Stanislav Yarushin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Stanislav Yarushin is a Russian comedian actor, showman, singer, businessman. His debut on the television screen took place as a bright player of the KVN "county city" team.

Actor, Showman, Singer, Businessman Stanislav Yarushin

Successful career, the artist continued on television, becoming the main character of Sitkom "Univer" and Spin-off the series. Work on television did not prevent the Stas to do business, today he successfully implements several projects.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Yarushin was born in 1981 in Chelyabinsk. In this industrial city in a creative family, childhood and youth of the future humorist were held. Here Yarushin graduated from a local school number 46. Since childhood, the boy went to a sports school, where he had a hockey. Parents wanted to give his son to music school, he passed the selection, but the sport did not threw.

Stanislav Yarushin in childhood

In school, Stanislav continued to play hockey, which was also promoted by the actor genetics (the growth of Yarushin was 180 cm to the older age), but the tendency to creativity gradually began to take his own, the young man participated in school performances, and at 15 years old appeared on television screens. Father threw the Son to participate in a music competition in his studio. When the boy learned that singing was broadcast on TV, he rented, was afraid to enter the changing room of a hockey team. But sports comrades did not condemn the work of Yarushin: the team applauded a new star.

Interestingly, the love of speeches and KVN son got from his father. Yarushin-senior led the school team of the club fun and resourceful. Perhaps thanks to Father Stas became a humorist.

Stanislav Yarushin in youth

After graduating from school, Stanislav enters Chelyabinsk Technical University for the specialty of the Agrarian engineer. The guy is interested in not so much study as the KVN team "Line of the Ott", here it spends most of his free time. The university team did not achieve great success, but the bright personality of Yarushin noticed and invited to play the national team "Countrymen."


Initially, "countrymen" were little-known, but after the union with the guys from Magnitogorsk and renaming to the "county city", the team reached the top of popularity. In 1999, the guys become champions of the first league and go to the Higher League of KVN. The "county city" rather quickly occupies the position of the leader and wins respect for colleagues in the workshop and popularity in the audience.

Stanislav Yarushin on the scene of KVN

The guys received awards one after another: "Small Kiwyn", "Summer Cup", "Big Kiwyn in Light". In 2002, the "county city" receives the title of Champions of the Higher League. The popularity of the collective was great, the team gave up to 40 concerts in various cities of the country. The fees of humorists were calculated tens of thousands of rubles a month, which could not not turn the head to the young Stanislav. The artist himself confessed in an interview that at that moment the star disease was sick, from which parents and close friends helped get rid.

Unfortunately, after a number of victories in the team there was a breakdown, and the team collapsed. Stanislav Yarushin was not going to throw KVN, the humorist created his own team "Luna" (Persons of Ural Nationality). The club performed adequately, the guys had many bright and memorable numbers, but the gold medals of the High League "Moon" did not conquer. The highest achievement is second place in 2006. Stanislav was constantly attended by the stage, participated in miniatures, so, despite the fact that the team did not become the winner, I remember and loved to the viewers.

Television and films

After a bright career of Cavanechik, Stanislav begins to master television. In 2008, Yarushin is offered to become the "Color of Nation" program on the CTC television channel. It was his first experience in the television screen. A year later, the TV presenter is invited to the humorous show of a musical character "Everybody." Next followed entertainment programs "Yesterday Live", "Big City" and others. Rooms involving Stanislav entered the colors of the best project jokes. Yarushin once again proved that a talented man is talented in everything.

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When the artist is invited to try yourself in the new role of the comedy actor, he gladly agrees. Initially, Stanislav was supposed to pass the casting - to play only in the 20th series of Sitkom. But the "Universes" ratings with the participation of the humorist showed that the character is interesting to the public, it was decided to leave Anton Martynov as the chief hero. Soon, Yarushin became the star of the series "University", which has positively affected the development of his further creative biography. Sitter with his participation won the audience across the country.

It is noteworthy that Stanislav worked on the project and as an actor, and as a screenwriter. Andrei Gaidulian, Valentina Rubtsova, Vitaly Gogunsky, Maria Kozhevnikova, Ararat Kescan and Alexey Gavrilov played the main roles in the series.

Despite the fact that the Hero of Stanislav is not a positive and positive character, the audience liked his image. Therefore, the actor remained in the continuation of the series "University. New dorm, "where the composition of the main characters was replaced. New faces have joined popular to the whole country to "students": Anna Kuzina, Nastasya Samburskaya, Anna Hilkevich and Vladimir Feklenko.

The actor also starred in the new project "Sashatany", Sikweple "Univers" and Spin-Off "New Dorm".

Artist and Showman Stanislav Yarushin

When the world of comedy serials was completely mastered, the actor decides to try something new and agrees to participate in the tape "General Sobolev".

The humorist and an experienced actor is filmed in the cinema and tries the possibilities in absolutely other areas. For example, he became the frontman of the CSK basketball team. Among other things, Stanislav has mastered the sound. In 2013, the artist voiced the famous Hollywood cartoon "University of Monsters". However, this is only the beginning, the former Cavanecher, humorist, TV presenter and actors still many plans that he is going to implement.

Stanislav Yarushin and Ararat Keszan in Comedy Club

Stas tried himself on the "Comedy" scene. Together with Ararat Kestyan, as well as with Garick Harlamov, he released several numbers that were warmly adopted by the public TV show. Later, the speeches of a humorist in a duet with Valentine Rubatova during the New Year's Eve of the Karaoke Star 2017, where the couple performed a song from the repertoire of Valery Meladze "I hide tears from strangers." Then Yarushin performed another hit stars of the pop "Wrap up".

Stanislav Yarushin participated in the 5th season of the Glacial Sports Show. Thanks to the hockey past, the actor confidently held ice skating. Together with the partner on the speeches of Margarita Drobizko, he seriously claimed to win. The pair of Yarushin-Drobinico lost only to the tandem of the dominary and screv.

In February 2016, the 1st issue of the "Frozhar" show was released with Stanislav in the role of TV presenter on the first channel. The audience perceived a new gear sharply negatively, calling the show "Relin, flattened and frozen", so "the root" closed, without receiving a continuation.

In May 2016, Stanislav Yarushin presented the Debut Music Album "On It". He entered the songs of the artist "Who is to blame", "mentally", "White Snow" and "I and You", already known to the TV viewers from Sitkom "University. New dorm. " For many compositions from the album, the actor removed clips with an interesting story. But one of the early and most famous songs of the artist - "My ordinary woman" - did not enter the record.

In the fall of 2016, the 3rd season of the series "University was released on the screens. New dorm. " From that moment on, Sitkom received the shortened name "Univer" and became a full continuation of the franchise.

On February 21, 2017, Stanislav told TV viewers about the hometown of Chelyabinsk in the show "Explorer" with TV presenter Andrei Bednikov. Yarushin showed the place where the first music video was filmed, shared his student memories and a story about the sports past. Artists visited the museum in the local history museum and arranged winter fishing.

Andrey Pozhnyakov and Stanislav Yarushin

A man manifests itself as a talented businessman. He opened his own Event Company and the Mojo Dance Dance School, where club styles are working - Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, R'n'B, Reggeton, Street Dance, GO-GO and others. Stanislav also launched his own line of sportswear. Brand Yarushin produces bombers and overalls.

Personal life

Thanks to Cavencen's career and actor, Stanislav has always been an enviable fiance. Therefore, to conquer the heart of the daughter of the mayor of Kopeisk Polina Beadova did not make difficulty. There was a couple for a long time, after which young people got married, but they lived together. Parting was not easy for the actor, although it was he insisted on a divorce. In the personal life of the artist there was a long pause.

Stanislav Yarushin with the first wife of a polyna biser

With the second wife, Alena Stanislav met on the set of the series "University". At the set of Alena, it turned out to be accidental, agreed to meet with a friend who worked on the series. It was love at first sight. Already after 4 days of dating, young people rummaged, and a week later, Stanislav made a sentence of a proposal. For the sake of Alena, he went from Moscow to distant Tomsk, to ask for the hands and hearts of the girl at her father.

The wedding was modest, only close relatives and friends were attended at the celebration. Nevertheless, the couple is happy, in the family two children: in 2012, the eldest daughter of Stefania appeared on the world, and in the summer of 2014, Alena and Stanislav born a second child - Son Yaroslav.

Stanislav Yarushin and his wife Alena and her daughter Stephanie

Alena Yarushin is not trying to make a career at the expense of the spouse, a woman prefers to stay in the shade. She is engaged in family, it works at the school of dances and leads "instagram", dedicated to family weekdays of a young woman, lays out photos of children and husband, sharing household troubles.

Stanislav Yarushin still plays in hockey, but already in the amateur league and only when finding free time in the shooting schedule. Thanks to regular training, the actor is in excellent sports form, its weight does not exceed 78 kg.

Stanislav Yarushin now

In 2018, Stanislav Yarushin realized his cherished sports dream: I met on the ice with the famous Russian hockey player Sergey Bobrovsky to score 2 goals from 10 bullites. The artist has long been in a friendly relations with an athlete, so Sergey happily supported the original idea of ​​a friend. Yarushin was preparing for six months, visiting workouts at Dynamo Hockey Club.

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The duel "get Bobrovsky" took place on September 2 at the ice arena of the Chelyabinsk "tractor", after the match of the home team and CSKA. The audience was watched with interest. Stanislav failed to beat an experienced goalkeeper: the actor scored only 1 goal in the opponent's gate. The artist posted the video of Challenge to his "Instagram".

The next contest with the author of the "Golden Washer" Cyril Caprician ended the draw, which inspired the artist. Hockey meetings, he will continue to spend in 2019.

The year was marked by the broadcast of the last season "Univers." The series ended with Heppi End: 4 weddings were played, including Anton and Christina, the heroes of Stanislav Yarushin and Nastasya Sambursk. A significant event organizers noted the display of documentary films "One Day at University", which came out in the spring of 2018, and the final "university. Film about the project. "

Now showman pays great attention to its musical career. On a personal Youtube Channel, he laid out clips of the last songs - "Happy Birthday, Mom!" and "Saratov". Videos are created in karaoke format. Yarushin also took part in a musical duet, sleeping with Olga Buzova her new song.

The artist is actively engaged in promoting personal accounts in social networks, where there is current photos and videos. This led to the emergence of a set of fake pages on behalf of Stanislav and even to the creation of a fraudulent account. Unknown, under the guise of Brother Showman lures money from his fans under various pretexts. The artist urged fans to be more attentive.


  • 2010-2011 - "University"
  • 2011-2018 - "University. New dorm
  • 2013-2014 - Sashahatany

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