Maxim Vitorgan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Maxim Vitorgan - Son of Star Actors Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Balter, two famous actors of Soviet cinema. It is not surprising that he, who grew up behind the scenes of theaters and in the pavilions of the film studios, went in the footsack of the parents. Now, in addition to the scene and screen, the Contractor participates in various shows.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Vitorgan was born in September 1972 in Moscow. His patronizing sign of the zodiac - Virgin, by nationality Maxim - Jew. He since childhood knew that the acting profession was designed to him fate. The boy grew in the family, where all the conversations and events were associated with the theater and cinema.

Max and himself visited the theater, whose subcontracts went out by parents, was watching the film record in a kinopavilion, where a new film was born with the participation of his father, and I caught myself thinking that it was too insurmountable to try to try the forces as an artist.

In school, young Maxim Vitorgan did not shine zeal and did not please native estimates, but the interest in the hypocrisy was huge. Therefore, no one was surprised when the guy after receiving maturity certificate went to go to Gitis. He passed the exams and was enrolled on the course of Irina Sudakov, who gave a ticket to the life of the actors Anatoly Vasilyev, Dmitry Pevtsov and Nikolay Dobrynin.

In the theater university, Maxim Vitorgan became one of the best students. He greedily pounced his studies, hitting the missed. Vitorgan Ropod read and did not miss a single play, which was put on the stage of Moscow theaters.

Personal life

Maxim Emmanuilovich married three times. The first time was combined with a marriage with the actress of the Tyus Victoria Verberg. Two children appeared from this marriage - the daughter of Polina and Son Daniel. Polina Vitorgan continued his family business and became the actress. The second time of marriage as the actor associated himself with the marketer of Natalia, but this Union existed only a year.

Already in 2013, Maxim Vitorgan made the show business with his wedding with the TV presenter and the journalist Ksenia Sobchak. Two stars met on "marsh rally", but at that time Ksenia had an affair with Ilya Yashin.

The first rumors about Maxim Vitorgan's novel with Ksenia Sobchak appeared in December 2012: a couple took a picture at the bottom of the birth of the head of the radio "Echo Moscow" Alexey Venedikov. In the picture, lovers held hands. Wedding celebration was preparing a month, but secretly passed. The newlyweds declared their new status at the "Fitil" cinema, where they arrived at the wedding dresses at the premiere of Maxim Maxim Vitorgan.

Lyudmila Distasov called the ceremony in the registry office "Antiglamore", because only close relatives of two stars were present on it. The festival passed in the restaurant. Alexey Kortnev and Glucose appeared in the entertainment program. After the wedding, the couple did not go to the wedding journey and remained in Moscow.

In the spring of 2016, rumors appeared that Maxim and Ksenia are waiting for a child. About the happy event, the artist told on his page in "Instagram", publishing a photo of a floating pregnant wife and supplied by the signature "Mom Son. In happy swimming! " And in November 2016, Vitorgan and Sobchak became parents. Spouses called Son Plato. For the third time, Maxim Vitorgan became a father aged 44 years.

Within 2 years after the birth of the firstborn, mutual understanding and love reigned in the family. Maternity positively influenced the nature of Xenia, and Maxim in the face of the third wife found family happiness. But at the end of 2018, the fans of the couple noticed the absence of a wedding ring on the nameless finger of the spouse. There were rumors that she was fascinated by another man, on the assumptions of the press, they became the director Konstantin Bogomolov, a former husband Darya Moroz. Soon it became known that Maxim himself removed the wedding ring, which he had previously demonstrated with joy. Fans of the couple hoped that before the divorce would not reach and soon the vitorgan and Sobchak would clarify the situation.

In January 2019, Maxim "revenged" the Bogomolov, having met him in a cafe. The moment of fight hit the video. An angry man called the intended opponent to the street, where he inflicted him a few blows. Later, the Vitorgan gave to understand the subscribers so that they did not give it to the "plums" about the visa of his wife and director. According to the actor, "this gestalt he closed." Soon after that, the spouses told the public that they would live separately, and then officially divorced.

After parting from Sobchak, the actor outwardly changed to the better. The vitorgan managed to reset 15 kg of weight and now looks 10 years younger. The causes of weight loss were called different. Some referred to the words of the performer about the intense work schedule - he shot a lot and played in the theater. Others argued that the slightness of the artist became a consequence of the dispute with a friend, and the amount was worth the amount that Max did not want to lose.

Slimming, as Vitorgan Jr. says, has benefited him. The weight of the artist was 95 kg with an increase of 1.94 m. Lose weight, the actor managed due to the diet: it adheres to separate nutrition, consumes the minimum of carbohydrates and refused late dinners.

Perhaps the cause of such external changes was the new love in the personal life of the actor. At the end of 2019, Maxim began to appear in public with the actress Nino Ninidze. The lady was previously married with director Kirill Plentnev, from which the son of Alexander gave birth. The actress also divorced her husband in 2019.

Lovers began to lay out joint photos in "Instagram", the performer did not cease to emphasize his admiration for the beauty and the mind of the new chosen. The couple managed to go on a journey, after which it appeared on the cover of the glossy magazine Hello. The description of the romantic trip of Vitorgan and Ninidze in Asia entered the article called "7 happy days in Oman."

In the summer of 2020, the media posted a number of articles in which the parting of Vitorgan and Ninidze was reported. The reason for these speculations was the post in the actress account, in which she gave an announcement of the search for an apartment for himself and the son of Alexander. However, the presumption of the press was not justified - in the fall, the couple again went on a journey.


In the 90s, difficult times came for Russian cinema. According to Vitorgan, nothing worthwhile, therefore, in his youth, the artist gave more attention to theatrical scene. In 1993, Maxim Vitorgan graduated from Gitis and entered the service at the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator. The fans saw the actor in the "Thunderstorm" and the "execution of the Decembrists".

In the same 1993, cooperation began, which was brought by Vitorgan All-Russian popularity and folk love: a familiarity with the participants of the Quartet and theater changed the fate of the artist. When in 1999, the famous comedy performance "Radio Day" was put in 1999, in it for Maxim wrote the role of DJ Max.

In 1999, a young actor switched to Lenk, where he was playing in the performances of "Brutal Games" and "Sage". But on this scene, he did not delay and moved to Oleg Tabakov's theater. Here the vitorgan played in the formulation of "sex, lies and video".

In 2002, Maxim Vitorgan changes the scene again: he was adopted in the troupe of the famous Mkat named after A. P. Chekhov. With his participation, the performances "Number", "Antigona", "Yu" and "Crime and Punishment" come out.

In 2009, in the "Other Theater", the artist first tried forces as a director and put the play "Who". The debut was successful: Maxim Vitorgan celebrated the Living Theater Prize in the nomination "Director of the Year: New Wave".


The cinematic biography of Maxim started in student years. The acting debut took place in the film "Svetik". True, the hero of Vitorgan voiced another actor. Then several episodic roles followed, working on which, the beginning artist acquired the experience and "stuffed his hand."

Successfully started in the 90s cooperation of Vitorgan with the Quartet and theater in the 2000s continued in cinema. In 2007, the films "Radio Day" and "Election Day" were removed on previously set performances. Maxim Vitorgan played the role of DJ Max again. These comedy tapes viewers and criticism took extremely warmth. The actors noticed and remembered.

Since 2004, the vitorgan appears on the screen as director and TV presenter. For Ren-TV, Maxim Emmanuilovich became the director of the "Neolborkaya light". In the same year, he acted as directed by the Rock Festival "Invasion". In 2007, he worked on the creation of the show "Daligious relatives". In 2008, already on TNT, the Contractor participated in the formulation of the Women's League show.

Maxim Vitorgan takes a lot to the movies. With his participation films "Mebius", "perfect marriage", "fugitives" came out. But the artist himself continues to consider himself a theatrical actor and regularly goes to the scene.

In 2010, another creative project of Vitorgan and Quartet and Quartet turned out to be a real hit: the film "What men say" instantly turned into a modern comedy classic, and the spectators from him were torn to quotes. The sparkling picture became the leader of the rolled, and all its participants - movie stars. Maxim Vitorgan in this tape played although not the main thing, but the bright role of Romeo. As in previous projects with the Quartet and, he appeared in the frame with Leonid Baraz, Camille Larina, Alexander Demidov and Rostislav Hatit.

The success of the picture was so large that in a year the continuation came out, but it was in popularity and yumor "did not reach" before the first film. After bright comedy roles, invitations to other ribbons fell on the actor. The filmography of Vitorgan replenished the paintings and TV shows "Herbarium Masha Kosovo", "Santa Claus always calls three times," Dr. Zaitseva Diary - 2 ".

In 2014-2015, Maxim Vitorgan often appears on the screen. He starred in the main roles of films "With the eighth of March, Men!", "Champions", "loves does not like." In these projects, the actor got diverse images as comedy (Lion Kaspersky in the film "With the eighth of March, Men!") And dramatic (coach in the sports picture "Champions").

Increasingly, the artist began to see the main roles of various projects. Loving Maxim Genre is a light comedy or lyrical melodrama. In 2015, he declared his works in the melodrame "Spring exacerbation", where he played a pair with Alexander Oleshko, in the comedy "Election Day - 2", in the film "Louise Luisa Diary".

The Vitorgan contributed to the creation of the rating serials "the reverse side of the moon - 2", "mammies" and "Londongrad. Know ours! " A year later, the actor starred in the youth comedy "crisis of gentle age", which was broadcast on the TNT channel. In the artist, the artist appeared in the filmalman "Petersburg. Only for love". The original story was surprised by the spectators of the comedy "chase for a masterpiece", in which Maxim embodied the image of the memorandum of state security on the screen.

The actors were actively invited to rating projects, where he successfully implemented his talent. For 2018, more than 7 works came out with the participation of Vitorgan. These are films "Fugitives" and Kilimanjar, where the artist showed uncommon comedic abilities. He appeared in the social drama "Rims", tried his strength in the fiction genre, starring in the Knolente film, surprised in a Russian demon thriller.

The main premiere of 2018 in the repertoire of Maxim became the comedy series "New Man". In the film, the show of which started in the summer on the CTC channel, the actor reincarnated in the accountant Vitu, the groom Ira (Tatyana Arntgolz). The relationship of young people is overshadowed by the sudden appearance of the ex-wife of a girl - irresponsible Alexander (Vladimir Epifantsev). In 2019, Maxim Vitorgan will appear on the screen in the project "New Russian Diary" directed Farhshatov Flowers. In the picture, the actor appeared as a second plan.


From time to time, Vitorgan participates in the TV projects. As he claims, it "gives him new sensations." So, he was seen in "big races" and "cruel games". In April 2013, the actor began to guide the "baby's mouth" on the Children's TV channel Disney.

In 2016, fans saw an artist in the transmission "Evening Urgant". In the studio show, the artist came together with a long-standing colleagues on the creative workshop - actors Rostislav Khaito and Leonid Baraz. Guests have advertised the public a new performance "... in Bornka there is no something." Taking this opportunity, Ivan Urgant did not fail to ask about the state of Ksenia Anatolevna.

At that time, the couple expected the heir, and various rumors began to appear in the press, including the fact that Sobchak had already gave birth to the girl, which was named Anna. The future father, who was tired of the ridiculous media speculation, decided to joke over the seekers of the sensations and stated that his wife gave birth to Boy Anton. The joke was perceived as a reliable source - the publication was sent to the new bright headlines. In the "Evening Urgant" on the ironic issue of Ivan: "How are you?" Vitorgan replied: "No."

In November 2018, Maxim became a guest of Youtube-blogger Irina Shikman "And to talk?". In an interview, he spoke about the times of his youth, on participation in protest movement, affected the questions of personal life. In the same year, the actors were invited to lead a new exciting detective show "Sherlock". The participants of the program became the stars of Russian show business, popular bloggers, athletes, journalists. In an interview, Vitorgan admitted that until the middle of each series did not know the name of the "killer".

Maxim Vitorgan now

In 2020, the actor continued to film and play the theater. Returning from the journey to Oman, Maxim felt ailment. After the appearance of the reports that in the place of him with Nino recreation, cases of infection with coronavirus were recorded, he decided not to risk health and went to a private clinic. Doctors found a pneumonia at Vitorgan. The state of the former spouse was concerned about Sobchak, who wished him through journalists of speedy recovery.


  • 1989 - "Svetik"
  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2013 - "Mebius"
  • 2014 - "With the Eight of March, Men!"
  • 2016 - "Petersburg. Only for love"
  • 2016 - "Fugitives"
  • 2017 - "Pogue for Masterpore"
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2018 - "Alien"
  • 2018 - "New Man"
  • 2018 - "Dangerous Dances"
  • 2018 - "Returns"
  • 2018 - "Russian demon"
  • 2018 - "Man who surprised everyone"
  • 2019 - "Intercessors"
  • 2020 - "Unprincipled"
  • 2020 - "When she comes"
  • 2020 - "Queen"
  • 2020 - "Just imagine what we know"

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