Euclide Curadzidis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Euclide Curadzidis - Russian actor film and theater of Greek origin, Honored Artist of Russia and South Ossetia.

Actor Euclide Curdzidis

Today he is famous for roles in the films "War", "more important than love", "Life after life." He is equally brilliantly, images of the heroes-lovers and emperors, intellectuals and gangsters are possible.

Childhood and youth

Euclid Küdzidis was born on February 22, 1968 in the southern town of Russia with the Greek population, but most of the interview prefers to call the city of Essentuki with his home. In the family of parents of the boy, the Greeks by nationality, four children were brought up. Euclid's mother, Lamar Konstantinovna, worked at the cinema, and Father Kiriak Antonovich was a mathematician, he also offered to give his son such an extravagant name.

The son often escaped to work to the mother to see the novelties of the film distribution. Already at 4 years he knew that he would become an artist, although he had not yet decided on the genre. He liked to mix people and cause a smile on their faces, he seriously considered the option to become an artist of the circus.

Euclide Curadzidis with parents

Soon the Curadezidis family moved to Essentuki, in the Stavropol Territory, where the young Euclide went to a secondary school. At school, the boy read a lot, fond of verses of Nikolai Gumilyov and Alexander Pushkin, works by Vladimir Nabokov and the stories of Nicholas Gogol. In his youth, he began to read the philosophical books of Carlos Castaneda, Vasily Rozanova, George Gurdjieff and others.

In Yessentuki, Euclid studied 8 grades, after which he decided to bring a dream to life and enter the Dnepropetrovsk theater School, where they took boys and girls from 14 years. In the school, he studied acting and mastered the new Ukrainian language for himself. Having received an education in 1987, Euclide was distributed to the Dramatic Theater of the city of Lutsk.

Euclide Curdzidis dreamed of scene from school

The artist managed to play a little on stage before he was called on the service in the army. The guy was sent to Astrakhan, in the rocket troops, where he served on the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome.

After the army, Euclide decided to continue their education by focusing on the movie. He filed documents to the All-Russian State Institute of Cinema at the Faculty of Faculty. He passed the exams easily, but a promising student was not considered, despite the excellent assessments. The teachers did not see in it the future star of Russian cinema and referred to him the director's career. Once at once, Curadzidis tried to prove their wrongness and eventually graduated from the institute with a red diploma in 1997.

Euclide Curadzidis in youth

While still a student, Euclide often traveled to parents who returned to Greece by that time. In 1996, he received Greek citizenship than incredibly proud.


The first theater adopted by Euclid Curadzidis was the Drama Theater of Lutsk, where the guy got on the distribution after the end of the theater School. After the army, he also played a long time in the Pyatigorsky Theater, where he received the role of Mizgius in the Snow Maiden play.

However, Avklid's ambitions demanded more, and soon he went to the Russian capital. In Moscow, it was faced with a competition in the theater: even graduates of Moscow institutes could not always get there, and the guy did not have a chance with the diploma of the Dnepropetrovsk school. A considerable role in this was also played by the atypical appearance of the artist, which he often spoke about the institute.

Euclide Curadzidis in the theater

After a career in the movie, the actor began to invite participation in theatrical productions. One of the first performances on the big scene was the production of "Hamlet" Peter Shtyina, where he played several roles at once.

In the future, the actor has embodied many of the roles in various performances, among them the Marquis de la Rondo from the musical productions of Annie, Reuvu-Karaulov from the "Wedding" and others.

Euclide Curzidis on stage

In 2002, Euclide was invited to the extraordinary statement of "Ladies Night. Only for women". One of the features of the performance was the presence of a male striptease at the end of the show, which is why the actor has refused to participate for a long time. But, after reading the script, the artist changed the decision and in the same year he made it in the formulation. In it, Euclide plays over which year, along with other actors touring Europe.

One of the latest works of the actor is to participate in the formulation of the work of the Greek playwright of the Sophokla "Antigona", where he got the role of Creonte. Also, the actor appeared in the Rosa with a double aroma entrepreneur, where he played with Larisa Udovichenko and Jeanne Epple.

Euclide Curadzidis in the play

In 2017, the actor presented the author's work - the monospect "alone with you", in which, in addition to dramatic talent, showed musical abilities. In the execution of Euclide throughout the narration, Russian and Greek songs, poems and prosaic passages sounded. The performance was released on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


In the movie Curdzidis, thanks to the exotic appearance for Russia and the tightened figure (with height 177 cm, the weight of Euclide did not exceed 78 kg). In the second year of Vgika, the director Vladimir Motyl noted him, who at that time he filmed the picture "carry me horses." In the tape, the guy got an episodic role of the Greek, for which he cut the hair and reflected the mustache.

Euclide Curadzidis in the film

In the future, Euclide began to invite the characteristic roles of various foreigners. In the 1997 film "Intermed" he played a French driver, and in the "Movie-blind" 2000 - Italian.

Since 2001, Euclide has been actively removed in the images of Chechens and the people of Eastern Nation. For the first time in such an amplua, he appeared in the television series "Men's work", where the Chechen militant played the nicknamed Scar. In 2002, he appeared in the film "War", where he played one of his favorite roles in his career - the elderly chapanus Ruslan Shamaeva. In order not to become an actor of one role, Euclid began to more selectively refer to the choice of similar images.

Euclide Curadzidis in the film

In 2003, Curadzidis became a member of the filming of the Babij Yar film, telling about terrible events during World War II. The producer of the film performed the German Arthur Brown, and the director became American Jeff Chenu. Although the actor got an episodic role, the shooting was seriously influenced by his perception of the world and attitude to war.

In 2005, the series "My Personal Enemy" directed by Vladimir Popkov's director Vladimir Popkov, where the actor played an atypical role of the Frenchman who came to Russia writing a book. For this work, Euklida had to learn French, combining it with learning English - at the same time he participated in the samples of the Hollywood film. The picture brought Curdzidis success and showed his acting diverseness, withdrawing from the amplua of the villain-militant.

Euclide Curadzidis in the film

In the future, the actor's repertoire was replenished with work in popular projects - "Lights", Sklifosovsky, Zvefoy-3 and Odessa-Mom. The main character of Evklid played in the Thriller "Life after Life", where he starred with Yulia Maurina and Anton Pampushny. Later, Curdzidis appeared in the comedy "Holiday of disobedience", the melodrame "urgently marry" and a detective "purely Moscow murders."

Personal life

About the personal life and wives Evklid tries not to tell. The journalists have long dubbed him with an avid bachelor, but in one interview the actor admitted that he was already married three times. Artist, according to Curadzidis, you just need to constantly stay in a state of love.

Euclide Curadzidis with a former wife

Euclide considers himself a falling person, unable to reliably play love on stage or to the cinema, without being a passionate partner. Perhaps thanks to this factor, as well as the absence of official comments from the star, journalists often attribute to him novels.

In early 2017, actor fans spoke about his estimated novel with Larisa Guzeyeva. The TV presenter at that time was just overwhelmed by the crisis in relations with his spouse, and joint photos with Euclide in her "instagram" pushed subscribers to certain thoughts. But the comments from the artists did not follow, besides, soon Guzeheva reported that they were reconciled with Igor Bukharov.

Larisa Guzeeva and Euclide Curdzidis

In an interview with Küdzidis calls himself a sociable and generous man. The actor loves to invite friends to visit, travel. Russian Greek prefers to spend all means on loved ones, creating a holiday around itself. Once he even mentioned that it was not off in life to try on a millionaire image that repeatedly depicted on the screen. But then the artist would spend all the money to help disadvantaged and sick children.

Euclide Küdzidis with Irina Grineroo and Jeanne Epple

A favorite place on the planet for Euclide remains Greece, despite the fact that he has grown in Russian culture. With each convenient case, Curadzidis goes to thessaloniki, where his relatives live now. In his homeland, the name of Euclide is known to compatriots. Greeks call the artist "Russian Ale Pacino".

In 2010, the actor even ran to the post of mayor of the city of Thessaloniki. Euclide did not expect a victory, his goal was to raise the mood to residents of Greece, who were experiencing not the best times due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

Euclide Curadzidis

The friendliness of the actor is manifested in everything: he will never refuse fans, approaching him on the street for an autograph. For communication with friends and connoisseurs of his work, Evklid began personal pages in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. From his behalf operates the site, where the actor pleases the readers not only with new photos, but also in small literary notes.

Euclide Curdzidis now

Curadzidis remains in demand by the actor of Russian cinema. Its extraordinary appearance allows you to play foreigners, and acting abilities open a wide range of roles: starting with comedy characters and ending with serious and lyrical images.

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The artist is removed in the TV shows, but chooses only those tapes that attract its original scenario and characters. Curdzidis filmography has dozens of various paintings.

In 2018, the actor became a guest of Tatiana Ustinova "My hero", where he told about the creative biography and plans for the future. One dream artist has already embodied in the spring of the same year. Euclide became the organizer of the Crystal Source Film Festival, which took place in Essentuki.

In the future, Curadzidis plans to create its own film studio in the North Caucasus region. The festival program included paintings "Tsar-Bird" Eduard Novikova, "Cold Tango" Vladimir Cotta, "Cold Tango" Pavel Chukhraya, "Unprofitable" Sarik Andreasyan and others. Work on holding the next film festival The actor will continue in 2019.


  • 1996 - "Carry me horses"
  • 1997 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 1999 - "Dossier detective Dubrovsky"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2001 - "Men's work"
  • 2002 - "War"
  • 2003 - Babi Yar
  • 2005 - "from 180 and above"
  • 2005 - "Fight with shadow"
  • 2007 - "Love-carrot"
  • 2012 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2012 - "Odessa-Mom"
  • 2013 - "Life after life"
  • 2017 - "Pure Moscow killings"

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