Semen Trescunov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Vasilina, Yuskovets, Actor, "Instagram" 2021



Semyon of Trescunov not over the years is reasonable and serious. The actor began to replenish the filmography in childhood, but he believes that the project has not yet met, after which he would have woken up recognizable and in the halo of fame.

Fans, of course, there are, but "traumatic manifestations of folk love" is not observed. Semyon initially did not build Napoleonic plans, and, fortunately, the career is built by his expectations, respectively.

Childhood and youth

Semen Trescunov was born in Moscow on November 14, 1999. According to the zodiac sign - Scorpio. From early childhood, the boy visited the swimming section, but in connection with the beginning of the acting career of the classes he devoted 5 years of life, I had to leave. Semyon was also engaged in acting courses, loves to ride windsurfing, snowboarding, skates.

In the movie he got through a funny case. It turns out that the mother of a young actor has always dreamed of film industry, well, or at least about shooting in advertising. To fulfill the dream, the former model constantly went to castings, managed to "light up" in the episode "Heat" Rube Gigineishvili.

Once a woman occurred to the next watching children. 10-year-old Semen and younger brother Yakovoy liked the process so much that they soon began to come to such events. But Mom, the regional representative of the editorial office of the children's magazine, stopped walking on the sample after the birth of the daughter of Sofia. In 2017, another son was born, which was named Leon.

The first success of the seed was a successfully passed casting for MTS advertising. Trescunov received an invitation to a meeting with the director who arrived from America, but on the appointed day I was punished and was going to stay at home. At the last moment, the boy managed to knock down a high temperature and get to the meeting. So the acting biography of Trescunov Seeds began, which he successfully combined with classes in the metropolitan school.

Parents are watching all films where the eldest son is involved. First critic and adviser - Dad Alexey. By the way, in the school, Semyon became above the Father - height 170 cm.

The head of the family is busy business (transfer graphics), "may praise so that you are in the seventh heaven from happiness. And sometimes it will say one word - and already depression. " I managed to play movies and brother Yakov - in the lead role in the fantasy tape of Renata Davletyarov "Wizards".


Almost fifty paintings have facilitated in the all-length seed service. Since 2009, the triskuns have infinitely triggers the forces on different advertising castings. In 2010, after filming in the roller of a cellular company, a young actor was invited to the "Emergency" picture, but only as a duplicate. However, the volitional decision of the director of Vsevolod Benigsen, the role of the boy Vasi fully and completely went to Semenu.

In the summer of 2011, the young man performed a small one, but the prominent role of the Dwarf's unworporn in the criminal thriller "Steel Butterfly". In the same year, in the film "Night Guest" he played Kirill, the son of the main character. Over the next years, Semyon Trescunov starred in many leading directories, as well as in the series, most of which received a high auditor rating.

In 2012, Trescunov took part in the Novotel "Operation M" of the Popular Malnaman "Moms". The main role of the schoolboy of the Khrustalee Mischik in the film "Private Pioneer" allowed Semenu to get a lot of awards at various film festivals, including for the best acting duet with Egor Klinayev. The young actor in the image of a quiet, timid boy, when it comes to the salvation of the dog, is transformed, overcomes his own fears and shows a character.

In 2013, he is removed in the episode of Alexander Mitty's painting "Shagal - Malevich", where he plays a young left. In the same year, in the mini-series "Third World" Alexander Cotta Trrescunov represents Petka, the grandchild of the grandfather of Maxim, and in the detective series "Black cats" - young hooligan Romka. In the series "The reverse side of the moon", the seeds had a small role of the maniac in childhood.

In 2014, the artist played Luka in the picture "At the bottom" and gathered a lot of positive feedback at the "Window to Europe" festival. According to the film critics, the great creative achievement of Trescunov seeds was the role of Vanya Kuznetsov in the Comedy "Ghost" (2015), where he plays with Fedor Bondarchuk.

In 2016, a picture "Good boy" was released on the screens, in which Semen played with Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Efremov. The film won the Grand Prix at Kinotavra 2016. As the Trescunov later told, this project returned to him in his own strength, since he believed that the story about a teenager who fell in love with the teacher would not cause reaction from the viewer.

The actors were planned to use in the film "Save Pushkin" directors of Philip Korshunov and Pavel Mirzoyeva with the nephew Fyodor Bondarchuk Konstantinov Kryukov, playing Alexander Sergeevich. But the role of Semen did not get.

In 2018, the outrageous Semyon received a role in one of the main film projects of the year - the Military Drama "T-34" on Soviet prisoners of war treated tank and fled from the German camp. The film, which came to the screens on the first day of 2019, became a record holder for rolling fees, collected 1.4 billion rubles for a week. Victor Dobronravov, Alexander Petrov, Yuri Borisov and Anton Bogdanov played members of the "ThirtyDeighters" crew.

The drama "Wizard" is the debut director's draft scenario and composer Mikhail Morskova. In the painting, Semen plays a teenager, challenged to a wheelchair. Trescunov became friends with the prototype of the main character, the boy Roman, suffering from the cerebral palsy, revised dozens of documentaries about people living with this disease.

It was already necessary to reincarnate in the disabled person of the young man in the comedy "Family Business", however, there is a fate of the character more rainbow. In the role of a partner seeds, forgotten rock musicians, Maxim Sukhanov spoke. In the fall of 2019, Semyon and Maxim spoke more about the film visiting Ivan Urgant.

Considerable mental experiences needed an actor to convey the image of an orphanage boy in a melodraman "At Angela Angina". This role of the triskuns "shared" with Evgeny Tsyganov, who plays a sirotot, who became a famous playwright in 25 years.

The artist starred in the series "Green van. A completely different story, "the continuation of the popular film with Dmitry Kharatyan in the lead role.

In the new picture, the action unfolds after 20 years, the fighter with crime passed the Camping of the NKVD and the War, and Sergey Krutin sits in the director's chair. His father Victor Krutin in 1983 was the first part operator.

Trescunov got into the caste of the series "Grand" along with Alexander Lykov and Mila Sivatskaya. The plot is spinning around the student, which works in the hotel by laundry and ambitiously dreaming of opening your own hotel.

Personal life

Semyon Trescunov argues that with the arrival of glory, the attitude of the peers towards him has not changed. In 2017, the actor graduated from the usual Moscow school, where he had many friends and girlfriends. At the same time, the girls did not show any special attention to the young celebrity - for them, Semyon is first of all a classmate. Until the 7th grade, he was "botan" at all - he studied perfectly in all subjects.

Changes in personal life manifested itself primarily in the fact that Trescunov came from the family and began to live separately. The first time be sad from a shortage of communication with brothers and sisters, I missed my pets - dogs and cats. Over time, used to, learned how to cook, which did not know exactly before. Nevertheless, the actor tries not to violate the long-term tradition - on the first day of each month to gather in the parental house for dinner.

Semyon does not want to learn to the actor, soul closer to the director. The first experience in this direction was the short-casting "on the edge" about the girl trying to commit life. The tape is presented at "Cinema 2017". The young man entered VGIK, for the course towards Alexander Cott, but complains that due to the shooting it is impossible to pay due attention to school.

In an interview to the question about whether the first love was in his life, Semen told about one girl from a neighboring entrance, from which he walked for a while and went to the movies. True, these relationships can hardly be called, a guy admitted. Trescunov long refused to talk about who his girl.

In an interview with the magazine "Kinoreporter", the artist shared revelations:

"I hope she is the first and last. Let's leave in secret who she is doing and what it does. In fact, the awareness that there is a person who can love, to bury, very cool - gives strength. I do not know if something is stronger in life and brighter than this feeling. "

The actors' subscribers in "Instagram" suggested that this is Vasilina Yuskovets - the on-screen wife in the TV series "Ivanov-Ivanov", in which the Hero of Trescunov was confused with Alexei Lukin's character. In 2020, it became known that the couple broke up after two years of relationship.

Before that, the seed was attributed to the novel with a young artist of Lelle Baranova, a familiar public on the role of his daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko in the series of the same name and Anna in the painting "Staircase in Heaven".

In 2015, the talent of the singer and the composer awoke in Talent. The young man composed music and recorded with the participant of the Children's "Eurovision" Alice of the Koekina Song "Freedom" and "Your Road", which became a soundtrack for the cartoon "Fortress. Shield and sword. "

With fans Semyon now holds communication through social networks, laying out photos and news in "Instagram" and in VKontakte. In Twitter, the guy is also registered, but the account has not been updated since 2015.

In January 2021, Trescunov declared his civil position. The guy has published a video with a call to participate in the rally on January 23 in support of Alexei Navalny.

Semen Trescunov Now

On February 11, 2021, the premiere of the film "Native" was held, where the triskunov played the role of Sani. Father (Sergey Burunov) decided to fulfill a long-time dream - to speak with the author's song at the Pershina Festival, and the relatives are forced to accompany the head of the family in traveling to achieving the goal.

The premiere of the Rashen South ribbon is scheduled for Marta with Stasay Miloslavskaya as Ksyusha's Girl from the city of Azure on the Black Sea, which dreams of finding your prince. As a result, the beauty receives three cavaliers at once: a police officer (Alexander Metelkin), Sailor (Rinal Mughametov) and a student from Voronezh (Semen Trescunov).

Director Alexander Vortytsky plans Sikvel Comedy 2015 with Fedor Bondarchuk and Semen Trescukunov "Ghost 2", the continuation of the story about the aircraft designer Yura, who became a ghost and shy schoolboy Vane. The creators promise a new and original concept.

"I have such an inner need - to go somewhere, all the time go ahead and dream about the future. For me, the future is like religion. I believe in him and I live for him, this is the direction that I hope to conquer. It is very new, ambitious, there is a lot of future in it and a lot of people, and to this combination - "man and the future" - I will strive, "Alexander Varta shared.

It will be released on the screens of the tape in 2021-2022.


  • 2011 - "Night Guest"
  • 2012 - "Mosgaz"
  • 2012 - "Steel Butterfly"
  • 2012 - "Private Pioneer"
  • 2013 - "Super Max"
  • 2014 - "On the bottom"
  • 2015 - Argentina
  • 2015 - "Ghost"
  • 2016 - "Rainted"
  • 2016 - "Good boy"
  • 2017 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Richter"
  • 2018 - "Angela Angrina"
  • 2019 - "T-34"
  • 2018 - "Angela Angrina"
  • 2019 - "Wizard"
  • 2019 - "Grand-2"
  • 2019 - "Green van. A completely different story. "
  • 2020 - "Goodbye, America!"
  • 2020 - "Deadly Illusions"
  • 2021 - "Native"

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