Denis Klyaver - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Son, Clips, Daughter, 2021, Eva Polna



On December 20, 1994, the audience for the first time saw a new, none famous group "Tea together". It was the debut performance of Denis Klyaver and Stas Kostyushkin on a large stage, which was crowned with success. The duo existed for many years and gave the country not one people's hit. If it was easy for Stas to perform on stage, because before that he played in the theater, then for Denis their debut became a real test. As the singer himself admits, until 1994, he actually performed on the school scene.

Childhood and youth

Denis Klyaver was born on April 6, 1975 in Leningrad in a creative family. Father is a popular humorist, singer, one of the authors and actors of the entertainment program "Town" Ilya Oleynikov. The mother of the boy was also a creative person, in the youth of Irina Viktorovna engaged in vocals, but in the specialty she is a chemist technologist.

From an early age, Denis was interested in creativity, he went to the local music school (class of piano). A boy since 12 began to compose, so the question of where he to learn was not standing. Denis entered the Leningrad Music School of the Mussorgsky to the class of the pipe, there he graduated from 3 courses. In the Army years, the future artist of a large scene was involved in the military spirit of the orchestra. After the urgent service, the young man continued his studies at the Roman-Korsakov Conservatory (Class of Pipes), which he graduated in 1996.

"Tea for Two"

In 1994, Denis Klyaver became a member of the popular group "Tea together". Duet debut took place in the Leningrad Palace of Youth at the opening of a new Europe Plus radio station. The name of the ensemble came up with the director Alexander Rezzin. He argued his choice by the fact that in the future the musicians will appear "tea" sponsors. According to Denis, in the future, the artists have advertised many products, but tea - did not have ever.

Igor Kurekhin became the first producer of the group, thanks to whom the guys soon released the debut album "I will not forget." In the Denis group was not only the performer, but also by the composer. The guys have repeatedly fastened their success on musical contests. At the "first year" named after Viktor Reznikov - a contest, on which Klyaver showed the talent of the composer, he received a bronze award for the song "I will go."

In 1996, the Panel went to the tour of the country for the first time thanks to Mikhail Shufutin's support. Money earned Musicians decided to invest in the development of creativity and removed the first clip. But the video did not bring a lot of success.

Breakthrough in creativity and the first popularity came to the duet thanks to the singer Lime Vaikule, which noticed talented performers at the Yalta-Moscow-Transit contest. The pop diva invited artists to his long-term touring tour, calculated for 2 years.

As Denis is recognized, it was Vaikule who taught them to create a bright show with a small budget. Having gained experience and becoming popular, in 1999, the group "Tea together" organized the first solo concert. It is noteworthy that the author of the arrangements of all the compositions was Klyaver.

For 2 years of active work, the duet released 3 albums. Many compositions have become folk hits and for a long time occupied the first places in radium hit parades. In 2001, artists created a new show program with various special effects and called her "Cinema". With her, they traveled all over Russia and the countries of the neighboring countries.

Very soon, the group "Tea together" pleased the numerous army of fans with a new hit "Affectionate mine", for which in 2002 received the highest Russian musical award "Golden Gramophone".

Duet songs One after another became folk hits. At the same time, the soloists had a contract: Stas Kostyushkin writes texts, and Denis Klyaver is a constant author of music and an arguer. In addition, since 2008, the guys engaged in producing, the duet collaborated with such performers as Zara, Jasmine and Tatyana Bulanov.

Despite the production and creative success of the group "Tea together", since 2011, the collective has begun problems. In the press, from time to time appeared information about the disintegration of the duet. Klyaver and Kostyushkin have repeatedly denied this information and in 2012 even released a new album, but it did not save the team. The group broke up, each of the participants decided to continue his creative biography as a solo performer.


Denis Klyaver began working on his own project in 2011. During this time, he managed to remove several clips. In 2013, an artist's debut album called "Not Suim, like everyone else" came out. According to Klyaver, his work is more similar to the work of the group, rather than a solo project Kostyushkin.

In 2016, Denis Klyaver released the second album called "Love lives three years? .." In the same year, he was awarded the Golden Gramophone Prize for the song "Let's start first".

At the end of 2017, the singer recorded the next album "Love - Silence". He regularly releases new songs and clips, as reported in the Instagram account. On the eve of February 14, Klawer presented to fans the composition "Love - Piva" in a duet with Jasmine.

The next job of the artist was the new track called Spring. Later, Denis released the clip "Let's Save this World". As Klyaver himself wrote in social networks, it is his "Manifesto all gadget-dependent."

The next album's output was not to wait to wait - Klyaver presented to the court to the students a disk "Let's start first" in 2019. He presented new songs at a concert in Vegas City Hall, including a track dedicated to the youngest son "When you become big."

Another bright duet musician presented at the beginning of 2020. Together with the singer, Glory Denis recorded the track "Friendship?". A clip was shot on the song, in which artists tried to find out if there were friendly relations between a man and a woman. The director of the roller spoke his singer himself. He played the main character.

The result of the period of self-insulation was the song "Good luck will find". According to the artist, he created this composition after the postponed hospital (for the first time in 25 years). Denis said that after recovery, it felt a special ease, a kind of transformation occurred, which joined it to create a new track.


In addition to the musical career, the singer tried to give time and other professional areas, such as TV and movies. Denis participated in several popular television projects of the first channel. In the "Circus with the Stars", he spoke with Stas Kostyushkin, and the actress Valery Lanskaya became his partner in the Two Star shows.

In the cinema, the artist performed several interesting, albeit episodic roles: the policeman in the "Thai Voyage Stepanycha", as well as the "Spanish Voyage Stepanych." The father of singer Ilya Oleinikov played the main character in films.

Later, the Klyaver appeared in the film in the role of Kameo. In 2013, he starred in the series "Two Father and Two Sons", in 2014 - in the melodrama will not be "weddings."

The singer tried his strength and in dubbia. His voice spoke to the leader of Tui in the cartoon "Moana". The musician admitted that it was not the main role, but very important. His spouse on the cartoon was voiced by Julianna Karaulova, with whom they together with the framework of this project they recorded the song "Native House". Denis received not only an interesting experience, but also an incredible pleasure of work done.

Personal life

In the personal life of the singer was 3 marriage. The first wife was the actress of the ballet Shufutinsky Elena Shestakov, there were no children from the couple.

The second choices of Klyaver became a dancer who worked in Lyme Vaikule's ballet. With Julia, Klyaver Singer officially lived 8 years, but the disorder in the family occurred earlier. The second wife did not agree to divorce for three years. In 2001, the pair had first-mentioned Timofey.

With the Third Woman, Denis lives in official marriage since 2010. Lovers hidden relationships for four years. A couple of happy and even together work over the prosperity of a joint business. Previously, Irina worked in a bank, but later I decided to open your own business.

In September 2013, the spouses were born a son, whom lovers decided to call Daniel. In addition, Denis took the daughter of Irina from the first marriage Anastasia as a native.

In 2010, there was a loud event in the world of Russian show business. After five years of silence, Denis Klyaver officially admitted in the fatherhood of Evelin Polna - the daughter of the popular singer Eva Polna.

Roman Polna and Klyaver was passionate, but short. They did not betray the relationship to publicity, therefore, after parting the singer, for a long time hid information about the father of the girl. And only when the daughter went to the first class, her parents visited the school ruler together.

In 2017, Denis participated in the program of Lera Kudryavtseva "Secret by Million". There his wife Irina remembered what a storm of emotions felt when her groom (it was at the beginning of their novel) reported that he had an extramarital daughter from Eva Polna.

Now the marriage of Irina and Denis is considered one of the strongest in the Russian show business. Irina knows about all former beloved husband, she is familiar with his second wife Yulia and even supports friendship with Eva Polne.

In addition to music, Denis is fond of bodybuilding and acrobatics. Loves to ride skiing and roller skates. When heighting 186 cm, its weight does not exceed 82 kg.

The eldest son Timofey also pays a lot of time. Denis is proud of his successes and is in a hurry to share with subscribers of significant photos in "Instagram". In one of the posts, he told that the son became the champion in Taekwondo. Timofey won the competition among juniors.

Denis Klyaver now

Denis became one of the artists who were attributed to the participation in the show "Mask". Among the judges and the audience a version appeared that Klyaver, Vadim Galygin or Andrei Grigoriev appolones could be hidden under the hare.

The repertoire of the singer is now updated with new compositions. In mid-February 2021, the artist presented a clip to Hit "Who, if not me?". The video was posted on the official Youtyub Channel of the artist. The singer comments on the events occurring in show business. So, in one of the posts, he supported the singer Mania, which was the national selection for the Eurovision contest.


As part of the group "Tea together":

  • 1997 - "I will not forget ..."
  • 1998 - "Poptchitsy"
  • 1999 - "For the sake of you"
  • 2000 - "Norave"
  • 2002 - "my affectionate ..."
  • 2005 - "10 thousand words about love"
  • 2005 - "Morning tea drinking"
  • 2005 - "Evening Tea Party"
  • 2006 - "Sorry ..."
  • 2012 - "White Dress"

Solo career:

  • 2013 - "You are not like that"
  • 2016 - "Love lives three years? .."
  • 2017 - "Love-Silence"

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