Forecast of the dollar for April 2020: Expert Opinion, Dynamics


Pandemic coronavirus infection, reducing oil prices and total instability in the global economy led to a sudden fall of the ruble. The forecast of the dollar course for April from experts, whether to expect a ruble schedule to expect further drawing and whether to buy dollars - in the material 24cm.

Negative trend

Given the changes on the world market and exit of Russia from the members of OPEC + participants, a number of analysts foreshadow in the near future a further decline in the ruble exchange rate on the dollar. So, financial forecasting agency Apacone Considers the three options for the development of events for the Russian currency. And they all differ only to the degree of fall. In the worst case, the growth of the dollar schedule, according to the experts of the organization, will stop by the end of April in the area of ​​93.5 rubles. In the best - stroke into the mark 90.

With such an assessment of solidarity Dmitry Babin , Analyst from BCS Broker, who claims that the further weakening of Russian dennaunations will continue. And if not directly in April, then in the coming months, the Russian currency is at all capable of approaching the "bottom" in 100 rubles per dollar. Among the reasons for weakening is the desire of large players against the background of a pandemic and a decline in world economies to reduce risks in investments. As well as the priority direction, investments in relatively stable areas are recently considered, to which the American currency belongs to the outdated habit.

The forecast of the dollar for April was voiced in TeleTrade. Experts fear down the ruble schedule drops to the mark of 90 units for the "American", linking the likelihood of weakening with a possible decrease in oil quotes due to the lack of compromise agreements between the main miningers.

Opinion of banking analysts

IN Promsvyazbank It is believed that the ruble on 80.5 will no longer be traded and will be traded in the next month in the corridor of 74-80 units per US dollar. Analysts are also inclined to such an assessment. Alpha Bank Which in the formation of the forecast of the dollar's course for April refers to the fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation remained "trumps in the sleeve". The last experts tend to attribute, in particular, the readiness of the Central Bank to stabilize the course to sell the currency reserves of the National Welfare Fund, as has already been done for the sale of Sberbank's Shares Package.

Financial analysts from Nordea Bank are adhered to the opinion that the ruble is capable of returning in the coming months in the range of 65-68 rubles per dollar, subject to the restoration of oil prices in the area of ​​at least $ 40. For April, Bank experts more realize see the gradual strengthening of the Russian currency to 77-78.

Is it worth buying dollars in April

Many experts, making their forecast of the dollar for April, are inclined to believe that for the ruble, the upheaval time is left behind - negative peak passed, and the dollar rate will soon go to the decline. The ruble will help a public policy in every possible way, which will not allow further fall, stopping the schedule in a comfortable to implement global point points. So, by selling foreign currency savings that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation intends to perform until the end of September when falling on the oils of the URALS oil below $ 25 per barrel, the awards will be avoided.

Clemens Graf. From Goldman Sachs spoke that the ruble would soon expect gradual strengthening. Hope to "close up" on the growth of the dollar will no longer succeed - from the current point of instability, the schedule with a large share of probability will go down.

Those who still plan to invest in dollars, despite the fact that the "most delicious" is already missed, you can only recommend to refrain from large-scale currency purchases. Better, at least 50% of savings leave in rubles, so as not to remain as a result of the broken trough.

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