Kurban Omarov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Wife Ksenia Borodin, Son, Plastic 2021



Kurban Omarov is a satellite of the TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, who became her official husband in 2015. Since then, the biography of the businessman fell into the field of view of the "House-2" fans. However, today the name of the spouse Star TNT regularly appears in news reports due to the next rumors about treasures or divorce.

Childhood and youth

Kurban Omarov was born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo on August 25, 1980 in the village of Khadzhalmakhi Levashinsky district, in Dagestan. His parents by nationality Dagestanis. Father - Developer from Makhachkala Omar Omarov, Mom Shuanet Gadzhieva - Teacher Solfeggio in a music school.

Grandfather Kurban on the maternal line is the historian Bulah Hajiyev, and the great-grandfather is Magomed Hajiyev, the Hero of the Soviet Union. By religion, a man is Muslim. In addition to Kurban, his younger brother An Isar was brought up in the family.

Back in the young years, the nickname of winter was glued to the boy, friends still call him so. In childhood and youth, Kurban was fond of boxing, got a good education. In the number of educational institutions that visited the young man, London's colleges and Bournemouth were entered. In 1997, the guy became a student of Moscow State Construction University, Faculty of Management and Construction. University young man graduated in 2002.

According to media information, in the 90s, Omarov had a relation to law enforcement agencies, and from the beginning of the 2000s lived in Moscow, in a hostel in Yaroslavl highway.

Career and business

In 2003, Kurban acquired his own apartment on the street of Babushkin's flyer. At the same time, the company LLC "Housing Initiative" was registered, which was engaged in the general construction and construction of buildings. Omarov was listed among the leaders of the enterprise along with the father of Omar and Brother Ansear.

According to journalists, today Kurban is the heir of the Father's construction business and the owner of several firms, their branches are scattered throughout Russia, and one is in Canada.

In 2015, the entrepreneur became the head of the business division in the ABC joint-stock company. He oversees the development of a smart home software for commercial release. At the end of the same year, Kurban registered the brand of fashionable clothes Zima Group.

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Businessman is known as a popular blogger. At one time, he became the author of the online realistic show TGRM ("where men are born"). Lobster video places on the personal Youtyub Channel. Family photos accommodates in instagram account.

In business circles, Ksenia was called the "diamond king", and why, a story silent. But TV presenters are confident: her spouse is Alfons. According to the observation public, a number of Omarov projects (women's and children's clothing stores, a network of beauty salons Ksenia Borodina, which he oversees, Youtyub-Channel) have become successful due to the popularity of Borodina.

Later, the TV host itself opened the curtain of the mystery over the business of her husband. According to celebrities, he is engaged in investment and advertising projects and financially successful, which allows him to invest most of the funds in the family budget.

In 2019, Omarov made his debut as a writer, publishing the book "Revelations of the Men. About what can not like women. " In it, Kurban described some facts of their biography, and also gave many advice to men to communicate with the opposite sex.

Personal life

Omarov married twice. The personality of the first wife of the businessman's public domain never became. According to some media, the name of the former spouse of the entrepreneur is Alla Omarova. In 2008, a woman presented her husband's husband. In honor of the grandfather of the boy called Omar.

In 2014, the first family of Kurban broke up, presumably because of his infidelity. The abandoned spouse never commented on relationships with Omarov, now it works as a manager at the Moscow restaurant.

In 2012, at the festival at the ex-participant of the Dom-2 project, Stepan Menshchikov Kurban met the TV presenter and the star of Xenia Borodina. At first they were just friends, and in 2014 the novel was faced, the result of which was a gorgeous wedding on July 3, 2015.

In the metropolitan banquet hall, Napoleon was recreated a winter atmosphere in honor of the friendly nickname of the groom. The artists of the "Ivanushki International" groups came to congratulate the newlyweds, "Hands up!" And others. At the end of the evening, confectioner Renat Agzamov presented the author's 4-meter cake, made in a snowpoint.

On December 22, 2015, Ksenia Borodin gave birth to a beloved daughter theton in one of the elite metropolitan clinics. The girl became a second child of celebrities - from relationships with Yuri Budagovy, she raises daughter Marusu. The spouse with no less tenderness and care belongs to the first child of his wife. All children, including the son of Omar, now live together with Omarov and Borodina.

In 2016, the media spoke about the problems in the personal life of the spouses. Different sources were attributed to the husband of Ksenia Borodina, and the business meeting of Omarov with actress and TV presenter Nastasy Samburskaya, which took place in Spain, gave the status of a romantic date.

High Static Curban (height 185 cm, weight 93 kg) was remembered and a connection with the model Alena Storm, with which he met before dating Ksenia. In Lomarov's mistress, Alain Vodonaev, with which a businessman had a short-term intrigue. This news put the cross at the long-term friendship of colleagues in the Dom-2 project.

The spouses themselves did not comment on the presence of conflict situations in the family, but Ksenia began to seriously prepare for the divorce, conveying a lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky.

Soon the boom of rumors and gossip came to no. Instagram Account Kurban did not stop replenishing joint family photos and videos, which testified to the welfare of the couple.

At the same time, confirmation of the application of lobster plastics began to appear. From a brutal Caucasian with large features and deep wrinkles, he turned into a taut European.

Specialists started talking about rhinoplastics to which Kurban resorted. He was also attributed to the use of fillers who helped smooth out the skin of the face. Nevertheless, the Omarov himself did not give any comments about the possible appeal to the clinic of plastic surgery.

In 2018, the spouses finally entered the country mansion, which was acquired on the eve of the birth of the daughters of the theons. The house is located in the cottage near Moscow settlement with a developed infrastructure. Here are a kindergarten, equestrian school, shops, spa and gym.

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In 2020, in the European media there was information about the novel of Kurban Omarov with the Serbian model of the coolant of the Vucylch (coolant). She reported that for two years he has been found with a married businessman who managed to make her proposal and give the engagement ring.

Photo Omarov even appeared in the Storsith Friend of the Warm with the comment "My son-in-law". After promulgation of information in the Russian press, the public statement made a public statement in which he refused his words. Ksenia Borodin and her spouse did not give any comments about what was happening.

In 2021, the personal life of star spouses again fell under the closer attention of fans. In the spring, they went to rest, but they spent it separately - Borodin with girls, and Kurban with her son. In this regard, a variety of opinions appeared on the network. Some counted that so married couple attracts attention to him and increases popularity. Others are confident: in the family really discussed.

Rumors about the break in the family of Borodina are periodically reinforced. In June, followers Instagram Account Omarov decided that he was found with Lero Frost: She flashed at a businessman in Storsith.


While the personal life of a businessman is full of the most unexpected turns, he decided to stand on the departure of coaching and began to teach his subscribers, how to become a "right woman." In addition to the publication of the book, Kurban also issued paid courses with the help of which moneticed their experience in building an ideal family.

Omar Tips, such as bans on wearing the house of old clothes and the need to constantly fuck and flirt with a man, caused a variety of comments, which contributed to the desire of Kurban and further increase their skills in the role of "coach of happiness".

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