Vasily Stepanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Disease 2021



Vasily Stepanov is a Russian actor who remembered to the viewers through participation in the "Initious Island" film.

Full Vasily Stepanov

Its fate can be called tragic, because the phenomenal success in the picture of Fyodor Bondarchuk was a temporary achievement, and the rapid oblivion led to depression, which destroyed the consciousness of the once famous movie star.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Stepanov was born on January 14, 1986 in Moscow. He is a face of a simple family. His mother worked as a seller, being before this school teacher. The father of young dating, a native of the small village of the largest Smolensk region, worked by a policeman. At the actor has a Maxim's native younger brother. As a small boy, all the summer holidays Vasily spent with his beloved grandmother in the village. Judging by her memories, in childhood he was a difficult child, the dram and the starting.

Vasily Stepanov in childhood

He has evidenced with his studies, so after school, the future actor entered the technical school of physical culture and sports. There Stepanov received a specialty teacher of physical education. In the process of studying, the young man visited classes in hand-to-hand combat and even received the title of Master of Sports. But soon he wanted to change his life and move away from sports competitions. Vasily entered the Law Institute. Despite the zeal to get a diploma of a lawyer, because the student was expelled due to frequent paste.

In order to compensate for failures in their studies, the future actor got a bartender and starred in several commercials. One clip with his participation agitated for the contract military service, although Vasily himself did not serve in the army.

Vasily Stepanov starred in advertising

The friends of Stepanov saw in him talent, so they insisted that the guy would try his strength and entered VGIK to actor's courses. Vasily tried to enter immediately into several theatrical universities, but in the end chose the Schukinsky school, where he was a student of Vladimir Poros.


On listening to Stepanov met with Pavel Teplevich - the main person in his fate. He supervised the casting of actors for the film "Inhabited Island". Senaking young talent, he appointed Stepanov to a meeting with Fedor Bondarchuk. The director estimated the appearance of the guy: Static and Cute (Stepanov's growth of 192 cm with a weight of 85 kg), he approached the role of the main character of Maxim Kammeror.

Vasily Stepanov and Fyodor Bondarchuk

To participate in the filming, the film artist took a small academic leave. The painting "Inhabited Island" made it famous literally in one day. True, for the film Stepanov had to cut hair, and then the ash blond became the embodiment of the dream of many Russian girls.

In addition to working in the cinema and theater, he also tried forces as a television lead. So, in 2011, Stepanov led the TV show "I have not seen for a long time" on the TV Center. But the actor managed to seem only in several programs, after which she completed his TV presenter career.

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In 2009, Vasily Stepanov took part in the photo session for the cover of the book "Attraction". A pair made him a model Olga Golovin. Their pictures soon appeared on promoncakes and in commercials of the book of the writer Elena Usacheva, and the fans spoke about the preparation for the creation of a new film by the analogy of American "Twilight".

Vasily Stepanova could be found on the theater scene. Among the stage work of a talented actor, the audience was remembered by the execution of the role of schizophrenic Eduard in the production "Veronika decides to die."

Peter Fedorov, Julia Snigir, Vasily Stepanov and Fyodor Bondarchuk

The fitter film "Inhabited Island" directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk was for Vasily a breakthrough in a creative biography. The film of the same name of the novel Brothers Strugatsky elevated the actor to the top of the Russian cinema. In except Stepanova, such famous film actors, like Sergey Garmash, Fedor Bondarchuk, Peter Fedorov, Gosh Kutsenko, Julia Snigir, Alexey Serebryak, Mikhail Evlanov and others were also involved in the filming of the film.

The picture tells about Maxim Cammeror, an earthquake from the future, which was at the Sarakshi postpocalyptic planet and was involved in the fight against the local regime. Spectators appreciated the new film. Soon the second part of the scientific fiction films "Inhabited Island: Fight".

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The tape received positive feedback for special effects and a visual row, and negatively many specialists perceived the installation of the film and the execution of the main role of Vasily Stepanov. Nevertheless, most experts said that the actor with his game and professionalism even surpassed other celebrities that participated in the shooting.

Among all the films that were removed in Russia in 2009, the "inhabited island" turned out to be the most successful in the box office. At the end of the year, the cash collections of the paintings amounted to $ 21.8 million by entering the list of top film.

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It would seem that participation in such a work will allow Vasily to enter a new level, and his filmography will be replenished with new bright roles, but a strip of failures began in his life, Fortuna turned away from him.


After participating in the "Inhabited Island" picture, many users of social networks began to ask the question of where Vasily Stepanov disappeared. In 2014, the actor appeared in the transfer "We speak and show." It turned out that fate was unfavorable to Vasily. After participating in the film, numerous troubles fell on the artist, he had to pass a lot of tests - illness, lack of money, debts, oblivion.

Began a protracted creative and personal crisis. Perhaps apathy was caused by stress and emotional overloads during filming in the film.

Vasily Stepanov fell into depression

In the Russian media, information has repeatedly appeared that after participating in the filming of the "inhabitable island", the artist no longer received proposals from other directors, but Daria Egorova, who lived with the actor at the same time in civil marriage, assures that it is not. According to the girl, there were many options, but the film actor was indifferent to any director initiatives and producers.

Total depression swallowed it: problems arise in studies, it was not possible to get to samples, and the union with Darya disintegrates.

Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova

In these difficult moments, Vasily helps relatives. His relatives turned to specialists for medical care. In order to pay an expensive course of treatment, Stepanov's family is forced to take a loan. Vasily Soap Trolleybuses at night, trying to help in paying debt.

It seemed that the disease retreats as a new serious ailment deprives the actor. The broken thrombus in his left leg almost led to death, and only on time the surgical operation was saved by Vasily life.

Failures changed Stepanov's star appearance. Now learn in it, Maxim's handsome from the "inhabited island" is almost impossible. The depressive state has significantly affected the actor, and the heavy trauma of the spine even more aggravated the situation.

Vasily Stepanov then and now

At the end of 2016, Vasily began to be filmed for the first time in many years. In the network "Instagram" even appeared a photo from the filming of the film "Tankers" (at the box office - "uncomplicable"), in which the film acter participated. His relatives and colleagues were already able to notice how Vasily was inspired and sought to reiterate himself in cinema, but the fate of the villain again intervened.

Shortly before the new 2017, during frost and ice, Stepanov received serious damage. Lifting up the stairs, the artist slipped and fell. As a result, Vasily, doctors recorded a fracture of hip bones and two vertebrae. Doctors prescribed him a bed mode, and also appointed constant surveys, stating that the actor needs to learn to go anew.

Vasily Stepanov in the hospital

Maxim Stepanov, the younger brother of Vasily, commented on the state of the actor's health in the transfer "Direct Ether". According to him, the doctors in February 2017 gave a consolation forecast for the physical condition of Vasily. He stated that the brother would walk, but a rehabilitation period is required.

Vasily himself calls a series of failures "Curse Bondarchuk." In one interview with media representatives, he said that he could not return to the former glory because of participation in the popular blockbuster "Inhabited Island". According to him, after filming, he does not take it to work even by a courier or the seller-consultant, because they are afraid that fans will visit the store only to take an autograph from the once famous actor.

Vasily Stepanov received back injury

On April 12, 2017, it became known that the star of the "inhabited island" of Stepanov fell out of the window of the apartment, which is located on the 5th floor. The actor received many injuries and fractures, but already prescribed from the hospital. The investigation did not exclude the possibility of suicide attempts, Vasily was placed in a psychiatric hospital for a survey.

The diagnosis was made - schizophrenia, but it turned out that everything that happened to the artist turned out to be an accident. Stepanov saw a cat outside the window, which hung on the cornice. He decided to help the animal, but could not resist on the visor. The artist stayed alive, but received multiple fractures of the bones of the pelvis, the right shoulder and the heel bones.

Personal life

About the personal life of the artist knows a bit. After filming in the film "Inhabited Island", thousands of fans dreamed of meeting him. Blue-eyed blond was a welcome guest in many parties and star parties, but soon everything changed.

Private life to establish the actor has not yet succeeded. True, Stepanov had a serious relationship. The first student love is the artist Daria Egorova. They not only met, but also managed to live in a civil marriage. Soon the girl decided to stop relations, saying that it was tired of fighting with a constant depression of her beloved.

Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova

Now he is free and looking for a girl for a permanent relationship. Although, according to Darya, the actor still did not forget his first love. From time to time he calls her, but every time the chat of former lovers ends with quarrels.

Vasily Stepanov Now

After a series of tragic cases, the director Natalia Verevkin came to the aid of the colleague, who began working on the project "Who next, dreamers?"

The film tells about the life and work of the dancer, who after the accident is trying to start all over again. Vasily appeared on the screen in the view of the office of the office of the insurance company, where the main character (Igor Petrov) went to work. An artist's younger brother Maxim Stepanov also appeared in the episodic role.

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Initially, it was planned to use the star of the "inhabited Island" as director of the company, but due to the accident, Stepanov had to skip the shooting of the planned episodes. According to the director reviews, the artist behaved disciplined, professionally, without showing signs of depression or star illness. The film did not go to the rental for a long time, as there were difficulties with financing. The premiere took place at the end of 2018.

Now Vasily is trying to re-build his life. He reads a lot, drives to the village, where he helps the grandfather with the farm. With plans for 2019, Stepanov has not yet decided.


  • 2008 - "Inhabited Island: Film First"
  • 2009 - "Inhabited Island: Fight"
  • 2011 - "Insurance case"
  • 2011 - "Kiss Socrates"
  • 2011 - "My boyfriend is an angel"
  • 2013 - "Porifutball"
  • 2017 - "Unstable"
  • 2018 - "Who is the next, dreamers?"

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