Nina Ruslanova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, songs 2021



Nina Ruslanova is a famous actress, remembered to the audience as their roles in the cinema, and theatrical works, the People's Artist of Russia. Films involving Nina Ivanovna entered the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema.

Childhood and youth

Nightly beloved actress Nina Ivanovna Ruslanov herself chose the date of his birth, as it was reliably known for only a year when she was born. The actress does not even know what kind of family she was born. At the end of the winter of 1946, an abrasive child was found in the city of Bogodukhov Kharkiv region. A 2-month-old girl was determined in one of the houses of Baby. Presumably, Nina Ivanovna (as educators called it) was born in December 1945.

But the name of Ruslanova is a little Ninea gave a financial officer who inspecting children's institutions. Apparently, she, like many at the time, was a fan of the legendary singer Lydia Ruslanova. Seeing a ringing girl in the orphan scene, decided to reward it with the famous last name. As for the birthday, it chose Nina's passport on December 5, who fell in 1945 on Wednesday. As you know, the environment at the time was a day off.

Nina Ruslanov replaced 5 orphanages until he grown and finished school. Like many difty graduates, the girl went to study in the craft school. But the more she worked in the specialty, the better understood - this is not what I would like to do all my life. And at the end of the school in 1960, Ruslanov went to the Theater Institute of Kharkov.

Probably the surname of the famous singer imparted an imprint on the fate of the girl: Nina dreamed of not plastering the walls, but play on stage. Artistic, miniature (actress growth - 165 cm) Nina, before that only the experience of the game in orphan amateur performances, easily entered the prestigious university and was held in it 2 years. Her manila Moscow, so Ruslanov decided to continue to follow the dream.


Ruslanova managed to take the capital's university, as well as Kharkov. Nina has become a student of the Schukinsky school. The girl quickly got rid of the Ukrainian accent. She studied perfectly, and teachers constantly celebrated her considerable acting abilities. Moreover, the competition existed serious, because the fellow students were such future stars of Soviet cinema as Leonid Filatov, Konstantin Rykin, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Boris Galkin.

At the end of Schukinsky in front of Nina Ruslanov, there were several famous metropolitan theaters - named after Vakhtangov, "Contemporary", "Taganka". Ruslanova made a choice in favor of Wakhtangovsky. 15 years of actress was true only to this theater. On his stage, she played many roles in performances that were remembered for a long time for Moscow theaterons.

Sometimes Ruslanov performed as an invited artist on the scenes of the theaters of Mayakovsky and Simonov. And everywhere her performances were accompanied by thunder of applause. But nevertheless, Nine-Radine Love and Recognition of Nina Ivanovna Ruslanova brought the theater, but a movie.


Nina Ruslanova played his debut role as a student. In 1967, in the film "Return", the actress appeared in the image of an unnamed bride, in love with the Red Army. She noticed directors. In the same year, Nina starred in the record "Short meetings", where Vladimir Vysotsky became its shooting partner. Since then, Ruslanova began to be filmed without interruptions and rejugate. Her photos are decorated with the press dedicated to the Soviet cinema.

The cinematic biography of Nina Ruslana Ruslanova: The actress filmography has more than 150 roles, diverse and separated. "Tomorrow was war," "Shadows disappear at noon" or "Do not shoot in white swans" - all these tapes are included in the gold reserve of Russian cinema.

Each of the Soviet citizens who loved the cinema was "their own" beloved Ruslanov. The artist was easily managed to reincarnate into a variety of images. To make sure this is enough to see the picture "Short Meetings" and the film "Dog's Heart", comparing those who played by Nina Ivanovna characters. In the famous film sedavra Vladimir Bortko actress played the role of Preobrazhensky's kitchen. As a result, the picture was the laureate of international awards.

In the 80s, the talent of the actress most fully revealed in the film "Be My Husband", "where it goes!", "Take care of men!", "My friend Ivan Lapshin", "Gypsy", "Afona". Ruslanov delighted the fans every year, in the original way. Among the works of this period, the roles in the melodrame "do not go, girls, marry", in the drama "badge of trouble", in the tragicomedy "Kin-Dza-Dza!".

Probably, it is the talent of reincarnation that helped the artist to avoid the crisis of the 90s, which many of her colleagues complained. Ruslanov was in demand at all times.

It is beautiful in the film Valentin and Valentina, and in the "Winter Cherry", and in the series "Plot". The actress is completely laid out in each role, its repertoire is replenished with the works in the AFGHAN Bvel dramas, "Migrants", the "heavens of the promised".

For 5 years, the artist appears in the first Russian series of "little things of life", depicting an airport customs officer. And in 1994, she played in the film "I am free, I'm anything" with Olga Volkova. He tells about how men are experiencing middle-aged crisis. The protagonist of the film is faced with the choice: to stay with his wife Roman or go to the young mistress of Masha.

In the late 90s, Ruslanova is decorated with a comedy "Mom, do not burn!" And the drama "Khrustalev, Machine!". Everywhere it is understandable and so close, as if related to her related bonds.

The Soviet period left Nina Ruslana mass of awards, among which four "nicknames", government awards of the Belarusian and Ukrainian SSR. Ruslana - the owner of the title of folk artist of Russia.

In the new century, Nina Ivanovna receives a major role in the popular TV series "paths" and in the screening of Kira Muratova "Adjuster", which once played "short meetings". Among the brightest work of Nina, the late period of the late period - the films "Chinese grandmother", "The House of Sun" and "What Men" is talking about. "

In 2011, the historical film was released on the screens "there was one woman." In the center of the plot - a simple peasant of Varvara. Through the prism of her life, turning and bloody moments in the history of Russia of the XX century are shown. Nina Ivanovna played Kryachihu.

In 2014, the audience saw on the screens the Russian horror film "Viya", which is based on the same name of Nikolai Gogol. According to the plot, the traveler from Europe Jonathan Green falls into the village of Lostarny among the impassable Carpathian forests. He is frightened by local residents who are not like any other people. These people burned out from the outside world, trying to protect themselves from the unclean. But she has long lived in their souls and will soon break out. In the picture, the role of Ruslanov's secondary, but it is still colorful and adjusted to a millimeter.

Often the actress became the heroine of television programs. In 2012, the transfer of "Drawing" was published with Ruslanov, according to the plot of which the new car actress crushed in the parking lot near the tank store.

In 2015, the five-suling television series TV film "There was one woman who lived." Ruslanova played all the same role of Kryachihi.

In the summer of 2016, the actress became a participant in the "Perfect Repair" program. The team of specialists changed the design of the bedroom of the artist, where Nina Ruslanov spends most of his time, he is engaged in sports after a stroke, meets with children and grandchildren, resting.

On January 2, 2017, the series "Kukushechka" came out on the channel "Russia", in which Nina Ruslanova starred. The multi-sieuled film was removed in the genre of "folk soap", and the main roles were played by Alexey Kortnev and Anna Mikhalkov.

Personal life

The personal life of Nina Ruslana is full of happiness and sorrow. The first husband and father of the daughter of Olesy was a lawyer and entrepreneur Gennady Rudakov. The girl was born from spouses in 1976. Nina and Gennady did not die for a long time for children due to congenital heart defect, which was diagnosed with Ruslanov's still in youth. Doctors categorically prohibited the artist to give birth and warned that a mother will be saved at a critical moment, and not a child. But her husband's parents found an experienced physician who did not face the birth."They told me that they would not take responsibility and take birth. Then the husband contacted our familiar who were doctors, and I left give birth to them. I was told that you need to make a choice whom to save in case the childbirth will not go according to plan. Before leaving, I even signed a piece of paper that you need to save a child, "the actress told.

Together, the spouses survived the difficult years of laptop, the fans of the talent Ruslanova, who regularly sent actress Delicatessee. At one time, Nina Ivanovna's husband worked as a loader, later went to the business.

But at the beginning of the 90s Ruslanov and Rudakov broke up. As Nina Ivanovna says, it happened because of its sharp nature. She is not inclined to diplomacy, which thinks, he says - not every man will like it.

The second spouse, with whom Nina Ruslanov has been living for more than 30 years in civil marriage, became the operator of the Rabita Ravage. Relations between husband and wife were established free: the spouse actresses continues to live in St. Petersburg, and the artist - in Moscow. According to Ruslanov in an interview, such a marriage is doomed to success, because the couple has no time to quarrel.

In 2009, Nina Ruslanov became a grandmother: Daughter Olesya Rudakova gave her grandson's grandson. In February of the same year, actress had to abandon the tour with the play "Married Bride". On the eve of the departure, she had a heart attack accompanied by a strongest hypertensive crisis. Nina Ruslanov was hospitalized and able to prevent severe consequences.

Later, the actress went to the sanatorium and applied the latest drugs for the restoration of cerebral circulation. After six months, the state of health Ruslanova improved, and she returned to normal life. The fans noticed that the favorite artist is difficult to be discussed, and its characters in the cinema are voiced by other people.

In 2010, Ruslanova made an urgent heart surgery - installed a mitral valve.

By 2014, the speech of the actress was rapidly and legible, but in November she again fell into a hospital with stroke. The reason for new health problems was a loud trial. The television journalist Nikolai Simankov accused the actress in hooliganism. According to him, Nina Ruslanov spoiled his car with an acute subject. The court recognized the woman innocent, but weak health and an old age gave itself to know, and after all the experiences, she was in the hospital.

In 2015, the first channel dedicated to this scandal of the cycle of three programs "Let them say". Nina Ivanovna shared with the TV viewers with his suspicions that Symnakov wants to evict her from an expensive apartment. Later the quarrel was settled.

At the beginning of 2019, Nina Ruslanov became the heroine of the transfer of the TV journalist Dmitry Borisov "Exclusive". The reason for Ether was a letter that came to the editorial board of the program from the alleged sisters of the artist. Older women reported that in their family in 1945, a tragedy occurred - after the birth of the younger sister, Mom died. The father was not able to raise the 4th child, so I decided to attribute the baby in the orphanage. Later traces of the girl were lost.

The actress studio appeared accompanied by daughter and grandson. The guest of Ether also became Sergey Nikonenko, with whom Nina Ivanovna repeatedly crossed on the set. To congratulate Ruslanov with a recent 73rd birthday, Dmitry Demchenko came, Ela Sanko, Yuri Berkun.

The artist told about the state of health, and also confirmed that she dreams of knowing the secret of his birth. Ruslanova agreed to go to the experiment and make a DNA test. Nina Ivanovna hoped that she would not have to deal with impostors.

DNA analysis has shown that three women from Perm with a high probability of blood sisters Nina Ruslana. However, their further communication did not work out. The actress even took the parcel with a birthday gift, which Perm was sent to Moscow. She dust in the mail, and she had to withdraw.

Nina Ruslanova now

Now the actress does not often appear on television, the consequences of previously transferred stroke and infarct, which happened from Ruslanov in the fall of 2018. The actress hardly restored speech and coordinate movements after disease. To keep health helps her daughter Olesya.

In January 2020, information appeared in the media that Nina Ruslanov was hospitalized. The reason was the problems with the heart - the artist was diagnosed with atrial paroxysm (attack of arrhythmia, which lasts more than a week). For several days she spent in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

A little later, the daughter of the actress has denied this information:

"It's all right with Nina Ivanovna, she does not get sick. Sorry, so many calls, already tired of answering ... Mom is not even in Moscow, it rests at the cottage. Where did this information come from, I have no idea. Another duck! "

She also added that now the state of health is Ruslanova acceptable for its age.


  • 1967 - "Short Meetings"
  • 1975 - "Afonya"
  • 1980 - "Do not shoot in white swans"
  • 1981 - "Be my husband"
  • 1985 - "Winter Cherry"
  • 1986 - "Kin-Dza-Dza!"
  • 1987 - "Tomorrow was war"
  • 1988 - "Dog Heart"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1995 - "little things of life"
  • 1997 - "Mom, do not burn"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2007 - "paths"
  • 2010 - "Chinese Grandma"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2010 - "paths-2"
  • 2011 - "Diamond Hunters"
  • 2012 - "paths-3"
  • 2013 - "Cuckoo"
  • 2014 - "Viy"
  • 2015 - "Once there was one woman"

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