Vladimir Menshov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Cause of Death, Films, Director, Filmography 2021



For their students, Vladimir Menshov was as much as Alexander Pushkin for Russian poetry. Colleagues considered a Oscar-free director by a person who are not aspiring to glory, the actors called him a complex partner in the frame, because Menshov was always absolutely natural. In any Ipostasi, the artist did only what I liked.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Valentinovich was born in Azerbaijan in September 1939. Mother, daughter of the smoked peasant, and father, assistant captain, met on the ship that went from Baku to Iran. Two children were born in the family (Menshov had a sister Irina).

In school, the boy went to Astrakhan. He loved to read, engaged in a drama, along with a friend played at the local theater in the second part.

Here, Vladimir appeared another passion - cinema. Parents were not delighted to deal with his decision to act on the acting, but did not hinder. Menshov hit Vgik three times, and with the fourth attempt became a student of the MCAT school studio.

The creative biography of the artist began in the Stavropol Theater, because there was no place in the capital. An impregnable VGIK was submitted to Vladimir in 1967, when Mikhail Romm was specifically formed by graduate school on the director of the art film.


In the filmography of Menshov-actor over hundreds of diverse roles. Mother Movie was sure that only from a person who had nuances, the severity of acting labor, it turns out a good director.

He himself debuted in the picture of the studio of Vladimir Pavlovsky "Happy Cukushkin", where he made a scenario co-author. The first award brought a melodrama "Man in its place." From now on, Vladimir Valentinovich has no longer waiting for a long sentence for a long time.

The audience was remembered by the Ego game in the films "Salted Dog", "Sorry", "Where is the Nofette?", "Courier", "Chinese service". Menshov repeatedly reincarnated in real historical characters: Count Menshikov in Tsarevich Alexei, George Zhukov in "Liquidation", Ivan Konev in "If the enemy does not give up."

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The actor starred in the images of the head of state or some other official, as in the militant "07th changes the course", the thriller "Möbiius", TV series "D. D. D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky. "

Without the participation of the celebrity, there were no popular projects "Diversian", "Night" and "Day Watch", "Legend No. 17", "Love-Carrot" and "Yolki".

According to the daughter of Yulia, the director's work of the Father is a way to surprise the mother, actress faith Alentov. But first, Vladimir Valentinovich, in 1977, surprised the public by the Drama "Raffle", after which Dmitry Kharatyan's star rose.

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In the 1980s, with the permission of Leonid Brezhnev, there was perhaps the chief film of Menshov "Moscow does not believe in tears." In the first year of rental, 90 million viewers saw the picture, the right to show more than a hundred countries. In the midst of the Cold War, the Americans honored the product of Soviet cinema of the highest award - Oscar.

The comedy "Love and Pigeons", who passed the difficult path to the heart of the viewer was equally popular. Shot at the height of the anti-alcohol campaign, she was lying on the shelf, because the director refused to cut provocative frames with drinking heroes.

The painting "Shirley Merlya", where Armen Gigarhahanyan played, Oleg Tabakov and Inna Churikov, did not appreciate the less colleagues. And all because the wife and performer said the leading role that the film without embellishment showed the situation reigned in the country and outdated time. But the new Star Name of Valery Garkalin appeared.

Faith Vladimir Valentinovich on the actors manifested itself in the melodrama "Envy of the Gods". The main role here was received by Anatoly Lobocksky, before that did not have experience in filming. The episode agreed to play Gerard Depardieu himself.

In recent years, the director led the workshop in Vgika. Once he scored 30 students, despite the fact that there were only 7 budget places. Eighth Menshov "knocked out" from the leadership of the university, for one more student paid from his own funds (and this is almost half a million rubles).

As the teacher Vladimir Valentinovich gave an answer not to the question of how to remove the movies, but rather how to treat life. If personality wakes up in man, with their views and installations, the director will grow out. But if this is not, then it is useless to teach, it will be handicraft, and Menshov's craftsman has never been.

Vladimir Valentinovich's acting piggy bank in 2019 was replenished with a role in the film about the blockade Leningrad "Creek Silence". The creator of the tape "Moscow does not believe in tears" dispelled rumors about the continuation of the famous tape: looking at the aged heroes are not interesting, and everything is completed.

Work on the melodrama "Big Waltz", in which the wife and daughter were involved, ceased due to lack of funding.

Personal life

About the personal life of Vladimir Menshov and the faith of Alerts, to shoot a separate film. Spouses met at the Studio School of MCAT, in 1965 temporarily broke up: Menshov left for 2 years in Stavropol. In the summer of 1969, a daughter was born.

Then the relationship of the pair was again interrupted. Husband and wife 4 years lived separately, in theatrical hostels, there was no money to their own apartment. The reunion of the actress and the director, as if by following the plot of the film "Love and Pigeons", tried to hide from the daughter, but he guessed everything.

Julia Menshova - Popular TV presenter, filmed in the cinema, puts performances. Menshov's son-in-law - Honored Artist of Russia Igor Gordin. Grandson Andrei graduated from the MCAT Studio School, the acting faculty, although he dreamed of going in the footsteps of his grandfather. The granddaughter of Taisiya is still thinking about the future.

In 2019, Vladimir Valentinovich celebrated the 80th anniversary. She was in a good form (height 175 cm, weight 80 kg), never engaged in sports - for the tone it is constantly working to work. Until now, the press recalls, as in front of millions of viewers, the director refused to present the prize of the Military Drama "Bear", and later did not sign an application for nomination of the film Nikita Mikhalkov "Burnt by the Sun - 2" on the Oscar.

For the anniversary of Menshov, the first channel was timed to show the show "Who said: I have no shortcomings," and "culture" - the "monologues of the filmmaker" tapes, President Vladimir Putin sent a personal congratulation. Instagram users placed on their pages Photos of Marat, frames from favorite paintings, equipped with enthusiastic reviews.


On June 22, 2021, the director fell to the Hospital of GKB No. 15: The physicians who came to the challenge discovered a low system of saturation. Celebrities diagnosed coronavirus infection. July 5, Menshov died.
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The cause of death was bilateral pneumonia and the third stage of respiratory failure. Vera Alentova at that time was also in the hospital, where he was treated from coronavirus infection.


  • 1976 - "Raffle"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1984 - "Love and Pigeons"
  • 1990 - "Suicide"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 2000 - "Envy of the Gods"
  • 2005 - "Time to collect stones"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2010 - "Love-carrot 3"
  • 2012 - "Legend №17"
  • 2014 - "White Yagel"
  • 2016 - "After you"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"
  • 2019 - "Creek Silence"

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