Vladimir Zherebtsov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, wife Anastasia Panina 2021



Vladimir Zherebtsov - the Russian actor and cinema actor, which is known to the public, primarily as a television performer. His manner of the game and the ability to give the character of the hero sharpness allow to embody the diverse roles on the screen and theatrical frames - from the heroes of lovers to immoral scoundrels.

Childhood and youth

Zherebtsov Vladimir Evgenievich - Native Moskvich. Born on December 7, 1983. By the sign of the zodiac, he is a shooter, along the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, Vladimir was born in a year of blue water pig. Nobody was connected in the family with either theater or the world of cinema. Parents worked as engineers at the factory. The acting talents were seen in the boy in childhood, so he was taken to the metropolitan school, at which the theater studio "Jupiter" worked. Here and debuted 13-year-old Vova stallions. Played a subset in the play "Moorishman in the nobility" of Moliere.

Soon the repertoire of the artist was replenished with the formulations of the "miracle", "night of errors", "Pygmalion", "Andromaha", and in his free time the guy managed to perform at the competitions of the readers, who were held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as participate in KVN games.

Were Vladimir and other hobbies. For example, when he became a high school student, then, like many children of his age, was fond of hockey and football. But still love for the world of the theater and the movie won. In 2001, after graduating from school, the stallows entered the Schepkin Theater School, hitting Ivanov and Beylis. At the same time, the future artist also filed documents to the university of alloys and steel.


Another 1st year, the young artist debuted in the formulation of the "Secrets of the Madrid Yard" Beylis. The performance was held on the scene of the Small Theater. On the 2nd year, the actor played Romeo in the play "Romeo and Juliet", which took place on the scene of the theater. Pushkin. The actor participated in the famous performances, such as "Cat in Boots", "Night of the Cabin", "Scarlet Flower", "Wonderful Night" and others.

Later, the actor Vladimir Zherebtsov played a serious role in the production of "bullets over Broadway". The bright image of the Contractor was removed not only thanks to his talent, but also by external data: Slender and high brunette (Vladimir's height - 179 cm, Weight - 75 kg) looked spectacularly in this role. The stupid game was highly appreciated by theatrical critics, and he received the Moscow debut premium.

Shchepkinskoye Vladimir graduated in 2005, having received a red diploma for excellent studies. The young actor was immediately accepted in the Pushkin Theater Troupe. Here the artist went on stage in the "Letter of Happiness" and "bullets over Broadway." In addition, stallions appeared in Madame Bovari director Alla Cigalova.


Kinematic biography of Vladimir Zherebtsova started in 2002. The debut role for Vladimir became the role in the "desired" melodrama, which was removed in 2003. The actor played a small role, but it was noticed by famous directors, which marked the beginning of the future career. He started with episodes, but quite soon he began to trust the main roles. The image of the young Leonid Rockov was the first major work of the stallion in the cinema. Multi-line tape "Rocks. The song for a long time "for Vladimir was interesting and the fact that he was lucky to work together with the already recognized movie stars.

Since 2006, Vladimir Zherebtsov began to starve in the series. The actor appeared in the famous TV series "Gromov". There he played Paul - the beloved of the main heroine of Nastya. Vladimir starred in many melodramas, including "her heart", "Sun as a gift", "milkmaid from Hatspeetovka", "Pautinka of Baby Summer", "Prix for Angel", "All sake you"

Significant work of Zherebtsov was the popular series Sklifosovsky, where he for several seasons performed the role of a bone surgeon. Actress Maria Ryschenkov played with him, embodied on the screen the image of Alexandra Pokrovskaya, beloved Konstantin Lazarev.

Vladimir Zherebtsov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, wife Anastasia Panina 2021 21202_1

With his best work, the actor considers the role in the project "Life, which was not" on the reasons of the "American tragedy" of Theodore of the Drier. The series was shot by 9 months, before that, the artist had to thoroughly explore the literary work, according to which the film was created.

In 2015, several prime ministers took place. CTC TV channel launched the series "Moms" on the ether. In the same year, Russia-1 presented the 20-Series Drama "The Sun as a GIFT", in which the stallions again followed the medical form. The roles of doctors became for the actor familiar. In the film "The Son of My Father" he played a talented neurosurgeon.

One of the most visible, although not the main role, became the role of Zherebtsov in the TV series "Fizruk". In the popular youth Sitkom, the actor played the young man of the main heroine - Teachers of Tatiana. The role of the beloved character Dmitry Nagiyev was performed by the wife of Zherebtsov.

In 2017, the actor starred in the main role in the series "Rainbow in the sky" with actress Catherine Kuznetsova. According to the plot of the series, the heroes brings the mountain, which happened to them: both lost their loved ones in the car accident. To cope with misfortune, they help each other in the current situation.

In 2018, the artist appeared in three projects where the main characters played. These are films "House with black cats", "How to get married. Instruction "," Reverse Side of Love ". In 2019, Vladimir reincarnated in a negative character named Paul in a Disease Disease detective. A newly partner artist spoke Anastasia. In 2019, another premiere was announced with the participation of Zherebtsov - showing the Tekller "Techinar". In the film, the actor tried the image of a programmer who has unknown to kidnap their relatives.

In addition to replenishing the filmography, Vladimir does not forget about his second house - the theater. Pushkin, on the stage of which it comes out in the performances "Road of Change" and "Tartuf".

Personal life

The actor married Anastasia Panina. Vladimir's personal life settled soon after the end of the university. For the first time, the guy saw a future wife in a romantic atmosphere, when he worked on the performance of Romeo and Juliet. The actors began to meet, but a year after the beginning of the relationship parted: Nastya was afraid to make the wrong choice, so I decided to check the feelings.

The paths of artists crossed again, during the game in the formulation of "bullets over Broadway." It was an omen: Vladimir Zherebtsov and Anastasia Panin in this performance played spouses. Soon the young realized that it was difficult to live without a friend, and resumed relations. After some time, a wedding took place.

Stallions and Panin do not limit each other in terms of tour, trips and roles. It happens that the spouses may not see months. In such periods, rumors about divorce appear in the press. The actors themselves are recognized that they miss each other and openly talk to journalists about their own relations.

According to Vladimir Zherebtsov, he does not fallover: "Everything that was up to Nastya is other feelings. Relationships with a close man in the family, a joint child is another galaxy, "the actor admitted. According to Panina, Vladimir beautifully cared for her both during the candy-bought period and after the wedding. The actor constantly writes the spouse of notes with recognition in love, and also gives flowers.

In the summer of 2010, Panina and Zherebtsov was born daughter Alexander. Vladimir attended the genus of his wife. Girl's parents want the heiress to love art and became educated. Therefore, the little Sasha has been passionate about the choreography from the young years and is studying foreign languages.

Stallions - happy husband and father. In an interview, the actor stated that he would live with his wife a hundred years. Vacation time Family Chet prefers to carry out travels. The actors have a tradition: while traveling spouses attend the zoo in a new place. Such moments of co-rest are pleased not only to her daughter, but also to the parents themselves. Interestingly, the sea Vladimir first saw in 20 years. Previously, he did not think about long journeys: the summer of the future actor spent at the cottage along with his parents, sister, grandfather and grandmother.

Vladimir Zherebtsov now

Now the career of the artist is on the rise. The actor participates in the filming of several projects at once, including the next season of the popular series "Sklifosovsky".

In 2021, Vladimir Zherebtsov played a major role in the melodrame of Yuri Harnas "Surrogate Mother". Anastasia Panin has again become a colleague of the actor on the shooting area. In addition, stallions appeared in the full-length film "What was - not to be".

Stallions leads a page in "Instagram", which regularly publishes photos of families, colleagues, pictures from life. Vladimir is also divided with subscribers from traveling from travel.


  • 2006 - "Return faith"
  • 2006 - "Rocks. Song Long Life "
  • 2007 - "Seventh Petal"
  • 2008 - "Screeling River"
  • 2008 - "Life that was not"
  • 2009 - "My"
  • 2010-2011 - "Moscow. Three stations "
  • 2012-2017 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2014-2017 - "Fizruk"
  • 2014 - "Heart Memory"
  • 2016 - "Valkins of Unhappiness"
  • 2017 - "Prix for Angel"
  • 2018 - "House with black cats"
  • 2018 - "How to get married. Instruction "
  • 2019 - "Mountain Disease"
  • 2020 - "Declared Dead"
  • 2020 - "Star Shadow"

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