Oleg Maslennikov-Loop - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Oleg Maslennikov-Vojovov - actor of the Russian theater and cinema, director director, TV presenter. The attention of the Russian viewer, he won his roles in rating projects - the series "Margosha", the adventure film "Třekachi", Criminal Drama "Gangs".

Childhood and youth

Russian actor Maslennikov-Voikov Oleg Konstantinovich was born in October 1977 in the city of Dushanbe in the family of the military. At 11 years old, the boy together with his parents moved to Moscow. There Oleg was sent to study in theatrical lyceum. Pedagogues from Schukinsky School and Macka put up a love boy for creativity and scene. However, Oleg was not sure that the acting was his vocation. In addition, the guy was seriously fond of sports. He visited the Water Polo Section, Taekwondo, Aikido, Volleyball and Basketball.

Full Oleg Maslennikov-Voshov

The young man decided to continue the tradition of the family and become a military, like all men in the paternal and maternal line. At the age of 17, the future actor entered the Omsk Tank Engineering School.

Maslennikov-Looves and here showed their desire for creativity. According to his initiative, a vocal instrumental ensemble was created, which acted in the school and in other military garrisons. After serving 1.5 years, the young man realized that military career was not for him, and decided to try himself in the creative profession.

Oleg Maslennikov-Voshov in youth

Upon returning to the capital, Maslennikov-Voitov filed documents to the school studio MCAT, but from the first attempt did not pass. The young man was engaged in the preparatory courses who taught Lobanov himself - a leading teacher at the course of Oleg Tabakov. In 1996, Oleg entered MCAT for the course of Dmitry Brusnikna and Yevgeny Lazarev, and in 2000 he graduated from the theater university. Later, the actor will return to Alma Mater, where he will teach fencing for several years.

Theater and films

After graduating from the Studio Studio, the young actor was invited to the theater "On Pokrovka". There, Maslennikov-Loop served a year and during that time played a major role in the formulation of "My poor Marat", and there was also participation in the "Auditor", "Gamlet", "Little Prince" in his all-service list.

In the cinema, the actor debuted in 2000 in the film "Zoykina Apartment", which was shot on the book Mikhail Bulgakov. In the painting "Late Dinner with ..." Oleg received an episodic role. These 2 tapes did not go into a wide range.

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In 2001, the actor switched to Modern Theater, which also works at present. In the new theater, Oleg played the meaningful role of Rasputin in the production of "Loop". For this image of Maslennikov, Vojov received the acting award "Recognition" at the festival "Youth of the Century - 2002". In Modern, the actor plays in the play "I am looking for meetings", "Katerina Ivanovna", "Traveling a Little Prince".

In 2005, the actor received the role of the head of the medport in the television series "Airport". After this proposals there were a lot, but it was basically about the work of the second plan. The artist played in "no beautiful", "Kulagin and partners", "Airport-2".

Oleg Maslennikov-Vojov in the film

In 2007, good luck smiled at the actor, at first he was invited to play the main character in the criminal series "Třekachi", and then - in "I am a detective". After that, a series of serials followed: "Three days in Odessa", "Gypsy", "Aleksandrovsky Garden - 2".

A truly broad fame came to the actor after the main role in the popular Margosha series in 2009. Maslennikov-Voitov filled the role of the art editor of the glossy magazine Andrei Kulagin, who had a stormy novel in the plot with the main character of Margoshei (Maria Berseneva). In one of the interview, the actor noted that the series gave him not only nationwide popularity, but also invaluable experience.

Oleg Maslennikov-Voshov and Maria Bersenev in the series

After Margoshi, Oleg was invited to the series "Gangs", which was listed on the relevant events. In 2011, Oleg graduated from shooting in these projects and played 3 main roles in the full-length movie: in the melodrama "Only you", where the main female role was performed by Irina Lachina, and "Maiden's Hunting", in which Anna Antonova became a partner actor on the shooting platform, And also in the comedy "ordered: to marry."

At the same time, Oleg's career on television started. The actor became a participant in the sports show "Big Racing", which was broadcast on the first channel. The first day of the shooting ended for the artist's deplorable: broken in several places the leg after the unsuccessful stunt had to operate. Three titanium pins are still in the body of Maslennikov-Voitov. 5 years later, Oleg chose a less traumatic transmission. He performed as a TV presenter of the historical and biographical detective gear "Outside from the past", which was presented on the "Star" channel.

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2012 brought the actor already 4 capital roles, one of which is the role of Brehunov in a satirical short film "Two newsletters", which received confession of critics and many prestigious awards. Then the actor received the main male role in the sports melodraman "Legal Doping".

As the owner of the correct features of the face, classical appearance and high growth (190 cm with weight 86 kg) Oleg received many proposals to play the main loving interest of the heroine of romantic films for women. The creative biography of the actor was replenished with numerous melodramas, where Maslenniki-Loop performed both the main and secondary roles. Among the new works was popular with a multi-line picture "Babia Kingdom", the main female role in which Olga Lomonosov was fulfilled.

Oleg Maslennikov-Voshov and Olga Lomonosov

A series of melodram in 2015 interrupted a multi-sieved detective thriller "Dangerous Misception".

In 2016, Maslennikov-Vojov became a member of the filming of the military drama "In the autumn of the 41st" and Ukrainian paintings "40+, or geometry of love". In 2017, the TV series "Dr. Anna" came out on TV screens, in which Oleg played. In the same year, he began working on the comedy "All ages of love", which is still in production.

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In the same year, the artist tried his strength as a director. On the stage platform of the Moscow theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, he put the entrepreneurial performance "on the other side of midnight" according to the prose of Sergey Dovlatov.

In 2017, Oleg debuted on the stage of the State Theater of Nations in the play "Audience" director Gleb Panfilov, where he fulfilled the role of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of David Cameron. The image of Queen Elizabeth II embodied Inna Churikova.

Personal life

According to numerous friends of the actor, Oleg did not touch the star disease, he remains the same sociable and friendly as in his youth. The artist does not make secrets from his personal life, numerous family photos in "Instagram" - this is confirmed.

In the first marriage, the actor entered the conscious age, in 38 years. According to many sources, it shows that Oleg is seriously and weigious to family life. With the future wife, I met on the film crew "Gypsy" movie. Alina Borodina is a famous film producer, it was she called Oleg on the sample.

Oleg Maslennikov-Vojov and Alina Borodina

A collaborative work on the film near the actor and a film producer, and the young people have realized that they fell in love with each other. For a long time, rumors went that the couple was secretly married, and only close and relatives know about the official marriage. But in 2016, exactly 7 years after the start of their novel, the artist and his civilian wife announced that we looked at the relationship on July 2, 2016.

There are no joint children in the family yet, but Alina is growing the Son from the last marriage. The actor accepted Nikita as a native son, began to spend a lot of time with the child. From Oleg Nikita passed to extreme sports. Another Hobby of the actor is Russian billiards - while the boy is not in age, but maybe once and in this game the Father and son will play together.

Oleg Maslennikov-Vojov with his wife and son

Now Alina and Oleg are happy, they have been together for many years and, according to the press, soon they are going to start a second child.

Oleg Maslennikov-Vogov Now

Today, the actor's filmography consists of dozens of projects. In 2018, Oleg Repertoire was replenished with the main role in the Katkino Field melodrama about the girl who received the highest medical education and went to work in the countryside.

Oleg Maslennikov-Vojov on the filming of the film in 2018

Interesting work for the artist was to participate in the filming of the drama "Trigger" directed by Dmitry Tyurin. The main hero of the series is a successful psychologist Artem (Maxim Matveyev), one patient whose patient is once out of life. In the film, the premiere of which was held in October on Pitching the best TV shows in Cannes, Roman Mayakin, Svetlana Ivanova, Janina Malinik, was involved, Janina Malinik, Danila, Jan Tsaznik and others.

In the fall on the "Star" channel started the show of the new TV show "Young Star", a vocal competition for young performers, in which Oleg Maslennikov-Loikov appeared as a judge. The jury also included Boris Grachevsky, Julia Pimenova, Alexander Mironov and his chairman - Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.

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In 2019, Zhuchov Maslennikov will appear in the acting composition of the detective series "Green van. A completely different story, "where Dmitry Kharatyan will appear in the lead role. Oleg also continues to work on the Melodramas "Petersburg Roman", the "straw bridegroom" and the series "Bailiffs" who will see the viewers in the near future.


  • 2000 - Zoykina Apartment
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Stalin. Live »
  • 2007 - "I am a detective"
  • 2007 - "Triukachi"
  • 2009-2010 - Margosha
  • 2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2016 - "40+, or Geometry of Love"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Anna"
  • 2017 - "Later repentance"
  • 2017 - "How to loving a mistress in seven days"
  • 2018 - "The one who reads thoughts"
  • 2019 - "Green van. A completely different story. "

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