Peter Tolstoy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Programs 2021



Peter Tolstoy is a popular Russian TV presenter, journalist, producer, politician, public and statesman, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Today it is also known as the political browser of the author's project "Tolstoy. Sunday".

Childhood and youth

Peter Tolstoy comes from the oldest kind of Russian aristocrats. He is a descendant of the great classics of Leo Tolstoy and accounts for the writer of the right of the right of Father Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy.

Peter Tolstoy - the descendant of the lion of Tolstoy

On the line of Mother Olga Tomara, Peter Tolstoy also has famous ancestors with a rich history of the genus. The five-time great-granddarat TV team Stepan Vasilyevich Tomara was a deputy of the nobility of Pereyaslav district and a college advisor, the richest man of his time, who owned the speech of the carpets, which was called the pearl of the Pereyaslav region.

Praded Peter Mikhail Lvovich Tomara - Orientalist. Together with his wife Olga Mammoth most of his life he lived in Sukhumi.

Peter Tolstoy in youth

TV presenter Fekla Tolstaya has to Peter a thick secondary sister, and Tatyana's popular writer Tatyana Tolstaya along with his son, famous Russian blogger, designer and businessman Artemia Lebedev - long-range relatives of the tele-chain.

However, the biography of Peter Tolstoy is not only the glorious history of his ancient kind and a luxurious family tree with the names that the whole country knows. Peter Olegovich and himself reached a lot, glorifying his loud name.

Fekla, Peter and Tatyana Tolsty - relatives

Journalist Peter Tolstoy dreamed of becoming from childhood. Having received a general education certificate, he entered the International Department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov. The teachers remembered a thick diligent student with large career ambitions. The service in the army, the young man took place in the construction part of the building - allowed an increase (180 cm) and a complex of a soldier.


The first steps to the tops of the journalistic Olympus Peter Olegovich Tolstoy did in the French newspaper "Le Monda", in its Moscow edition. Peter worked and at the same time in practice taught French, and after 2 years he was able to work in the Moscow Bureau "France Press". During his stay in France, Tolstoy increased the level of professional qualifications in the highest school of training journalistic personnel, which is in Paris.

Journalist Peter Tolstoy

The experience of foreign colleagues Peter Tolstoy soon applied to Niva Russian journalism. In 1996, a 27-seven year old journalist becomes deputy editor-in-chief progressive at the time of the Russian television company "View". Tolstoy led the information service, produced the program "Scandals of the Week" and at the same time led on the TV-6 channel the transfer of "in the world of people", which was Vlad Leaves TV presenter before him.

In 2002, the head of the Moscow Third Canal, Andrei Pisarev, called Tolstoy to conduct an informational and analytical program "Conclusions", and after 2 years an ambitious journalist himself took the place of the General Director of Treshki.

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In 2005, Konstantin Ernst personally invited Peter Olegovich to the first channel. The journalist took with me in support of the entire program "Conclusions". "Sunday time" has become its continuation, only already on the "first button". However, the former leadership of Tolstoy was not offended by an employee. Peter one time after the transition to the first channel continued to work on the "third" as Deputy General Director.

"Sunday time" soon made Peter Tolstoy famous for the whole country. In 2007, a journalist received a journalist for the work of the popular project, the main television award in Russia, which can be called journalistic "Oscar".

Peter Tolstoy - Laureate

Since 2007, Peter Tolstoy is a member of the Academy of Russian Television, as well as the winner of the Golden Feather Prize in the field of journalism.

July 8, 2012 "Sunday time" was broadcast for the last time. From April 2013 to June 2016, Peter Tolstoy first, together with Alexander Gordon, and then alolibly led on the first channel a socio-political talk show "Politics".

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From September 2014 to July 2016, together with Catherine Strezhenova, he was a leading popular talk show "Time will show." In addition, a well-known journalist on the same first channel led the project with the name, as if hinting towards the Knife leading with the Great Writer - "Tolstoy. Sunday".

Politics and scandals

After the election of the State Duma deputy in the fall of 2016, Peter Tolstoy was forced to leave television and focus the strength at work in the legislative body.

Petr Tolstoy became a deputy of the State Duma in September 2016, when she won a convincing victory in the Lublin single-member constituency of the capital. In October, at the first plenary meeting, the State Duma Tolstoy chose the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Legislative Body of the country.

Peter Tolstoy went into politics

In January 2017, Peter Tolstoy headed the delegation of Russia in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe.

Note that the love of the viewers to the leading Peter is impossible to name. There are critics that accuse him of advocacy, distortion and frank propaganda in favor of the current Russian government. But the journalist seems to have never sought to please everyone and very sharply expressed, characterizing the opposition. Reporter fans and politics call him a real patriot of Russia, who are not afraid to voice what many think about.

For example, from a report about the speech by Vladimir Putin after the fight Fyodor Emelianenko with Jeff Monson "Sunday time" carved the whistle of the public. Commenting on the plot, Peter Tolstoy pretty rigidly stated that Ovvistan was defeated by the American opponent of the Russian Bear, and not the Russian Prime Minister at all, as many thought.

Petra Tolstoy's expressions are accompanied by scanadals

Another scandal about the statements of the leader broke out after the participation of the actress and the head of the Charitable Foundation "Give Life" Chulpan Hamaya in the election campaign of Vladimir Putin. It was rumored that the actress did it without particularly enthusiasm, but Hamatov herself did not comment on the rumor. But they were commented by Tolstoy, calling one of the authors of such assumptions with a bastard and unequivocally hinted that such personalities call for revolutions that did not bring anything good to Russia.

Peter Tolstoy is prohibited from entering Ukraine because of his statements about the accession of the Crimea to Russia and hostilities in the east of Ukraine.

TV presenter Peter Tolstoy

In February 2015, the attackers set fire to the country house of the famous TV presenter in the Volgograd region. It was not just a house, but a whole estate, the arrangement of which the descendant of Leo Tolstov was engaged in 10 years. According to the investigation, a former driver of a television star turned out to be anger, which thus dismissed Peter for his dismissal. The manor flashed as a match and burned down. Losses from the fire appreciated several million rubles.

In January 2017, Tolstoy, commenting on the transfer of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Isaac's Cathedral, stated that, watching the protests around the transfer of the temple, could not help but notice a paradoxical fact: the grandchildren and great-grandchildren "those who ruined the Orthodox churches, jumping out due to a sidewality Nagan in 17th, "continue the case of their ancestors. These words caused a protest of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia and accusing Peter Tolstoy in anti-Semitism.

Peter Tolstoy

Opposition deputies of the St. Petersburg Parliament Maxim Reznik and Boris Vishnevsky joined the voices, condemning Peter Tolstoy, accusing him to incite an interethnic retail. And Boruh Gorin, a representative of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia, regarded the phrase of Tolstoy about Jews as a Yudophobian and considered his words "open anti-Semitism".

Personal life

The personal life of the journalist for 24 years was connected with Darya Evgenaya Evveno. Familiarity of future spouses happened in his youth. The wedding of the couple played as soon as Peter got a diploma of higher education, in October 1992. The Union turned out to be strong, the wife presented with thick three children, of whom the fame received Alexander's daughter, born in 2000.

Peter Tolstoy with his wife

During his stay in the United States, where Sasha received an education, she unflattered responded to Russian educational institutions. The replica was picked up by the users of the Internet, which expressed discontent with the position of the girl. Her father Peter Olegovich in an interview with the radio station "says Moscow" refused to discuss the words of his daughter, as it believes that this opinion is related only to the private life of Alexandra.

In 2016, Peter Tolstoy broke up with his wife. The journalist did not advertise the divorce, he also became known from the interview with his daughter Alexandra, which she gave in 2017. According to the girl, in family relations, little has changed - relatives are still selected with tents on the Volga. Politician prefers an active holiday, this allows him to support health normally. The weight of Peter Olegovich does not exceed 90 kg.

Peter Tolstoy with his wife and daughter

In 2018, a joyful event occurred in the family of Peter Tolstoy - Alexander married a young man who met for more than one year. His name is Philip Rajput, he is Indian. The newlyweds were married in the Orthodox Church, after which they continued to celebrate in the suburban country club. Rare photos from the celebration hit the media. Bride's dress provided designer Alexander Terekhov.

Alexandra's family life did not interfere with continuing studies - she entered MGIMO, at the Faculty of International Journalism.

Peter Tolstoy now

Now, in addition to political activities, Peter Olegovich continues to work the television journalist. On the air of the first channel, the author's project is still coming out. Tolstoy. Sunday". The last topics affected by the reporter on the air, the discussion of Vladimir Putin's press conference was included, comments on the change of the name of the canonical church in Ukraine and other relevant stories.

Political life Tolstoy lightly covers in the social networks "Twitter" and "Instagram". During the year, the deputy visited the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Union of Journalists, the meeting on the renovation of the Russia Housing Fund, the forum of young legislators and experts and other events.

Peter Tolstoy in 2019

In early 2019, Peter Olegovich became mistakenly commented on the PACE demands to the Russian delegation, where, in his opinion, a mandatory presence in the winter session of the "six floors" representatives were indicated. The remark of the television journalist was picked up and was submitted by the leading media of Russia. From the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a response was followed, which indicated the standard content of the letter and the requirement to submit an equal number of men and women in the delegation. No "six floors" speech did not go.


  • 1997-2001 - "Skandals of the Week"
  • 1998-1999 - "In the world of people"
  • 2002-2005 - "Conclusions"
  • 2005-2012 - "Sunday time"
  • 2013-2016 - "Politics"
  • 2014-2016 - "Time will show"
  • 2014, 2018-2019 - "Tolstoy. Sunday"

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