Nikita Efremov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Nikita Efremov is a popular theater and cinema actor, the successor of the creative dynasty of Ephraim. There are advantages and cons. The artist avoids communicating with people who believes that he all got "according to Blatu", and those are still found even among colleagues.

Nikita hopes that a breakthrough role or a creative idea will ever appear, after which the comparison with famous relatives will subscribe.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Mikhailovich Efremov was born on May 30, 1988 in Moscow, he was a twin on the sign of the zodiac. Mother of Talent - Philologist Asya Vorobyeva, and father - the famous actor of theater and cinema Mikhail Efremov. Two completely different people met in the theater "Contemporary", where at that time Asya worked as a literary editor and picked up the plays for future productions.

At that time, the woman was already married and because of the broken love for Mikhail threw her husband. Soon after that, Nikita appeared on the world. But the birth of a child did not make a reason for parents to legalize relations, and soon they broke up.

The son of Mikhail Efremova and the grandson of the legendary creator of the "contemporary" Oleg Efremova began to wear the surname of the ancestors with only 12 years. Before that, the mother asked for a teenager to say that his dad was an engineer. The future actor did not want to hide his relatives and began to openly declare the father and grandfather. He did not plan to become famous for their account, simply did not consider it necessary to make a secret from this. For quite understandable reasons, the artist later entrusted to play a grandfather in his youth in a melodraman Valery Todorovsky "Thaw".

Oleg Nikolayevich, grandfather, Nikita does not remember, but is proud of such a famous relative. Mother's father was held in his childhood as a child: a man took a boy with him on fishing and walked with him.

From early childhood, Efremov Jr. loved to play football, hockey and volleyball. He still enjoys the game in Frisbee and admits that he cannot sit without a business in one place. The boy also visited the music school in the class of violin and took the lessons of the vocal, graduated from a mathematical school. Nikita informed Nikita that it was not part of his plans to become an artist, even though in his youth, he successfully performed in various scenes and productions.

However, at a more conscious age, when the time came to independently choose the future profession, Efremov still decided to conquer the theatrical scene and the shooting platform. Immediately after graduation, Nikita did not want to enter the university, but left the whole year on thinking.

He immediately informed his father about his decision. Mikhail Olegovich did not discharge the Son, just warned that this is not easy work and will need to constantly work on himself, to improve, and only then the opportunity to become really popular and get the love of the viewer. According to Efremov Jr., his father very often criticizes his work, but all comments are constructive. After all, he, as a loving dad, wants the Son to perform work as a professional. And it helps the actor becomes better.

Personal life

Nikita is a pretty and charming man who is not deprived of female attention, which caused many novels. For a long time, Efremov met with the colleague Anna Mikhailovskaya, partner in several projects. The actress responded about Nikita only positively, but insisted that the guy was completely unreleased for a serious relationship.

The surrounding it seemed that Anna is right, since Efremov had many short-term novels. And when the actor began to meet with Yana smooth, no one thought that this union would be durable. In August 2014, Nikita and Yana officially became her husband and wife, they played a wedding, but in 2015 there was a divorce.

In 2014, Svetlana Ivanova stated that he was the sister of Nikita Efremov. According to the actress, Mikhail Olegovich turned out to be her uncle, and Alla Pokrovskaya - Grandma.

In the summer of 2016, fans spoke about the new celebrity novel. Efremov's photos began to regularly appear in the accounts of the beginner model and designer Alexandra Maniovich. Chosen by Artist - Daughter Metropol Fashion Group Svetlana Zakharova and Israeli publisher Mikhail Manovich.

Acquaintance with people from the world of fashion immediately affected Nikita's appearance - he was transformed, the gloss and glamorism was added. Together with a representative of another creative family Pavel Tobakov, he appeared on the podium a couple of times, demonstrating the Giorgio Armani collections. In "Instagram" Efremova photo in proof of communication with Alexandra was not preserved.

A year later, Nikita was talking about the personal life again, but in another way, about returning to Yane. The reason was the joint shooting of former spouses in a detective melodraman "Excellent". In the plot, hero Efremova saves the life of smooth character, then they fall in love with each other. However, the hopes of fans on the resumption of actors' relationships were waiting for the collapse: the feelings were left only on the film. There were also rumors about the relationship of celebrities with Natalia Zemstova, but both were denied them.

In 2019, Nikita Efremov began to meet with Maria Ivakova, the leading program "Eagle and Rusk". They met at the training of Sasha Jube. Earlier, the actor did not attend such events and was never interested in them. And this time, according to the celebrity, he suddenly pulled out. At first, the lovers hid their relationships until the girl published a photo with an artist in the summer of 2019 in the Instagram account. In the autumn Maria and Nikita openly announced the novel. The mother of the TV host learned about everything from the Internet. In the same year, Efremov and Ivakov received a victory in the nomination "Couple of the Year" from the magazine Glamor.

In 2019, the actor visited the Studio of the Evening Urgant program. Nikita told that he jumped with a parachute 2 times. Efremov admitted: he lacks adrenaline, so he decided on such an extreme act. Also, the lead and guest talked about the release of the cartoon "Ivan-Tsarevich and a gray wolf - 4", whose sounding was engaged in Nikita. He likes the result, and, most likely, he will try his hand more than once as a dubbing actor.

In the same year, Efremov became the guest of the television program "My Hero". Nikita admitted in the presence of huge problems with subordination. It seemed to him that everyone surrounding had to stand in front of him. The man noted: on the site of Konstantin Raikina would be expelled from the university, but grateful to the director for calm.

Films and performances

Young, but a very ambitious guy easily entered the MCAT Studio School. Whether the famous surname helped, or Nikita actually conquered the commission with his talent, now no one knows. In the student years, he lit up in the personnel of numerous films and TV shows. The acting debut of the young Efremova - Stas in the Sitkom "My beautiful nanny".

Of course, fell fellow students, quietly envied by the student's demand. But he had all the data for this - an impressive growth (180 cm), healthy weight (71 kg), blond hair and blue eyes (favorite combination of many women), exterior beauty and pleasant voice timbre. The youngest of the Ephraim dynasty passed a certain charm, which brings not only people communicating with him, but also the audience on the other side of the screen.

In 2006, Nikita received one of the main roles in the comedy "insatiable". Then the first awareness came to him. And the audience could not think that the Major Guy, whom Efremov played, is related to the Dynasty of the Great Actors. The young man was shot just during the receipt of the MCAT. For 2 months he had 32 flights Moscow - Simferopol - Yalta. The man admitted that the work on the "insatiable" was the most fun, interesting and mental.

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The diploma performances for the artist were "silence - gold" and "grief from the mind." In the last stage of Nikita, he entered the image, playing Chatsky, that he was even awarded the Golden Sheet Prize in 2009 in the nomination "Best Male Role."

During training in Mkate, the surname of Efremov did not give a student with no bonuses and privileges. The artist told that she suggests this in the first 15 seconds, and then it is already about talent. For all student years, only one person clarified rumors from the guy about his relationship with Oleg and Mikhailov Efremov. The actor added that he was never asked for him and did not agree, and he solved all the questions on his own.

After graduating from the Studio Studio Nikita was considered one of the few graduates who left the educational institution already proven themselves to act actors. Therefore, he immediately received an invitation to cooperate from several theaters. Efremov Jr. made his choice in favor of the "contemporary".

As Nikita recognized in conversations from the media, he first had some feeling that he was taken to the theater only because of the hands-on surname. But the actor rarely recognized and did not conduct associations with their own father, and it was very pleased with the guy. It was much more often confused or suspected of related to Alexander Petrov. The colleagues like the type of type, so the audience at times was not easy to understand who and where they played.

From the moment of admission to the "contemporary" and to this day, the artist consists in the theater's troupe, rehearse, studying new productions. The roles of Sergei Vasilyevich Nikitina in the play "Seryozha", Mr. Kolba in the play "Pretty" and Gottfried Lenza in the "three comrades" are considered.

After entering the screens in 2011, the war film Weller "Ballada about Bomber" a young talent woke up famous. Nikita played the Soviet pilot Andrei Grivots, whose plane is shot down over the fascist territory. Throughout the picture, viewers are in suspense, surviving for the main character. Ekaterina Astakhova, Alexander Davydov and Nina Usatov became the actor's colleagues on the site.

Efremov fulfilled the main role in the first director's project of Oksana Caras "rehearsal". The film received a prize for the best debut of the Moscow Premiere Festival, included in the MMKF-2013 program. At the same international film reform, only a year earlier, the premiere of the Drama "Fun" took place, in which the actor played the Dragdilera on the nicknamed cat.

After such a triumph, Nikita began to appear on the screens: the series "Eighties", the drama "It all started in Harbin", a love comedy "Cinderella", where he played a major role in the ensemble with Christina Asmus. After working together, the actors began to attribute a novel, which both did not confirm.

Nikita Efremov and Alexander Petrov are similar

Nikita Efremov in his free time loves to play rock with friends. Therefore, therefore, the role of Goldine in the series "The Eighties" was given so easily. In the project Kirill Serebrennikov "Summer" about the life of Viktor Tsoi, the prototype of the hero of the artist was "Chief Russian Raker" Boris Grebenchikov.

In the tape "Grigory R." With Vladimir Mashkov, Efremov reincarnated in the brother of the last Russian emperor, the participant in the murder of Rasputin. Nikita also voiced several cartoons and filmed in the television project "Fight".

In 2015, he played a major role in the comedy TV series "Londongrad". In the center of the plot lies the history of the Agency of the same name, which helps to immigrants to solve problems, including the characters of Efremov and Ingrid Oerinskaya working in it.

The series about the life of the Russian inhabitants of the British capital was removed in the genre of adventurous action and received positive feedback from both the audience and the most appreciative publications in the field of Maskulture. The magazine "Snob" included the television series "Londongrad" in a short list of five Russian TV shows, which "not ashamed to see".

In 2016, the shooting of the TV series "Vamikovsky" was completed based on the biography of the revolution Road, where Nikita played with his father Mikhail Efremov. This is the first experience of the interaction of two generations of one family on the set. But since the general scenes are only two, some memorable exchange experience of shooting for the son Mikhail Olegovich did not become. He appeared in the designer of Chekist Yakov Agrianov, lily in the family Lily Bric. Poet, according to artist, genius.

"And what is his feelings, what expression! Despite the fact that he has some tenderness and trepacy. Despite the fact that he seems to be a real bard, Mayakovsky felt very thinly man. "

His work "Lilichka" Nikita read on the entrance exams to theatrical university.

Then, in the filmography of Efremova, the historical melodrama "commander of the" Polar Star "appeared, the screening of the adventure play by V. Fedorova" Constellation of Mary ". In an ambiguous reaction of the project of Karen Shakhnazarov "Anna Karenina" with Maxim Matveyev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya he got a character Serpukhovsky.

The picture "Ieri-San: Samurai Confession" according to the script of Ivan Okhlobystin presented an unexpected image of a priest. On the main role of producers got the star of Hollywood Cary Hirubee Tagava.

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Another "big and experienced" celebrity, the name of which Efremov did not name, was to become his partner in the film "Love with an emphasis", removed the gigineisvili. Later it turned out: Oksana Akinshina was invited to the casting, but the actress refused. Nikita admitted that he felt uncertainty and sighed with relief when the Georgian model Tina Dalakishvili was approved for the role. At the site, he was able to work with Philip Yankovsky, Ivan Yankovsky's father.

Sergey Ursulaka's SkiPopus "Silent Don" is awarded the Golden Eagle as the best television series. In the new, fourth in a row, the presentation of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov Efremov appeared as Mitka Korshunov. In memory of the difficult filming, he got a mug with the image of the Cossack.

In 2018, Alexander Gordon "Uncle Sasha" came to the top ten of the most notable tapes presented at the "Kinotavra". The main roles in the picture on the screenwriter, removing the cinema on their own dacha, was obtained by Nikita Efremov, Sergey Putuspalis and Agnia Kuznetsov. In October, the premiere of the short films of Grigory Konstantinople "Olesya" took place. So the girl calls, because of which the heroes of Efremov and Alexander Pala are shooting on duels.

TV channel TV-3 released in 2019 the series "Call Center". Among the creators of the film - the authors of Film Salute-7 and Gogol. Nikita made up Julia Hlynina, Vladimir Yaglych and Sabina Akhmedov. In the center of the narration - the relationship of the employees of the online store, which became hostages of terrorists.

Another immersion in the past actor made in the adventure tape "King Madagascar" with a budget of $ 16 million, telling about the attempt of Emperor Peter I to get a friendship with pirates. The artist played a representative of the diplomatic corps.

Shooting a detective "Winners" ended back in 2017. Evgeny Antropov and Nikita Efremov fulfilled the role of assistants of a lawyer who does not know defeat and received a challenge from the capital prosecutor.

Nikita Efremov Now

Nikita Efremov is removed in the TV series "Dormitory" directed by Roman Vasyanov. The actor tried the role of a student around whose passion would be raised.

In addition, he got a role in the series 2020 "Safe Ties", the director of whom Konstantin Bogomolov became. It sounds the song "Black Raven", which the actor fulfilled independently. The artist continued cooperation with the director and began working on the series "Good Man." His partners on the set became Julia Snikir, Ksenia Sobchak, Alexander Baby and Igor Gordin. Efremov got the main role of the investigator Ivan Kratikhin, who turned out to be a maniac. The plot is based on real events. Before starting shooting, producers personally met with convicts.

An accident that Mikhail Efremov arranged, greatly influenced her son. On June 8, 2020, the father of the actor sat behind the wheel drunk and flew to the oncoming lane, where I ran into a van. After the accident, the driver of the car died in the hospital. Nikita said that this is a big tragedy and all events respond very pain. He asked not to pester him with questions and refused any comments. For the first time, Efremov agreed to discuss what happened in January 2021 with Ksenia Sobchak. In a frank interview, the actor spoke about his attitude towards the accident, as well as about the work, the famous father and childhood memories.

Also, at the beginning of the year, the show of the mystical series "Flight" started, in which Nikita Efremov, Oksana Akinshina, Julia Hlynina, Pavel Tabakov appeared in high roles.


  • 2006 - "insatiable"
  • 2005-2017 - "Bones"
  • 2011 - "Ballada of Bomber"
  • 2011 - "Eighties"
  • 2012 - "It all started in Harbin"
  • 2013 - "Kuprin"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2013 - "Dangerous Illusion"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R"
  • 2014 - "Winters will not"
  • 2015 - Londongrad
  • 2015 - "Silent Don"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2017 - "Winners"
  • 2017 - "Excellent"
  • 2017 - "Sniper. Samer officer "
  • 2018 - "Uncle Sasha"
  • 2018 - "Summer"
  • 2018 - "Vamikovsky"
  • 2019 - Call Center
  • 2019 - "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf - 4"
  • 2020 - "Safe Ties"
  • 2021 - "Flight"

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