Ararat Keszan - biography, personal life, photos, news, "boxing with stars", Nikolai Lukinsky 2021



Ararat Keszan is a comedian, television and radio host. Popularity has acquired thanks to Michael's role in the Russian TV series "Univer" and performances in the club cheerful and resourceful. After graduating from the highest scripts and directories, he took up his own project "I apologize."

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the fall of 1978 in the resort Abkhaz Town Gagra. At an early age, Ararat, together with his family, moved to Adler, where he subsequently graduated from high school. According to some reports, they migrated to Russia in the early 1990s due to the processed Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

Keszyan's parents by nationality of Armenians have Russian citizenship. The mother of Almari Avakovna worked all his life by the teacher. Father Gevorg Ashotovich also did not have a relationship to creativity. The boy grew up with the elder brother Ashot, who was an example for him to imitate and had a great influence on Ararat. Thanks to Ashot, Keskyan Jr. went on the scene of KVN.

Brother studied on an economist, and Ararat received education in the field of hotel business. Despite serious professions, both loved to speak in KVN. Parents supported sons, although the game on stage was not associated with future specialties.


In 1999, at the initiative of Ashot, the brothers hit the team "Grandchildren of Lumumba", which in the next 3 years won a lot of awards, became the champion of Sochi and reached the semifinals of the North League KVN. The team was part of the RUDN branch. After a series of performances in the "grandchildren of Lumumba" talented guys noticed and invited to Moscow to participate in the "RUDN team". Their first game in the highest league was held in 2003.

In the new team, the guys quickly mastered and could show themselves, becoming the best players. Soon the national team was invited to the festival in Jurmala, where the debut of Ararat occurred. Parody "Talking Kiwin" was remembered both to the audience and members of the jury.

After that, Keskian's speech felt like fame, but it was only the beginning of a television career. A year later, the national team arrived at the festival again and this time took the 2nd place: the guys went around the team from Pyatigorsk. Ararat spoke with a "talking parrot" parody of the legendary humorist Gennady Khazanov.

In total, Ararat demonstrated three parodies on Khazanov, and in 2005 - in the presence of Gennady Viktorovich himself. In 2006, the "RUDN team" reached a peak point in KVN - became the champion of the highest league. The jokes and parodies of Cavanechka loved the audience, no performance Rudn in Jurmala did not accounterate without a number from Krestan. And his funny statements "walked" over the Internet and passed from mouth to mouth.

According to Ararat, there is only easy and easy to be at first glance. In fact, you need to get an education, while working a lot to go out and highlight the miniature, which will find a live response from the viewer.


Living in the capital of Russia, having many opportunities, the Keskyan brothers often participated in entertainment projects. The debut on television occurred in 2007 on the air "Bla-Blah Show". At the same time, the fans remember the release of the Ring King, the essence of which can be described as "Boxing with Stars." Ararat took part in a duel with an actor "Yelash" Nikolai Lukinsky. A more experienced rival fought against Keszyna, and he lost.

A year later, Kestyans had a new opportunity to try themselves as TV presenter "Out of the game". They also participated in the program "Fight Club", and all this in parallel with the performances in KVN.

Happressed by the game in KVN and the role of student graduate student in the "University" Ararat began to visit Comedy Woman. After the first release of the program, the viewers of the TNT channel began to discuss that the leading show Natalia Eprician - Sister Keszyana. Allegedly and the topic of kinship, they raised more than once in their dialogues, and too warmly communicated with each other. Someone at all noticed an external similarity between them.

Ararat Keszan - biography, personal life, photos, news,

Meanwhile, Eprician and Keszan began his friends even during the time of KVN, when Natalia advocated the team "Megapolis" in the role of the famous Natalia Andreevna. They have different surnames and different places of birth. Eprician even had to refute the relationship with Ksekanyan in the press.

In 2014, Ararat became a TV presenter of "brutal work" on the TV channel "Star". After 2 years, he began to transfer "Not Fact!" Together with the former colleague by KVN Andrei Burkovsky. The program was devoted to bright events, interesting and mysterious places, the fate of people. One of the places of the project was told, the mysterious amber room became.

Ararat Keszan - biography, personal life, photos, news,

At the end of 2016, Ararat became the hero of the transfer "Explorer" on the "Friday!" Channel. According to the scenario of the star of show business in the company of witty leading Andrei Bednikova, there were television viewers in native places. Keskyan spoke as a guide in the city of Sochi. The artist considers the Russian resort of his homeland along with Abkhazia.

Creative career Ararat is closely related to TNT. The actor not only starred in the projects of the TV channel, but also participated in entertainment transmissions, such as "improvisation", "Where is the logic?". And in the second show Keskian appeared with his wife Catherine.

The artist also performed on the scene "Comedy Club", where other former participants in the club of fun and resourceful Stanislav Yarushin, Timur Batrutdinov, Demis Karibidis became its partners.


Keszyan as a movie actor fate smiled in 2009. He was invited to the casting of the popular student series "Univer", and he agreed. Participation in the project was becoming a turning point in the artist's creative biography. Here he starred with Maria Kozhevnikova, Vitaly Gogunsky, Andrey Gaidulian, Stas Yarushin, Valentina Rubatova and others.

Ararata got the role of a colorful and loving student Michael (Arthur Tiggranovich Mikaelian), who came from Adler to Moscow to study at the historian. High and pretty, sports brunette (height 182 cm, the weight of about 90 kg) with a sense of humor quickly won the attention of the public.

The actor admitted: to be filmed in the "university" it was hard, there was no free time, he was released late in the evening, when it was already to go to bed. But thanks to the TV series, Keskyan woke up famous for the whole country. In 2011, he appeared in the continuation of the Sitkom "University. New dorm. " Heroes have new neighbors Nastasya Samburskaya, Anna Kuzina and Anna Khilkevich. The project was no less successful, its last season came out after 7 years. Southerner was also starred in Spin-off the Sashantan's Master Serial Comedy.

Before the shooting of the series "Univer" Ararat, together with his brother Ashot, led the entertainment show on the "Humor-FM" radio station, dedicated to the 2008 Olympics, called the Olympic Reserve. In addition to the "uni", there were other roles in the movie. Films with his participation - the comedy "Wedding for the exchange", "happy together", "TOT Karoson", "Moms".

In 2012, Ararat Keszan, a couple with Nikolai Naumov, a star of "real guys," starred in the tape "Nyanki", the director of whom his brother Ashot spoke. Lyudmila Artemieva, Aglagy Shilovskaya, Olesya Zhelesh, were involved in the comedy, Mikhail Galustyan. In the plot of Keskian and Naumov play the roles of unlucky businessmen who take to the resort for signing an important contract. The picture received mixed reviews of critics, mostly negative.

In 2014, Ararat starred in the new version of the legendary "Caucasian Captive" directed by Maxim Voronkova, where Jabrail played - Uncle Nina. Remake failed in film distribution.

Ararat Keszan - biography, personal life, photos, news,

A bright project in the filmography of Ksekanyna became a comedy "Classmates", in which the artist fulfilled the role of a bank employee Misha, the beloved Heroine Valentina Mazunina. In 2017, there was a demonstration of the popular tape "Classmates: a new turn", in which Ararat brightened in the roles of Two-separated twins Misha and Goosh.

Then the actor appeared in the episode of the Fyodor Stukov project, which was called "Baker and Beauty". In the picture, where the main roles were performed by Anna Chipovskaya, Nikita Volkov and Daniel Vakhrushev, it was about the love of the stars of the screen and the guy from the province.

At the same time, another important event took place in the artist's creative life. Ararat entered the highest scriptwriters and directories, where he began to receive additional education and comprehend the cinema creating aces on the reverse side of the camera. For two years, Keskian visited the classes of Matters of Russian Cinema. Nikita Mikhalkov, Vladimir Menshov, Vladimir Khotyinenko, Sergey Soloviev, Andrei Zvyagintsev and others were taught in the educational institution.

Personal life

Pursuing a career, for a long time Keszan did not think about a personal life. The first real feeling of his overtook on the eve of the 30th anniversary. The wife of the celebrity was the girl named Irina, the wedding was played in Adler in 2007. The marriage existed for 3 years. The rupture of relationships became known in 2010. In the program "Cosmopolitan. Video artist "Ararat announced that the divorce took place, but his heart is inconspicuous.

In January 2013, the actor signed with the second spouse Catherine whispe. She has a diploma of public relations specialist. Its plans included the organization of their own business than Katerina and took up after the marriage.

The wedding took place not alone. Since the parents of Catherine live in Kostanaj, and Ararat - in Adler, the celebration had to cope into 2 cities. Along the way, the newlyweds visited Thailand, where they went to the company of friends. And returning to Moscow, held an event in a circle of colleagues.

In September 2014, a joyful event occurred in the life of lovers - they first became parents. Eva's daughter, Father is affectionately calls "Bandan". Being a pregnant, Ekaterina Keskian opened a wedding agency, and then an information portal for Women "Utkin House". Today, the businesswoman has a private beauty salon.

In 2017, the second daughter of Diana appeared at the pair. Children regularly become heroes of the father's instagram account. And in the personal celebrity profile, photos are not only daughters, but also nephews. The actor's brother is associated with a close relationship: Ararat and Ashot Keszyany are friends with families. New 2021 years old Men met at home. On the festive photo in social networks, only a quarter of a cheerful company fitted.

In 2010, the Ararat car fell into a major accident, after which rumors about the death of the artist appeared on the network. Fortunately, everything cost. As a result of a collision of two cars, both cars received serious damage. The actor did not suffer in the accident: he saved him from serious consequences what he managed a right-handed foreign car.

Unfortunately, on this carband of Ararat Ksekyana did not end, and he again became a member of the road accidents. At the end of 2020, journalists attracted the news that the actor laughed in court after the penalty of 5 thousand rubles was discharged. For departure to the oncoming lane.

Ararat Keszan now

Keskian continues to be dense cooperation with the TNT channel. In 2021, he performed one of the central roles in the new comedic television series "Vacation". According to the idea of ​​the director Alexander Boykova, the film must dip the audience in the carefree resort atmosphere Gelendzhik, where the shooting was held.

Hero Ararat Timaraz is a rich and influential person in the city, ready to fight with Cherd Boris (Demis Caribidis) for the heart of Beauty Madina (Catherine Assi). Tape also attracted the attention of the public to the premiere of the fact that, in addition to famous humorists, the Star of "Titque" Valya Carnival debuted in it.

Another project, over which Ararat Keszan is now working, "University. Old people, "where he appeared in the usual for fans the image of Arthur Mikaelian. But the picture shows old heroes in the new role. Instead of perky students on the screen, matured family people appear.

Cinequeries have supported the warm relationship for many years after the completion of the filming and happily agreed to work together in the continuation of the Univer. True, in the summer there was a small conflict between Ksekanyan and Andrei Gaidulian. The first laughed at the work of the comrade in Tiktok, which led to a surfacing on the "Instagram" pages. Fans hope that this is just a joke of colleagues.

By the way, I liked the role of the historian so much that the celebrity still, together with Andrei Burkovsky, continues to check the accuracy of historical data and events in investigations on the program "Not Fact!".


  • 2009-2011 - "Univer"
  • 2011 - "Wedding for Exchange"
  • 2011-2018 - "University. New dorm
  • 2012 - "That is also Karoson!"
  • 2012 - "Nanniki"
  • 2012 - "Moms"
  • 2013-2015 - Sashahatany
  • 2014 - "Caucasian Captive!"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2017 - "Classmates: New Turn"
  • 2018 - "Baker and Beauty"
  • 2021 - "Vacation"
  • 2021 - "University. Old men"

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