Mikhail Circle - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs, Murder



Mikhail Circle is the famous Russian executor who received the status of the king of Russian chanson. His hit "Vladimir Central" became a kind of model of musical works in the genre of "prison romance". The songs of the circle know the people not only far from chanson not only in Russia, but also far beyond the country.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vorobyov, better known as Mikhail Circle, was born on April 7, 1962 in Tver. He grew up in an intelligent Soviet family: Vladimir's father worked on the office of the builder's office, and the mother worked as an accountant on a cotton plant. The boy was named after grandfather's grandfather. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a chauffeur and drive a car.

The young man was fond of music, he liked the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. Having received a guitar as a gift from parents, the guy soon performed in front of the yard guys with songs. On the recommendation of teachers from the music school, Mikhail began to attend the lessons of the game on the accordion, but the patience of Vorobiev had enough for half a year. Education never really fascinated a teenager, even in high school he often ran from lessons.

After graduation, the circle entered the professional technical school at the car mechanic. After the school, Mikhail called on the army, where he served in the city of Lebedin in the Sumy region.

Demobilized, Vorobev began to work with dairy products. After 10 years, he went to the promotion and became the boss. At the request of the parents of his wife, a young man entered the Polytech, where his musical biography began. But soon Mikhail threw the university and his leading position and returned to the duties of the driver.


The first musical works of the circle began to write at a young age. In 1987, being a student of the institute, Mikhail found out about the author's song contest, where the famous Bard Evgeny Kleachkin was located in the jury. He performed a song about Afghanistan and began to wait for the results, not really believing in his victory. Guys came to the competition from all over the Soviet Union, but the victory went to Mikhail.

Inspired by the bard's approval, in 1989, Vorob'ev chooses a creative pseudonym a circle and records the first album "Tver Streets" on one of the studios of the native city. There was one of the first songs of the chanson "Morozovsky Town".

At the beginning of the creative path, Mikhail Circle got acquainted with the instrumentalists of DC Metalist (Tver City) and created a group of fellow travelers together with them. The first concert of musicians took place at the "Old Castle" restaurant in 1992. Later, the team participated in the record of all albums from the dishography of the singer.

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The popularity of the Artist brought his first official disc "Zhigan Lemon", recorded at the Soyuz Studio, who saw the world in 1994. Despite the abundance of Blouth slang in the album, the circle was never in prison and took similar expressions from the domestic use dictionary of the NKVD 1924, which accidentally bought on the flea market.

The popular performer has also been awarded the documentary film "Bard Mikhail Circle", shot in 1995. In 1996, he published his third album "Living strings", and a year later went on tour abroad. His first advent in Europe was part in the Festival "Russian Chanson in Germany".

In the same year, Mikhail took the soloist Svetlana Ternov in his team, and began to execute the songs of Alexander Belolebensky. In 1996, Mikhail Circle recorded the first clip "It was yesterday."

In 1998, the circle was published by the fourth album "Madame", which entered one of the most famous songs of the chanson "Vladimir Central". In 2000, Mikhail released the sixth album "Mouse" and goes in Tournai in Israel, where he also enjoys considerable success at the listeners.

In 2001, Mikhail began cooperation with the singer Vika Tsyganova. At concerts, the musicians performed with the compositions "Come to my house", "Two Fates", "White Snow", "Swans" and others. After the death of the Bard, the disc was released in memory of the circle, which included tracks performed by a duet.

In 2003, the last album of the Artist "Confessions" was released, which Bard managed to write to the tragic death.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Croge was firmly interrelated with his music and creativity. In 1986, Chance became acquainted with the first wife of Svetlana. Young people united the overall passion for music: the student was a solo guitarist at the institute team.

In 1987, lovers got married. A year later, the son of Dmitry was born. But already in 1991, the spouses divorced, Mikhail received his custody. Later, Dmitry studied at St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and settled to work in law enforcement agencies. Looking at the photo of a young man, chanson star fans celebrate the amazing similarity of Dmitry with Mikhail.

After 10 years, in 2000, Mikhail Circle married Irina Glazko. The singer got acquainted with the girl in Chelyabinsk on the tour and immediately suggested the elected job in his team to the costume, what she answered agree. The year singer looked at Irina and only after that he proposed to live together.

The second wife chanson has already had a daughter, and in 2002 he gave birth to a spouse of the general son of Alexander. After the death of her husband, she devoted himself to Chanson - I took the alias of Mikhail and began to perform under the name Irina Krug.


The life of the circle was cut off suddenly: on the night of July 1, 2002, unknown people attacked his house. The criminals beat the pitue of the singer, and he himself was shot from pistols. The wife managed to hide in the house of neighbors, and the children were not injured due to the fact that they slept in their rooms. Having come across the wounds received, Mikhail managed to reach the nearest house, from where a neighbor was taken from him to the hospital. Doctors rendered a singer to the necessary assistance, but in the morning the musician died from the injuries.

The death of Bard became a big surprise for everyone. Thought relatives, colleagues, fans. On the day of the funeral, a farewell took place with the author in the hall of the Tver Drama Theater. The mourning motorcade, which went to the Dmitrov-Cherkasy cemetery, where today there is a tomb of the musician, made several kilometers.

In 2008, a gang of "Tver Wolves" was arrested, where in one of the criminals widow a chanson identified a husband's killer. At that time, the investigation could not find enough evidence at Alexander Ageev, but he received a life sentence for other crimes.

In 2014, new facts appeared in the investigation of an attack on the circle. Dmitry Chelovov was recognized as the direct artist of the murder. He, together with a partner, penetrated the house to the chanson according to the plan of criminal authority A. Kostenko, known in narrow circles named scrap.

The criminals wanted only to intimidate the singer, attacking his mother-in-law. But the artist who called at home broke the plans of racketeers. Later, investigative events were suspended due to the death of the suspect. Cheerov died from the hand of another Racketry Alexander Osipov - the youngest, who decided to avenge the death of the musician in this way.

In September 2019, information appeared that the employees of the RF SC revealed all the details of the crime. Condemned Alexander Ageev admitted that he participated in the penetration of Mikhail Krugs in the house with Dmitry Merryov.


  • 1994 - "Zhigan Lemon"
  • 1995 - "Green Prosecutor"
  • 1996 - "Living strings"
  • 1998 - Madame
  • 1999 - Rosa
  • 2000 - "Mouse"
  • 2002 - "Dedication"
  • 2003 - "Confession"

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