Egor Druzhinin - Biography, Personal Life, News, Choreographer, Dancer, Photo, "Dancing with Stars" 2021



Egor Druzhinin is a talented man who has independently reached unprecedented professional heights, despite the famous relative, who could easily arrange his life. He managed to realize himself as a choreographer and dancer, and also became a film director and actor.

Childhood and youth

Druzhinin was born on March 12, 1972 in St. Petersburg. Vladislav Yuryevich, Father Egor, - a popular choreographer, who set many performances on the stage of the theater named after V. F. Commissioner. He also led his own studio whose fundamentality was a pantomime.

It would seem that with such a star father, the fate of the fate of Egor is predetermined - the child is simply obliged to continue a family business. But the boy in his childhood was distinguished by a rebellious and energetic character: initially decided to forget about the dances than a lot of puzzled chapter of the family.

Instead, young Druzhinin dreams of a cinema actor career, trying to attach the necessary efforts to implement plans. Such aspirations were rewarded, and at 11 years old, the boy first appeared on the screen. Parents, of course, rejoiced to the success of the Son, but Vladislav Yuryevich continued to regret that Egor Rubits Talent for Dance.

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I did not surprise anyone that after a successful debut in the movie Druzhinin entered the acting department to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. Charter listen to the permanent advice of the father, the guy, contrary to circumstances, is immersed in training in a ballet school. 18 years - Late term for novice dancers, because representatives of this profession are taught skill with very young years, but the decision of Egor was finally made.

Father skeptically referred to a new hobby of his son. Despite the efforts of the parent, in Ballet, the young man did not show himself, nevertheless, in the future, the future artist approached his studies with full responsibility. In his youth, the Druzhinine began to devote every free minute to his beloved case, and outside the classes visited the studio of his father, memorizing the movement from Jazz Modern.

Mother, trying to help his son, demonstrated a tricky Pa in the metro transitions. Egor revealed himself an extremely capable student who easily caught up with the program and soon studied on a par with other guys who began to dance in childhood. Vladislav Yurevich was proud of the success of the offspring, because his dream was finally came true: the boy mastered the family profession of the choreographer.

In 1994, Egor Druzhinin received a diploma of higher education in the specialty "Actor Drama and Cinema". Understanding that the dance is an art international, requiring constant work on himself, the guy decides to go to the homeland of the legendary Broadway, who combined music, dance and acting game.

New York took a young choreographer welcomingly, but after 6 years, Egor returned to St. Petersburg, having received experience in American school. Stay abroad influenced the worldview of the Friend. In adulthood, he managed to build a creative biography so to come to success.

Personal life

1994 was turning not only in the career of Egor Friend, but also in his personal life. After a few years of romantic relationship, he suggested his hand and heart actress and dancer Veronica Yitzkovich, who met choreographer at the Institute. Later in an interview with the artist confessed that at 18 years old believed, as if she would stay a bachelor for his life.

The reason for this was, as the choreographer thought, a complex and controversial nature. In addition, familiarity with family values ​​took place for him as a child in the entourage of St. Petersburg communal apartment, where there was not a single prosperous family. When the teenager turned 16, the parents divorced, so creating a new union was scary. However, love helped overcome obstacles.

Yitkovich arrived in Moscow from Tbilisi, her cousin - Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Talented ballerina agreed to help Him in plastic classes. The twine at the dancer did not succeed at all, while Veronica coped with him brilliantly. From the 2nd year of the Institute, young began to live together. Soon the wedding followed.

By registering a marriage, Egor alone went to conquer the United States, leaving his beloved wife in his homeland. When he managed to establish a career and life in a distant country, he transported Veronica.

In New York, they lived another 4 years, after which the actress learned about pregnancy. Egor was firmly convinced that the child should be born in Russia, on which he himself began to miss that time. Together with his wife, he returned to St. Petersburg, where the girl appeared on the light. Daughter called Alexander. Soon, two children appeared in the family of a friend - Tikhon and Plato. Yegor Vladislavovich also has a summary sister of Lisa, which is now also dancing.

In 2015, the choreographer became a guest of the program of Julia Little "alone with everyone." In the transfer he talked about his childhood, filming in films, relatives, children, creativity. After the release of the 1st season of the show "Dance" in the press, information has repeatedly published information that Roman with Julian Julian Bukhatz, one of the participants of his team. But such rumors of the celebrities themselves ignored.


Egor Druzhinin got to the cinema thanks to his father who dreamed of making a dancer from him. In 1981, Vladimir Alenikov, friend of the family, decided to remove the musical comedy, which personified his autobiography. Once, Vladislav Yuryevich advised the director to try the role of Egor. The boy came to the sample, read a couple of lines, and then went to the children's camp for the summer along with another Dima Barkov.

Directors drew attention to the boyfriend game. As a result, the young star was offered to read the scenario of the new film "The Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible". The boy was not confused and put forward a counter offer: Vasi Petrova's replica is obliged to read his friend Dmitry. The duet of Egor and Dmitry was so impressed by Alenikov that he didn't think of schoolchildren in their role.

Due to the strict discipline at school, the squad could not participate in the voice acting of his character, and Peter Vashechkin received the voice of another boy. The name of the child will not remember neither employees of the studio, nor the film crew, but there is an opinion that Hero Heron tells the voice of one of the future soloists "Ivanushki International" Igor Sorina.

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The film "The Adventures of Petrova and Vashekina, ordinary and incredible" went on rental in 1983 and immediately deserved the love of the public. The children loved the picture for realistic and close to the spirit of the main characters, and the parents simply enjoyed a light and pleasant atmosphere of the tape. The success of the picture made it possible to remove the continuation of the "Vacation of Petrov and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible", which appeared at the rental a year later.

Yegor Druzhinin became a All-Union celebrity, gaining the love of hundreds of thousands of children. The young actor was recognized on the streets, asked autographs and sent him a lot of letters. Glory did not from the guy Zassay, who put himself above the others. On the contrary, the artist tried in every possible way to prove to the admirers that he is the usual Soviet schoolboy.

In 1986, the artist's filmography was replenished with a music-television project "What is Yelash?", Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the children's humorous vigor. In the picture, the director of which Julius Gusman spoke, along with Druzhinin and Barkov, dancers and artists from various creative teams of the country participated.

Gradually, Egor, preferred the theater and dance, refuses to take part in the filming of the film. In 2004, he played the leader of Gangs in the film "Ali-Baba and forty robbers" and appeared in a not particularly specifiable role in the comedy TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..." In the following years, the actors were periodically invited to shoot Russian TV series.

Choreography and television

After release from the Institute, Friend Druzhinina expected work in the theater. He was taken to him the troupe of the Leningrad Tyuza, who, however, could not satisfy the requests of the actor, because they trusted minor roles. It was then that Druzhinin took a serious decision that has changed fate, and left the country.

In the US, he intended to do dancing and choreography. In the local studio, he was noticed by the head of the dance-quint attack of the Kanier's comedy club and invited him to the troupe. The artist was a member of the "Channel" for several years, after which he returned to Russia.

In Motherland, Egor Vladislavovich took up his free creativity, not affecting the development potential within the theater. The choreographer took the talented dance team from the Valkhall restaurant under the leadership of the Valkhall restaurant and took up the decree of the ensemble, which became a business card of the institution. Druzhinin also worked with famous figures of Russian show business, filling the performance of unforgettable dances, who, together with the performance of the artist, accounted for a spectacular show.

In 2002, the Druzhinin was listed in the dance troupe of the Russian adaptation of the popular Musical "Chicago". The choreographer further also paid a lot of attention to this genre, and the musicals became one of the main works in his career. Egor Vladislavovich put his hand to the creation of rooms in the "Twelve chairs", "cats" and "producers".

In 2004, the artist became the director of the rooms at the Music Show "Factory of Stars". The work of the choreographer was so impressed by the project's leadership that he was offered to extend cooperation for another 2 seasons.

In 2008, the TV viewers remembered the appearance of Hydra at the anniversary evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, and Chechette was called the dancer with the best performance. In 2012, in honor of the 54th anniversary of the King of Pop Music Michael Jackson, along with Cirque du Soleil, the Druzhinin prepared a massive dance flashmob.

According to the scenario, the fans of the American singer had to fulfill several incendiary dances in honor of the idol in front of the Olympic IC. For this, the director recorded video with a master class by branded Jackson movements. In an interview, the choreographer admitted that he himself studied the "lunar gait", watching the video tapes.

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In 2014, Egor Druzhinin becomes a member of the jury and a mentor in the show "Dances" on the TNT channel. In 2017, the Russian executor again had to become the main acting person of the next part of the project, but on the eve of the launch of the 4th season the choreographer decided to leave the TV show. The statement was somewhat surprised by producers. The organizers reported that they were warned about the plans of the artist, but still were confused, starting to seek a replacement in a speedy time.

The choreographer left the show "Dance" on objective reasons. In an interview with media representatives, Druzhinin noted that it was simply tired of participating in the project. According to Egor, sometimes it was necessary to experience inner disagreement with the opinion of the audience, when following the results of the next audience voting, it was necessary to withdraw from the competition of a certain contestant.

The famous audience voting against Dmitry Maslennikov became a surprise to a jury member. Egor Vladislavovich explained that he did not manage to cope with the situation that became a kind of regime of the competition, and the experiences for the participants of the program were frankly harmed. The employment of the Druzhinin in other creative projects, including the preparation of the 3D-show-musical "Jumo", was also one of the reasons that had influenced the decision to leave the dances.

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It was assumed that difficult relationships with other jury members, especially with Mighel, could be the basis for radical changes. The press reported that conflicts constantly arise between the choreographers, and complex communication cannot positively affect the project and all participants.

The producers of 2 weeks were looking for a new mentor, trying to find no less worthy of the judge. Soon it became known that the place of Egor of Druzhinin in "Dance" took the Ukrainian dancer Tatiana Denisov, the founder and head of the JB Ballet team in Germany.

It should be noted that in 2016 the Russian TV presenter Olga Buzova appeared in the transmission, which alternately with the "judge from the people" Sergei Svetlakov occupied the jury's chair. The presence of a spectacular blonde in the project ended with a scandal. One of the show participants insulted the star, pointing to non-professionalism in the evaluation of dancers. As a result of Buzova, it was demonstratively leaving "Dances".

Druzhinin soon lost another project, deciding to leave and from the musical "Jumo", over which she worked in parallel, participating in a dance show. The director rides the premiere of statements: refused to rehearse, arguing that the organizers planned to implement the project abroad. In turn, the leaders did not hide that they dreamed of introducing a staging on Broadway, so such a choreographer decision was unexpected for them.

Since March 2017, Druzhinin has become a member of the jury show "Dance everything!", And the company choreographer amounted to other prominent representatives of dance art - Alla Sigallov and Vladimir Derevko. Olga Shelest and Evgenia Papunaishvili chose the project leading.

August 25, 2018 started the 5th season of the show "Dance" on TNT. The main event was the return of Egor as a mentor. The director divided the mission with Migesel and Tatiana Denisova.

According to the director, he had enough time to relax from the "dance", gain strength and inspiration, so he accepted the proposal of the project organizers. Both other members of the jury expressed the view that there was a hot struggle, not deprived of creative debates, because now it was to fight not two, but three teams of mentors.

The best representatives of the team of Egor, which he calls Briefly "Ked", became Yuval Lamay (Yuvi), Mikhail Kilimchuk, Karen Stepanyan, Alexander Lee, Sasha Guryanova, Anton Lushichev. The final, held at the end of December, was remembered by a festive number from the wards of a friend in the style of an American wedding.

Choreographer's colleagues were delighted with dance ideas. According to the results of the vote, the owner of the 1st place was the representative of Tatiana Denisovoy Alexey Batyoli, and Sasha Lee and Yuvi from the group "Ked" occupied the 3rd and 2nd positions, respectively. Robert Amirov became an interesting member of the project. After seeing the performance of the guy, Druzhinin remembered that the young man had already appeared in the show.

It turned out that in 2014 Robert really got into a competitive program, but then to go to the next round he was overheated. Passionately wanting to get into the transmission, the dancer stubbornly did and lost weight by 30 kg. These efforts were not in vain: Egor noted that Amirov significantly added in skill. According to the tradition of 2019, the TV show participants spent on tour, which began in January.

Judging by the photo in the "Instagram" of the choreographer, at the final concert of the winners there were all members of his family. The snapshot made an impression on the followers of the balletmaster, who expressed admiration for the appearance of the spouse of Egor. Over the years, Veronica began to look even younger.

The viewers enjoyed the game of her favorite choreographer and in the humoristic project "Improvisation". Together with the Arsenia Popov, Anton Shastun and Dmitry Pozov, he appeared in the "Stop Frame" contest. According to the fans of the show, Egor turned out to be the best guest, ever attending TV project.

In addition to shooting on television, the Druzhinin participated in the release of theatrical ideas. In December, the premiere of the play "Calm-" Prince ", the director of whom Dmitry Bikbaev spoke. Egor became choreographer presentation. The assembled funds were sent to the charity fund of Yulia Peresilde Galkonok.

Egor Druzhinin now

In 2020, the choreographer continued to work on television. In the fall, the new season of the show "Dancing" started on TNT, in which Druzhinin again acted as a judge. Already from the first issues of the program it became clear that among the participants many original personalities. One of these contestants, 23-year-old Maria Homutov, struck the jury not only with a dance, but also a story about himself.

It turned out that the girl who previously lived in Kamensk-Uralsk now does not have a certain place of residence. On this, Yegor, joking, called the girl "Bummy" and suggested showing the "Bazhov dance". After the execution of the number, the director noted that now Masha has a house - the Dance project.

And in 2021, Egor sat down again for the judicial chair - this time in the TV show "Dancing with the Stars." Together with him, Daria Zlatopolskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Igor Rudnik, was evaluated to the competitions of the contestants. Sergey Lazarev, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Maria Smolnikova, Ekaterina Spitz and other stars fought for victory.


  • 1983 - "Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible"
  • 1984 - "Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible"
  • 2004 - "Lily of Silver 2"
  • 2005 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ... 2"
  • 2005 - "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions "
  • 2005 - "First Smell"
  • 2006 - "First House"
  • 2008 - "Love Aurora"
  • 2010 - "Alibi for Two"
  • 2011 - "Lightfor"


  • 2002 - "Chicago"
  • 2004 - "Star Factory"
  • 2014 - "Dancing"
  • 2017 - "Everyone is dancing!"
  • 2021 - "Dancing with the stars"

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