Kirill Zhanndarov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Main roles, Wife, TV series 2021



Kirill Zhanndarov - actor theater and cinema, whose account is about hundreds of roles in the series and full-length films. In recent years, he moved away from the scene, but more and more often appears on the screen, which contributes to the growth of the army of fans in the countries of the post-Soviet space. But not always the career of the artist sought up. In the life of the celebrity there was a period when Kirill was looking for himself and almost abandoned the profession.

Childhood and youth

Zhanndarov was born on March 29, 1983 in Lomonosov, near St. Petersburg. Parents were far from art and skeptically perceived the passion for the Son acting. Dreamed that the offspring entered the Faculty of Law and acquired a serious specialty. But the desires of the chores-senior and son diverged: Cyrill from an early age showed itself as a creative, bright person, prone to extraordinary actions.

Later on the side of the young man, Mom crossed. When it came to be determined with the university, the woman went with her son in the northern capital together. Then Natalia Leonidovna completely quit at all from the previous place of work and settled by the administrator in the Mariinsky Theater.

The creative veil led the Zhandarov to the Globus School Theater, where the boy played the first roles. In addition, the artistry of Kirill manifested itself in the game KVN, where the actor was one of the most vibrant team members. The club of fun and resourceful joined the guy to touring life and helped get rid of fear before going to the scene.

In the high school classes, Kirill finally decided on the choice: in 2000, the Zhendarov from the first attempt came to the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art.


Cyril studied at the course of the teacher and actor Sergey Parshin, the time to play in the study theater on Mokhovaya Street. The audience could watch the game of the Zhendarov in the performances "Sleep in the summer night" and "True - good, and happiness is better."

In 2004, graduating from Square, Kirill left the northern capital and went to conquer Moscow. The girl with which the Genndars at that time was in a relationship, dreaming the theater of Roman Viktyuk. The artist's companion did not take place, but Kirill was offered a job. Roman Grigorievich believed in young talent and even entrusted the complex role of Yeshua in his own production.

Zhanndarov liked to go on stage under the leadership of the Master. But soon the artist collided with the problem. Coming to castings in the cinema, Kirill heard ridicule to his address. The fact is that due to the specifics of ideas about the members of the troupe, rumors were rumored, as if the actors Viktyuk Homosexuals or bisexuals. The star did not want to be associated with such gossip and left the team.

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The fate led the Jendarov to the theater on Taganka, where the Petersbourg did not like any play, but I liked to communicate with Yuri Lyubimov. Then Kirill served in the center of drama and directories, but rehearsals in the building with rats were configured to return to St. Petersburg.

In 2006, the artist worked by a journalist in the beloved city on the Neva. The "Suburb" magazine told readers about suburban real estate. But from the edition of Zhendarov was fired, because Kirill loved to spend working hours on the net. On the day of the calculation, the Contractor showed a hot-tempered character, risking money on the office. The cause of the violent reaction was low payment. But soon, Cyril Zhanndarov calmed down, realized that he was flashed, and gathered bills from the floor.

The free and unemployed Zhendarov walked with a beer in the hands of Nevsky Prospect, when the actor was called and reported on the approval of the role in the play "Blaz!". So Kirill got into the troupe of the Big Drama Theater named after G. A. Tovstonogov.

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Zhanndarov proud to speak with star colleagues. For the exit to one scene with Alice Freundlich and Oleg Basilashvili, Kirill refused to shoot in the project with Antonio Banderas about the artist Pablo Picasso: The beginning of work on the film coincided with the show of the play. The artist made a choice in favor of theatrical layouts.

Kirill confessed in an interview that he likes to do as like. At some point, the Contractor bored to participate in ideas. Now the Genndarov moved to the contract system of cooperation with the theater, leaving the selected works in the repertoire.


Cyril cinematic biography started in 2003. The actor first appeared on the screen in the tape of Dmitry Svetozarova "Three Colors of Love". The film is based on the plot of unrequited love between one woman and three men. Zhanndarov was lucky: like a project creators and the debutant got one of the key roles.

In 2005, when the career went to the decline, the profession helped the performer to get out of the debt. Kirill was invited to advertising chewing gum Stimorol. The solid fee of $ 15,000 of the Zhendarov was distilled in 2 months. But much more important was the fact that after the release of the video of Cyril Zhandarov, the directions were noticed.

The real popularity came to the artist after the release of the Hatspetovka milkmaid men's multi-ribbon. In a conversation with journalists, the newspaper Express Kirill recognized that at first did not want to play a major role, for which the director Anna Gheezda called the celebrity. Zhanndarov refused fame because of a large number of shooting days, but still decided to spend time. In addition, the actor showed the talent of the vocalist, sleeping romance "Do not let me go."

In the same 2007, the Afrave invited Zhanndarov to play a key character in a detective melodrama "Hope as a testimony of life." The psychological picture of love, in which Kirill appeared in Tandem with Anastasia Panina, the fans of the genre met warmly. On the Ozzovik website, the project rating was 4.8 bala out of 5.

Soon the Zhandarov pleased the fans with joint work with the young executor Svetlana Ivanova. The actors starred in the series "And still I love ..." The duet appeared not in the main composition, but left a bright impression. He was remembered to critics and audiences and the role of the faith of Alert, who received the "Teffi" award for participation in the family saga.

After Kirill, starred in many Russian and Ukrainian ribbons, including in the projects "Format A-4" and "Provincial". Mostly the heroes of the Zhendarov turned out to be ragins and bad guys, but the artist said that in such an amplua feels like a fish in the water, because good play is boring.

In the image of the chief of the Labor Cyril, Kirill appeared in the picture "Serving the Soviet Union!". The militant output was accompanied by a scandal. The content of the art film was outraged by a number of historians and politicians. Despite the fact that Vladimir Medinsky, who joined the post of Minister of Culture of Russia, personally condemned the script, the tape remained in the NTV television channel program.

In 2016, the premiere of the Ukrainian melodrama "Threads of Fate" took place with the participation of Zhendarov. The series is an adaptation of the South Korean project "Towel for Cinderella". The classic plot tells about two sisters who were separated in childhood and met in adulthood.

Removing, Cyril came to what he wanted, like that of the Cruz, perform dangerous tricks on his own. For the courage, the actor had to pay. On the set of the film "Choosing the fate" of the Zhendarov, fell on the horse with a horse. The hoofs almost threw the head of the artist, but fortunately, Kirill Zhanndarov remained alive. True, the shovel had to go half a year.

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Artisto likes to work out the characters. So, in the TV series "Looking in the distance", along with the film crew, Cyril came up with a habit of Alexey Popov: the hero also plays with a lighter.

In 2018, the directorial debut of the Genndarov took place. In the project ArretEdetesouvenir ("stop remember"), the actor appeared as a scenario, and the operator, and producer. The short film was filmed on the phone camera. Initially, Kirill planned to lay out a film into the network, but changed his mind and sent him to Cannes. The competitive selection in the short list did not pass the picture, but the Russian tape noted the organizers of other European film festivals, where the work received nominations.

A year later, Zhanndarov appeared in the Comedy "Family for a year" in the image of the Skarchkova who does not want to grow up. Lyubava Greshinov was performed on the shooting partner. For the project, the artist gladly learned to manage the quadrocopter.

In 2020, Kirill appeared on the screen at Olga Arntgolts. Although the Ukrainian series "Daughters" did not get loud glory, the audience positively appreciated the talent of the performers and the dramatic plot.

Personal life

With the future spouse, the artist's hope of Tollauyeva, Kirill introduced the case. Once in the morning, the actor looked into the theater cafe. Going down the stairs, Zhendarov burned down with an attractive girl. Looking around, caught the view of beauty, and, as claimed, "suddenly something happened."

A few days later the lovers meet again. Soon, Kirill did the original proposal to marry: from the cocktail tubule I made a ring "ring" and asked the hand and the heart of Tolerable.

The wedding day was overwhelmed because of the fanatical fans of Cyril, who decided to spoil the holiday to the newlyweds. The bride was sent compromising pictures on which the Zhendarov was surrounded by the ladies. But the hope of such a "gift" did not upset, because the daughter of actor Andrei Toleubeeva knew that the jealous fans were capable of.

Couple failed to save feelings: In 2012, the marriage collapsed. The cause of the separation was too tight schedule of spouses, which rarely coincided. In later interviews, Kirill admitted that the chosenses simply did not fit each other.

Even before the official gap with hope in the personal life of the Zhendarov occurred. Initially, Kirill and Maria Välene bind friendly relations. The actor met a colleague when that "touched" with hope. But on the set of the film "Road to Void" young people felt a romantic spark. The fact that the current and ex-wife since then does not communicate, the star does not regret.

Soon, Maria became the wife of the Zhandarov and already in 2013 she gave birth to a son. The boy was named after Kirill's Father Valery. A guy from a gentle age is interested in technique, knows how to score nails better than dad. Favorite appliances with whom Valera likes to bother the most, fans and columns.

Although the bedroom of the son is decorated in a theater style, parents do not plan to force the child to go on stage. In an interview with the Zhendarov, he saw that he saw on the set of parents to cause children pain so that they cried in the frame. Kirill does not want a similar fate Valery.

According to the family legend, the proposal to the future spouse made exactly Mary. The girl took off the video, where she appeared in the role of a caring hostess cleaner dust in the house, completing the video by the phrase: "Look what good I am. Marry me!". The answer from the Zhendarov was a bouquet of roses and a glass of champagne, at the bottom of which lay the ring.

Artist's fans are watching events in the life of the Jandarov on a personal page in "Instagram", on which Kirill sometimes lay out family photos. In addition, the actor has an official website, where news about the work of the artist is placed.

Kirill Zhanndarov now

The Jendarov filmography continues to expand rapidly. In 2021, a number of premier with the participation of celebrities took place. Among other projects have highlighted the series about Maniac Andrei Chikatilo. The audience was coolly accepted a thriller. The discontent of the audience caused not only content, but also such nuances as the work of the make-up.


  • 2003 - "Three Love Colors"
  • 2006 - Cactus and Elena
  • 2007 - "Mill of Hatspeetovka"
  • 2008 - "And still I love"
  • 2008 - "Provincial"
  • 2009 - "Rustic Romance"
  • 2012 - "White Guard"
  • 2013 - "Windy Woman"
  • 2016 - "Fights of Fate"
  • 2017 - "What does your wife do?"
  • 2018 - "Woman in the Mirror"
  • 2018 - "Fike Devil"
  • 2019 - "City of Lovers"
  • 2019 - "Other"
  • 2019 - "Looking Dwalle"
  • 2020 - "Daughters"
  • 2020 - "Women's version"
  • 2020 - "Caution, Children!"
  • 2021 - "Chicatilo"

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