Yuri Baturin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Reincarnated on the screen in the next hero, Yuri Baturin plays primarily for the mother. The main critic for him is a wife. The role-dream - Macbeth, but about the personality of this scale, says the actor, the directions are afraid to shoot. The classic is generally a way to understand whether an actor or "media face" is present."And I also like to set up tasks and solve them. I want to try to change the life of millions, "once Baturin voiced his ambitions.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Baturin was born in the summer of 1972 in the Kirovograd region of Ukraine, in the village she became. He was born in the usual Soviet family: the mother worked as a teacher, his father served in the ranks of the USSR troops. Later, parents presented Yuri younger brother.

At an early age, the future actor often satisfied the poles of classmates, hooliganil and regularly called into the office of the director, but he studied pretty good. Yuri read a lot, loved literature, geography and history. It is the passion for books about the knights and pirates played an important role in his biography and pushed to theatrical art. He dreamed of becoming one of his favorite heroes, because he chose acting skills, which allows you to reincarnate in different characters.

At the age of 14, a young Ukrainian went to Dnepropetrovsk, where he entered the theater school. Already upon receipt of the Ambition of the young man, they were infringed: instead of separation "Actor of the Dramatic Theater", Baturin took only on puppet. The Commission explained its choice by low growth of applicant.

Yuri showed character and with diligence engaged in sports training. Thanks to the classes, running, swimming and jumping, he managed to grow 13 cm per year, which helped safely to translate to another faculty.

A few years after receiving a cherished diploma, the guy moved to Moscow to continue their education. He entered the rati-guitis on the course of Mark Zakharov. Over the years of study, the student gained mastery, and also received the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In 1996, Yuri Baturin got to the Lenk Theater. His theatrical career was short. As an actor admits, the salary in the troupe was relatively high, but still did not allow himself to feel a secured person, even housing in Moscow was difficult to remove. In addition, while Zakharov straightened his health, his deputies considered that the theater does not need artist Baturin.

Therefore, in one day, the performer left Lenkom and got a bartender in a capital restaurant, whose owner was Alla Pugachev. In this institution, Yuri worked for several years, but soon changed the genus of activity - worked and a trucker, and the administrator, and the publisher of thematic magazines.

Participation in films and serials brought success and fame to a talented actor. Fact, static (height 189 cm with weight 85 kg) Handsome man as nobody approached hearts, aristocrats, oligarchs, even the villains in his performance caused pity and understanding. Return to the creative environment Yuri is obliged to wife Irina. A spouse, looking like a husband suffers from what he is engaged in an unloved business, at one moment decided to become his personal agent.


In the mid-2000s, Yuri Baturin appeared in the episodes of films "Airport-2", "Charm of Evil", "Countdown". In his youth, an artist career could not be called successful: the roles were small, the format of films left much to be desired. Over time, the situation has changed. The director began to trust him, and therefore the actor became a notable in the world of Ukrainian and Russian cinema.

In the second half of the 2000s, Baturin starred in the TV series "Morozov", "Another chance", "the strength of attraction", played in the project "Zakar", after which his career went uphill. He began to appear in the series, often filmed in the cinema. Spectators liked the interesting appearance of Yuri: dark hair, thin aristocratic features. Fans noted that Baturin is similar to the Hollywood actor of the British origin of Tom Hiddleston.

There were constantly the range of its screen roles, and therefore new items appeared on a regular regularity with enviable regularity. So, in different years, Yuri Baturin played in films "20 years without love", "People Shpak", "Efrosigna", "Lovel Method", "Palm Sunday", "A4 form". On the set of his partners were Igor Petrenko, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Dmitry Dyuzhev, as well as other Russian actors.

Yuri Baturin acquired the status of a full-fledged star, his interview was often appeared in various publications. Among the best works are roles in the films "Samara", "Passion for Chapay", "Shopping Center", "Hotel", "Check for Love", "Simple Life".

In 2008, the actor starred in the series "Wedding Ring". The showing of melodrama started in Ukraine, then in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. According to the project creators, the "wedding ring" is the first original television of the Russian observation. Subsequently, the film became the second Russian television series, which received foreign adaptation. In addition to Yuri, the main roles in the picture were played by Julia Euter, Alexander Volkov, Alina Sandantskaya, Alina Kizyarov and Dmitry Bogdanov.

In 2014, Baturin played Gleb Chernogorov in a multi-metering melodrama "Letters on the glass", returned to this role in the continuation of "letters on the glass. Fate". In the same year, he starred in another melodramatic picture of the "fragments of happiness".

In 2015, the actor began work on two multi-sieves ribbons, the premiere of which was held in the fall of 2016. Baturin played the main roles in the criminal series "Climbing Olympus" and "Chase for the Past."

2016 was very productive for the actor. This period brought to the piggy bank Baturin 3 more main roles in large projects: a single father in the 2nd season of the series "Shards of happiness", a deceiver-seducer in a melodraman "Woman with lilies" and theatrical director in a detective "underestimated talent." Yuriy played a journalist in a dramatic short film "Prices of Lie", twice reincarnated in doctors in the lyrical comedy "Woman of his dreams" and melodrame "Osin nest".

In the series "Personal Space", Yuri acted as a professor of psychology, heads of an externally prosperous family. The Baturin Hero in the Melodrame "Love with all stops" is the face of a love quadrangle, which also got the characters Anna Tarautkina, Victoria Maslova and Ilya Alekseeva. The audience was determined by the role of the actor in the comedy "Return a husband for 30 days" as "Cat on soft paws" is so charming and causing. In the film, he performed the role of a neighbor and the Savior of a woman who was trying to commit suicide.

Yuri Baturin and Tom Hiddleston (similarity)

An artist's account in "Instagram" - a cheat sheet for fans, Baturin often publishes on the page photo from the shooting sites of new projects. So the subscribers learned that he received a major role in the melodrama "in someone else's edge," where I rolled with Ivan the Ogannya for the heart of Natalia Antonova. In the mystical film "Walking lake" Actor in the image of the investigator in the company Anna Bashchikova investigated the murder in the provincial town and in the course of action fell in love with the heroine.

In "Non-painted Talent - 2" Yuriy again played the ex-husband of the actress, which brought himself a detective. With the director of this film, Vladimir Yankovsky Baturin also worked on the project "Marusya". The main roles in the film about the girl who lost the mother in the train, played by Nikolai Ivanov and Anna Bolshaya.

Later, Baturin reincarnated in the wrong spouse of Heroine Olga Pavloviec in the painting "Drawn happiness". His character in the film "Heart wounds", on the contrary, is brought in marriage, and ahead of the chair of the cardiology clinic director. But here the first love of youth appears on the threshold, which in the hands of the sick son, and the brother of his wife driven by black envy uses the situation for personal purposes.

In 2013, Yuri starred as the Russian General in Drama "Vasilisa" on the events of the war of 1812. After 5 years, the actor accepted the proposal to participate in one historic tape - the "Union of Salvation". This time the plot covers the period after the defeat of Napoleon, and on Baturin, the general epolutes are again: the artist entrusted to play the hereditary nobleman, the ladies and a spy at the Napoleonic yard, Prince Alexander Chernyshev.

In addition, the general was part of the investigative commission on the case of the Decembrists. Ribbon tells about the attempted coup in 1825. The premiere took place on the anniversary of the uprising - December 26, 2019.

Simultaneously with the film about the Decembrists, Yuri Baturin was involved in the filming of the adventure television series "Desperate". The action unfolds around the characters Anna Snatkina and Anna Bashchikova, who accidentally witnessed the crime, and then the hostages. This is another common, after the "ex-wife", the picture of Yuri and Oleg Taktarov, filmed by Daria Poltoratov. Also, the actor filmography was replenished with the series "Late term" with the love of Tolkalina and Cyril Grebenchikov.

In the project, "deceived hopes" he reincarnated in the present "noble knight." Baturin Character All his life is next to the woman in love, but for her it remains only a friend. According to the artist, it is not easy for him to play positive heroes, but thanks to an interesting prescribed storyline, it is possible to reveal the opposite faces of the character's character.

Actor - welcome guest on television. In 2019, he became a member of the release of the Program of Comedians, which was devoted to the topic "Erotic". Yuri shared his piquant history from the filming of the series "Another chance."

The artist decided to take his wife to the workplace, not knowing that on the first day he would have to play 2 passionate bed scenes with a colleague Maria Anikanova. Despite the fact that Irina was first present at a similar process, she managed to adequately treat the situation and even plan her husband due to the complexity of the work.

Personal life

The actor met Irina's wife in a restaurant where he worked as a bartender: it was love at first sight. Irina Baturina worked as a model at the time of acquaintance with a future husband, but later left this profession.

Acquaintance began with an unpleasant incident - the girl shed the juice on the expensive coating of the billiard table. She wanted to pay for the damage and left her business card, but Yuri took the blame for damaging the table of herself, and by the number on the business card, the girl called to invite to date. The first romantic meeting of Yuri and Irina took place in the Museum A. S. Pushkin. Baturin conquered a satellite with erudition. After a third date, the actor came home to his chosen to ask her hands from her parents.

As Yuri is recognized, Irina managed to become for him and sister, and girlfriend, and mother, and his mistress. The wife supported Baturin at moments of lack of lack of ability: the spouse had to work a trucker, and then throw a job at all. Then Irina, who at that time was no longer a model, and the director of an elite fashion house, provided a family.

Now the spouses live in Moscow and raise the son of Bogdan, who was born in 2013. About children batunins dreamed long. It was not possible to get pregnant Irina not immediately, so the child received such a name - "given by God."

In the fall of the 2018th in the studio of the program "The Fate of Man", the actor first told that the boy from the first days accompanied the difficulties with health, six months of Irina spent in the hospital with him. Sometimes the minutes of despair were advancing, but the parents wanted the Son from the disease. Problems with the child only harden the character of the actor and even more ordered spouses.

In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, Yuri willingly shared the secret of a happy personal life: Neither actor nor his wife is trying to keep each other. The spouses agreed that the one who would be loving, could calmly leave, not tormenting himself and his partner.

Yuri Baturin now

The main premiere of 2020 for Baturin was the project "Grozny". This film entered the trilogy, the first parts of which were television series "Sofia" and "Godunov". In the new historical drama of the director Alexei Andrianova, the chief hero - the Russian king at different times of his life - Alexander Yatsenko and Sergey Makovetsky played. Yuri managed to embody the Voivod Mikhail Vorotnsky, outstanding commander, the hero of the capture of Kazan and the battle of young people on the screen.


  • 2007 - "Morozov"
  • 2008 - "SOCHAR"
  • 2008-2012 - "Wedding Ring"
  • 2009 - "Another chance"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2012 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "Former wife"
  • 2013 - "Hotel" President "
  • 2014 - "Letters on the glass"
  • 2015 - "Shards of Happiness"
  • 2016 - "Woman with lilies"
  • 2016 - "Personal Space"
  • 2017 - "Host"
  • 2017 - "Dangerous Cruise"
  • 2018 - "In someone else's edge"
  • 2018 - "Cardiac Wounds"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2019 - "Happiness can be given"
  • 2020 - "Unprincipled"
  • 2020 - "Grozny"

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