Seraphim Nodovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The girl with an unusual name Seraphim simply had to become famous. Childhood actress was shrouded in the atmosphere of the fairy tales, because the father of the girl Savely Lowovsky combined the serious position of the journalist with the work of the writer of children's books. And, as it is easy to assume, anyway, all his characters were like her beloved daughter, who gladly listened to the stories of the Father.

Actress Seraphim Nodovskaya

Book reincarnations and live natural artistry girls inspired her to conquer the theater scene and film shooting sites, making a popular actress from it.

Childhood and youth

Seraphim Nodovskaya was born in early spring in 1981 in St. Petersburg. The girl grew in the family of philologists and creative personalities. Father drove a family to theaters, operas, museums and exhibitions. The daughter was a dreamy and pleasant child, but madly shunted an unusual name. Norovskaya even demanded that Parents and younger sister Sofia call her Lena, but only a sister succeeded in persuasion, which she in response was the name of Zulfia. Only by the time of receiving the passport of Seraphim realized the beauty of the rare name and loved him with all the soul, refusing the idea to change it on Elena or Diana.

Seraphim Nodovskaya in his youth and now

Parents have seen their daughter with a famous pianist and from childhood gave her to engage in music school. A little later, on their own initiative, the Norovskaya entered the theater of youth creativity, where she was offered a role in the play "Snow Maiden". The theater was served by its own, so the children were often taken for other professions, in addition to the hyseride. So, when Seraphim realized that the rehearsals and memorization of the monologues were tired of her, she began to help with makeup. The work of the make-ups so fascinated her that she worked in this area of ​​4 years before the theater left.

When the future artist was the 13th year, the family of the lowered moved to another area. The girl was sent to school closer, based on a "shift" football society and a sports career-oriented.

Parents saw Seraphim by Pianist

In the new class, there were many young football players, among whom was the famous player Andrei Arshavin. Nevertheless, the sport did not attract the young artist, she planned to get a serious, solid profession after school.

In the 11th grade, the Lowovskaya prepared for admission to the Economic Faculty. But shortly before the prom, I got acquainted with Olga Medynich, which many television viewers know as a star of the Skket Show "Women's League". Girlfriends wanted to learn together and, as a compromise option, chose theatrical university. Seraphim filed documents to the Academy of theatrical Arts, but did not take place. A year later, she again tried to enter the theater Institute, this time in Moscow. In the capital, the girl was awaiting disappointment, since the competition in place was huge.

Seraphim Nodovskaya

The town returned home and again went to the State Academy of Theatrical Arts. This time, the actress's attempt was crowned with success, and she began to learn from the acting course under the guidance of a talented director and teacher Gennady Trostyanets. Diploma Cinema Actresses and Theater Seraphim Nodovskaya received in 2003.


Young artist noted the head of the famous theater "Shelter Comedan", who invited Seraphim to his troupe. Here the girl received the first theatrical experience, playing in 3 productions.

Then the Nodovskaya decided to move to Moscow, where there were more promising conditions for the start of the cinematographic career.

Seraphim Nodovskaya - actress theater. K. Stanislavsky

The actress immediately loved the capital for her beauty, weather and rhythm of life. Grown in the rainy St. Petersburg, the girl was constantly sick with a cold, and Moscow became a salvation for her. Especially since there was a theater, about the service in which the town dreamed of from 17 years old - theater. K. Stanislavsky.

Fortuna was on the side of Seraphim, it was easily accepted into the troupe, where they immediately offered a major role in the comedy "Talents and fans". In this theater, the actress works to this day.


The first step in the cinematic biography for Serafima was the shooting in the student short film "Tomato Juice" shed, where the lowest played the role of the girl named Sima.

A talented, but little-known actress was called the role of a second plan. Its appearance on the screen was episodic, and some heroines did not even have names, like, for example, the image of a girl from the "daughter-in-law" picture.

Seraphim Nodovskaya in the film

In addition to roles in the cinema, in 2004 Seraphim debuted as a TV presenter State Lottery "Sportloto". This work that does not require acting skills has made a low-known recognizable, people on the streets took autographs from her, and the directors were invited to much more noticeable and diverse roles.

The first successful work of the actress was the Character of Elena from the popular TV series "Soldiers". The girl appeared in the 13th season of the painting, which started on the screens in 2007.

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Despite the fact that the character was secondary, Elena loved the audience. They looked at the development of her storyline with a fading heart, which allowed the management of the channel to extend the contract with the actress for another seasons. The actress herself is delighted with his heroine, which has similar character traits, in particular, stubbornness and the desire to do everything in its own way.

Soon, work was followed in the comedy "thirty-year-old", where Seraphim reincarnated into the Larisa housewife. The series was spent on the life of 4 married couples who are trying to get out of the routine of life.

Andrey Chernyshov and Seraphim Nodovskaya in the film

After a number of episodic roles in the filmography of the artist, projects appeared, where she played the main characters. This is a melodrama "Our neighbors", the criminal film "Submarine stones", the dismanting drama "Fugitive".

In 2012, the Low History tried on the image of the spouse of magnate in the 1st season of the series "Kitchen" and lit up in two medical melodramas - "Samara" and Sklifosovsky films.

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In the ribbon "I will give a wife in good hands" Dmitry Boultrynik Lowovskaya played a participant in the love triangle. Gregory Antipenko and Alexander Ursulak became partners in the scenic platform.

The All-Russian Popularity of the Nodovskaya brought participation in the TV series "Molodezhka" in the role of Mother Anton Antipova (Ivan Mulin), and then the beloved coach of Sergei Makeev (Denis Nikiforov).

Seraphim Nodovskaya and Denis Nikiforov in the series

The image turned out to be so reliable that Seraphim gladly continued shooting in a multi-sieuled picture when it was extended by the next seasons. The series influenced the popularity of the actress. Many fans of the televisionist became interested in the cerebrussels.

Soon the actress played an episodic, but a bright role in the drama "Grigory R." With Vladimir Mashkov in the image of the main character.

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With the participation of the lowered melodrama "You will have a child" and "Painted". In 2017, Seraphim pleased TV viewers with new works - in the projects "Favorite" and "Pure Moscow killings."

Personal life

With the first husband, producer and journalist Sergey Kechishev, Seraphim met on the set of sportsloto program. He filmed another TV shows in the adjacent pavilion. A novel has ringed between them, and after 2 months the wedding played lovers.

In 2006, the son Hector was born. The firstborn was born on the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, and there was an idea to call the baby in honor of the great poet, but the name Hector was already chosen by the parents in advance. Moreover, the boy in the family turned out to be the Greeks.

Seraphim Nodovskaya with husband Sergei Kechishev and Son

The Union of Sergei and Serafima did not turn out to be strong, soon the spouse broke up. In the personal life of the actress a new person appeared. They were a colleague of the lower Vitaly Kudryavtsev. He became the father of the second son of the actress, Savelia, who was born in 2010.

In an interview with Seraphim, noted that he loves homemade hassle, prepare on new recipes to surprise and please the children and her husband. But the actress could not become a housewife, she does not think his life without his beloved work, whether to shoot a movie or a game in the theater project.

Seraphim Nodovskaya and Vitaly Kudryavtsev

Calm holiday with a book in the hands of the town alternates with extreme sports - jumps with a parachute, rides on a blackboard or skiing. From the film product, earlier Seraphim preferred the author's cinema, now he is interested in watching the American TV shows, and its detective filmters attract with a multitude of plot lines.

Seraphim does not refer to Orthodox, but honors Christian holidays. And the actress adheres to a healthy lifestyle, so at the beginning of 2019 she decided to combine a pleasant with useful - plunged into the hole for Christmas. His photo in a swimsuit against the background of a snowy landscape, the artist placed in a personal "instagram".

Seraphim Nodovskaya in a swimsuit

The fans and friends of Serafima noted its excellent external form: with a height of 167 cm, the low-level weight does not exceed 48 kg.

Seraphim Nodovskaya now

Now with the participation of the actress on television screens, there are not so many films. She finished work in the TV series "Molodezhka", showing the final episodes of which was held in early 2019.

Seraphim Nodovskaya in 2019

By this time, the actress was starred in the Ukrainian project "Vicious Circle", where the image of the director of the music school was tried. The series "Native hands" and "Ip Pirogov" are waiting for its release.


  • 2004 - "Bride"
  • 2007 - "Soldiers 13"
  • 2007 - "thirty-year"
  • 2010 - "Underwater Stones"
  • 2010 - "Trail"
  • 2012 - "Kitchen"
  • 2012 - "Samara"
  • 2012 - "I will give my wife in good hands"
  • 2013 - 2019 - "Youth"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2015 - "Painted"
  • 2015 - "Moms"
  • 2017 - "Favorite"
  • 2017 - "Pure Moscow killings"
  • 2018 - "Vicious Circle"
  • 2019 - "Native Hands"

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