admitted to the program of Lera Kudryavtseva "Secret by Million".

I didn't take it to the school-studio of MCAT Epifantsev, the dislike of theatrical world to father affected. Then he entered the Schukinskaya school, where from the first school days he tried to show his vision of acting skills, which, however, did not find a response in the hearts of teachers. Vladimir learned on the director's course of Peter Fomenko in Gitis.

Theater and films

In parallel with studying in Gityis, the Epifantsev organized the "Pro-theater", which did not spend a penny for the creation of a penny, taking advantage of the incomplete premises of the abandoned cardboard factory. In 1994, he presented an ambiguous performance "Jesus Placale", then "Plaby Ball" on the works of Pushkin, Shakespearean "Romeo and Juliet".

Vladimir brought his vision of art to television. Show "Drema" originally specialized at the show of musical video clips, but soon small avant-garde performances began to be performed in the interruptions. On the NTV channel of the Epifantsev in Tandem with Maxim Drozd, the documentary cycle "as in the movies" was led.

The actor participated in the shooting of the "Muzoboz" and "cultivator" gear, however, because of its extravagant views, I did not find an understanding from the project management.

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In 1999, Vladimir made his debut on the screen in Arthaus "Green Elephant", which is now considered to be a sign milestone, a pioneer of the genre and is popular. In January 2017, the actor on the page in "Instagram" reported that it was working on a continuation of the painting - the comedy militant "ZS operation".

Given the specific appearance, the role of the bandit or the military quickly increased to the Epifantsev. Such roles were given to the tapes "Antikiller-2: Antiterror" and "attempt", "uncomplicable" and "Comrades".

The first popularity to Vladimir came after filming in the picture "Freety". Then the actor appeared in the director of the funeral agency in the dramatic comedy "I remain."

In 2009, the premiere of the militant "invincible" with the Epifantsev in the lead role was held in Russia. Partners in the site were Sergey Astakhov and Olga Fadeev.

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The bright points of the filmography were the adaptation of the American series "Escape", the military drama "Night Long-Long Fiction", the "Generation P" phase based on the work of Viktor Pelevin. In the melodrama "Love for two poles", the main roles together with the Epifantsev performed Julia Mavrin and Oleg Kharitonov.

In 2012, the premiere of the criminal militant "Flint" took place, where Vladimir starred in the lead role. The second season of the mini-series came out the next year.

In the comedy militant "Bachelor", Epifantsev got a hero, deciding two problems at the same time. The operative under the cover is looking for dangerous killers, and at home the man is waiting for a feather wife and the son attached to the hero to create a legend, and with them you need to find a common language.

Images of people in the pursuit of the actor embodied in the series "Kotakka" with Olga Lomonosova, "incorruptible" with Marina Konyashkin, "his own alien" with Maria Shukshina.

Then Vladimir pleased the fans the role of a deadly sick cascaderal involved in dangerous races in the Drive militant. In the series "Black Dog", the character of the artist is a member of the super-stitch fighters fighting with terrorists.

Repeated Epifantsev offered to play themselves. Such, for example, Sashahatany Sagitsky, sports drama "Sparta".

For the criminal drama "in the cage", by the way, the brutal appearance of the actor. The Epifantsev played a former athlete, champion on battles without rules, which became a fitness coach. Pavel Priluchny, Ekaterina Malikova and Agat Mustion, entered the cast.

In Fantasy "Ampir V" he was the only acting ensemble as Kameo. The premiere of the film about the formation of a young vampire took place at the end of 2019.

Epifantsev fans have long been not surprised by the news on the participation of the pet in comedy projects. Together with Mikhail Porechenkov and Igor Zizhikin, he starred in the series "Polar" about the Bunkey, forgotten the password from the bank account, which is kept by the thieves "Cashpower". In the comedy "New Man", the hero of Vladimir is trying to return the former wife, and it prevents him to reunite with his beloved Maxim Vitorgan. In "Beetles", the artist reincarnated in a resident of the village, who had just left prison.

In February 2020, the Epifantsev with her new girl Yulia appeared in the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether". The family conflict disassembled in the frame, which served as the divorce of Vladimir and Anastasia Vedenskaya. The actor frankly responded to the accusations of the former spouse, who sounded in the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". He stressed that a long time retained only for the sake of children, and now it's really happy, because you don't have to lie.

The premiere of the Military Drama "Alyosha" took place for the celebration of the Great Victory 2020. The picture was removed based on the work of the Belarusian writer Ivan Ptashnikov "Nardorf". In the reviews, the depth of the character of Ephraima Lark, played by the Epifantsev, and the foulness of his Syrota Assistant, embodied by Maxim Saprykin.

Personal life

The first time the Epifantsev married the fellowship of Yulia Stebuna. The couple has lived together for 3 years, and the cause of the divorce became tyranny - Vladimir admitted that he constantly pressed on the spouse, which was without it. July hit the car, and she could not have children.

A few years later, at watching the play, the actor saw the graduate of the Schukinsky school Anastasia Vedenskaya and instantly fell in love. Only premenhenenev, a young woman who did not see the her husband who did not see the popularity of her husband, took the proposal of the hand and hearts. The sons of Orpheus and Gordes were born in the family. Children were baptized in the temple of Sofia Wisdom of God, Ivan Okhlobystin became the godfather.

In 2016, the Epifantsev family had a scandal, the secrets of personal life became the media property. Anastasia was fascinated by the participant of the show "Dancing with the Stars" Dmitry Tashkin. Vladimir, according to his wife, discovered some Yulia Semenov's head, claiming the title of assistant. He changed with Anna Tsukanova-Cott, which was married. According to the actor, "left" he walked because the spouse constantly suppressed him - no other women appeared in his life immediately.

Two years later, the spouses were finally separated. Nevertheless, Vedenskaya in every way inspires the sons that Vladimir will always remain their father, there will be no other.

The Body of the Epifunters turned into an object of the cult. In social networks they write about peculiar records, which Vladimir establishes in the gym, doing 4 times a week with a heavy weight (its own weight with growth in 183 cm fluctuates within 80-85 kg). Once a week he works on a boxing ring. The actor carefully refers to the diet, does not eat greasy and sweet, consumes sports nutrition. A spectacular man is periodically invited to shoot in the clips.

In February 2021, in one of the Bar restaurants in St. Petersburg, the Epifantsev entered into a fight, defending Anastasia. The incident took place between the drunk members of the company, who noted the premiere of the film "Daughter of Darkness" from Rostislav Musaev. The most director himself got the most - Vladimir broke his nose, appearing from nowhere. The former spouse of the actor, who performed the main role, was also injured by receiving the injury of the head.

Vladimir Epifantsev now

In February 2021, a comedy "Standap under cover" came out, another name of the picture is "Standoper". The company Epifantsev amounted to Valentina Mazunin, Zoya Beber, Kirill Nagiyev and others.

On March 1, the audience was introduced to the court of viewers. Happiness to order, "where the actor got the main role. Irina Pegov, Yaroslav Boyko and others became partners around the court.

The image of the Russian heroist, Vladimir, embodied in the historic drama "Alexander Peresvet - Kulikovo Echo,", with Alexander Yatsenko appeared in a thriller "Captain Volkogogov", "starred in the film" Bodybuilder "with Mikhail Zhenev.

The Epifantsev took part in the 2nd season of the social drama "Cell", became the main character of the Criminal tape "Sergeant" and the tracter-investigator in a detective thriller "Chingachguk".


  • 1999 - "Green Elephant"
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga Roman "
  • 2002 - Marsh Turkish
  • 2003 - "Antikiller - 2: Antiterror"
  • 2005 - "Mom, do not burn - 2"
  • 2006 - "FREE"
  • 2008 - "Invincible"
  • 2010 - "Escape"
  • 2011 - "Generation P"
  • 2012 - "Flint"
  • 2013 - "Lyuty"
  • 2013 - "Flint. Liberation "
  • 2014 - "Kozatka"
  • 2015 - "Capture"
  • 2015 - "Own Alien"
  • 2016 - "Elasticity"
  • 2017 - "Rental Bids"
  • 2018 - "Unstable"
  • 2018 - "New Man"
  • 2019 - "Beetles"
  • 2019 - "Polar"
  • 2020 - "Drive"
  • 2020 - "Kitchen. War for hotel-2 "
  • 2020 - "Attached days"
  • 2021 - "Obstep. Happiness to order "
  • 2021 - "Standap under cover"

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