Agatha Minting - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Pavel Prilum 2021



Today, the name of this Russian actress of Latvian origin is familiar to the audience. Agatha Mutzing has become famous after entering the screens of mystical detective tape "Closed School". But few people know that she could go completely different expensive and become a successful model or translator from the Chinese language.

Childhood and youth

The star of Russian cinema in Riga was born on March 1, 1989, on the sign of the zodiac fish. It seems that fate at the very beginning prepared her tests that harden the character and taught hard to work on overcoming obstacles.

Agatha Mutzing Miraculously remained alive: if her birth, doctors made a mistake, and the girl was barely able to save. From the first days of life, babies have discovered problems with the stomach, so she could not attend the kindergarten. Mom-cook had to make considerable efforts to develop a daughter. Another girl has grown in the family - Santa's older for 2 years.

Pope, Latvian by nationality, did not become when the agate turned 3 years. He worked as a bartender in one of the Riga restaurants. Mom had one to put on the legs of small daughters. For the family, difficult times came. In an interview with Mutzing with bitterness, it shared that to put on school with his sister, there was a strong enough. The more well-friendly rovers laughed at the modest clothes of girls, calling them by "homeless".

However, Agatha never utter a tired mother requests for expensive outfits. Moreover, she tried to cheer close to funny scenes and concert "numbers". The girl perfectly declared poems, sang and danced.

Mom, noticing the acting abilities of his daughter, took her to the theater studio for children called the "Box". From this point on, the young actress regularly participated in various school concerts and the competitions of the readers, where he occupied the first places.

When Agatha has grown up, the surrounding noticed how attractive girl is attractive. She had a model appearance suitable for work on the podium growth of 172 cm. The future actress decided to try his own classmate in the model business. She sent an application and portfolio to the Riga Fashion Agency and easily received an invitation. Motion advertised shoes of a well-known Italian company.

At the same time, a favorable contract received a profitable contract with the school certificate of Agata: the model was invited to work in Milan. She visited many countries, lived in Germany for a long time. She was sheltered by the family of immigrants from China. This circumstance was surprisingly coincided with the interest of Mentation to the culture of this country.

According to Agatha, in his youth, an interstitial father instilled in his way. The girl learned quite well and after returning home entered the university. Chose the Faculty of Philology, where he continued to study the language and culture of China.

At this time, the main children's dream of Mutzing suddenly reminded of himself - the scene was antered with a girl. Therefore, after the 1st year, she threw the university and went to Moscow to enter VGIK. Friends did not understand Agatu, but she decided to no longer go from the chosen road. In the train, the girl studied the fastener and rehearsed a piece of prose. Worried incredible.

In the university, Latvia came from the first attempt. Muzing was enrolled on the course Alexander Mikhailov. In the workshop of this talented artist and the teacher, the girl studied the basics of skill and first came to the scene.

Personal life

The film "Closed School" not only became the first successful project of Agata Motation - he brought big changes in her personal life. During the filming of this rating television series, the girl met Paulil. Soon between them broke out mutual feelings. Pavel, who had just been broken down from the "Vampire" from the famous Saga "Twilight" Nikki Reed, managed to lead a loved one from under someone else's crown.

The fact is that in the student years, Mutsius began to meet with a classmate and a dancer from the team of Dima Bilan - Artyom Alekseev. But at the shooting of the "closed school" between Agata and Pavl, sparks broke out in a fervor novel. The girl broke up with Artyom.

Two years Love lived together. And in the summer of 2011, secretly issued a relationship in one of the metropolitan regulations, trying not to attract unnecessary attention of the press. Lucky, with a restaurant and a lot of guests, noted only the fifth anniversary of the wedding. Agatha changed the surname of Mutzing toil on primarily, but Maiden is still aiming in the credits: the actress saved it as a scenic name.

In October 2012, on the page of the celebrity husband in Facebook, the fans saw a photo of a pregnant actress. At the very beginning of 2013, a happy couple appeared the firstborn, whom Timofey called. Since then, the spouses rarely appear in secular events, visiting only those that are considered important for a career. Artists prefer to spend more time in a family circle.

In the spring of 2016, it became known that in the family of Agata Motzing and Paul, another joyful event occurred: a girl was born. Happy parents gave her daughter. Beautiful Miya name. Agatha thought that he had repeatedly, but in this one in her coarse form dismissed the singer Rita Dakota. Women later became girlfriends, do not break water. Dakota, rubbed loudly with his husband Vlad Sokolovsky, recorded a clip on the song "Tsunami" and the main role was invited to the Motation.

In November 2016, Paul Siluchny visited the Evening Urgant show, where he asked for forgiveness from his wife for the fact that because of the dense schedule, the work was not supported during childbirth. The young father returned to Moscow, when it came time to pick up a spouse with a baby from the hospital.

From time to time, fans and yellow editions "bred" this bright and stylish pair. News about divorce has occurred since 2015. Once again, the information about the parting of the spouses appeared in the fall of 2016, but the rumors were dispelled in March of the same year when Mia appeared.

It should be noted that the fighter and herself gives food for talking about parting. An attempt to joke that she "became friends with her husband's mistress" Darya Moroz, fans did not appreciate. Rumor who was agreed in the media about betraying with the former spouse Konstantin Bogomolov only broke out with a new force.

In conversations with the reporters of Agata, recognized that they have explosive characters with her husband. Spouses could not stop when they argued, and did not learn to give way to each other. It was not easy for them to put up. Yes, and Paul told that time ten was going to divorce after another quarrel with his own children, but every time love won and Mirila.

In the summer of 2018, Agatha wrote in "Instagram" that the couple is experiencing a difficult period, and asked not to disturb in question.

Later, Pavel Prilochny confirmed the message about problems in relations, but at the same time stated: there is no third person in their situation, which immediately suggested the media. The breakdown in the star family was not a joke alarmed fans.

The situation was discharged closer to the end of the year. Professional ambitions have become the cause of the conflict. Enjoyment is among the most sought-after young actors, but Agatha does not intend to inferdest in this regard. Paul, of course, did not see the housewife from the Polly on the Polly, but also asked for homework not to forget. It began, as usual, with trivia, copied, copied and spilled out. Step to reconciliation made a fighter. When Paul came to collect things to move to another place, Agatha suggested to forget about everything and start first.

The symbol of the new stage in the life of the actors was to move to a new house, the photo of which hurried to rub glossy publications. The actress has mentioned that in such conditions is ready for the birth of a third child - the incense dreams of replenishing the male part of the family.

The harmony reigned in the family, the Youtyub-Channel of Agatha, funny instagram-storsis spoke. The rollers were told about what the family is engaged in their free time, which projects are working on what projects, as celebrating birthdays, which is teaching children.

"I remove our real life! My shooting with humor, they are aimed at calling people positive emotion. This is a cheerful content, it is the truth of life, but only ten percent. "

Alas, in 2020, the name "primary weekdays" was added pessimistic "everyday life of breeding."

Marriage Agatha and Paul still collapsed. The actress even changed the tattoo in the form of a wedding ring, made after another reconciliation, on the graphic image. In its fan community, "adequate girls" an interview appeared, explaining the reasons now the final gap.

Muzing was responsible for what happened. What concretely concluded his husband's misconduct, she did not explain because he does not want Mia and Timofey to find something bad in the Father and Timofey. Due to age, children do not understand what divorce is, and parents do not say anything yet, communicate with each other as before.

Save the relationship The young woman no longer wanted. Another year earlier, participating in the Regina Todorenko program, the actress stated that the person in the family would not keep "neither children nor money or dogs." And then mutual understanding disappeared completely, it remained only to make paper. Agata did not resort to help psychologists. She believes that talking with a specialist follows Paul, but a man does not believe in such therapy.

Haters suggested that Agatha found consolation at Roman Kurzne, after she posted a joint photo in the social networks from the expected new project.

Yellow press entered the list of applicants for the heart of Beauty Konstantin Khabensky. Allegedly on the evening to collect funds for the Charitable Foundation, colleagues are too closely communicated.

And in March 2021, this list has expanded this list: rumors of Agatha's novel appeared on the network with Klima Shipenko. Producer actresses made a refutation.


The Cinematic Biography of Agatha Motation began in 2007, in student. The debut for the actress was an episodic role in the television series "Trail".

After 3 years, Agatha Mintzenitsa starred as a schoolgirl named Svetlana, who was a daughter of the main character of the Stroybataya multi-veneer TV project.

And also, in addition to movies and television series, the girl often appeared in the commercials of MegaFon companies, Beeline, Euroset, Nescafe, Jardin and Savage.

The first popularity hit the actress, making his first steps in Russian cinema, together with the role of Dasha Starkova in the rating television mystical project "Closed School". As ideally produced, the role was to fulfill Marina Petrenko, but the actress refused to participate in the shooting, as the work schedule was very dense. Agatha Mutzing with pleasure accepted the offer and did not regret.

It is known that for the sake of the role of a beginner artist changed the color of the hair. But this is not an expensive price for such a bright and truly star role. So the brunette winting temporarily turned into a blonde. But later, Agata returned to the usual style.

In 2011, Motation took part in the filming of the 6-minute episode of the film "My crazy family." In the same year, she was offered a secondary role in the Kinolent "Roman with cocaine", from which the actress also did not refuse.

In 2013, Sergey Zhigunov presented his shielding of Roman Alexander Duma "Three Musketeers", where Rinal Mukhametov played the main role of brave Gasconus. Muzing appeared in the form, thanks to whom Elena Tsaplakova became famous in the 1978 version - Milady's maid named Katty. In the spy of Cardinal Richelieu reincarnated Ekaterina Vilkov.

In the spring of 2014, the Riga Star starred in the leading role of the project "The Secret City". The film came out in the spring of the same year on the Ren-TV channel. The series was removed from the same name of the works of Watim Panova's writer. Here, Agata Minkyztsy starred together with Paulil, who at that time had already become her husband.

Some lovers of Panov's creativity were somewhat discouraged by the fact that the heroine of Motition in the "secret city" is not redhead, as it should be waiting in accordance with the novel. But Agate managed to get into the way that the question with the color of the hair quickly disappeared.

Career Agatha Mutzing after the release of the "closed school" and "secret city" is rapidly developing. In 2015, she was offered to play one of the main roles in the adventure thriller "Quest". The film was released on the STS. Spectators saw in this project a number of favorite young actors. In addition to the Metzing, Paul Siluchnyi played here, Marina Petrenko, Ilya Josephs, Mikhail Evlanov.

Agate Minkie to work in the film "Quest" was offered to make a short haircut and in which it is already repainted to hair. But because of the participation in another picture, the artist could not do this. The producers of the series went to assign, as they were interested in the talented actress remain in the project.

Later, the girl admitted that ready for any changes in appearance for the sake of work. Agatu delight examples of Hollywood stars, which for roles in the cinema rapidly lose weight or get fat, because it requires work.

The readiness of the Motion for Self-sacrifice for the sake of the role was inspected by the detective series in the "cell". The incense, producing a picture along with Janik Fayziev, asked her spouse to lose weight. Agatha was filmed with Paul in a frank scene and later noticed that it was one of the most difficult moments of the career, although there was not a foreign person in bed. The creators of the film about the reunion of the father and the Son, not friends with the law, promise to demonstrate labor results in mid-2019.

In the spring of 2016, Agatha Mintzenitsa pleased the fans with a new film - the series "I know your secrets." She played here a key role - Nina Archet, Verifier Lie.

This year was generous to the main roles. She received an offer to play the heroine of the youth series Dina's navigator "Civil marriage". In 2017, the film came out on the screens. Agatha appeared here in Tandem with Denis Kukoyaka, whom the audience know on the film "Real Guys".

The heroine of the artist in the melodrama "Revenge as a medicine" elected the original way to pump the failed mother-in-law for the fact that she separated it with her beloved man. The girl turns an affair with the father of the former groom, but it falls into his own trap - falls in love with real.

In the dismissant belt "Living" Agata became the on-screen wife of Petar Zekavitsy, but for a while, because the spouse-banker dies, and a journalist is taken for the investigation of the murder, who believes that the crime is a secret syndicate. This role went to Kirill Kyaro.

In 2018, Agatha was starred in the leading ice detective tape. This is a film about the film. According to the plot on the shooting area of ​​the heroine, Motation kills the daughter of the sponsor of the painting. In the fact that this is an accident, or, expressing the criminal language - a stand, no one believes, even a husband performed by Kirill Zaporizhia.

The actress is involved in the widely advertised historical film "Tobol" about Peter I. The authors of the project have released not only the widescreen option, but also the 8-serial series on the first channel, which started the show in October 2020. Muzing played German Brigitt Tsims, in love with a Swedish soldier.

"My heroine is a man who is going on the call of the heart does not make anything that the society requires. And she is not afraid of what they think about her. She does what he wants. It seems to me that it is right and necessary, I would have learned from her. It is free spirit and purposeful. The girl does not break the life obstacles, she correctly and persistently perceives difficult situations. "

The 3rd part of the "secret city" was changed by the director, Artem Mazunov came to the place of Alexander Mokhov, who was familiar to the roles in the "livestock", "secret guard" and the series "Capan" with Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov. The basis of the long-awaited continuation of Fantasy was the works of Vadim Panov "Supplies of hatred", "and in hell there are heroes." Agata has a new role in the project.

The fighter "Retribution" is another general project of primarily and fighter. In the center of the narration - Character Paul, a former special forces, leading to him by ways to fight crime in his hometown. And the heroine of Agata helps him in this.

The readiness of the Mutivation to self-sacrifice for the sake of the role was inspected by the detective series "in the cell". The incense, producing a picture along with Janik Fayziev, asked her spouse to lose weight.

Agatha was filmed with Paul in a frank scene and later noticed that it was one of the most difficult moments in a career, although there was not a foreign person in bed. No one wanted to abandon these frames in order not to disturb the style of the picture. Prilochny, recalled the artist, was very worried if she had a "nage". Minky himself follows Mario Casasa's principle - the actors have no taboo.

In 2019, Paul and Agatha played together in the play "Aventurers inevitable". Raisanov, Anatoly Rudenko, Alexey Yakubov, are also involved in the comedy.

Tele Show

In the "voice. The children "Agata fell by chance. The producers of the show rated her Vlog, saw the actress communicates with her son and her daughter, their friends, and decided that she would find a common language with small artists. Motiony very much liked the role of the lead, and partnership with Dmitry Nagiyev. The actress, by the way, while the only one who twice was invited to a popular project of the first channel.

How did the agate contestant participated in the intellectual and entertainment transmission "where is the logic?". Artist and blogger Iza competed in guessing rebus with a team consisting of Nathan Musicians and Misha Marvin.

In the Russian adaptation of the Lip Sync Battle show, called the "kings of plywood", the Motation was reincarnated in the Bast and the Christmas tree. The participants of the program, which producer Yana Churikova considered the voting antipode, had to dance and show a pantomime.

Agata Mottishieu now

In 2021, Agata continued to develop his Youtyub-Channel, taking interviews from celebrities in the "Honest Divorce" heading and discussing maternity problems in Mambook.

In the comedy drama "Hook" Mutzing performed a major role.


  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2013 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 2014 - "The Secret City"
  • 2014 - "Beautiful Life"
  • 2015 - "Quest"
  • 2016 - "I know your secrets"
  • 2016 - "Return at any cost"
  • 2017 - "Civil marriage"
  • 2017 - "Revenge as a medicine"
  • 2017 - "Live"
  • 2018 - "Nonteay Ice"
  • 2019 - Tobol
  • 2020 - "Plague!"
  • 2021 - "Hook"

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