Oleg Miami - biography, personal life, photo, news, ice, broke up, former, "instagram", age, "house-2" 2021



Oleg Miami is a charismatic personality, a talented singer and a leading. His, merry and Balaguar, manages his life to turn into a solid show, which attracts numerous fans.

Childhood and youth

Artist's date of birth - November 21, 1990. He was born in the Magadan region, in the village of Tent. Later, parents decided to move to the Urals, in Yekaterinburg, where the early years of celebrity biography was held. He is not the only child in the family, grew up with the sister Arina.

As a child, the future star was not easy, a tense atmosphere reigned in the house. Father beat Mother who did not want to leave Tirana, fearing that the children would remain without male education. Later, the Parents of the artist still broke up, and he lost contact with the parent who created a new family.

At the early age of the showman for creativity. He visited the dance circle and engaged in vocals, sang in the choir of the boys "Robertino". Oleg planned to enter theatrical, but the mother convinced that the acting was a frivolous profession.

After school, the guy became a student of the Medical Institute, studied at the Faculty of Dentistry. But in the end, he failed to complete the training and, throwing everything, went to look for happiness in the capital of Russia. In Moscow, Miami was taken for weddings and parties, worked as a singer, starred in commercials.

TV project

The star biography of the artist began with the scandalous "house-2", which at the same time attached popularity, and questioned the further career outside the reality show.

In March 2011, a young man came to the project for the first time, where he stayed only 20 days. He tried to build relations with Victoria Bernikova, but soon a loud parting was followed. For the second time, the showman came to the program a year later and managed to stay longer. For 8 months of staying at "House-2", Oleg had several novels who left positive memories.

After years, the executor became a member of the 4th season of the music project "Voice" on the first channel. Initially, Miami was listed by Grigory Leps, but after the "fights" got into the team of Raper Basta. He completed his transfer to the transmission as a quarter-finalist.

For some time, the artist was popular as a participant in the "Diary Khacha" video blog, the issues of which are gaining millions of views on Yutubeub. The channel was created by the type of TV series from the life of friends. The main heroes of the rollers were 3 young people - Amiran Sardarov, Miami and Alexander Tarasov, known under the pseudonym T-Killah.

According to Oleg, he got into the show chance - he worked in a restaurant, where the project's creator often looked around. Once he was sent to him, and he, not confused, began to speak. After that, he was offered cooperation, which helped declare themselves online.

In the fall of 2017, Miami officially announced the termination of collaboration with Amiran Sardarov. During this period, he was engaged in the development of his Youtyub-Channel, releasing the Zames show. But the project was not successful, and after the artist threw the team, he was depressed.

In the future, the Contractor made a living through promotional contracts. He remained a media person, visited various programs, among which "improvisation". All this time, the showman dreamed of returning to music, but the path was thorny.


After leaving "House-2", Oleg collaborated with producer Max Fadeev. He managed to play in the clip glucose and sing in a duet with Julia Savicheva, but a conflict has happened to the director, because of which the singer was forced to leave. Later they managed to negotiate and continue to work together.

In 2018, the artist was among the most successful ex-participants of the "House-2": his concerts were assessed in the amount of at least 500 thousand rubles. In collaboration with Malfa label in July, he released a track and a clip for the song "closer", and later presented to the public and other hits.

The singer was preparing for the release of the Mini-Album "Sun" and specially painted his hair into a light color, but it was angry with Max. They were very crowded and rebounded the contacts with each other. During this period, Oleg, he said, was under the influence of Nargiz, who took offense at Fadeev. He began to shoot provocative videos, ridicule and insulted the producer.

Under the contract, the Contractor did not have the right to perform with his songs, so I had to forget about music. At the end of 2019, Miami gave an interview for the Yutiub-Channel "Rumors", he spoke about the conflict and once again apologized to the producer. The musician believes that Fadeev himself was a victim, he trusted his director too much, and she tuned all the artists against him.

After the interview, according to Super, Max forgave the former ward and gave all the musical content to free use, as well as other dismissed participants in the label before. The confirmation is that the showman began to perform and produce tracks.

Already at the beginning of the 2020, the singer presented the song "Let the Kayf", and in the summer he recorded the album called Miami Airlines. The release entered the top 100 Chart BOOM and received the approval of the listeners. Closer to the completion of the year, the performer was pleased with their hit "in the soul".


The first loud scandal with the participation of the star happened at the time of stay at the "House-2". He quarreled with a girl and poured on her a cleaning agent, which was allergic. After that, the artist was asked to leave.

In 2019, the reason for the discussion was the behavior of a blogger on the show "What was next?". He insulted Sergey Detkova, sharpening attention on the absence of his hand. After a while, the performer apologized to the comic, but noted that double standards reign on the project. Leaders allow themselves to humiliate participants with features, but do not accept similar to their address.

Despite the conflict, the showman again adopted a proposal to participate in the program. This time he made a comic brawl with Tama Masayev.

Personal life

Personal life stars have always been the focus. After leaving the "House-2", a young man, according to media reports, was trying to find mutual understanding with Olga Seryabkina from the Silver group. However, according to the pair itself, they were associated only friendly relations.

In 2017, the singer had a novel with the star "Instagram" - blogger Nastya Ivleva. She played a major role in the clip on his song "If you are with me," where there are serious passions in the plot. A couple of months after the joint appearance on the Miami screen, he recorded public recognition in love for a bright blonde, but soon they broke up. The guy called the cause of the employment of both artists and later stated that he did not really love the girl.

Then the performer had a short novel with Olga Buzova, which he frankly told during the appearance on "rumors". The performers got acquainted in the New Year and did not tell the fans of feelings. The gap happened because of the photo with Alena Shishkova, published in the Instagram account of celebrities. With her, he was also attributed to the relationship, but in fact the stars are simply friends and together participated in the Fort Boyard show.

On the set of the same program, the singer got acquainted with Ayza Anokhina (Dolmatova). At that time, the woman was married, so the novel began later. Oleg easily revealed with his sweetheart sons, surrounded her attention and care.

Together they recorded the track "Do not find us" and regularly pleased the fans of romantic photos, so the gap became a surprise. Commenting on parting, Iza admitted that he tried to return to the former chosen one, but he did not accept it anymore.

Soon after that, the release of the show "Bad songs", in which the couple participated before the cessation of relations. The fans have noticed that even then there was a tension between the lovers, they quarreled and insulted each other.

Oleg Miami now

Now the performer continues to create, glad the public with new tracks. The beginning of 2021 was marked for them to the release of the song "Kitan". It is noteworthy that even before the rupture, Oleg and Isa made themselves pair tattoos with this word.


  • 2013 - "Farewell, my love"
  • 2013 - "Unforgettable"
  • 2013 - "Tie me"
  • 2015 - "Baby"
  • 2016 - "Re-"
  • 2016 - "Brother, Give Bit"
  • 2016 - "Stay"
  • 2017 - "You're wind, I'm water"
  • 2017 - Your Dream "
  • 2017 - "If you are with me"
  • 2018 - "closer"
  • 2018 - "Let go go"
  • 2019 - "You're wind, I'm water"
  • 2020 - "Let in the buzz"
  • 2021 - "Kitana"

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