Potap (Alexey Potapenko) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wedding 2021



Potap dreams to replenish the collection of awards statuette "Grammy", to purchase "a chaotic thought thread translator that automatically connects the motifs and text with the pictures and output all this in electronic form", because the muse is visited suddenly when there is nothing at hand except napkin and pencil.

Singer and producer Potap

It would be nice to still have a fixture that allows you to be in several places at the same time or super-fast teleport. It would help singer and producer with the current rhythm of life and touring geography.

Childhood and youth

Potap (real artist name - Alexey Potapenko) was born on May 8, 1981 in the capital of Ukraine. The musician is popular in Ukraine, and in Russia. He does not comment on his nationality or belonging to a certain country.

Mom Alexei - athlete, underwater world champion, father - a soldier. Parents talked her son to discipline and managed to form a hard character in it.

Alexey Potapenko (Potap) as a childhood

As a child, Potap has shown interest in many areas of life. From the young age he was swimming and water polo and earned the title of Master of Sports. Wrote songs and poems. At the age of 13, he even tried to write down the first compositions, only the parents considered this passion of the Son in non-serious.

At the end of the school, Alexey became a student of the Kiev University of Physical Education, where he had time to combine her studies and the game in the university team KVN. After the university, Potapenko shone the career of the coach or physical education teacher, but the Father insisted on the continuation of education, and the son listened. This time the guy entered the Kiev Economic University and became a master of economic sciences.

Potap in childhood

However, Alexey Potapenko did not choose any other profession for further life, deciding to tie fate with music.

In the student years, Potapenko has a free time for writing songs, participated in music projects. At first, this activity did not bring the revenue of the revenue, but he decided to devote himself to show business. Soon there is a considerable perseverance, real love for music and the desire to fame gave results.

Potap in youth

In 1997, Potap organized the first group. He then did not read rap, preferring hard-rock. In 2003, Potapenko presented the first solo album called "On the Svoyy Wave, or Ano Kaneshno because of the seam."


A turning point in the creative biography of Potap was 2006. This is the year of birth of the project "Potap and Nastya". Alexey, being a pretty famous performer, decided to record a new song with a girl and began to look for a vocalist, which could sing the chorus of his new composition.

Potap and Nastya

An acquaintance recommended the Potap to phoned with Nastya Kamensky. Then no one thought that the one-time duo would turn into a very successful musical project.

There was a year, and at the festival "New songs about the main thing" performers became laureates. The duet performed the hit "not a couple", which instantly became the leader of the charts. By fulfilling this song, as well as the Sofia Hang Rotaru "Farmanka", the guys won the "5 stars" competition.

In 2008, their debut album "not a couple" came out, and in 2009 I saw the light of the second album called "Do not love my brains", including tracks "in the area" ("On Raen"), "New Year", "Chips , Chicks, Lavendos. In the same 2009, the real explosion of popularity caused the fresh hit "Chumachey Spring". The song played literally from everywhere.

The team was moving toward new heights and won the reward award. After a couple of years of collaboration and release of fresh hits, Potap and Kamensky collected all the musical awards in the post-Soviet space: "Golden gramophone", "Song of the Year", "ru.tv", "MUZ-TV Award." Songs "If suddenly you will not" and "we cancel the end of the world" sounded in the TV series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva".

In 2013, the fans of the Duet Potap and Kamensky saw the third album of the favorite performers "all a bundle". The song of the same name received the Golden Gramophone Prize - 2014 and held a long time at the top of the musical charts along with the new hit "South South."

In 2015, the duet attracted even more attention, presenting joint track and a clip with the popular R'n'B-performer Bianke "Dog Style". Potap appeared in the image of a psychotherapist patient who interferes with unbridled visions and fantasies.

Soon, Potap and Nastya Kamensky recorded another number of memorable compositions: "Poisonous love" and "fingertips" songs, which made a contrast to the track with Bianca, their romantic attitude and some lyrity.

The clip "Mom" was noticeably allocated against the background of other projects, lungs and with sexual or humorous subtext. This roller reflects the theme of the child's maturity, emphasizes the significance of the native home as a place where you can return at any time, come with joyful or sad news.

The duet created by Potap was officially recognized as the most popular of the country's touring duets. The number of their concerts and invitations to act such that many famous artists envied the singers. The project put all the new records of visiting concert sites.

The visiting chip of the Potap and Nastya became unprofilable or, on the contrary, the simple, infantile, strange and funny names of the songs, both invented by the musicians themselves, and taken from the slang vocabulary: "Chumaching Spring", "Chundra-Chuchundra", "Bumdigbay", " South South "," Ruruor ". These names, often being refined songs, give critics the opportunity to accuse musicians and their creativity in stupidity and superficiality. Fans are admired by the courage of singers and enjoy memorable sounding.

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In 2010, Potap opened his production center "Mozgi Entertainment", which, besides the Duet "Potap and Nastya", represents the group "Time and Glass", an eccentric artist Arkady Lykina and a dance musical Men's Band "Mozgi". In fact - not only producer. Also, Alexey writes songs, scenarios, acts as director of clips and is an inexhaustible source of creative team "Mozgi Entertainment".

As the performer Potap acts not only from Kamensky, but also with one of the participants in the project "Mozgi". And with "Time and Glass" he recorded a joint single "tear" and starred in the eponymion. In the collaboration with the Romanian singer Inna came the dance composition of Cola Song.

Potap and Nastya now

The company creates clips not only for Potapenko's production projects, but also for other popular artists, among which Zara, Diana Gurzkaya, Group "30.02", Sasha Kogan. Soon, Potap, together with Vadim Fox, founded the "Mozgi / Foxx Studios" recording studio. There were more than 100 hits and supported multi-year cooperation with popular artists.

In 2014, Potap and Nastya voiced the tillage and spring - the heroes of the German cartoon "Seventh Gnome", and also performed a 2 soundtrack for a cartoon. One of them is a surprisingly positive single "Believe in your strength" - I liked the listeners and was rotated on the radio stations of Russia.


Saying Potap is engaged in building your own musical career, parallel willingly shares his knowledge and skills. In 2015, the singer became a mentor in the 2nd season of the Ukrainian show "Voice. Children". Competition The musician amounted to Tina Karol and Natalia Mogilev. In that year won wield Karol.

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The project partially repeats the format of the popular show "Voice", but the competitive program is reduced due to the age of participants. In the first stages of selection, "blind listening" occurs. Many admit that this competition is really hard for both participants and the jury. Mentors have to explain why they did not turn to the not held musicians, but upset children from 7 to 14 years.

After the coaches pick up the team, the cycle of batters begins to leave. Unlike an adult television program, here young performers sing one song in three, and not together. This is done on the recommendation of children's psychologists, as the child is much easier to survive the loss in the company of the same loser than alone.

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Potap is a member of the jury not only on musical, but also on humorous shows. In the same period of 2015, the singer became a coach in the new humorous project "League of laughter." The "League" is organized by the principle similar to the "voice" - first the mentors choose the participants, according to the rules of this show there are no loners, but the whole teams, and then the humorous fights on the disposal begin. In the 2nd season, Potap remained in the coaching chair. Then the team of Alexey won in the winter cup.

In 2016, Potap again became a mentor already in the 3rd seasons of the show "Voice. Children". The composition of the teachers has undergone changes: Natalia Mogilevskaya changed Dmitry Monatik. In 2016, the Tina Karol team also defeated.

Potap, Tina Karol and Dima Monatik

In 2017, the musician participated in the 3rd season of Laga League as a permanent coach. Soon the singer announced that the participants in the Duet "Potap and Nastya" took a pause in joint speeches. The initiative proceeded from Alexey:

"We have already become a little slipping, some fashion dudes went past us to make fashionable projects, and we no longer understand how it is all with the accordion. Therefore, we decided: let's look at us and think about us, and when to return, and what to return. "

Fears that friends will turn into competitors, not justified. Potap continued to take care of Nastya, protruding under the name NK, like a producer and write songs for her.

New scenic pseudonym Potap - PTP

Alexey took a new scenic pseudonym PTP. The artists were released for the "poisonous" clip, at the end of the year the solo album of the Potap "Malibu" came out. At the Music Competition "Songs of the Sea", the artist presented a new group with which concerts will continue to give - "Potap and his team". The singer has changed the usual style. If under the old compositions were sent for families, then the new one received an age limit of 18+ due to the abundance of abnormative vocabulary.

Personal life

The artist and producer, professional career has developed a stronger than the personal life of the Potap. Alexey was married. The former spouse Irina Major in the profession is a financier and works by the commercial director of the Mozgi Entertainment Production Center. For Irina is a second marriage. From the first marriage, her daughter Natalia was left, which they were brought up together.

Potap with a former wife

In 2008, Ira Gorodnaya Son. In the family of Potap there is a custom of calling boys by Andrei or Alexey names. Spouses decided to call Son Andrey.

In 2014, Alexey and Irina submitted for divorce. Potap admitted the press that this is not a momentous decision, the spouses do not live together, the singer and his wife have long been a personal life outside the family. The musician even hoped that the new chosen elected was in each other after dating. Former spouses communicate, parting did not affect business relationships. Producer and commercial director continued together with the promotion of groups.

The application for divorce spawned a lot of rumors about the new lover musician. And the first candidates for the role of the girl with which the musician has met so long and secretly became his unchanged colleague. Often, Nastya Kamensky performed in the secular events often, because the musicians constantly appeared together. Artists harmoniously looked: a miniature Nastya and a high Potap (the height of the singer is 195 cm).

Potap and Nastya Kamenskih

Oils in the fire poured the words of Mother Alexey, who called Anastasia the Son Museum. As other indisputable proof of Follovier, has given numerous photos of the pair laid out by a musician in "Instagram". Potap on these frames hugs a partner, a couple is shred in joint funny pictures, photographs each other and every way demonstrates a warm relationship. Artists even loose together. As subsequently, it was written in dedicated to the duet articles, Saita, Nastya and Potap look better than in the youth, at the beginning of a career.

Potap and Nastya are not married

Fans believed that the stellar wedding of musicians was planned for the summer of 2016, but was canceled due to force majeure. Then Nastya unsuccessfully jumped with a parachute, which led to injury - the singer broke the leg. According to media information, the unwillingness of the bride to go to his own celebration in the gypsum led to the abolition of marriage.

On May 23, 2019, officially Potap and Nastya confirmed their relationship, admitting that it was on this day that the date of the wedding was appointed. In such an exciting day, Nastya admitted in his feelings, and Potap presented a new video for the song "Constant", in which for the first time sincerely spoke about love for Anastasia.

Potap Saita

In 2018, a popular rapper presented the result of a collaboration with an equally popular performer Oleg Vinnik. The song "Non-Stretch Day" became a soundtrack for the film "Jacin Wellel" ("Mad Wedding"), Potap himself played the role of a priest in the picture. Did not make himself wait and the eponymous clip.

Potap and Oleg Vinnik

Cinema for a singer is not new. Together with Laima Vaikule, Ani Lorak, Timati and another Colleagues, Alexey starred in the musical "Red Hat", with Fedor Dobronravov, Anatoly Vasilyev and Lyudmila Artemyeva - in the New Year Shatts.

In the same 2018, the singer released the Children's book "Pan izgak". The first literary opus is Alexey wrote in Ukrainian.

Potap created the Children's book "Pan izhak"

The musician wrote for Kamensky song Lomala, and also accompanied the girl at the Latin Grammy Awards ceremony. In addition, the couple published snapshots from rest in Miami, and the fans have already made sure that the meeting of the former duet participants in one place is not an accident.

Potap changed the image - got rid of the beard, which she stained in acid colors. Fans met the transfiguration of the idol with delight, considered that the artist looks younger and similar to Hollywood celebrities.

Potap without beard in 2018

Potap again took up the search for young talents in the show "Voice of the country". He stated without false modesty that the Creators of the transfer, inviting him to mentors, is not just a Ukrainian star, but a producer of international level. The artist ward In the 7th season, Ingred Kostenko occupied the 2nd place and participated in the national selection for Eurovision. In 2019, the 9th season of the show started, the Potap team competed with Tina Karol students, Monatary and Dana Balan.


  • 2004 - "On his wave or ano Kaneshno because of a selection"
  • 2006 - "On another wave or ano Kaneshno because of a selection"
  • 2017 - "Malibu"

As part of the Duet "Potap and Nastya"

  • 2008 - "not a couple"
  • 2009 - "Don't love my brains"
  • 2013 - "EVERYTHING BUN"
  • 2015 - "Shield and Ball"

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