Group onuka - photo, history of creation, composition, songs, clips 2021



Onuka is a Ukrainian group whose creativity is based on the mixture of folk instruments and electronic processing. Unusual sounding team conquered not only compatriots, but also Europe: the video for the song Vidlik, dedicated to the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, entered the short list of Fashion Festival of Fashion Rollers in Berlin.

The history of creation and composition

The ideological inspirer, the author of the majority of texts and music, the method of filing the onuka group on stage is Natalia Aleksandrovna Zhizchenko, known in creative circles like Nata Zizchenko.

Nata Zhizchenko

The girl was born in the family of musicians. Her grandfather, Master of Folk Instruments Alexander Nikitovich Schlelenchik, first took the musical formation of granddaughter. Thanks to him at 4 years old, the girl was already playing on the heater. Grandmother - singer and Bandistka, Mother and Uncle - Pianists. Only the Father, the liquidator of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, did not differ in creative skills.

Maria Sorokina

The biography of Natalia Zizchenko was successful in the musical plane. 11 years she sang in Trio Tomato Jaws, created in the idea of ​​her brother Alexander. Despite the growing popularity of the team, in 2013 the girl decided to leave the project and engage in solo creativity. During this period, the history of the creation of OnUKA began.

Daria Suth

The name of the group ("Onuka" - Ukr. "Granddaughter") is a tribute to the memory of Alexander Schlelenchik, the way to say thank you for musical upbringing. The team revives old traditions, and in the sound, classic Popular Tools of Bandura, the Cining and others are used.

The group has two embodiments. In the classic soloist, Nata plays on wind instruments (Supil, Obalone), processes the sound on the Omnikord, Maria Sorokina is responsible for the drums, and the backyard of Daria sut has owns keyboards.

Evgeny Yovenko

At the Concerts onuka, it often acts in an extended composition, which includes 11 musicians. They are responsible for "nationality," playing Bandure, Telinka, Timbalah, Vargan, Trombone, Trembitis, Cossack pipe and French horn. On some speeches, only Yevgeny Yovenko (Trombone, French Horn, Bandura, Bugai, Telinka) joined the girls.


Look is the first song created by Onuka in October 2013. In the same year, the leader of the Ukrainian electronics-rock band The Maneken Evgeny Filatov, a good familiar Nata Zizchenko, helped the girls to remove the debut video. Only by mid-2014 onuka first ended up on the stage as "warming up" before The Maneken.

In October 2014, the Group posted on the OnUka debut album. It includes 10 tracks, including those already known to Ukrainian listeners Look, Around Me, When I Met U, Time.

The collection bypassed the "Ocean Elzy" by the number of downloads from iTunes in the native country of performers. Also gentle vocals and music in the style of electric folk were rated in Japan. Nata Zizchenko suggested that popularity abroad is explained by the consistency of the name of the group with one of the stations of the Japanese Metro.

Evgeny Filatov and Nata Zhizchenko

In the work on the album, Natu Zizchenko supported Evgeny Filatov. Texts in English and Ukrainian are created by a girl, and The Maneken's leader made a composer and a soundhruser, he also played shock, bass and keyboards.

Mixing in the album of two languages ​​was intentional so that not only Ukraine remembered the sound of their folk instruments, but the Europeans met with the original culture of this country. The Ukrainian hosting CultProstir called OnUKA a breakthrough of 2014, and the title of the best assigned the same album.

OnUKA Group

Natu Zizchenko, the daughter of the liquidator of the Chernobyl catastrophe, since childhood was interested in the causes and consequences of this accident. The graduation work of vocalist was devoted to the influence of the explosion on the nature of Polesia. In the mini-album Vidlik released in 2016 on the label of the same name, the girl returned to his favorite theme.

The collection includes 5 compositions. In the track "19 86", the records of firefighters are used on the day of the accident, but the most famous song was Vidlik (Ukr. "Countdown"). By the way, this word is engraved on the inside of the wedding rings of Nata Zizchenko and Yevgeny Filatov.

Words that are repeated under electronic rhythmic music, metaphorically mean countdown before the beginning of the world catastrophe:

"I ... breathe ... Want.

I ... stop ... conversation.

I ... press ... count.

Only ... Future ... Ready. "

The clip on this song shows a person surrounded by the consequences of the largest in the entire history of the atomic energy of the accident. In 2018, the clip entered the Berlin Fashion Film Festival short list in 4 nominations - "Best New Artist", "Best Music Video", "Artist-Director" and "Styling". There are more than 20 images, dozens of specially created art objects. Anna Buryachkov spoke by the director.

In 2017, Eurovision Song Contest held in Kiev. Before the announcement of the winners onuka, together with the Orchestra of the People's Instruments, Noni introduced the spectators a mixture of their tracks. Guests from other countries noted that the group spoke at times better contestants from Ukraine O.Torvald.

The second Studio Album Mozaika was published in March 2018. The name of Nata Zizchenko explains this way: the life of every person, like a mosaic, consists of memories, experiences, coincidences. For example, a vocalist puzzle constitutes stories about favorite people and performers who inspire it, as well as world catastrophes and war.

To create a track Vsesvit Zhizchenko inspired by chance that the record of the negotiations of two astronauts during the flight. One of them said:

"We live while working. We live while flying. "

Therefore, the song tells about the internal freedom, overcoming difficulties and problems that are put on a person.

"Infinity is not in the emptiness that under their feet, and there - in heaven. We are alive, as long as we can fly, "the Nata Track was presented.

The song of Strum is dedicated to Grandma Zizchenko, "Hto" - onuka SoundProducer Evgeny Filatov. Arka was written during the week of soloist practices at the Chernobyl NPP: the girl witnessed the installation of the dome over the exploded power unit.

The most problematic in the framework of the album was the Guns Do Not Shoot Track, which claims that it shoots not a weapon, but a person. On the cover of the single, in addition to the usual types of weapons - stones, sticks, rifles and grenades, depicted veiled symbols: atom, alcohol, cigarettes, Internet.

Group onuka - photo, history of creation, composition, songs, clips 2021 21125_7

In September 2018, OnUKA, in collaboration with Alan Badoev, released a clip to the song Strum. It rises the environmental problem of environmental pollution. Funds received from video display on YouTube, the performer plan to list the organization "Ukraine without garbage".

The album Mozaika is nominated for the Ukrainian music premium Yuna-2019 in the "Best Album" nomination.

Onuka now

At the end of 2018, Onuka recorded the "Hushi" track (UKR. "Zaroshi"). Probably, he will enter the next one, the third album, but the information about whether the work on its release is now.

However, under the final photo in "Instagram" Nata Zizchenko wrote:

"Thank you for the interesting journey long a year. We will continue together quite soon. "


  • 2014 - Look
  • 2014 - OnUka.
  • 2016 - Vidlik.
  • 2018 - Mozaika


  • 2013 - Look
  • 2015 - City.
  • 2015 - Time.
  • 2015 - Misto.
  • 2016 - Vidlik.
  • 2018 - Strum

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