Maria Sistor - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Leading 2021



Maria Sistor - TV presenter of the channel "Russia-1", the winner of the Tafi 2005 premium in the nomination "Leading Information Program".

TV presenter Maria Sistor

Maria is not only a talented, famous for the whole country a TV journalist, but also a large mother who raises five children. Despite the tight schedule of filming and numerous hobbies, it always finds the time for relatives.

Childhood and youth

Sistor Maria Eduardovna was born on November 9, 1975 in the city of Penza. The girl grew in a secured family. Father Edward Anatolyevich was a businessman and contained his relatives, and Larisa Pavlovna's mother was engaged in the house and raising children. By nationality, the girl was half a Jewish, half a German. The family was grown to the younger sister of Mary - Anna.

From an early age, the Sistor wondered about the future. In an adult life, she saw herself by the investigator, then the pathologist, soon in the dreams of Mary stopped at the profession of the orthopedic surgeon. At first she studied in a class where there were 45 people, and a considerable amount was registered in the children's child room. Mother, experiencing a child for the formation and moral health, decided to translate the daughter to a medical gymnasium, where she studied Latin, biology and chemistry.

Mary Sistor wanted to become a doctor

Maria planned to enter the Samara Medical Institute, but Larisa Pavlovna was afraid to let go of daughter so far away, and then the future TV host filed documents to Penza Pedagogical University, at the Chemical Biological Faculty. She learned a year, paying attention to his favorite zoology and anatomy, and still left for Samara, unable to part with a dream of a white dressing of a doctor. But even there, the sistor was not detained for a long time, because due to financial difficulties, she was forced to return back to Penza, where he recovered at the university.

The future head showed herself a diligent and diligent student, but she was also not alien to fun. Once, classmates called Maria on the shooting of the non-professional humorous program that they were prepared for the local canal. The girl had to persuade 2 weeks so that she first acted as a lead. The experience turned out to be funny, but she didn't even think about his career on television.

Mary Sistor with his daughter in youth and now

The sistytel was serious to formation, therefore, having received a diploma, he also arrived at the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute. This decision Maria accepted thanks to the mother who worked for the material situation of his daughter, who at that time her child gave birth and divorced her husband.


In 1997, Maria, together with classmates, came to the studio of the local TV channel "Our House". There she met the editor-in-chief, who offered her place on television, learning that the student writing articles. To begin with, she was allocated the position of the leading program "Music Souvenir", an ideal show for beginner artist.

Six months, by estimating the professionalism Sistor, the leadership appointed it to the news heading, which recently appeared on the Express TV channel. At first, Maria tried to lead and write news in an informal style to interest the audience. But after the first report written by a highly artistic syllable, a wave of criticism collapsed on Maria, because of what it was forced to stop experimenting with style.

Maria Sistor began his career on Penza television

Career Sistor developed rapidly. After a year of work, she was invited to the state television and radio company Penza, which was the limit of dreams for the provincial city.

Soon Maria began to find out on the streets of Penza, she turned into a local television. Glory reached the agents of large federal channels, and after 2 years she received the first serious offer. Sistor called Oleg Dobreyev himself, General Director of VGTRK, and suggested the position of leading news program "Vesti" on the TV channel "Russia-1". From such a proposal, Masha could not refuse and in September 2001 began to conduct day issues. After 3 years, the Sistor replaced Sergey Brilhev and led the evening news, which made it still known.

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Maria herself considers the beginning of work in the Vesti Program by a real start of a television biography. The differences between the regional and federal channels were simply colossal. Working in Penza, the Sistor could express a personal opinion, and in the "Westi" had to impartially apply to the audience information. Nevertheless, she liked to work on television, the hobby turned into a professional occupation, which the TV host was incredulously glad.

Since 2004, Maria has become the daily transfer of "special opinion" on "Radio Russia".

Maria Sistor and Dmitry Kiselev

In 2006, the sistor led an expanded news release in a pair with Dmitry Kiselev. In the same year, he became a party to the television project "Dancing with the Stars", where he performed with Vladislav Borodinov. Their duet ranked first on the project.

Thanks to this victory, the next year, the sistor and Borodinov became the participants of the "Dance Eurovision 2007" contest, where she finished seventh.

A year later, Mary's merit sense in the field of television development was recognized by the state - the star of the screen was awarded the Honorary Order of Friendship.

Since 2009, Maria has launched a special correspondent transfer on the channel "Russia". Soon in his life, the sistor had changed: for 4 years her sons were born, and then the youngest daughter appeared. The TV host temporarily moved away from affairs.

On New Year's Eve-2017 Maria at the time came out of the decree and held a traditional "New Year's light."

Personal life

High (height sistor 180 cm with weight 64 kg), a spectacular brunette never remained disregarding both men to her person and the press - to her possible novels.

Maria Sistor

For the first time Maria married in early youth, being a 20-year-old student. She prefers not to tell about the first marriage, even the name of her ex-husband. Daria's daughter was born in that union, after which the spouses divorced. The sistor left a child with his parents, and herself moved to Moscow to establish a career. As soon as the opportunity appeared, the daughter moved to his mother and now receives a higher education at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine in Moscow State University.

In 2006, after participating in the project "Dancing with the Stars", Mary attributed a novel with her partner on the show by Vladislav Borodinov. Nevertheless, there were exclusively friendly and working relations between the Sithwee and Borodinov.

Maria Sistor and Vladislav Borodinov

With the future husband, Maria met during the rest in Cyprus. Relations with Alexander Tereshchenko were in the typical scheme of the resort novel: the lovers spent all the time together and, at first glance, did not even think about the continuation of the relationship. But Alexander, 2 years after the acquaintance, made a sentence that she thought about another year. In 2009, the businessman and the lead played a wedding that passed in a narrow family circle. A year later, they had first-mentioned Ivan, in 2012 - another son, Savva, and a year later, the boy Nikolai.

The sistor dedicates free time to family and children, not forgetting about work. Colleagues have already ceased to be surprised by her pregnancies and often make fun of the future family replenishment. In 2014, Maria transported the parents to the new home. Now they are happy to help her daughters with the raising of children, and the father is eagerly engaged in gardening.

Mary Sistor with Children

The presenter often told the press of family life and shared plans for the future. According to her, she was not going to become a mom again. The plans of Mary was to find time for a hobby, buy a pottery circle and dokecking. Therefore, the news that the TV presenter is pregnant again, has become a surprise for journalists.

In 2016, at 40 years old, Maria Sistor again became Mom. In mid-September, the leading gave birth to the 5th child, the girl called Catherine. Despite the fact that children take a lot of time and place in her life, Maria never considered them extra load. She believes that children make her wiser and, of course, happier.

Mary Sistor with Family

In an interview that followed shortly after delivery, the situator called on Russian women not to be afraid to give birth, despite the work. According to Mary, you can be a large mother and career.

These words split the Internet community into 2 parts. Some supported the sistor and declared it an example for imitating among representatives of the Russian show business. Others found the words of a woman offensive and reminded the TV presenter that not all families material situation makes it possible to start the fact that five, but also one child, but not all moms can ask for help in caring for a child from relatives or hire caregivers.

Maria Sistor and her husband Alexander Tereshchenko with her daughter

Reggler appearing on the screen in mid-2018, Maria Sistor provoked rumors that he was waiting for a child again. But this information has not been confirmed over time. Despite the fact that Maria is open to communicating with the public, it does not lead a personal page in "Instagram".

With children TV presenter often rests close to the spa town of Burgas. This is a favorite place of Russian show business representatives. Vacation here is held by Philip Kirkorov, Nadezhda Babkin, Lolita, Boris Moiseev. Most of the time, the family of the sistyer walks on the sea coast. Therefore, it is not surprising that the network appears a photo of Mary in a swimsuit made by paparazzi.

Maria Sistor now

In May 2018, Maria returned to television. She began to manifest themselves on the air release of the news. A break in her work lasted for several years. During this time, the sistor began the pedagogical career. Today she is a teacher at the Mitro Institute.

Maria Sistor - Lecturer at the Institute Mitro

In the fall of 2018, the TV presenter became part of the captain of the semi-final XVII All-Russian television competition "Tafi region", which was held in Krasnodar. Together with the colleagues Oksana Barkovskaya, Sergey Majorov, Cyril Nabutov Maria Sith Defentor defined the leaders of 20 nominations, including the categories "Television Art Film", "Customer Program", "Sport Program", "Best Reporter", "Documentary film" and other.

Maria Sistor in 2019

In early 2019, Maria Sistor, together with other TV channels, "Russia" congratulated the viewers on the upcoming New Year and became the participant of the Blue Light.


  • 2001-2019 - "News"
  • 2004-2005 - "Special Opinion"
  • 2008-2011 - "Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued"
  • 2009-2011 - "Special Correspondent"

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