Vadim Demchog - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The role of Dr.-Venerolog Captman was carried out by Vadim Demchoga to the top of the Russian film college. The series "Interns" became a youth bestseller and received two prestigious cinematic awards - Golden Rhino and Teffi 2016.

Full Vadim Demm

Vadim Viktorovich Demm - not just an actor: he performs in a wide variety of hypostasis and became famous as director, screenwriter and radio. Posted 5 books and created author's projects on television, radio and on the Internet. And Vadim Viktorovich - Candidate of Psychological Sciences. The creative biography of the artist is so rich that the description of all the author's projects in which he is involved is striking the variety of interests.

Childhood and youth

Vadim was born on March 13, 1963 in the Estonian city of Narva. Mother, cook by profession, left her husband, grabbing a 3-month-old son. Woman visited official marriage 8 times. Despite the landed profession, the mother of Demmog was creative in nature: she performed Tamada at weddings, participated in amateur productions. The actor says that Mom had a rude and sensual temperament, which pushed her to unpredictable actions and actions. And Vadim Viktorovich claims that in childhood he was granted himself and missed the maternal love.

Vadim Demm in childhood

In the local house of the pioneers, the boy gladly participated in a puppet player, but he studied in the school badly badly. Vadim assures that he chose the actor's profession because there was no mother nearby. The youthful fear of the schoolchildren is not to grow and forever remain small - Demmo is disturbed, when since the years I realized that I did not grow happiness.

Up to 16, Vadim wore the surname of the father of the smaller, which he did not like. In the passport, the guy changed the boning "ugly" surname to Mamina - Demm. The actor assures that it has Belarusian-Ukrainian roots. Vladimir Vadim Viktorovich considers heonially by Russians by nationality.

Vadim Demm in his youth

After children and youthful classes in the Narva Puppet Theater, Vadim visited the People's Theater, who was led by Yuri Mikhalev. From the first speeches, the guy realized that further life would connect with an exciting world of the theater and movies. More Demmog at that time did not interest anything. He studied from Hands out badly, he brought home and three home. For this reason, Vadim received a certificate of incomplete secondary education.

However, in Ligitmik Demchoga came independently. The future artist was studied under the start of Professor Zinovia Karogan. Until now, Vadim Viktorovich recalls a mentor with admiration and respect, calling him a teacher from God.

Vadim Demm in youth

Demchog graduated from Ligitmik in 1984 and first worked at the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator.


The 90s examined the novice actor, like everyone else, for strength. To survive and find yourself, Vadim tried a lot of classes, sometimes alien and unfamiliar: he delivered goods in the city markets, worked at a construction site, distilled cars from Europe. The last lesson gave the opportunity to Vadim to remain financially independent.

In his youth, Demm also traveled a lot, communicated with interesting people, studied Buddhism (even removed the film about this East religion), meditated and experimented.

Vadim Demm

In 1992, Vadim worked as a radio host on the popular Europe Plus radio. Since 2001, he teaches, writes and publishes the popular book "Self-visiting game" with his vision of the acting profession, in which systematizes its own theory. Especially for readers who are interested in the topic, Demm has created a website - a kind of master class, where he regularly answered questions.

For Radio Vadim Viktorovich developed an interesting mysterious game called "Frankie Show". Transfer from 2004 to 2011 Every day was broadcast on the radio "Silver Rain". The plot of each release of the program was devoted to a certain character, on behalf of whom Demm in the image of the narrator described the experiences, biographical facts. Listeners were given the opportunity to guess the hero of the narrative.

Vadim Demm - the author of the Frankie Show Radioigra

And in 2010, on the TV channel "Culture", Demm is presented to the audience the author's project, calling him the "the greatest show on earth". According to the author, every viewer could become an actor and play a role on the other side of the screen. Vadim Viktorovich led the project under the scenic name Mr. Nobody. The program took part in the artist's spouse - Veronica. Every time she appeared in the role of beloved or wives of the main heroes of release.

Demchog developed the Internet site "From there. From 2011 to 2013, this resource was transferred under the name "Broadcast from there". According to the artist's plan, the site was created to communicate with the dead people, and the mediator of mystical conversations protrudes the crazy Frankie, who died live. Frankie is talking to the voice of Demmog.

Vadim Demm on the radio

The named Vadim projects wear entertainment and philosophical character and help participants look at the world as on the diversity of game models. In this vehicle, the artist conceived and created a "school school", within which the cycle of trainings, "giving the mechanisms of liberty from clamps and internal concepts, from phrases" right "and" wrong "," well "and" bad ".

These are psychological games, whose participants, according to Vadim Demmog, are liberated and becoming creative people.


The cinematic biography of Vadim Demchoga began in 2003. The actor debuted in the episode of the 2nd season of the series "Agency NLS". In the same year he was entrusted with the role of the second plan in the 5th season of the "streets of broken lanterns".

From 2004 to 2009, the artist's filmography was rapidly growing, but the director did not offer the main roles. 2/3 of the films, in which Vadim starred for 5 years - TV shows. The audience saw him in the Multiserful projects of "sisters", "Airport", "Icon Hunters", "Everything Dance!", "Four Age of Love" and "Two Sisters".

Vadim Demm and Alexey Serebryakov on the filming of the film

In the "golden calf" Ulyana Shilkina Demchog played the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The screen version of the novel Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov awarded the "Honorary Handle" award and received critical critics reviews. But the artist was lucky on one set with the stars of Russian cinema - Oleg Menshikov, Dmitry Nazarov, Mikhail Efremov and Mikhail Svetina.

Vadim Demm in the film

Star Hour for the actor has come when the "Interns" superserve with Ivan Okhlobystina was released on the screens, where Demchog is played by Dr. venereologist Cupitman. As the actor confessed in an interview, he arrived at samples without much enthusiasm: hurried with his family to the resort. In addition, Vadim has already developed a negative impression of the genre "Sitkom", so the text he read dry at the camera. But the producer of the project Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov persuaded the actor to be filmed, and Demmo has impressed participation in the project of his longtime friend Ivan.

Vadim Demmog on the shooting of the series

Since the comedy leaves, the audience is identified by Vadim Viktorovich with his hero, attributing to him the shortcomings of the doctor. But the artist denies a similarity, arguing that in his life he is another person, and the association with a popular venereologist is inappropriate.

"- People! Jew and Alcoholic - My Ivan Nathanovich, and not me!" - He says Demmog.

Wadim's Horobistin and the Team of the series Vadim Extremely liked. All actors who starred in the main and secondary roles, after the "Interns" became the stars. Ilya Mlinnikov, Svetlana Kamynina, Svetlana Permyakova, Alexander Ilyin, Christina Asmus and Dmitry Sharacisa complemented the company of two friends heading the departments.

Vadim Demm and Ivan Okhlobystin

A creative positive atmosphere has always reigned on the set. Often, the artists arranged each other draws. For example, one day, before touring in Tula, Demmot received from Okhlobystin order: bring the "trunk". Having rummaged to a friend, Vadim presented him after the Sakvoyuzh's trip, where 2 Tula gingerbread was lying in the form of revolvers.

Vadim Demmot starred in all seasons of the comedy series, which came from 2010 to 2016.

Vadim Demm in the series

Despite the employment of Vadim on the radio, in the theater and at the training schools of the game, the films with the participation of the artist continue to delight the audience. In 2012, 3 projects were released with the participation of Demmog: "Teacher's Day", "Solovy-Robber" and a Motheric Thriller "Grac" Andrei Volgin. On the set of the last two projects, the actor again met with Ivan Okhlobystin.

Interns opened the actors to directors, and in his filmography appeared the main roles. In the short filing "Thunderstorm", Vadim played the chancellor of the Heavenly Squadron, and in the "Solovye-Robber" - the director of the construction holding Pash.

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In 2015, the art film "Corset" was released on the screens. This is a story about the insane genius of Ferdinand Master, who creates dead corsets for vicious secular ladies. Masters played Vadim. In the same year, the artist appeared in the episode of the rating series "Vlasik. Shadow Stalin. "

The characteristic images of Vadim managed to embody in the criminal film "Department" and the comedy "I remember I do not remember!". The second picture was warmly accepted by the audience, which affected the cash collecting. Star cast, which entered Natalia Medvedev, Polina Maksimova, Konstantin Kryukov, Lyudmila Artemieva, Anna Ardova, and the original story influenced her success.

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Love for mystics pushed Demmog to the directorial debut. In the "Bulgakov House" he presented the mystical performance "Arquiniada". Artists of the same name of the same name became performers of the main roles of the production. The story of the narrative describes a session of psychotherapy of a young man. In the role of a psychiatrist spoke himself by Vadim. The internal experiences of the patient were presented to the audience in the form of a joint game of 12 harlequins. Later by Vadim's associates was released a performance "Close Eyes and Look!".

In addition to work in the Theater "Arquiniada", Vadim appeared in the production of other theatrical teams. In the early 2000s, he appeared in the form of a crazy edge in the play of Kama Ginkas "Dream Exile". The role in the play "Orchestra" Lion Ehrenburg brought the actor the main prize of the festival "Christmas Parade" for the best male role.

Vadim Demm on stage

In 2017, Vadim Demchog presented to fans of his writer talent a new book "Phenomenon of Games". The artist conducts psychological trainings and creative meetings. In the spring of 2017, a series of training "School Games" of Demmog in Moscow is announced.

Personal life

The personal life of Vadim Demmog did not immediately work out. Artist has a daughter from the failed first marriage: Nastya was born in 1987. She got married and lives in Germany.

The second wife Vadim Demmog became the actress Veronika Ryabkova, who is younger for 12 years. According to unconfirmed information, Demchog relieved his beauty from under the crown: the wedding with the St. Petersburg businessman was planned at Veronica. For 3 years, the novel - the girl could not decide with his feelings. Everything decided to move to Moscow. Veronica went after Vadim, and they no longer parted.

Vadim Demmo with his wife Veronica and son William

In 2005, the son of William appeared in the family. Father dreams that the boy becomes a "citizen of the world," so the European name chose his son.

William Demchog appeared twice on the screen: in the tape "Alien" and in the TV series "Interns". In an interview, the actor repeatedly said that the family and children are his wealth, and he is happy from what has an interesting job and his beloved wife and son.

At one time, the personal life of the actor became the subject of discussions in the media. According to rumors, Veronica's spouse filed documents for divorce. They rumored that Vadim Demmogoga, like his film, Ivan Kupitman, Lovelas. Women adore this low (the growth of the artist is 1.69 m), but an incredibly charismatic man and willingly respond to his courtship. Allegedly a wife is tired of constant to change the wrong husband and decided to break the marriage.

Vadim Demm with family

The spouses themselves argue that their "divorce" is a newspaper "duck" of unscrupulous journalists: Vadim and Veronica Demchog still live together and raise the Son. They purchased a 3-room apartment in Moscow and are not going to part. In the photo in the "Instagram" of the artist, his wife appears infrequently: Veronica prefers to stay in the shadow of the famous husband, but the footage with the beloved son Vadim publishes constantly.

Vadim Demm Now

In 2018, Demchoga presented a new production of "Goat Mord" by theatrical Moscow on the motives of Alexander Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". The performance is replete with acrobatic numbers, performing musicians and dramatic dialogues.

In the spring, the actor gave an interview with Tatiana Ustinova in the program "My hero". Now he is removed in the comedy "HOP" project "Produced by Taimuraz Badziev and David Tsallaev. According to the plot of the film, the father tired of the leaving of the spoiled Chad sends him to a re-education in the village where the young man goes to work as an assistant to the stable. In addition to Vadim Demchoga, his "Interns" colleagues - Ilya Mlinnikov and Ivan Okhlobystin are engaged in Kinolent. The premiere of the film, according to the plans of the creators, should take place in 2019.


  • 2003 - "Agency NLS 2"
  • 2005 - "Students"
  • 2008 - "Four Age of Love"
  • 2010-2016 - "Interns"
  • 2011 - "Riddle for Faith"
  • 2012 - "Grache"
  • 2015 - "Corset"
  • 2016 - "I remember - I do not remember!"
  • 2019 - "Project" Hop ""


  • 2004 - "Self-visiting game"
  • 2009 - "Frankie. Close your eyes and see. 21 Life of the Great Madness "
  • 2012 - "Playing in Empty. Multipheral Mythology »
  • 2012 - "Playing in Empty. Carnival insane wisdom "
  • 2012 - "Playing in Empty. Great Print »

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