Dmitry Nazarov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV shows, filmography, wife, age 2021



If you ask Dmitry Nazarov that for him a priority - theater or cinema, he will choose the first. But whatever the role, on stage or in front of the camera, the actor carefully worries it. It looks, whether it is consistent with the internal needs, which will tell the viewer. Empty, the non-delayed action does not interest him. Much more important if the film or the performance hurt the brain, heart, soul.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Yuryevich was born in Rouze Moscow region on July 4, 1957. The fact that the boy will grow artist, determined the midwife. Only she did not know what kind of difficult and long it will be the path of Nazarov in art.

Parents of the future actor were creative personalities. Ego Mother, by the way, graduate of the Gnesinsky School, worked as a doctor. Father - Energy Engineer who has made singing his hobby.

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Children's years, Dima dedicated to the improvement of acting skills - expressively recited the poem, he was pleased to participate in school amateurs, played in KVN.

A guy Nazarov was the fastened, impuluate, until once was attacked by hooligans. Then he signed up in the sambo section, did not become the discharge, but he could stand up for himself and others. And still pulled out. Now the growth of the actor is 196 cm, weight - for 100 kg.

The first attempt to go to theatrical turned out to be unsuccessful. Dmitry in his youth painfully perceived the failure and decided to dwell on a more landed profession - became a confectioner at a bakery plant. However, the dream defeated the prose of life, and Nazarov went to the "soup". This time, fate was benevolent to an insistent young man: he fell on the course to Viktor Korushunov.


Having received a diploma diploma in 1980, the young artist entered the Small Theater. Over the next 15 years, Dmitry played many roles, mostly secondary. In parallel, the actor went on the scene of fashionable in those times the "Sphere" theater.

But the recognition of critics came to Nazarov during cooperation with the theater of the Russian army.

For the role of Othello in the play of the same name, the artist received a premium to them. Innokentia Smoktunovsky, and after the design of Konstantin Satin, in the formulation of "At the bottom", his awards replenished "Crystal Turandot".

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In 2002, the actor accepted the invitation of Oleg Tabakov and moved to the MHT. Anton Chekhov.

Dmitry got the "Seagull" theatrical award for the embodiment of Gennady Nesility in the play "Forest" and the Theater Award of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper for the role of lemma in the "noble nest".

Within the framework of the festival, Vladimir Spivakov invites "in 2005 Nazarov played the father of Dominica in the oratory" Jeanne D`ark on the fire "directed by Cyril Serebrennikov. Yuri Chursin, Kirill Pirogov and the famous French actress Fanny Ardan became partners in the stage for the actor in this project. Initially, the role of Father Dominica was to play Gerard Depardieu, but the Frenchman did not come. So Dmitry had to master the French text and a guilt literacy in the days.


Nazarov received the first prominent role of Nazarov in Kinononello "on the raft", and soon he also played the main thing in the criminal "citizen". The series occupy a large half of the artist filmography, they are funded by TV channels and in demand by television viewers. Dmitry has received many proposals, which gave him the opportunity to carefully choose projects for work.

Mikhail starred in Kamenskaya, "Station", in the "Marsh Turkish" and "Golden Caloon" Oleg Menshikov. Success accompanied the film "Law", in which Dmitry appeared in the form of a judge, and the Military Drama "Penalbat", where he reincarnated in the priest, fought on the battlefield along with the soldiers.

In 2002-2008, the artist was the leading show "Culinary Fight", which became the leader in the number of exits by broadcast among Russian culinary programs.

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In Bayopic "Yeltsin. Three days in August "(2011) Mikhail embodied the image of Boris Nikolayevich. Cinema is based on real events, the plot talks about the failure of the August coup in 1991. For filming to the White House, real tanks were driven and seriously converted Trolleybuses with Bathera. According to the producer of the tape Alexei Pivovarov, the family of the first president of Russia familiarized himself with the scenario and remained satisfied with it.

In the idol of Millions, Dmitry Yuryevich turned after the exit to the Sitkom "kitchen" screens. The actor plays Viktor Barinova - a chef of a French restaurant with a luxurious mustache. Together with him, Mark Bogatyrev, Dmitry Nagiyev, Marina Mogilev, Viktor Khorinyak, Olga Kuzmina, appeared in the showrooms of the series. To prepare for the draft artists, they recorded the culinary courses so that they could cut something and choke in the frame as specialists. The shooting was conducted at the present kitchen, and the clothes for cooks were ordered in the studio, which specializes in the sewing of cooks clothes.

"Unusual luck of domestic television. This is really a delicious comedy. There is no vulgarity and illiteracy, but there is a humor, a strong script, a wonderful director and a magnificent acting team. "

The project was so popular that it was stretched for 6 seasons. Also, the heroes appeared in the "Kitchen in Paris" comedies, the "Last Battle" and the TV series for the hotel. Nazarov became the leading show "Hungry Games", and then - "Recipe for a million".

Interestingly, the mustache at the artist in the series is real. He even had to give up projects where they would have to be filmed without them. That is why, starting from 2012, the heroes of Nazarov please a view of the lush vegetation on the face: Major Koulayasov in "Ladoga", a radio host in the New Year comedy "SOS, Santa Claus, or everything will come true!" etc.

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In the historical TV series Tobol (2019) on the times of the development of Siberia Peter I, the artist embodies the real face - Boyari Semen Remezov, the architect, to whom Tobolsk is obliged to build a large number of stone buildings, and geographic science - detailed maps of adjacent lands.

In 2019, another historical tape "Wild League" appeared in the creative biography of the actor. The foundation was based on the events of the beginning of the 20th century, when interest in football was born in Russia and the first professional team was founded. In addition to Nazarova, Ivan Okhlobystin, Vladimir Yaglych and the famous "Highlander", entered the caste paintings.

Another performer of the role of the Immortal Hero Christopher Lambert became a partner of Dmitry in a short picture based on the story of Anton Chekhov "on a foreign land." Moreover, on the set, the men did without a translator: Christopher - a Frenchman in the blood, and Nazarov speaks well this language.

In 2020, the premiere of the adventure fantasy of Janika Faisiyev "Galaxy goalkeeper" took place. According to the plot, the planet is experiencing an apocalypse, and its inhabitants have become aliens and virtual characters. Nazarov fulfilled the role of the chief policeman. This tape became the first Russian blockbuster after a coronavirus infection pandemic and failed: under the budget of $ 15 million, the fees accounted for only $ 3 million.

Personal life

Dmitry Yuryevich does not like to speak about the personal life of Dmitry Yuryevich, in the interview, it is trying to bypass the themes of family, politicians, religion. I do not like the actor when someone is trying to make a photo without asking permission. It is perplexed, why let it into the house or to give the press, and then wondering that "this apartment ringed."

On his account 3 marriage. First spouse Natalia gave birth to a daughter Nina. Nazarov already grandfather - Nina gave him 2 granddaughters.

From the second wife Natalia Krasnoyarskaya, Mother Mary Poroshina, Dmitry also left, having met new love.

During filming in a mystical detective "Challenge" (2004), Dmitry began an affair with an actress Olga Vasilyeva, who became the third spouse. In the family grew 2 children - the son of Arseny from Marriage Vasilyeva with Igor Windbath and Joint Daughter Arina. The young man took the schoochidam's name, received a diploma diploma in Rati and actor in Schukinsky School. Arina also thinks to go in the footsteps of the Father.

Nazarov is a long-term fan of the Spartak Football Club. Previously, he loved to play football and himself, but age no longer allows such loads. The artist is regularly floating and at home is engaged in the simulator.

In dreams from the on-screen chef - to open a second-day private restaurant, where the so-called post-vacant dishes would be served. Fresh, of course, but stylized under the ones that people get from the refrigerators on January 1 or March 9.

Brilliantly prepares Dmitry only according to the script, stand at the slab - the prerogative of his wife. The actor is well the kebab, and this dish it periodically pools close. In addition, he likes to drive a car and tries to perform the tricks behind the wheel, knows how to repair computers and writes poetry. With ironic critical works in the author's execution, you can find on the verified page of the artist in "Instagram" and on its Youtyub Channel.

Dmitry Nazarov now

In January 2021, the actor participated in the Christmas concert in the MHT. Anton Chekhov. Together with Nazarov songs, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Alexander Sechov and other artists of the theater were performed.

Dmitry's theatrical repertoire included Duel drama, "Sleeping Prince", the comedy "expensive treasure", "Forest".

In 2021, the actor starred in the image of Kres Vorobyaninov in the "12 chairs" comedy, which is the screening of the author's original Roman Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov without censorship abbreviations. According to the producer of Oleg Urushev, the main roles were immediately written specifically for Dmitry Nagiyev and Nazarov.


  • 1992-1997 - "little things of life"
  • 2002 - "Law"
  • 2004 - "Red Capella"
  • 2004 - "Full Ahead!"
  • 2006-2009 - "Call"
  • 2008 - "Sewing Lessons"
  • 2011 - "Yeltsin. Three days in August "
  • 2012 - "Cherry's Color"
  • 2012-2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014 - "Kitchen in Paris"
  • 2017 - "Kitchen. Last fight"
  • 2019 - "Wild League"
  • 2019-2020 - "Kitchen. War for the hotel »
  • 2021 - "12 chairs"

TV project

  • "Culinary duel"
  • "The Hunger Games"
  • "Recipe for a million"

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