Stas Kostyushkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, "instagram" 2021



Stas Kostyushkin is a popular singer, a former participant of the star duet "Tea together", the soloist of Stanley Shulman Band and A-Dessa musical projects, a member of the top ten rating television show. He is one of the few representatives of the Russian pop, who on the stage and in "Instagram" is not shy to demonstrate the brutal masculinity, causing envy of one part of fans and languid sighs from another.

Childhood and youth

The artist, like his parents, is a native Odessa. Stas was born in August 1971 in the family of jazz saxophonist Mikhail Josefovich and the former mannequer of the hope of Arkadyevna. Childhood and youthful years have passed in the city on the banks of the Neva. Here thanks to Mom, Kostyushkin first starred for the Soviet magazine mod, and his father was away from the Son to the music school. He discovered an opera voice - dramatic baritone. The movable guy managed to sing in the choir, play the piano and attend the Judo section.

At the end of the school, the young man entered the Music School named after the Roman Corsakov, intending to continue education in the conservatory. But in training, he broke his nose that he had a negative impact on the vocal. From a promising student switched to the ranks of professionally unsuitable.

He restored the voice in the Amsterdam Conservatory, but in the school, from where he was expelled, did not return - it got on a children's theater, where he met Denis Klyaver, the son of actor Ilya Oleinikov. It turned out that the Father Stanislav is a favorite musician Denis, and Ilya Lvovich is a favorite Actor of Koszykina. Friends thought about creating a musical pop group.

Kostyushkin still dreams of performing classic arias. He has a diploma of the laureate of an international competition, which gives the right to audition in the Vienna Opera.


In 1994, duet "Tea together" was born. The project was produced by Sergey Kurekhin. The team made his debut with a clip on the song "Pilot".

The first to the guys drew attention to Mikhail Shufutinsky and invited to joint tour. Lyme Vaikule helped the Russian show business widely, allowing Kostykina and Klyavar to perform between rooms at a solo concert. For 2 years, they learned to beat and present every song as a mini-performance.

"Tea together" wheels in Russia and neighboring abroad, got the army of fans. New clips were twisted in the radioparticles and on television, the group's discography was replenished with a dozen albums, and Golden Gramophones and Diplomas of the Festival "Song of the Year" appeared at home on the shelves. Hits "I will not forget", "my affectionate", "white dress" and others sang millions.

Therefore, for fans of the Duet's creativity, it became a surprise when in 2011 artists announced that the "Tea together" project is closed.

It was rumored that Stanislav left the group with a scandal: the partners in the scene quarreled, and his wife Julia Kostyushkin played a decisive role in the conflict. In the studio of the TV show "The Fate of Man", the performer denied rumors, explaining that the decision was mutual and thoughtful. After the disintegration of the duet ceased to communicate colleagues.

Stanislav planned a solo career, but life ordered in his own way: a team appeared called Stanley Schulman's Band. So Sostyushkin gave tribute to grandfather - Military journalist Joseph Schulman. In the repertoire of the group - compositions of the 30-40s of the twentieth century in new author's arrangements. Performance genre - academic stage.

In 2012, the musician presented a new project - a-dessa pop group. Egor Druzhinin filed the idea, who has noticed that Stanley, of course, is not bad, but it's time to do something from Stanislav. In a short time, the team broke into the Russian hit parades with the songs of Fire, "Woman, I'm not dancing!", "I am not very punochargen." The images created by the soloist are characterized by eccentricity and outrage.

Attracting the work of the stellar colleagues, the singer is not accustomed to. In the video "Men's normal orientation" played soloist "Ivanosh" Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Marshal and Sergey Glushko. The result of the collaboration with Boris Moiseev became the scandalous single "I'm bounnik!", With "Hands up!" - Clip "All Rivne".

The artist participated in the television show "Extremely" and "Circus with Stars", "Laughter in the Big City" and "Star + Star", "Dancing with the Stars" and "Big Races". He showed himself and as a film actor. And in 2016, a new page appeared in the biography of Kostyushkin: the singer tried the strength as a TV host on the "MUZ-TV" channel.

In 2016, the musician released the singles "I'm going to Odessa", "Everything is exactly", "Grandma". In 2017, came the tracks "OPA! Anapa "and" Facts ", to which the artist additionally removed the clips. In 2018, the performer pleased the fans of the song "Haye, Mom". In the track "On the style of the 90s", which Stanislav recorded together with Shura, mentioned stars of old years: Yuri Antonov, Sergey Zhukov and Yuri Shatunov.

In 2017, the performer appeared in the 2nd Chowen Seasons of the Show "Three Chord", which was executed "Visi me, the driver", "Summer Rain", "Morning Gymnastics", etc. Following the final, Kostyushkin divided the 4th place with Alexey Glounzin And Victor Fishby.

In 2019, the artist released the Clip "Mishka", which was withdrawn in the role of the owner of the massage salon Lolita Milyavskaya, and the "news" about his opening from the screen was told Andrei Malakhov. Stanislav Mikhailovich himself appeared in naked form, but with respect to decency.

Another premiere of 2019 - a clip for the song "Happy Birthday, Boy." At the heart of the video radiaud, the history of the average engineer of Vitalika is lying to the track, which in another birthday decides to break away from the cord of his family and first celebrate the holiday with alcohol, girls and adventures.

Personal life

In the St. Petersburg Theater Theater, Stanislav met the Pianist Marianne and "took away" her from the family. In a 5-year marriage, children did not appear. "Tea together", the performer created including in order to prove his own consistency, and she cheated while Kostyushkin was on tour. Followed divorce.

Olga's second spouse presented the singer of Martin's Son. But personal life and this time did not work out, after 3 years, the spouses broke up. The musician met Julia Clokov, replaced by Olga left on the dancer.

The current wife of the musician is the absolute champion of Europe and the world acrobatics, the leading project "I lose weight", which was published on NTV, works fitness coach. The married couple raises the sons of Bogdan and Mirone the costume. Photo of boys Father is divided in social networks. Now parents dream that they have a sister. The girl could be born before, but the second in the account of Yulia's pregnancy ended with miscarriage.

In addition to music, the costume is engaged in business. In 2013, he opened at Sheremetyevo Cafe Airport, which resolves smoking. The establishment of Smoke Room flourished before the introduction of the law on ban on smoking in public places. Losses amounted to about 4 million rubles, but this failure of Stanislav did not stop.

Two years later, a network of café-piness "Drink Da Pudra" appeared, which the artist owned a couple with a friend of childhood - Israeli restaurateur Boris Kopylov. Franchise soon acquired Lera Kudryavtseva. Then Kostyushkin organized the release of tea "My Tea". A singer talks about himself as a born trader.

Fans love idols not only for creativity, but also for appearance. Despite the solid age, Stanislav looks like in the youth, sports and tightened, with an increase of 1.92 m its weight is 85 kg.

The network periodically appears rumors that the marriage of Kostyushkin collapsed: the singer was attributed to the mistress in the US and even a novel with Natalie Oreiro. On his page in "Instagram", the performer disruled from relationships with the star of the Argentine series "Wild Angel" with the following words:

"Comrades, categorically declare, I have no money on the ocra now."

Harassment in childhood

In an interview with Alain Zhigalova, the artist told that he was a victim of harassment in childhood. According to the singer, rape committed a stranger, who noticed the company of children near the abandoned plant of plast blood cellmers.

Stas is the only one of the friends who could run away, but the rapist forced him to return, threatening to kill the boys. The man forced schoolchildren to lie down and produced a sexual action. According to Kostykina, who was at that time 8 years old, he did not understand what was happening. But Pedophile was not alone, and the children were confident that they could kill them.

Since at that time the topic of violence was shameful, the boys agreed to preserve the occurrence in secret, but they did it in vain - the criminal did not suffer punishment. Now the artist believes that it is important for this problem, and therefore confessed to violence due to concerns for his own children.

A wave of criticism collapsed on the artist on the network. Ksenia Sobchak even found permissible to joke about the rape of the costume in a satirical roller on its channel:

"What will happen next? Will the drugs begin to throw in the car? And then, in general, everyone rape, how is Stasa Kostyushkin? "

The musician noted: such a topic "in no way approaches satirical content." On the show "Empathy Manuchi", the artist stated that he did not accept apologies from Sobchak and does not expect them, but does not understand that he drives a girl who laughs violence over the child.

Stas Kostyushkin now

Kostyushkin is still devoted to his beloved business. He acts on both concerts and private holidays.

In May 2020, on the show "Alena, Damn!" The artist shared memories of how he fell on Alla Pugachev. The incident occurred at the New Wave Festival in 2014. According to the artist, only 5 years of judo classes allowed him not to apply serious injury. Pugacheva left the concert, and the video of the epic fall instantly spread online.

The singer believed that his career was already over, but found his strength the next day to go for a birthday to Lime Vaikule and apologize to Alla Borisovna. Pugacheva forgave him with the words:

"It's okay! Bruise We smear, and half a million, we will have to stay "

In January 2020, the costume appeared in the program "Let's get married!" As a star match, along with the singers Irina and Alice Saltykov and Aziza.

In 2020, an artist presented a new track "Sweet" in its Yutiub-Channel, and on the LIVE @ program, the autoradio performed the song "Laksheri", and the release of a new hit "Do not touch him" is also expected.

In the same year, the musician took part in the show "Mask" in the image of ice cream.


As part of the group "Tea together"

  • 1997 - "I will not forget"
  • 1998 - "Poptchitsy"
  • 1999 - "For the sake of you"
  • 2000 - "Norave"
  • 2005 - "Evening Tea Party"
  • 2006 - "Sorry"
  • 2012 - "White Dress"

Project A-Dessa

  • 2019 - "Caochen"
  • 2019 - "Woman, I'm not dancing"

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