Tatyana Lutaeva - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, daughter, in youth, actress 2021



Tatyana Lutyeev only at first glance seems to be an icy aristocrat. At school, the actress heard a hooligan and gady duckling, the teachers considered the girl enough with a grip and smart to not slip on the inclined. She was not afraid to stay alone with two children, throw the established life in one country to self-realize in another.

Childhood and youth

Lutaeva Tatyana Borisovna was born on March 12, 1965, on the sign of the zodiac fish. The hometown of the actress is a new kakhovka, and in 2 years a painful girl transported to Odessa. Exactly its nationality is unknown. Tatiana's father was a geologist, and the mother - a psychiatrist-speech therapist. Parents did not even assume that their daughter would be not only a celebrity, but also the first beauty of the Soviet cinema - in childhood nothing pointed to the talent of the girls in this direction.

As Tatyana Lutaeva itself admitted, in those years she was thin, ridiculous, shy and with a very quiet voice. The future movie star studied at the music school in the class of violin, earned the title of candidate in the master of sports in height jumps. Tanya was friends only with Anna Schafyzhskaya, now opened primarily, and with boys.

Everything has changed in high school, when Tatyana decided to try his hand in just opened the theater class. The passion of the girl's parents were not initially supported, but, noticing the genuine interest of his daughter to theatrical art, accepted such a choice.

Then Alexey Batalov arrived in the native city of Tatiana in search of young talents, and the girl managed to overcome the 700-person contest in place and get to the Matra course in Vgik, which she graduated in 1986. Immediately after leaving Lutaeva to Moscow, his father was divorced with his mother.


Immediately after the release of the film "Gardemaryn, Forward!" Tatyana Lutaeva went to Vilnius. In parallel with the filming of the movies, which in the 90s were not so much, the artist played in the Vilnius Russian Drama Theater. By that time the theater left Elina Bystritsky, and Lutaeva rightfully became the leading actress.

In the repertoire of Tatiana Borisovna were the roles that could be envied - Katerina in the "Taming of the Shrew", Nastasya Filippovna in Idiota, Elena Andreevna in "Uncle Vana", Emma in the "invitation to execution", Olga in the "three sisters". This theater has been devoted to this theater for a total of 13 years.

Theater is now present in the life of Tatyana Borisovna. The role in the entrepreneurial play "Conspiracy in English" is one of the actresses memorable work. At the end of 2018, Lutaeva told that he played in the "features of national marriage" based on the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "Wolves and Sheep", rehearsing a new production with Elena Yakovleva. In the play, "Free Love", Dmitry Dyuzhev acts on her partner, and in the "queue" - Maria Gorban and Alexander Feklenko.

Together with Elena Yakovleva, at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring of 2020, Tatyana Borisovna played in the play "Enmida", where through the fate of the American cinema stars not only about Hollywood, but also about themselves, glory and loneliness, disappointment and happiness. With this formulation, women managed to visit Omsk, Krasnoyarsk and other cities.


The graduation statement "Shadow" on Evgeny Schwartz, in which Lutaeva participated, visited the famous director Svetlana Druzhinin. She came on the advice of the son and fellow students Mikhail Mukasy, who has recommended a girl as a "suitable washcloth," recalled later the artist.

Druzhinina was pleasantly surprised by the game of a talented actress and suggested her to participate in the casting to the film "Gardenaryarines, ahead!". Tatyana Borisovna managed to show himself so well that she immediately received the main female role: a beginner actress played the famous Anastasia Yaguzhinsky. The tape received tremendous success, and Lutaev called the opening of the year. Rarely who could immediately be glorified by the whole alliance in the cinema.

According to the plot of the film Yaguzhinskaya - the beloved of the heroes of Sergey Zhigunov and Mikhail Boyarsky. In the film, Lutaeva starred with the whole constellation of Soviet cinema - Dmitry Kharatyan and Evgeny Evstigneyev, Alexander Abdulov and Vladimir Shevelykov, Natalia Gundareva and Roman Markova. By the way, Tatyana Borisovna tells Tatyana Borisovna in a stranger - the artist was voiced by Anna Kamenkov.

After the release of the film "Gardemaryna" Tatyana Borisovna went to visit the mother in Odessa. If first the mother did not consider the profession of the actress seriously and dreamed, so that the daughter became a doctor, then after it began to be proud of it.

Tatyana Borisovna told in an interview that after the premiere she was preparing for a long time to enter the city, being confident that now it will be started to recognize on the street. But no one recognized a woman. At first, the actress was spent, asked himself a question "Where is Glory?", And then "laughed and calmed down his life."

Despite the proposals sprinkled from the directors in new paintings, Tatyana Borisovna unexpectedly fell out of the public opinion. It was connected with moving to Lithuania to her husband.

In subsequent years, Tatiana Lutaeva was filmed from time to time. The films "Lady with a parrot" (1988), "Family of Vurdalakov" (1990), "Seven days after the murder" (1991), "Vivat, Marthemarines!" (1991), "Poutine" (1992) and others.

The 90s were given to post-Soviet countries difficult: the period came when the movie was removed only by those who had money, and talent, education and experience went to the background. In these times, Tatyana Lutaeva served in the theater.

In 2003, the filmography of Artists has replenished the feature film "Life alone", where she played one of the main characters. The plot unfolds around a woman who was unable to forgive her incoming with a secretary. Now her life is subordinated to one favorite case - journalism. But because of work on wear very soon, it starts with health problems. The heroine goes to rest in a sanatorium, where all the most interesting starts.

Actress was actively filming again after returned to Moscow in 2004. An old friend Alexander Baluyev stated that it was time to end with the 15 years of "concluding" and go home, and Konstantin Khudyakov offered a role in the Melodrame "Another woman, another man." Then the audience remembered the artist for the works in the TV series "Yesenin" (2005), "Hunt for the Island" (2005), "Wedding Ring" (2008).

In 2009 and 2010, Lutaeva is removed in the Comedy "The Best Movie - 2" and "Freaks". In 2014, the actress was remembered by participation in the project "Funny guys", and in 2015 he starred in the painting "Sheep Dolly was evil and died early."

Remind themselves Lutaeva, it was also possible to shoot in popular TV series "Laurel Method", "Major Sokolov", "Momeli". It is curious that it is true in all films she plays the main roles. In the comedy drama of the 2012 "Five Stars" she also got a bright character, on other major roles director Vyacheslav Yakovlev invited no less well-known artists anfisus Chekhov, Elena Yakovlev, Marina Blake and Anna Mikhailovskaya.

The film tells about five women who, during the celebration, the anniversary collided in the Ladies room. Each has its own mystery and history, but they are not suspected how closely their lives are intertwined.

In 2015, the actress was involved in the form of Tamara Makarova in Lyudmila Gurchenko tape, dedicated to the life of the legend of Soviet cinema and pop. In 2016, Tatyana Borisovna participated in the TV series "Steppe Wolves", Melodrame "Summary of Fate", Drama "Hero" with Dmitry Bilan.

In 2018, a family Saga "One Life for Two" on the novel by Anna and Sergey Litvinovy ​​was shown on television. In the picture Tatyana Borisovna appeared in the form of the general wife, sharp and arrogant. When working on the role of the actress turned to memories from life - in Lithuania, aunt Nora, a spouse of a combat general lived in Lithuania. Character features, manner of the behavior of Galina Kapitonova - everything has been drawn in this woman. Sergey Parshin became the artist's spouse.

In the same year, Lutaeva became a member of the Channel One of the First Channel "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Together with her, the actors answered the actors Dmitry Kharatyan, Mikhail Boyarsky and operator Mikhail Mukasy, the son of director Svetlana Druzhinina. The release was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the film "Gardenaarina, Forward!".

Further Tatyana Borisovna is destined to play noble, high-ranking specials. So in the Ukrainian detective "Testament of Princess" she played the Queen of the fictional microscopic country of St. Lumiere, which threatens by the absorption of France.

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In the project Karen Shahnazarov "Anna Karenina" Lutaeva got the role of Countess Vronskaya.

The actress itself believes that dramatic, with the timing of the tragedy of the image more interesting romantic. As, for example, in the Drama "Prix for Angel", where with Boris Shcherbakov, she played a married couple, at first the adoptive hero of Vladimir Zherebtsov, but then preferred the character of Tatyana Arntgolts. After a few years, the spouses had to regret the decision.

Another project in the filmography of the actresses is the 20-serial series "Russian Gorki" on request of the first channel, released in 2019. This is a spy ribbon in which foreign intelligence agent becomes a rustic shepherd, and a child born out of marriage brings up his own daughter. The cast, in addition to Lutaeva, is represented by Lyanka Gryu, Karina Andolyenko, Konstantin Lavronenko, Sergey Pustapalis.

Especially "under the daughter" Tatyana Borisovna as a director and screenwriter removed the picture "Stone, scissors, paper". The ideas of Lutaeva did not find a response in the Ministry of Culture of Russia, and the production support center of the Lube Group of Nikolai Rastorgueva provided financial support. The film, according to the author, is devoted to the problem of choice, which turned out to be a beginner actress.

Personal life

By the time of entering the screens "Gardenaarins ..." Tatiana Lutaeva had already married Olegas Ditkovskyis, who was 10 years old and at that time he studied on the director. For the sake of him, the actress, forgetting the recognition of the public and colleagues, moved to Lithuania.

By the way, the last episodes of Tatyana's episodes of Tatyana, Borisovna, had to shoot only close-ups, because the actress was in the last months of pregnancy.

In 1988, the daughter of Olgus and Tatyana Borisovna, which was called Agnia, appeared. The matured girl went in the footsteps of the mother, became a sought-after actress. Agnia Ditkovskite, surprisingly reminiscent of mom in his youth, together with her there was a show "This is my mother" on Russia-1 on the internal and external transfiguration of the heroine over 40 years old.

For a number of media, the external similarity of Lutaeva and Catherine Klimova became the basis of declare that colleagues are sisters. In some extent, women are coming to each other relatives: Tatyana Borisovna - the godmother of the son of Catherine and Igor Petrenko, root. Artists are often published by common photos in social networks, they rest together, starred in the commercial clinic of aesthetic medicine. It is clear - both do not look at your age.

Very soon, the first marriage of Tatiana Lutaeva collapsed. The reason for the scandals was the jealousy of the spouse because of the desire of his wife to go out. At the same time, Olegus himself did not neglect the campaigns for all sorts of secular events. After a divorce, the woman did not leave Vilnius and soon came Cavalera again.

Rokas Ramanauskas became the second husband of Tatiana Borisovna, whose father is familiar to the viewer according to the role of "Long Road in Dunes", and Mother, Actress Egle Gabrenite, is also known for the work in the cinema. Unlike the first husband of Rokas younger than Lutaeva for 7 years. In 1999, the Couple appeared the son of Dominic.

The heir preferred a more "material" profession, studying at Moscow State University at the Faculty of State Department, dreams of becoming a businessman in the future. In order not to harm the learning process, Dominic rejected the offer of filming in the "Admiral" with Konstantin Khabenkim and Sergey Bezrukov. Nothing is known about the personal life of the guy, however, Paparazzi somehow caught him in the company with Alesa Kafelnikova.

The second marriage of Lutaeva also gave a crack, after which in 2004 the actress and two children went to Moscow along with two children. It was a difficult period - a help to wait was nowhere, and Tatyana Borisovna had to rent an apartment, arrange a daughter to Lithuanian school, and to search for work.

In 2006, Tatiana Lutaeva also knit herself of marriage with the operator Dmitry Mishin. In the same year, the daughter of the actress debuted in the film "Heat". In the image of her beloved, Alexey Chadov appeared, and Tatyana Borisovna was issued to play the role of a mother of a young man.

A few years later, Alexey and Agnia got married, and in June 2014, Lutaeva was fortunate enough to become a grandmother - the son of Fedor was born at his daughter. As a result, the lives in the actors did not work out, and Agnia with Alexei divorced. With the third spouse Tatyana Borisovna also broke up.

The details of the biography of Lutaeva more than once shared with the public - in the studio of the Kira program of the Statutinskaya "Wife. The story of love, "Julia is less in" alone with everyone ", in Tatyana Tatyana Ustinova" My hero ".

Tatiana Lutaeva is friendly with former husbands than bringing familiar to confusion. So, the actress on arrival in Vilnius can stay at home at the first spouse of Olegas and his current wife. Father's father visits the daughter of Agnia. Friendly relationship with her and Rokas - the father of Dominica. When Tatyana Borisovna arrives in the Baltic States, often meets with both fathers of his children: they communicate in a friendly, laugh, go to the cafe.

The actress is happy in his personal life, while the name of the next chosen one Tatyana Borisovna is not in a hurry to disclose.

Lutaeva - a recognized beauty with a model growth of 174 cm. Her heroine in the detective "Maitra Sokolov" detective was cared for appearance with a silver spoon. This technique, by the way, advised Alena Bondarchuk, who learned about him from Irina Skobtseva.

In the life of the artist, a couple of times a month appeals to the beautician, swims in the pool and runs in the park, visits the gym and hammam, makes a sports massage and drinks vegetable juices. For breakfast - a glass of water and home yogurt, daily in the diet soup, and in general the kitchen is simple, but diverse. Outside the set of Tatyana Borisovna does not use cosmetics.

"You can be a beautiful, sparkling, sparkling woman in an adult life. And then - any person paints the inner world. If the soul is clean and transparent, then at age it will be visible. Time is drunk anyway. But you need to be well-groomed, friendly, try to rebuild with age. "

Tatyana Borisovna continues to film and communicate with fans on social networks. So, thousands of people were signed on the account of the Honored Artist of Russia in "Instagram". Lyutayev is divided by fresh news from life, in March 2017, she first reported the death of the actor Alexander Kuznetsov, his mentor, a man who, together with Alexey Batalov, at one time considered talent in it.

At the same time, Lutaeva is divided with subscribers and personal photos. Most often it is snapshots from workflows, but there are photos from recreation actresses, where it is also selected often. There are also shots covered in a swimsuit on the beach, it is worth noting: despite age, the woman retains an excellent figure.

To decorate your body even more, in different years Tatyana Borisovna made tattoos. In 2015 in the transfer "Guests on Sundays" on the first channel, the actress told the lead of their meaning. A woman admitted that a total of various parts of her body decorate 4 pictures and they all "work", protecting the family from the misfortune and attracting love. But the daughter of Agnia surpassed Mom, by that time she had 10 tattoo, and all of them are not very large.

Tatyana Lutaeva Saita

In May 2019, Tatyana Borisovna received an invitation to be held in the continuation of the popular painting "Gardenaryarins, ahead!", Called "Gardenarya - IV", which was planned to be planned for 2021. However, the actress abandoned his role in the project, and also rejected the offer of producers on shooting in the 5th part of the legendary franchise.

In an interview with Lutaeva, did not explain the reasons for the reluctance to return to the image of their character. But at the same time she wished the director of the project Svetlana Druzhinina "Energy Flow".

However, the reluctance to participate in the production of the continuation of the history of Gardenaarines could be associated with the director's project of Tatiana Borisovna. In the spring of 2021, she began to shoot the film "Montevideo unit." The transition from the acting pane to the directorially was difficult for her: at first Lutaeva had a panic because he took such responsibility.

However, the fans of the actresses can still enjoy the game of the idol. In March, the premiere of the mini-series "Weak link", in which Tatyana Borisovna played a major role.

Filmography (actor)

  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, ahead!"
  • 1991 - "Vivat, Marthemarines!"
  • 1994 - "Letters last life"
  • 2002 - "Atlantis"
  • 2003 - "Life One"
  • 2005 - "Rope from Sand"
  • 2006 - "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces"
  • 2006 - "Middle Marese"
  • 2009 - "Court"
  • 2011 - "Winter Tango"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2014 - "Major Sokolov's heterlers"
  • 2015 - "Lyudmila Gurchenko"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2018 - "One Life for Two"
  • 2018 - "Sichka"
  • 2019 - "Russian Gorki"
  • 2019 - "On different shores"
  • 2020 - "Walking with death"
  • 2021 - "Weak link"

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