Boris Grebenshchikov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "city of gold", "time n", concerts, albums 2021



Boris Grebenshchikov (BG) is a living legend, standing at the origins of Russian rock, idol millions. The leader of the cult group "Aquarium" saw how the Russian musical community changed, priorities and authorities, but in the decades of creativity did not lose inspiration."What was interested in me 20, 30, 40 years ago, continues to act and now: just a spectrum of interest wider. The only thing for what, thank God, losing interest is to his own "I". "

Childhood and youth

On November 27, 1953, a boy appeared in the family of St. Petersburg intellectuals (engineer and lawyer), who was destined to become a whole epoch in the history of Russian culture, a spiritual teacher and the author of loved ones by millions of songs. Boris grew up in Leningrad, he studied at school with a mathematical bias and from orphanage was unrestrained with music.

Boris Grebenshchikov in youth

After school, Boris entered the University of Leningrad at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. But the main thing is that at the same time Grebenshchikov decided to create his own team "Aquarium".

Anatoly Gunitsky's school buddy, who was called George for an amazing similarity with Harrison, made Boris a company in the long creative search and rehearsals in the auditorium of the university. According to eyewitnesses, guys turned out to be gifted poets and did not constitute more joy in life, rather than writing poems and melodies, singing songs.

Pupils on the classic of rock and roll, lovers in Mark Bolan, Bob Dilan and The Beatles, friends at first wrote and sang in English. But soon the guys accepted a solid solution: perform songs only in their native language.


The first album "Aquarium" released samizdat. "The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium" in 1974 critics were subsequently called "the first attempt to create conceptual music in the USSR."

At the same time, 2 more people appeared - Mikhail Finstein and Andrei (Duis) Romanov. Young people expanded creative horizons and created the theater circle at the native faculty. Faynstein wrote absurd plays, and Romanov and Grebenshchikov gladly played in them. One bad thing: the guys were so fascinated by the playgrounds that almost forgot about music. Comrades came out of the team. At the same time, the group banned rehearsals at the university, and the team leader threatened to deduct.

In the "field" "Aquarium" remains only one "warrior" - Grebenchikov. But Boris did not fell into despondency: the universe began slowly, but it is true to bring singers with the musicians who delay in the composition at the age of 15. The first swallow was the cellist Vsevolod Geckel. At the same time, the BG wrote true hits, soyny sounded at concerts. To rehearse and record the songs of the band in these years is absolutely no place - everything is very expensive and not approved in the right offices.

Nevertheless, in 1976, the Aquarium issued an album "from the side of the mirror glass", and in the 1978th ​​outdoors, he recorded a duet with Mike Naumenko "All-Brothers-Sisters" disc. Since 1981, it took a little more fun: Boris Borisovich began to cooperate with the legendary studio Andrei Tropillo. There are recorded plates as "Silver Day" and "Children of December".

Grebenshchikov did not stop recording the compositions, although at that time the problems of the vocalist were higher than the roof: after the appearance of Boris in the Tbilisi Rock Festival in 1980, Boris were excluded from the Komsomol, they fired a junior researcher from the post and officially banned.

Grebenshchikov again did not lose and settled to work as a janitor, so as not to become "Darmo". Boris Borisovich's concerts turned into apartment equipment - a format when musicians and listeners gather at home and quietly sing under the guitar so that the vigilant neighbors would not add to the police.

In 1981, Boris Borisovich fell into the ranks of the members of the Leningrad Rock Club. In 1982, Grebenchikov noted and stervised the first album Viktor Tsoi and the Movie group. It is thanks to the efforts of the BG, the world met the songs of the legendary team.

The album 1986 "Ten arrows" is dedicated to the tragically deceased member of Alexander Cussulu Group. The plate includes a business card of the "Golden City" team ("under the sky blue"). Contrary to popular belief, the authorship of the track does not belong to the "Aquarium". About who for the first time created a melody, and who the text, disputes. Unambiguously, it can be said that the poems refer to the Old Testament. Images of animals indicate the symbols of the archangels. This motive BG returned in the song "Eagle, Taurus and Lion".

After several discs and years of Grebenshchikov, it was still recorded at once 2 English-speaking plates in the USA: Radio Silence and Radio London came out in 1989. At the same time, the singer met foreign rock stars - Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Debbie Harry and Joan Stinger. The latter had a great assistance in popularizing Soviet performers in the West.

In 1990, the Aquarium Group officially ceased to exist. Grebenshchikov was headed by BG-Band, but the project that managed to celebrate the release of the "Russian album" was enough for a while - in the 1993th Aquarium resumed activities.

A number of fans notes that the work of Boris Borisovich is inextricably connected with the "aquarium". Although the team flashed several times, and then gathered again, the essence remains the same. But other fans insist that the works created by BG sololy differ greatly with the works that appeared within the "Aquarium".

With the restructuring of Grebenshchikov left the "underground" on quite decent scenes of clubs, concert halls and stadiums. Albums were increasingly unusual on sound. This was partly due to the fact that in the same period Boris Borisovich is not joking Buddhism, became a student of Lama Ole Nidal, many times visited the Ashram Indian Guru Sai Baba.

From the late 90s career began a new round. Grebenshchikov deservedly began to sink with prestigious awards. Among the achievements, not only the award of magazines and radio stations, but also such a sign of differences as the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree for a significant contribution to the development of musical art.

In 2006, Boris Borisovich met another Guru of Neo-Induchi - Sri Chinamem, who gave the singer Name Purushottam. A new acquaintance helped in organizing Grebenshchikov's speeches in London, in Albert Hall. In 2007, the vocalist even played a solo concert in the UN.

In 2008, he walked stubborn rumors that the "Aquarium" finally ceases to exist. The gossip turned out to be a newspaper duck - the group was once again updated and turned into Aquarium International, taking into the team of Irish Fleotist Brian Finnegan.

In 2014, Boris Borisovich presented a solo album "Salt" to Melomanians. Music critic Artemy Troitsky called the plate with the best creation of Grebenchikov. The collection entered the composition "came to drink water", which was shot by a video soon.

The work of Grebenshchikov distinguishes the latitude of genres, styles and directions, as well as the use of unusual, and sometimes exotic tools. In an interview, Boris Borisovich told that it would write texts exclusively to Celtic motives, like "glasses" ("Well-ka swords of glasses on the table"), because this music is beautiful and living, which you can not tell about Russian folk melodies.

In 2018, the next solo album "Time N" came out. The plate turned out to be tough, with the presence of abnormative vocabulary. "After a masterpiece" salt ", it seemed to follow the decline, but it was not there! "Time N" is an even more honest, in a good evil and piercing plate, exactly reflecting our time, "wrote a journalist Inrock portal.

In January 2020, Grebenshchikov presented a new video "went, Babylon" in Yutiub-channel ", which for the first 3 days gathered 600 thousand views. The Petersburg Choir of the boys participated in the composition of the composition. A month later, Boris Borisovich released the 3rd solo album "Fire Sign", and at the end of the year he recorded a collapse with the "aquarium", which was called Tor.

The theme of borrowing through the work of BG is a red thread. Critics Grebenshchikov emphasize that the roots of the lion's share of the melodies and poems rocker are growing from Western music.

Theater and films

The music of the group "Aquarium" sounds in dozens of film. The painting "ACCA" is generally remembered by the audience rock hits. But the dramatic fighter "Ieri-San", in which Boris Borisovich spoke as a composer, rather attracted the appearance of Ivan Okhlobystin as a scriptwriter and actor.

Since 1981, BG and himself acts as an artist in theatrical productions and films. As a rule, on the screen, the Grebelchikov flashed in episodes, but in the parody surreal tape "Two Captain - 2" worked in the foreground.

In 2013, on the occasion of the anniversary of Boris Borisovich in St. Petersburg variety, the musical on the songs of Grebenshchikov and the "Aquarium" "Music Silver Spice" was put. In an interview, the perpetrator of the celebration shared that the idea seemed to be intriguing, and no complaints about the compositions of the BG claims.

Radio and television

In the Epoch of the Grebenshchikov's apartment workers, he was acquainted with Leningrad Avant-garde Sergey Kurekhin, whose help appeared in the program "Funny guys". After that, the invitation to television came the singer more and more.

Some hiking on TV ended with curiosities. In 2002, Boris Borisovich at the end of the show "Night shift" performed the composition of the "Beat" without censorship, than a lot of confused TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova. Fortunately, the ether was walking at the later time, and the hope remained that the children did not see the program.

From 2005 to our days, Boris Borisovich leads the author's program "Aerostat" on "Radio Russia". Transmission uses unchanged popularity among the wide masses of the population. In the project, the "Aquarium" leader in free form raised the questions of interest, told about little-known foreign groups and put the best, in his opinion, music.


Grebenshchikov created a number of works in prose, the main of which is the story "Forest" and the story "Ivan and Danilo". In addition, he took part in writing a collection "The book for which the writers united, to combine which is impossible." He is the author of translations of several Buddhist and Hindu treatises, including Bhagavatgiti ("Divine Song").

Boris Borisovich's works include the "Sacred Places of India" guide. The annotations of Grebenshchikov admitted that he often received a request to tell about the mystical side of the eastern country. Friends asked where the real Indian fairy tale, and not a tourist show. BG has been in the cities that described.

Each longtime fan of the BG and the "Aquarium" at least once in his life kept in his hands or met the 12-page book "Two verses about the apartment number six", decorated with funny pictures. Fans call the work of the Immortal, and those who do not complain about Russian Rock, celebrate the poetic talent of Grebenshchikov. On the site "Knogogide" rating amounted to 8 balls out of 10.

Anatoly George Gunitsky also became interested in writing and released the monograph "Caution! Plays "Aquarium!" ", In which interviews and memories of musicians are collected, as well as not published photos, including the leader of the team in youth.

Public position

For the famous rocker "Freedom" - not an empty word. Boris Borisovich in a conversation with journalists scolded the Soviet leaders of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin for repression. Grebenshchikov performed for the reburial of both. In addition, BG has repeatedly participated in Amnesty International - movements, which fights for people's rights, mainly political prisoners.

In 2014, the musician performed the Romance Alexander Vertinsky "What I have to say" in memory of those who died in the Maidan inequalization in Ukraine. After jointly with colleagues (Maxim Leonidov, Vyacheslav Butusov and Yuri Shevchuk) recorded a concert for the channel "1 + 1" dedicated to anti-war topics.

Boris Borisovich is fighting not only for freedom, but also for the truth. Popularity has gained track, written about TV presenters working "on request" and hiding the truth from the audience. The composition BG called "Evening M".

In 2020, the Grebenshchikov also did not remain aside from the events occurring in the world. Boris Borisovich signed an open letter in support of protesters in Belarus. And in November, UNESCO called on the architectural Christian monuments of Nagorno-Karabakh in the World Heritage List, in order to protect the buildings and residents of nearby settlements from hostilities.

Personal life

In 1976, Boris Borisovich married Natalia Kozlovskaya. After 4 years, the couple divorced, the daughter of the Russian actress and TV presenter Alice Grebenshchikov remained from marriage, which in 2008 presented the father of the grandson Alexei in 2008.

For the second time, the singer was combined by the singer in the 1980s with the artist Lyudmila Shurygin, before that of the former civilian wife of Vsevolod Geckel. On December 14, 1984, a boy Gleb was born in the family, today known as Gebe and Dr. Grasshoper. Daughter Gleb is called, like sister, Alice Grebenshchikov.

In 1989, Boris Borisovich went under the crown with Irina Titovaya, the former wife of the Bas Guitarist "Aquarium" Alexander Titov. From the previous marriage in Irina, two children - Mark and Vasilisa, whom Grebenshchikov brought up as relatives. Mark Titov plays in several teams, writes electronic music under the pseudonym Bio C. Vasilis Grebenshchikova is an artist.

Boris Grebenshchikov now

Now Boris Borisovich boils creative energy, continues to give concerts. On May 23, 2021, a performance was held with the Olympic, on which the Aquarium presented the tracks from the new album.

On the same day, a record of an online event held in Kiev appeared on the page of the Jewish community "Khabad Lubavich" in Facebook. A joint speech with Andrei Makarevich is aimed at supporting Jews in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On May 27, the long-awaited premiere of the Dan album was held. Boris Grebenshchikov remixes entered the record on the celebrity friends' composition, including Viktor Tsoi and Peter Mamonov.


Solo albums:

  • 1989 - Radio Silence
  • 1992 - "Russian Album"
  • 1994 - "Songs of Alexander Vertinsky"
  • 1996 - "Chubchik"
  • 1996 - Radio London
  • 1997 - "Lilith"
  • 1998 - "Boris Grebenshchikov and Deadushki"
  • 1999 - "Songs Bulat Okudzhava"
  • 2004 - "Without words"
  • 2014 - "Salt"
  • 2018 - "Time N"
  • 2020 - "Fire Sign"
  • 2020 - "Hear me, good"


  • 1991 - "Case Master Bo"
  • 2006 - "Book of Songs"
  • 2008 - "Two verses about the apartment number six"
  • 2013 - "TRONMONTAN"
  • 2013 - "Silver of My Lord"
  • 2013 - "BG Songs"
  • 2013 - "Ten arrows"


  • 1992 - "Prohibition Book"
  • 2005 - "Ivan and Danilo"


  • 2008 - "Aerostat. Flows and land "
  • 2009 - "Aerostat. Airplants and ... "



  • 1981 - "... Ivanov"
  • 1992 - "Over Dark Water"
  • 1992 - "Two Captain 2"
  • 2009 - "Rockers"


  • 1988 - "Thirst"
  • 1988 - "Rock"
  • 1990 - "City"
  • 1990 - "Elya-Pali, or Mitki in Europe"
  • 1992 - "Mitka do not want to beat anyone, or Mitkimayer"
  • 1993 - "Two Captain - 2"
  • 1994 - "Story about a miracle from a miracle"
  • 2006 - "Communication"
  • 2010 - "Golden section"
  • 2012 - Dance Delhi
  • 2015 - "Ierie-san"
  • 2019 - "Dark as night"

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