Dmitry Borisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter, "Instagram" 2021



Dmitry Borisov is a journalist and TV presenter of the First Channel, the producer of documentaries. His career on television came to a new round after appointing a leading popular current talk show, which was previously led Andrei Malakhov. Borisov with honor stood comparison with a nationwide pet, while retaining his own style of communication on the air. Today he is among the most popular newsmakers of Russian TV.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on August 15, 1985 in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in the family of philologists. Elena Borisov's mother taught Russian and culture, and Father Dmitry Tank and today leads the state museum of the history of Russian literature named after V.I. Dalya.

When Dima was less than a year, the family moved to Moscow, fleeing from the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Later they lived in Lithuania, Siberia, after which they returned to the capital of Russia again. The future TV host visited the school, after which he went to the footsteps of his parents and entered the Russian Humanitarian State University, at the Faculty of History and Philology.

Journalism and television

Professional biography of a journalist began early. At 16, Borisov began working on the Echo radio station. At first, the young man became the editor, and when she showed the results, it was raised to lead news. Also, the young man worked for a couple with a journalist Alexander Plushev. In the night air, they greatly led the silver music program.

In March 2006, Dmitry began working on the first channel. Borisov led Morning, day and evening news releases. Already in 2008, a young man figured out the "first on the first": the announcer was awarded the "Best TV previews" award. Dmitry's Internet activity also deserved recognition. In 2011, he became a laureate of the Runet Prize for the best journalist's blog. From the same time, Borisov was constantly led by the "time" program.

Dmitry tries to show activity not only at the main place of work. He became a member of the filming, appearing in the paintings "Black Lightning" and "Escape", and in 2014 showed itself during the relay of the Olympic Fire.

In 2015, Borisov became the general producer of the company "Channel One. The worldwide network ", the subsidiary of the channel, created 20 years before it for broadcasting on different continents.

Producer did not prevent the television journalist to stay on the air and continue to lead the "Evening News" in the usual chart. His skill was noted in 2016 the Teffi premium in the nomination "Leading Information Program".

Borisov continues to work on the radio "Echo" from which his career began. In the studio, the journalist is responsible for Sundays, where he is distracted from the news and conducts interesting conversations with celebrities.

In 2017, Dmitry replaced Andrei Malakhov on the site of the TV host project "Let them talk." The first issue of the rating program was held in August. The time of time was discussed when the current show led the most popular newsmaker country. Borisov's destination intrigue was maintained until the end of the program, during which other possible candidates were discussed at the TV presenter of the bright television project of the First Channel.

Personal life

The ratio of a high intelligent brunet (Dmitry's growth is 180 cm, weight - 77 kg) with representatives of the opposite sex more than once became the subject of reporting reporters. But the television journalist himself always kept this side of the privacy closed from prying eyes.

However, one alleged novel of the journalist still fell into the field of view of his colleagues. We are talking about the relations of Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva. Young people met the radio "Echo of Moscow" in 2009, after which they often went out together. Paparazzi made a large number of photos of the couple.

According to the press, young people hardly were going to make marriage. But after Savichev in 2014 became his wife Alexander Ashinov, with whom she met 10 years old, everything fell into place - Julia and Dmitry always supported only friendly relations.

After the public ceased to consider Julia to the girl Dmitry, Borisov's personal life became less and less interested in the press, but a number of publications continued to make various assumptions about the unconventional orientation of the TV host. The journalist himself does not apply to private life and does not comment on the publishing of a yellow press. It is only known that today Borisov is not married and he has no children.

In 2018, the TV presenter intrigued "Instagram" followers with joint pictures with an unknown to the public. Dmitry fans noted the similarity of beauty with actress Quality Turman. Later, the version appeared that this is the Belarusian model Olga Shersher, which works abroad.

Soon, Borisov became a member of the gay scandal. On the broadcast of the transfer "Let them say", where the long-term care of Julia began, the TV host allowed himself to raise the topic of possible alcoholism of the star. The offended singer fans were outraged by the tactlessness of Dmitry, recalling that he himself could not boast an impeccable reputation. Information about the alleged novel of the TV journalist and the Russian actor Vasily Rakshi appeared on the network. Photo Couple made by a hidden camera confirmed the conjectures of Borisov's flaws. The journalist himself refrained from commenting.

Dmitry Borisov now

In addition to the main place of work, since the autumn of 2018, Dmitry began to conduct another television show on the air of the first channel, which was called "exclusive". The transfer is dedicated to secrets and unknown facts from the life of Celabriti. The show comes out in the evening on Saturdays.

In the fall of 2019, rumors appeared about the appointment of the Ksenia Sobchak to the place of the TV host project. This was spoke after the appearance of a video of a journalist, in which she, talking on the phone, says phrase: "Hi, Andrei!".

It is assumed that the TV presenter will be a direct competitor of Tok Show Malakhov, which he is now on the channel "Russia-1". But official confirmations that Sobchak will replace Dmitry Borisov, did not appear, and the TV presenter himself assured his "instagram" subscribers in the fact that he would not leave the project.


  • 2006 - "News"
  • 2011-2017 - "Time"
  • 2011-2017 - "Evening News"
  • 2017- on N.V. - "Let them talk"
  • 2018- on N.V. - "Exclusive"

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