Karina Andoltenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Karina Andoltenko is a popular actress who does not forget to whom is obliged to grow professional. She calls the two name - Konstantin Rikin and Egor Konchalovsky. Today, its filmography has no one dozen projects. The artist considers his own life with an extraordinary sleep and is very afraid to wake up.

Childhood and youth

Karina Andoltenko was born in the Ukrainian Kharkov in September 1987. Mother, by nationality half-Ukrainian, half Tatarka, first wanted to call the girl Fatima, but then thought that her daughters would have difficult to easily with such an oriental name, and he also remembered the relative of Fatim with a tragic destiny. Among the fashionable at that time, the names of Karina and Carolina woman chose the first.

The theater of Karina Andoltenko was fascinated at an early age, although in the family none of their relatively was associated with art. True, the creative atmosphere, according to the actress, in the house of Vitala always. Mother, Survival-breeders in the profession, had a great sense of humor, father walked a company, merry and balalag, and grandfather with a grandmother were arranged for granddaughter funny mini performances. Contrary to rumors, they were not professional artists, but what had a group of disability (became deaf-mounted after the diseases suffered in childhood), however.

At the age of 7, the mother took the daughter to a music school, where Karina gladly engaged in the piano class. And at 11 years old, she began to visit the local theatrical studio. Andolynko managed not only the desire to reincarnate in different heroines and collect applause, but also the desire to get rid of timidity and complexes.

Soon the theater studio has become the second Karina home: the young artist dreams about the scene. Parents dreamed that their talented daughter would certainly be released on the Mchat scene.

At first, Kharkivchanka planned to enroll in the theater university of Kiev, but in high schools decided that, if you study at the actress, then in Moscow. Andallko easily passed to the Studio MCAT school and was accepted for the course to Konstantin Raykin. Karina sat on one bench next to talented, now all the well-known actors of Anna Chipovskaya, Geli Mesha and Nikita Efremov.

Personal life

It is concerned that in the student years, Karina Andoltenko met with a classmate gel Meshi, but the novel turned out to be short due to the excessive guy lovingness. The actors do not confirm and do not refute these rumors.

About the personal life of Andolynko is not known so much, because she tries to bypass this topic. In 2010, the series "The case was in Kuban" the artist appeared in the image of the fatal beauty, unrequited in love with her husband's sister, who was playing Dmitry Dyuzhev. There were rumors that the actors cinematic novel moved to real life, but later it turned out that it was gossip.

Later, the girl shared that she had a relationship with a young man, with whom she lived under one roof for 3 years. The name of the beloved Karina did not call. Evil languages ​​argue that he was very far from the acting environment, it was difficult for him to put up with the popularity of his beloved and her employment on the set. Tired of the touring schedule of beloved, he allegedly demanded from a civil wife to make a choice - or husband and family, or a movie. Andallo, whose career rapidly went up, chose creativity.

Later they started talking about the new novel of the actress, this time with a man whose name is known to the whole country. This is director Egor Konchalovsky, who opened the door of the Karina to the world of Russian cinema. But the information that Andollenko and Konchalovsky live together and wait for the replenishment, turned out to be "duck."

Celebrities more than once attributed novels with colleagues in films. Her name was associated at different times with Ivan Lodine, and with Stanislav Bondarenko, with whom Karina was shot. The on-screen love of Andolyanko played so convincing that the audience believed in the existence of relationships and outside the set.

At the very beginning of 2017, it became known about the connection of the artist with the conqueror of female hearts by Alexei Makarov. The chosen one was over 15 years old. Rumors appeared on the network that the actors have long been not just friends and live together. An even louder about the relationships of the stars, when the Karina Andolyenko appeared in the "Instagram" a joint photo with Makarov photo.

Allegedly Roman between Beauty and former husband confirmed Victoria Bogatyrev, mother of the only daughter Makarov Varia. She told that Alexey met the new year not with them, but with Karina. But Andolyenko argues that Makarov is only a friend, but she only dreams about family and children.

Karina did not struck the star disease. The actress without constraint puts in the social network shots without makeup, on others, the funny faces are wringing. Fit and photos in a swimsuit, on which it admires a slim figure (weight 62 kg, height 174 cm). A celebrity rarely sits on diets, but carefully monitors the quality and nutability of products. Eats 3 times a day, going around without snacks, and necessarily drinks water, like oxygen cocktails and fresh fruit fruit.

However, Karina was not always distinguished by perfect forms. At one time, the fans began to note that the actress recovered. Apparently, it was noticed by Andallo. And later on the presentation of the painting "Team b", she looked very hot and even confessed to the reporters that she sat on a diet, was recorded in the gym and by that time it was already thinning for 8 kg. At this, the actress did not stop, but continued to adhere to the right nutrition.

At home, the actress lives two cats and a dog breed beagle. In an interview, Karina said that a person showing cruelty towards animals, for her ceases to exist.


A diploma for the higher theatrical education of Karina Andoltenko received in 2009 and at the invitation of Raykin immediately joined the Satiron's troupe. For two years, young artist went out to the frame of the famous theater. She debuted in the performances of "Valencian madness" and "not all Cottle Maslenitsa". The latter was delivered by Konstantin Raykin. The director entrusted the actress the role of Darya Kruglyova, merchant widow.

A truly disclose the theatrical talent of colleagues was able to another popular actor and director Sergey Bezrukov. In his Moscow provincial theater, Karina Andoltenko played in two performances - "found a braid to stone", staged in 2013, and "Sirano de Bergerac", whose premiere was held in 2015. Then the piggy bank actresses was replenished with roles in the productions "Vysotsky. The birth of the legend "and the" cherry garden ".


The cinematic biography of Andolynko started in 2008. During this time, the actress has time to play in dozens of films and TV shows, while only one role turned out to be episodic, all other or key, or bright collegas. Many film critics converge that this is a kind of kinorekord, who can not boast any of the young colleagues of Karina.

It is noteworthy that the actress is harmonious and equally professional in films of different genres - naturally looks like in modern projects and in retrores where dive is required in another era. For this, director and audiences are highly appreciated by Andallhenko, calling one of the talented contemporaries with the highest level of operation of reincarnation.

The actress debuted into the cinema in the criminal melodrame of Egor Konchalovsky "Rose for Elzy", playing the main role of Tanya Lepiškina. The debut from the director of this magnitude was expected to be a great start for young artist. After the release of the film, Andallo fell asleep with suggestions, allowing you to choose those projects that she liked.

In 2009, Karina pleased the fans of the memorable game in the historic drama "Ryabinova Waltz", which brought the prestigious Prize of the International Festival "Constellation". Two years later, a young, but already famous actress received a second premium at the Moscow Festival "Reflection" for the role of Marina Kazantseva in the painting "Arithmetic meanness."

The number of fans of the Ukrainian beauty doubled after entering the screens of Mikhail Tumanishvili "Strong weak woman", the main roles in which Andolyenko, Catherine Klimova, Alexey Makarov and Peter Krasilov.

2010 It is noteworthy for Andolyenko's work in the 4-serial film Valery Roznova "Back to the USSR", where, together with Marat Basharov, she performed a major role. Since for the filming, old cars were required, peculiar to the Soviet years, for the work of the Machine Magnis and UAZ, the Tula Club of Retroavomotumes provided them. Most of the filming took place in different areas of this area, but some plots were filmed near Moscow, at the Lenin Station. In 2011, the premiere of the film on the first channel took place.

Two more popular melodramas in the Andolynko filmography - "Kiss through the wall" and "The case was in the Kuban." The last project is the 8-serial melodrama of Sergey Shcherbin, telling about the opposition of the two respected Cossack families. The main roles in the tape, besides Karina, played Dmitry Dyuzhev and Ekaterina Vulichenko.

The mystical series "Wangelia", in which Andolyenko starred along with Elena Yakovleva, received a particularly warm spectator reception and was one of the most anticipated premier on Russian television in 2015. At the heart of Kinodramma - the history and fate of the famous Bulgarian provincial Vangi.

Then they followed the sensational films "Passion according to Capay", "ash" and "translator". Work in the last picture, Military drama Andrei Peskina, brought a new award to Ukrainian-Russian artist - a prize for the best female role at the II National Debit Festival "Movement". The same prize for the best male role was presented by Vitaly Khaev, a partner of Karins on the film "Translator".

The picture "Dragon Syndrome" was removed the laureate of Cannes Film Festival Nikolai Homeriki. The story of the plot was taken by the history of the so-called collection of Ilina - rarity meetings worth $ 1 billion. Values, among whom Mikhail Lermontov manuscripts, Alexander Griboyedov and Nikolai Gogol, Icons of the 14-16th centuries, found from a lonely electrician who lived in Kirovograd and the deceased in 1993. Andolyenko played in a detective Tktchi, retrained to the artist.

The dramatic series of Vlad Furman "The Mysterious Passion", filmed on the novel by the dissident of Vasily Aksenov "The Mysterious Passion. Roman about the sixties, "went to the screens in October 2016 and turned out to be the most anticipated premiere of the year. Under the fictional names, the brightest poets and writers of the epoch of the sixties - Bella Ahmadulin and Robert Christmas, Evgeny Yevtushenko and Andrei Voznesensky, Bulat Okudzhava and Vladimir Vysotsky and others.

In this sensational series, Karina Andoltenko starred in the company of the constellation of talented colleagues, such as Philippe Jankovsky, Chulpan Hamatov, Evgeny Pavlov, Julia Peresilde and Arthur inexpensive.

Then her filmography replenished the picture "Unadial Life", where Andolyenko played Ekaterina to Trapeznikov, a girl with a difficult fate. The action unfolds against the background of the history of a large country of complex Soviet years. Her father was repressed and shot, and she also lost her mother, she was completely alone. To live the life of which dreams of, Kat has to go through a lot of obstacles, but it copes, however, not all the ways that the heroine uses are legal.

The shooting platform together with Karina was divided by Nonna Grishaeva, Anna Banchikov, Andrei Chernyshov, Stanislav Bondarenko and others.

In 2015, Andolyenko, together with Anastasia, Zadorozhnaya and Paul, was transferred to the world of Soviet fashion 60s in the series "Queen of Beauty". Directed by Karen Oganesyan removed the retro model about the backstage life and intrigues occurring in the fashion industry.

In early 2017, the audience looked at the Melodrama "Dr. Anna" about the doctor who became a companion of the Deputy of the Russian Parliament. After the murder of the beloved heroine, Andoltenko hides in France, where a local journalist helps her. In this role, Danila Dunaev came.

The film "Chinese New Year" told about the assistant of the mayor, raising a child who is confronted with the father of a saint's classmate. Acquaintance does not promise anything good, but in the New Year, miracles are possible. The roles of parents went to Karina Andallhenko and Eugene Prono.

Then the woman played a cosmic crew member, which will have to fly to the moon. In one team, Nastasya Samburskaya, Mikhail Tarabukin, Vladimir Yaglych and Boris Dergachev turned out to be in one team. The presentation of the comedy "cosmic epic" entitled "Team B" took place in February 2018. Samples, according to the artist, stretched for 6 months: producers thoroughly loose comedy traits in the performer, and 2 years have passed between the pilot series and actually.

Andolchenko with primarily and novel Kurysin played a major role in the detective "Yellow Eye Tiger" about the dangers accompanying amber business. The film's action unfolds around the former school friends, whose attitude to wealth breeds on different directions and changes the perception of honor, debt and conscience.

After the premiere of the series Karina and Agnia Kuznetsov visited the Studio of the Evening Urgant program, where they told about their heroes and demonstrated strong friendship. In the same issue, the American rock band Shinedown introduced the number.

In the historic ribbon "Golden Orda", the actress appeared in the image of the Nastya girl, which disguises in the boy and goes to the Mid of the enemy in search of a husband who fell into slavery. Karina said that it was tired of literally from the first minutes of filming, when I tried the ancient Russian chain challenge and picked up the sword. You needed weapons without visible effort, and even sitting on horseback. And these animals are afraid of these animals since childhood.

The roles in a film that is not claiming accuracy is played by a popular cast: Alexander Ustyugov and Julia Peresilde, Sergey Puskepalis and Yuri Tarasov, as well as a number of Kazakhstani cinema stars.

In the project Sergey Ginzburg "stepfather" actress got a difficult character of a woman waiting for her husband's return from the war, Anton Khabarov played the main male character. During the waiting in the life of the heroine, another man appears. But Karina emphasizes that this picture is by no means about the choice between two worthy people, but rather a tribute to the older generation, which preserves loyalty in difficult times:

"Their simple life was a feat. They lived without gadgets, they did not have crazy goals that we set themselves in our time, but life itself was somehow more honest, easier. I love or do not like. Waiting for or not waiting. Black or white. "

Together with the heroes of Ivan Oganesyan and Alexander Liapina, Karina's character investigates women's murders in the provincial town in the series "Shadow behind his back." Local bodies of justice are not assistants: all are busy with the decelement of power and the leader of the property.

The author of the series "Papine daughter. Supernests "and melodramas" Slazen "Olga Subbotina invited Andallhenko to Family Saga" Alien Blood ", telling about the family of humpback. The narrative covers more than 40 years of life of the family, in which two adoptive children grew. However, over time, biological parents are manifested in pupils.

In the caster of the melodramatic series also included Daria Moroz, Iia Ninidze, Laura Keosayan, Viktor Dobronravov, Roman Polyansky.

Karina andlytenko now

Karina and now remains in demand by the actress, the filmography of which is annually updated with new projects. In the fall of 2020, the premiere of the Spasskaya Multi-Siskaya tape took place. This is the Russian detective television company "Fire-Bird", in which the main role went to Andolyenko. The story takes place on a cruise ship, furrowing marine expanses, where many confusing and sometimes detective stories happen with a complex plot line and unpredictable turns.

Each series is devoted to a specific character. Scripts gradually reveal the identities of all traveling. The shooting was carried out under the directory Vladimir Shevlenko in Sochi in 2019, the ship "Prince Vladimir" was involved as the main object. Together with the Karina of the main characters in this tape, Alika Stakhova, Ilya Soskov, Yulia Belyaeva and Olga Chudakov were performed.


  • 2008 - "Roses for Elsa"
  • 2009 - "Rowan Waltz"
  • 2010 - "Caravan Hunters"
  • 2011 - "The case was in the Kuban"
  • 2012 - "Atonement"
  • 2013 - "Wangelia"
  • 2013 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2014 - "Dad for Sofia"
  • 2015 - "Queen of Beauty"
  • 2015 - "Unadial Life"
  • 2016 - "After you"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Anna"
  • 2018 - "Yellow Eye Tiger"
  • 2018 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2018 - "Alien Blood"
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2019 - "Shadow behind the back"

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