Maria Sharapova - biography, news, personal life, tennis, photo, Alexander Gilks, engagement 2021



Maria Sharapova is a famous Russian tennis player, who has repeatedly headed the lists of the most successful and rich athletes. Thanks to the honed manner of the game and psychological stability, it became a real tennis star, having collected an impressive number of awards for the 15-year career: Sharapova was becoming the first racket of the world, won the WTA championship and reached the 2012 Olympic Games Final. In the 2020th Mary ended the sports career.

Childhood and youth

Tennis player Maria Yuryevna Sharapova was born in the distant Siberian town Nyagan. It happened on April 19, 1987. Parents Yuri Viktorovich and Elena Petrovna Sharapov were born and grew up in the Belarusian Gomel, but to leave the city decided even before the birth of her daughter. This decision was dictated by the close distance from Gomel to Chernobyl, which became a source of environmental pollution and radiation. Masha was born in a safe and clean area, and soon the family moved to the south by choosing Sochi.

The girl took up tennis very early. At the age of 4, she already knew how to keep the racket in his hands. There is information that the first racket of the future champion was presented by Evgeny Kafelnikov himself. The father of the legendary Russian tennis player was friends with the father of Masher Yury Sharapov.

At 6 years old Mary was lucky to play a tennis party with the most Martin Navratilova: the athlete gave tennis lesson during a visit to Moscow. Navratilova, seeing the ability of the little Sharapova, advised parents to give the girl to the Tennis Academy of Nick Bulletieri in America, where talented children are engaged. Yuri Sharapov very seriously belonged to the sports future daughter and won the Council. In 1995, Masha was moved to the United States. Stopped in Breidenton, where the school was located. There Maria Sharapova lives now.

Personal life

In 2005, the athlete was not long met with Adam Levin - the Maroon Soloist 5. The first long novel of Masha, which became known to her fans, began in 2009. The chosen one was a basketball player from Slovenia Sasha Voyachich. In October 2010, rumors appeared about the engagement of the pair, but he never became Mary's husband. And in August 2012, Sharapova told reporters that they decided to part with Sasha.

In May 2013, the personal life of Maria Sharapova began his best. Tennis player confirmed rumors that it is found with tennis player Gorgore Dimitrov, Bulgarian by nationality. The athlete is also known for the fact that he was a guy of the rival Masha in the court of Serena Williams. Roman Bulgarian and Russians began in the fall of 2012. Grigor for 5 years younger than Mary, but this difference was not felt in their relationship.

In September 2014, journalists started talking about the fact that the couple is no longer together. Then the athlete denied the rumors, saying that everything was fine in her life, but in July 2015, journalists again suspected Naladen. They noticed that Maria and Grigor do not read each other's messages on social networks. Soon Dimitrov confirmed rumors about breaking with Sharapova, wishing her success in life and sports.

It is rumored that the Wedge in the relationship of lovers drove the Bulgarian model of Nikolet Lozanova, who was carried away by her compatriot. Anyway, at the end of 2015, there was already information that the famous Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo began to meet with Maria. The media tried to develop the theme of their possible relationships, but the reason was too small: the Portuguese liquekened a photo of Mary in "Instagram", and she answered a football player with reciprocity and subscribed to his page.

In 2018, it became known about the novel of tennis players with a British businessman Alexander Gilks. For the first time they were noticed together at Los Angeles airport. Later, Paparazzi captured a couple in a restaurant, after which Maria laid out in "Instagram" Storsith with Alexander, thereby confirming the rumors about the novel.

Gilks ​​- a graduate of the University of Bristol, founder of the online auction company Paddle8 and a friend of Prince William. Course rarely appears together in public, except for the boyfriend from time to time visits the competition with the participation of his beloved. In January 2020, journalists spoke about their engagement, noting a new ring on the nameless finger. Photo Decoration of an impressive size with a diamond athlete laid out in "Instagram". And at the end of the year an athlete officially confirmed the engagement.


After moving to Maria Sharapova, it was very difficult. The schedule of classes and physical exertion turned out to be such that they needed the courage and the power of the will, but Masha was withstanding, and her spirit was really fighting. It was during this period that the will of the victory was produced at any cost, which helps her in affairs today.

In Sarasota, in adult tournaments held by the International Tennis Federation, Sharapova debuted in 2001. Then she was only 14 years old. And let the young tennis player lost in the 1st round, but the serious sports biography of Maria Sharapova began exactly then. "The first pancake comormed" only raised the athlete, forcing himself even more. A year later, Maria Sharapova defeated the rival, which was among the 300 best tennis players in the world, although she herself then did not even consist in the ranking of the women's tennis association.

Sharapova since childhood has developed its own game style. Each athlete's blow is accompanied by such a loud cry, which is withstanding it not all rivals on the court, which these cries often lead to rabies. Some lose precisely because the nervous system does not cope with such a test.

In 2013, tennis player Novak Djokovic joked over Maria, sproding her player game in the match with Grigor Dimitrov - the famous cry, a characteristic gesture that she corrects the hairstyle, feeding position. Sharapova was not offended, but only advised Novakka to work on their comic skills, because it turned out to be unlikely.

Pope Yuri Viktorovich Sharapov used to accompanied daughter in all its sports competitions. He also has his own manner to hurt for Masha. Often Sharapov at the matches use an abnormative vocabulary, which not everyone wants to hear from his rostrums. He often gets over with the fans, and the rival of Mary complains of his gross tricks.

Star hour of tennis players Mary Sharapova happened in July 2004. Athlete won Wimbledon. She managed to beat his fundamental rival in the final of the women's single category - the two-time winner of the tournament Serena Williams. This victory allowed Sharapova to enter the elite of world female tennis.

In the period from August 2008 to March 2009, Maria did not appear on the court. She suffered an operation on the shoulder. But in 2010 returned, and this return was marked by a number of victories. By the way, Sharapova is an ambidexist, that is, it is equally well owning and right and left hand.

In July 2012, the tennis player became the meaning of the Russian national team in London at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

The athlete coach was Thomas Hogstedt for many years, but in 2013, Maria decided to cooperate with Jimmy Connors. Less than a year after an unsuccessful speech at the tournament in Cincinatti, where she already lost to American Sloan Stevens at the start, Sharapova refused the services of Connors and returned under the wing to the father Yuri Sharapov, with whom he started a sports career.

In 2016, there was an unpleasant turn in the career of Sharapova: Maria turned out to be involved in the grand doping scandal. It is more correct to say, it is with the recognition of Sharapova, he began.

On March 6, Masha convened an urgent press conference, which admitted that Meldonium was found in its analyzes. This drug Sharapova took at that time for 10 years, but before January 1, 2016 he was not prohibited, and Sharapov's letter noticingly did not read the letter notifying the changes. After the recognition of Mary, a serious scandal in all Russian sports was broke out, which ended with the removal of a number of athletes from participating in the 2016 Olympiad in Brazil and the complete removal of Russian paralympics from participation in Paralympiad.

Following the recognition of the tennis player followed comments of colleagues printed in foreign media. The overwhelming majority of them were negative. But Masha was withstanding, and in the fall of 2016 in the sports arbitration court, he achieved a reduction in initial punishment from two years to 15 months. Returned to Cort Sharapova on April 26, 2017, a week after his 30th anniversary.

In 2018, the athlete reached the 3rd round of Australian Open, leaving Angelica Cerber, and went out to the semifinals of the WTA International series of the tournament.

Show and business

Sharapova there is something to do and besides tennis. Maria expands the range of products of his brand Shugarpova. In two dozen countries of the world, including in Russia, tested chewing candies and marmalad from Maria Sharapova. In early February 2017, the tennis player presented new products - premium chocolate with a "chocolate kiss" from the athlete on each piece.

About the product, as well as what she was engaged in during disqualification, Maria spoke on Evening Urgant program. In an interview, she explained that since childhood he dreamed of producing chocolate. Today, Shugarpova products are sold in 32 countries of the world.

Mary is close and fashion and show business. In August 2013, the tennis player presented his collection of fashion accessories in New York under registered by her Sugarpova brand. Mary more than once were offered to become a model and more tightly engaged in model business, but Sharapova refused, because it would prevent sports, although its indicators (height 188, weight 59) could afford it.

In addition to tennis, she is engaged in strength training and supports itself in perfect form. In his accounts, the athlete often demonstrates a luxurious figure, laying out pictures in a swimsuit and a fitness.

Among the hobby of athletes - collecting stamps and photos. The best photos she lay out in "Instagram".

In 2017, the autobiographical book of Sharapova "Unstoppage. My life". A few months later she took 2nd place in the list of sports bestsellers according to New York Times. Two years later, the American documentary The Point was released, dedicated to the life of the athlete after the doping scandal.

In the 2020s, Sharapova caused an excitement in social networks, appearing at the next ceremony of the Oscar award in a transparent dress from Valentino. Bright green outfit with a closed throat, long pea and sleeves, stitched from a thin fabric, put the tipped body of Mary. The fans found the apparel indestructible, but the image of Sharapova corresponded to the last trends: besides her, in the "naked" dresses on the ceremony were Reese Witherspoon, Haley Bieber and Jessica Alba.


Forbes magazine set Sharapov to the number of 100 most influential world celebrities. At that time, she became the only Russian woman in this list. In the period from May 1, 2010 to May 1, 2011, Masha was also included in the list of the most highly paid athletes of the world. During that year, Sharapova revenues reached $ 24.2 million.

In 2013, Sharapova fell into the list of "Forbes" in the ninth time in a row. According to the magazine, this year, the total income tennis players reached $ 29 million.

In November 2009, Maria Sharapova fell on the rod rating of the most wealthy Russian athletes (version of the magazine "Finance"). It is known that in the legendary school of business in Harvard, a course of lectures on the marketing of tennis players Mary Sharapova from Russia is read.

In 2019, she took the 25th place in the list of richest women in Russia according to Forbes.

At the beginning of 2020, Maria's state is estimated at $ 325 million. The experts were calculated on the basis of prizes and advertising revenues, as well as profits from the confectionery brand.

Maria Sharapova now

In 2019, Maria spoke at the open championship of Australia, going to the 4th round and begging Caroline Wozniacki, Harriet Darth, Rebecca Peterson and Alison Risk. At the US Championship, she failed in battle with Serena Williams. Another unpleasant surprise for bookmakers was a defeat from the annette contavait.

At the end of December, Sharapova at the exhibition tournament in Abu Dhabi defeated Australian Avyu Tomlyanovich, after which the fans began to make bets on the success of Mary in the next championship, but it was not destined to come true.

In February 2020, after the defeat from American Jennifer Brady, Maria announced the completion of the sports career. She wrote to fans in the column for Vogue magazine and in a touching post in "Instagram". Sharapova explained that he leaves sports due to age and injuries and that it is already ready to conquer new vertices, without specifying what we are talking about.


  • First place in 39 WTA tournaments
  • First place in the final WTA championship (2004) in a single discharge
  • Winner of the Federation Cup (2008) and Finalist (2015)
  • Silver medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games in a single discharge
  • Finalist of two Junior tournaments of the Grand Slam (Open Championship of Australia, Wimbledon-2002) in a single discharge

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