Charlize Theron - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Monster, In Youth, Filmography, Roles 2021



Charlize Theron - Hollywood actress and model. Fans consider it the embodiment of beauty, sophistication and style. In his works, the star adheres to the principle of multipleness - it does not like to repeat and often challenges his own. Charlize is easily reincarnated in women with severe fate and non-standard appearance, which bribes not only film critics, but also numerous fans.

Childhood and youth

Charlize was born on August 7, 1975 in the city of Benoni in South Africa. According to Mother's Mother, the artist has German roots, and dutch and French. Parents were farmers and owned the road construction firm.

At 6, Teron began to take ballet lessons. At the age of 13, she was sent to the boarding school in Johannesburg. In this city, the girl began to visit the National Art School. At the age of 16, she participated in the contest of models at the insistence of mothers.

Later, the girl went to the international Italian contest of models in Positano and after the victory entered into a profitable annual contract with the Milan modeling agency. The high growth of the thermion (177 cm) was the key to a brilliant podium career. During this year, an attractive blonde was able to see the whole of Europe, and at the end of the contract went to New York.

Here she entered the choreographic school, and in his spare time he worked as a model. The knee injury put the cross on the ballerina's career. During this period, Theron again supported Mom: she advised the daughter to start learning acting.


Charlize went to Los Angeles. The first months, the girl lived on translations from the house, did not manage to find a job. Helped a happy case. During the conflict with a bank employee about the refusal to pay, the Teron was severely angry. At the emotional scene, Impresario John Crosby was observed, who helped a young performer to make the first steps in the profession.

The debut role of Charlize in the film "Devil's lawyer" brought fame. Otherwise, it could not be, because with a beginner actress, such stars as Al Pacino and Keanu Rivz were shot. The creative biography of theory is not only good progress. The project "Sweet November" was failed for the artist. The actress even received a nomination for the anti-rapid "Golden Malina".

And then followed the rapid takeoff. In the film "Monster", Teron played a serial killer. For filming, the artist recovered by 14 kg and agreed to turn into an ugly woman. Efforts were not in vain. For this work, Charlize received Oscar, becoming the first South African, who was honored with this award.

In 2015, the Australian film "Mad Max: Road of Freak" was released on the screens, which continues the franchise of famous post-apocalyptic films. The picture was nominated for 10 Oscars and received 6 of them. In addition, the film won 4 BAFTA awards.

While working on this project between the Furios Warrior Women's performer and Tom Hardy broke out a conflict. The actors could not get along with the set, then the case arranging disassembly. Delivered to other artists and director. According to Theron, nervousness contributed to the physical activity and a large number of traumatic scenes, the consequences of which had to overcome with difficulty.

In the autumn of 2016, Charlize began shooting in the film "Talli". Theron scored 16 kg over its usual weight (the media leads different numbers in this matter: from 54 to 61 kg) to correspond to the image of a multi-fashioned mother.

In April 2017, Teron appeared on large screens in Furious 8 militant. Before that, the actress was not filmed in the blockbuster, in the new part she played the villain by the name of Saifer. Epic times picture attached the fact that rare locations were chosen for filming: a frozen uninhabited lake in Iceland, as well as Cuban landscapes. A park of 700 cars were used, from which only 100 remained.

In 2019, with the participation of Charlize, the painting "TA also" was published on the screens. This is a romantic comedy about a meeting of a successful businesswoman and an eccentric journalist, who were in love with each other in his youth.

The Project of the Project Theron became the drama "scandal", in which she played the main heroine. The film is based on the real events that occurred on the Fox News TV channel several employees of whom publicly accused of sexual harassment of the Director General of Roger Isilza.

For the role of TV presenter Mekin Kelly for Charlize, 8 facial prostheses were made to make the appearance of the actress more like a real character. The company on the screen Theron was a nicole Kidman and Margo Robbie.

"Immortal Guard" - a fighter created in the same comic, gathered on one stage platform of such stars as Charlize Theron, Kiki Lane, Mattias Schaonarts. Most tricks were executed by the cast with minimal attraction of cascaders. For the sake of participation in the scene, horse racing, the artist had to overcome the phobia associated with these animals. Her fear appeared in childhood, after falling from the horse.

Social activity

In addition to the replenishment of the filmography, the actress pays great attention to public and charitable programs, one of which is associated with the native region of the performer. Theron launched a project on the construction of stadiums and football fields in South Africa for youth clubs. Attracting young people to sports life, in her opinion, contributed to a decrease in crime, drug addiction and, as a result, reducing the spread of infectious diseases.

Theron is known as a zealous wrestler for the equality of African women, in 2019 she made a speech on the open discussion of The Geanco Foundation. At the meeting, the star of Hollywood appeared practically without makeup, with a short haircut Page.

Under the patronage of the artist, there are organizations that are responsible for the right of women for abortion for the legalization of same-sex marriage. The actress is a member of the Foundation "People for Ethical Animal Treatment", for which the promotion of which was shot in antimacuing advertising.


Theron is recognized as fans and film critics of one of the most attractive actresses of Hollywood. But it was not always so. Up to 4 years, the girl did not grow her hair due to treatment with antibiotic consequences of jaundice. From the drugs of Charlize, milk teeth fell out early, and the indigenous appeared only at 11 years of age.

Today, the celebrity does not make himself stereotypes. During the career, Charlize changed two dozen haircuts, brown head for the sake of roles. Press she admits that her favorite haircut is short, "under the boy."

Theron often falls into the lens of the paparazzi in a swimsuit and, apparently, is not experiencing about his semi-naked species. Charlize carries bikini not only on the beach, but also while walking with a dog or playing with children, if the weather allows.

Theron and itself shares the photo. The actress leads a page in "Instagram", where the work shots, and ordinary household shooting.

In parallel with the work on the shooting sites, Theron continued to go to the podium. In 2004, Charlize starred in an advertising campaign Christian Dior, shifting the Estonian model Tiu Kuep. Later, it appeared in the advertising of the Spirit J'Adore Dior. Dresses that put on the actress for a red-lane defile during the Oscar ceremony and the Golden Globe, invariably sew famous John Galliano.

Personal life

Personal life Charlize is saturated with events, scandals and many novels. The actress that men wake up all over the world, one rarely remained alone. In the mid-1990s, the Alaron 2 years met with actor Craig Birko. And from 1997 to 2001, the star had a close relationship with the musician Stephen Jenkins.

With Stuart Townsend, Teron met on the set of "24 hours" painting in 2002. This couple was considered one of the most beautiful and durable on Hollywood hills. But after the Christmas holidays in Mexico, Charlize took off the ring donated by Stewart. Union collapsed in early 2010. In many respects, the performer has influenced the parting: her civilian husband was in the shadow of the Oscarous spouse, which struck his pride.

In 2014-2015, the actress met with Sean Penn, but this connection really did not like her mother.

In addition, the artist attributed a novel with a singer by Silom, former spouse Heidi Klum. But the stars themselves did not comment on such rumors.

In March 2012, Teron adopted the Jackson boy from South Africa, and in July 2015, he dared on the adoption of the girl, which Ostist called. Now the actress lives in Los Angeles. Charlize relations with children are worried about press. She resolves the son to wear skirts and dresses, take a walk for women's bags. Later, the star of the screen reported in an interview that her elder child is a transgender girl.

Charlize Theron Cum

In 2021, the South African actress began working on the next villainarian character film fantasy fantasy cycles of Socomana Chinan "School of Good and Evil". Theron got a secondary, but significant image - Lady Lesso, the ladies of evil.

In addition, the long-awaited premiere of the 9th part of the "Forsazha" was held, which for the first time the franchise filmed was filmed in Africa. Theron returned to the role of cyber surprise Saifer.


  • 1997 - "Devil's lawyer"
  • 2000 - "Military Diver"
  • 2003 - "Monster"
  • 2005 - "Eon Flaks"
  • 2008 - "Hancock"
  • 2012 - "Snow White and Hunter"
  • 2015 - "Mad Max: Rare Road"
  • 2017 - "Fast and Furious 8"
  • 2018 - "Dangerous Business"
  • 2018 - Talley
  • 2019 - "That more couple"
  • 2019 - "Scandal"
  • 2019 - "That more couple"
  • 2020 - "Immortal Guard"
  • 2021 - "Fast and Furious 9"

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