Anton Khabarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



The star of Russian cinema and theater Anton Olegovich Khabarov became famous after entering the screens of several popular Russian projects. But only the faithful fans of the actor know that in his filmography there are paintings taken in Bollywood and Germany.

Childhood and youth

Anton Khabarov was born in January 1981 in Balashikh near Moscow, in a simple family, where parents did not have a direct relation to the world of cinema. The mother of the future artist worked as a teacher in kindergarten, and father sacrificed his father's school at the university.

According to Anton, his father filed great hopes like a mathematician and was one of the best students. Oleg Khabarov in the youth also engaged in basketball. The Moscow Region team won the Russian Championship.

When he decided to leave the university, he sent letters from the dean to return. But Oleg Khabarov refused to change his choice: the times came complicated, and he could not leave small children - Anton and Lisa - to the mercy of fate. Khabarov worked on 3 works: first to the tokar, then the mechanic. Later, when the children have grown, he settled by the collector and "grew up" to the head of the guard.

In the future, the graceful son highly appreciated the victim that his parents brought for the sake of the well-being of children. When Khabarov took place as an artist, he gave the Father SUV, and the mother arranged a luxurious rest on Goa. Sister Elizabeth did not go on a creative path, now it works by a veterinarian cardiologist.

The acting talent Anton demonstrated long until the moment when the film lenses first got into the lenses. As a child, the boy was an ordinary child and, like most of the peers, was fond of sports - mild athletics, basketball. But the art was already then Manilo Anton: he had a good rumor, and the mother was away from his son in a music school, where he mastered the piano.

At 10, Khabarov, together with a classmate, accidentally wandered into the choreography section. He saw so he liked that the boy decided to learn how to walke and signed up for ballroom dancing.

Soon the classic choreography was so carried away by Khabarov, which turned into the main hobby. A few years later, Anton got the CMS title on sports ballroom dancing. But what were his surprise and despair, when, after graduating from school, the guy could not go to the university of physical culture and sports, where he aimed at the Faculty of Ballroom Dance.

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The shoulder substituted his father: he advised his son to enter the capital of the Arts College to the Directory Faculty. Anton did not understand why he was a director, but fortunately, listened to his father. Perhaps his role was played by the fact that Khabarov's parents were avid theatrons and set the love of the Son's theater.

Anton entered the directorial, but at the same time surprised and even launched the admission committee. The task "analyze your play" The guy understood literally: for the night of Habarov, he composed a play and arrived at the exam with her analysis.

After the 3rd year, Anton was so carried away by the game on the stage, which decided to try his hand as an actor. He filed documents in 3 theater universities - to the MCAT-Studio, Schukinskoye and Shchepkinskaya school - and passed everywhere. Chose "Slice", because there was just a talented actor and teacher Viktor Korshunov.

Personal life

The future spouse of Elena Stepuchev Anton Khabarov got back in the first year of "sins." But for the love of beauties, followed by many classmates, had to compete: Lena had a guy. Khabarov had to resort to tricks: at first he became a good friend with whom she was shared by the secrets of his personal life. The relationship was imperceptible to something more, and the couple began to live together.

5 years later, in 2007, the actors legalized the relationship. Before the wedding, Anton was forced to go to Tajikistan on the shooting. The groom appeared the day before the celebration, although the relatives of the bride from Kaliningrad no longer believed that the marriage would take place.

Their firstborn Vlad was born in the same year. With the birth of the second child, the spouses did not delay - after 3 years they have already grown up two children: Vlad has a sister Alina. Vlad managed to try himself in many directions: today he is engaged in boxing, swimming, mini-football, plays an electric guitar. He is also fond of programming and playing chess.

Elena Khabarova returned to the profession in 2013, with her husband enrolling in the Moscow Gubernaya Theater. Together, the spouses played in the formulation of Dmitry Duzhev "bench" and other team performances. In addition, Elena is known as a Tifflocenter.

The actor with his family continues to live in Balashikha, although it has long been able to acquire real estate in the capital. In their native to Anton, children attend all sorts of sections and mugs. In the circle of interests of the daughter and son of the artist include chess, hockey, dancing, yoga, drawing and even mental arithmetic. So, Alina surprises relatives with his ability to multiply three-digit numbers in the mind, reading a book.

Fresh photos with his wife and children Artist fans are found in his account in "Instagram". Frames from travel appear on the artist page. The spouses have already visited Maldives, in Vietnam, in Dominican, where they indulge in their hobby - Diving.

Theater and films

The cinematic biography of Anton Khabarov started in early youth, while studying at the Theater Institute: a novice actor appeared in the episodes of the serials "Mrs. Victory" and "Honeymoon".

In 2004, the young artist received a diploma diploma and was accepted into the Sovremennik's troupe. For 4 years of service in this famous theater, Anton played in 4 productions, the most popular of which was the "lady with camellias" and "Anthony & Cleopatra". The last performance, the director of which was the famous Kirill Serebrennikov, was shielded.

The artist remembers that at first the game on the scene of the famous theater was given to him with difficulty. The student team had to play in front of several dozens of spectators, whereas in the "contemporary" hall was designed for 850 people: the actor required a greater internal volume. Premiere shows with the participation of Khabarova ended with a semi-empty hall, but soon the talented performer understood and corrected his mistake.

The first noticeable role in the filmography of Khabarova appeared in 2005 in the TV series "Dr. Zhivago": Anton played by Rodion Gishar. The artist himself remembered this first major role forever, because he has a young and little-known actor - there was a scene with the legend of Russian cinema Oleg Yankovsky.

From the excitement of Khabarov could not enter the image. To overcome shysteriness and get out of the stupor helped him myself. Oleg Ivanovich asked the operator to take a break and told his story with his story, having told that he also had to make her debut along with Rolan Bull star. The great artist then simply told the Obruch colleague:

"Listen, you are beautiful, you just stand, and I will play everything."

After a conversation with Yankovsky Khabarov, finally, was able to come into shape and reincarnate into his hero.

The first major role was played in 2007, she brought Anton tangible fame. In Tandem with a former classmate Tatyana Arntgolts, he played a key character - the General Son in the multi-metering melodrama "and still I love ...". Millions of viewers were closely followed by the filmmaker. Later, the acting duet appeared in the same series - "The Victim of Love", which came out 11 years after the first premiere.

Anton Khabarov and Ekaterina Klimov in the series

Removing the cinema, Anton Khabarov did not leave the service in the theater. In 2008, he changed the Sovremennik stage on the stage of the V. Mayakovsky academic theater. Soon theaterly saw a talented artist in the "Circle", "three sisters" and "dangerous turn".

In 2009, Khabarov was invited to a new project, which scored high ratings immediately after the release of the first series. The dismanting film "Brother" helped Anton to gain a foothold on the Russian film college. In the sensational series, he appeared with already famous for the whole country with colleagues Sergei Seline, Alexei Kravchenko and Dmitry Dyaconov.

Despite the fact that there were already plenty of "criminal" serials at that time, "Bratans" liked the audience. Therefore, the project creators extended it for another 3 seasons, in each of which Anton appeared in the same cast.

After the release of this tape, the directors often offer artist leaders. But the most "loud" and rating was a psychological thriller with elements of the Mysticism "Closed School", in which Khabarov played the director of the school, a man closed and mysterious.

The artist liked working in the project, where his creators gathered the constellation of young colleagues and all famous performers with experience. Evgeny Lose entered the acting ensemble, Pavel Priluchny, Tatyana Kosmachev, Agatha Motsey. According to Khabarova, he received the strongest impressions from working with Tatiana Vasilyeva.

In 2011, the viewers gladly watched the premiere of the dramatic series with elements of Fantasy "Target", filmed by Alexander Zeldovich. A bright artist often appears surrounded by a brilliant partner: with Catherine Klimova, he played in "lovers of women", with Elena Zakharova - in Yermolov.

During this period, the name of the artist is already so famous to the audience that it, as a star, is invited to the popular project "Dancing with the Stars". Anton Khabarov in a pair with Catherine Trofimova became the favorites of the audience, causing a storm of emotions by passionate tango, an incendiary chief and sensual sambule. Couple ranked 4th.

It is noteworthy that the audience noted the amazing external similarity of Khabarov with Sergey Lazarev. Both attract the attention of the public with high growth and military alignment (with an increase in 187 cm, the weight of Anton is 80 kg), as well as a velvety voice voice. But the artists do not have related ties and are only distantly familiar.

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2013 The year is notable for the actor with the transition to the framework of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater: Anton took an invitation and was enrolled in the troupe. On this scene, he made his debut in the play "found a braid to stone."

In 2015, the actor was again lucky with the work in the cinema: he played a bright role in a detective on the work of Tatiana Ustinova "Chronicle of Gnus Times". Anton reincarnated in the Kirill entrepreneur, who helps his beloved girl (Polina Syrkin-Strelnikova played her) to find her grandmother's killer. At the same time, the artist appeared in the melodrama "Women's Lovers", where brilliantly played in a duet with Catherine Klimova.

In 2016, Khabarov began to be filmed in the criminal series "Murka" Anton Rosenberg and Yaroslav Mochalov.

The long-awaited premiere of the film took place in March 2017 and instantly became an event of the year. And it is easy to understand, because the director has collected a real "star landing" in the project: Maria Lugovoy, Alexei Bardukova, Mikhail Porechenkova, Maxim Drozda, Sergey Harmash, Alain Babenko.

Khabarova got a bright role - he played an account and criminal Konstantin Blanca. By the way, in the Evening Urgant program, the actor mentioned that in his youth, it was robbed by robbery: along with a group of local hooligans opened the car to theft of content. Fortunately, Khabarov managed to stop and send their energy to a positive direction.

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In 2018, the actor appeared in an unusual role for himself, fulfilling the role of angel in the formulation of "Random Tango". But this is not an ephemeral being, and the person's magnificent experience, which is engaged in the fact that determines the number of evil and good deeds of the dead people. In the performance, Julia Galkina and Roman Pechersky also appeared.

From the classic productions of Anton, I was surprised by the participation of the "Cherry Garden" play Anton Chekhov, where the vestoven was played. This hero in the understanding of the director of the provincial theater of Sergei Bezrukova is intelligent, brought up and in love with Ranevskaya.

Later with the participation of Khabarov, the movies "Wedding and Divorces", "stepfather", "Victim of Love" came out. Another tape, which viewers looked in 2019, - 32-serial detective "New Life", where Khabarov again appeared in keywords together with Valeria Lanskaya and Natalia Antonova.

Playing in the detective series "Lawyer Ardashev. Masquerade with death "In a new imigio with vegetation on her face, Anton Olegovich outwardly reminded his fan of another performer with Usami - Evgenia Shirikova.

Poms of the public of Khabarov often gives an interview in which he introduces the admirers of their talent not only with creativity, but also with numerous relatives. Together with his wife, children and parents, he became the hero of the next release of the Sunday program "When all at home." During the self-insulation in the spring of 2020, Anton and Elena often came out in a live ether, communicating with the audience.

Anton Khabarov now

The tightness of the artist can only be envied. In 2020, together with Vyacheslav Gugiev, Elena Proklova, Evgeny Sidichene and his wife, he released the play "Fate as a gift". With the tours of the star theatrical scene and the cinema visited different cities of Russia, including those at the Festival "Amur Autumn".

Another telepriter with the participation of Anton Khabarova in the lead role is to show the detective series "Kazanova", took place on the first channel. Svetlana Khodchenkova, Ekaterina Spitz and Sergey Ugryumov starry also starred. In the film, the artist embodied the image of the marriage of the Soviet Union on the nicknamed Alain Delon. Specialized by a fraudster on the promotion of high-ranking ladies. After a committed suicide attempted by one of his victims, Moscow detectives took the case.


  • 2005 - "Dr. Zhivago"
  • 2007-2008 - "And still I love ..."
  • 2009 - "Brother"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2011 - "Target"
  • 2014 - "Chronicle of Gnus Times"
  • 2014 - "Fetisov"
  • 2015 - "Women's Lovers"
  • 2016 - "Murka"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2018 - "Selfie with Fate"
  • 2019 - "Lawyer Ardashev. Masquerade with death "
  • 2019 - "Lawyer Ardashev. Mystery of the Persian
  • 2019 - "Lawyer Ardashev. Murder on waters "
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2020 - "Kazanova"

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