Larisa Verbickskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, TV presenter 2021



Larisa Verbitsky is called one of the most stylish TV presenters. And this is not surprising, since she is interested in fashion, participating in television programs in the role of a fashion expert, and also holds the position of vice-president of the League of professional image makers.

The biography of Larisa Verbickskaya is a vivid example of how to build a career on television, while not sacrificing the family and retaining the forces on the hobby. In 2006, the TV presenter awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia".

Childhood and youth

Larisa Verbickskaya was born on November 30, 1959 (Zodiac sign - Sagittarius) in the Crimean city of Feodosia. The girl's father was military, so the family at the direction of the leadership soon moved to Moldova, where Larisa grew and received education. Young Verbicksky studied in the English school. Such a choice was due to the desire of parents to grow a diplomat from her daughter.

In childhood and adolescence, the TV presenter was fond of sports. Interest in this kind of activity began with a circle of acrobatics, in which Larisa with her friend was signed up for 6 years. Later she visited swimming sections, gymnastics and height jumps. In the last way of Sport, Verbickle reached considerable success, consisting of some time in the youth team of Moldova.

Parents hoped that the daughter would go to MGIMO, but Larisa raised the chances of more soberly. Verbicksky knew English and was going to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages, but it was frightened that the competition would not pass. As a result, I submitted documents to the State Pedagogical University named after Ion Kdition, at the Faculty of Russian and Literature.

Later Larisa found out that the competition for "INAZ" was just that year, and Gorky regretted the lost chance. At that time, the girl did not plan to work in the tele industry at all, but everything changed the case.


Being a student of the last year of the University, Verbickskaya learned from the friend about the discusser of the speakers to the Russian-speaking segment of Moldavian television. The girl who loved to try new activities decided to participate in the selection and unexpectedly passed for himself. So began a career Larisa as a TV host on the central canal of Moldova. She graduated from the university, already working on television, and subsequently the diploma was not useful.

Despite the fact that from all the applicants, the position was given to Laris, the presenter recommended to work on the voice. The diction was all right, but the power and plasticity should have developed. She had to work in several programs at the same time, and everywhere had their own requirements. As he remembered in an interview with Larisa Verbickskaya, she was lucky to get into his hands to an experienced and skillful teacher who managed to put a novice.

A year later, Verbitskaya led news issues. Soon the TV presenter had an unprecedented confidence in Soviet times: Leonid Brezhnev died, and the girl allowed to read the necrologist about the politician. Larisa coped with the task, after which there were more serious on television.

In 1985, Verbitskaya moved to Moscow, although in Moldova the TV host had serious prospects for career growth. In the capital again, it was necessary to go through a difficult competition to get a place in the Dictatorian Department of Central Television of the USSR. But an ambitious girl again brilliantly overcame all obstacles.

2 years of Larisa worked as a speaker, after which it made his way into the developing segment of the morning broadcasting. There Verbitsky and entrenched for many years. 20 years old she led the program "Good morning" on the first channel, remaining the only one of his colleagues who worked in one program for so long. Later, the lead was invited to projects of different stylistic directions, ranging from music and ending "good night, kids!".

In 2002, Larisa Verbitsky was invited to shoot a 3rd season of the popular realistic show "The Last Hero". And although the TV presenter, accustomed to comfort, feared this kind of classes, she accepted the offer. The woman subsequently admitted that the show went to her to benefit, as she had better learned his own opportunities and started new friends, in particular, began his friends with Marina Alexander.

The project organizers awaited fast departure of Larisa Viktorovna from the program. The psychologists of the transmission, called every 3 days of the families of each participant, said that she would probably be at home soon. However, gradually the confidence of producers in parting with Verbian was replaced by bewilderment, because the fragile blonde showed the random power and durability.

Despite the lack of all sorts of benefits, swollen legs, mice in sleeping bag and other troubles, TV presenter stood up to the final of the competition and left home just 3 days before the end of the filming. The TV show itself was demonstrated on the first channel in 2003.

In 2007, the weekly transfer of the Ice Age was released, which was also broadcast on the first channel. In this TV show, Verbitskaya had to remember many skills from a sporting life to quickly and effectively master the complex stunts on the ice. These efforts were not in vain, and Larisa Viktorovna, together with the partner of Povilas Vanagas, reached the finals of the project.

At one time, Larisa Verbicksk participated in the program about fashion and style "fashionable sentence", where helped participants to gain individuality by changing the wardrobe. In addition to the morning program, the presenter was filmed in advertising, conducted various concerts and other solemn events, and also organized master classes for young colleagues in the workshop.

In 2014, Larisa Viktorovna left "Good Morning" than revealed numerous fans in shock. Together with her, she left her co-host Boris Shcherbakov. According to rumors, colleagues left the transfer not voluntarily, they refused to extend the contract with them. Verbitskaya did not plan to finish on this television career, but took a break in regular work on TV.

Today, according to the press, Verbickskaya works as a vice-president of the League of professional image makers. Woman makes up programs for diet and nutrition and oversees designer projects.

On the Internet there are many sites offering various slimming systems on behalf of the lead. According to some, it adheres to the siltone power system, others have combined separate and fractional food. But reliable evidence that Larisa sits on a diet, no. The only thing that she mentioned in an interview is an exception to the salty, flour, sharp and smoked. And only occasionally she allows himself sweet.

Such attention to the schedule and lifestyle of the TV host is no coincidence. Figure Larisa Viktorovna looks no less attractive than in youth: with growth in 170 cm its weight is only 52 kg. In addition, in his years she looks a little over 40.

Verbitskaya not only demonstrates an impeccable taste when choosing a wardrobe, it is also not afraid to appear before the cameras in a swimsuit. Similar photographs of a television star without constraint plays in their personal profile in "Instagram".

Evil languages ​​argue that the eternal youth leading is the merit of plastic operations. But Larisa Viktorovna itself confirms only one medical intervention - the injection of hyaluronic acid into the neck. The woman posted a photo immediately after the procedure in "Instagram". The result was unsuccessful, did not go through for the month and hardly inspired the TV presenter for further experiments with plastic.

Not only network sources are interested in the recipes and tips of Larisa Verbitsky. The leading willingly visits the transfer, where he personally tells about his lifestyle.

In 2016, the TV presenter conducted the cycle of Larisa Verbicksky's lessons as part of the Health of Elena Malysheva. At every lesson, she covered the secrets of youth that help to stay in shape: how to wake up how to make gymnastics for the face, what physical exercises to choose for charging and how to eat.

Larisa Viktorovna does not try to hide family life from fans and press. She participates in the programs dedicated to the privacy of stars. In 2014, Verbitskaya became the heroine of the show "Alone with everyone" with Yulia, Licheskova, where he told the TV viewers that complete harmony reigns with her husband.

In 2016, the TV presenter participated in the cycle cycle of Cyrus Pristutin's "Wife. Love story". Larisa Viktorovna told about the explosive and difficult character and how her relatives learned to get along with him.

In February 2017, Verbitskaya became a guest of culinary transmission "Smak". During the program, the TV presenter shared the recipe for pasta with spectators with pesto sauce and vegetables and a daughter-pear corporate dish. In the cooking process, the woman has repeatedly emphasized attention than and how the selected dishes will be useful. In parallel, told about approaches to raising children and spent charging for voice.

And in October, in the capital's restaurant of Italian cuisine, La Prima, together with Tatiana Vedeneeva and other stars of the domestic show business, she supported the new menu of the institution.

In 2018, Verbitskaya pleased TV viewers to participate in the cognitive program "The Diary of Active Life", which was broadcast on the "Home" channel. Larisa Viktorovna remains welcome guest in the program "Live Great!" Elena Malysheva. In one release, the TV presenter shared stress management secrets. In emotionally intense situations, Verbickle uses a breathing exercise, which lies in a slow breath and exhale through each nostril alternately. Hands are helped by hand and meditation on the sound "Mm-M".

At the end of the year, a memorial concert "Shainsky Forever" took place on the first channel, in which Larisa Viktorovna became one of the leading. Recording a solemn event took place in early December 2018 in the State Kremlin Palace. The stars and beginner artists of the Russian show business took place on the scene, among them were Sergey Penkin, Alexander Buynov, Elena Sparrow, Rutger Gareacht and others.

At the end of November 2019, the "Labor" newspaper published an article about Larisa Verbicky called "Live here and now", which contained a large interview with the TV presenter. She told that, in addition to working on television, she was also engaged in other projects, conducting trainings on creating an image, fond of painting and photography, passionately loves to travel.

Larisa told Larisa Viktorovna and about the children's dream to tie a profession with medicine. Her mother worked as an older operating sister and often took her daughter with her. At that time she looked through the window of the operating room inside and was fascinated by the process, it was very sank in her soul. But at some point, Verbickle realized that medicine is not only compassion, but also the ability to quickly make tough solutions. Then she thought that she was not enough for her strength, and he devoted himself to television.

Personal life

About the first husband TV presenter does not like to remember and even the name does not pronounce it once again. He said that on the period of life she put a cross, since the spouse jealously had it to work and put an ultimatum at one moment. From the first marriage from Larisa Viktorovna remained the son of Maxim, whom the presenter took with him to the parent apartment. Since then, the father and son have not seen. Maxim helped to bring up their parents, Marther's grandfather became an example of a man and a role model for a grandson.

Then she had a second marriage. With the future husband, Verbicksky met in the circus where the son led to the presentation. Alexander Dudov immediately found a common language with Maxim than the heart of Larisa Viktorovna conquered. The year lasted a novel in the epistolary genre: the TV presenter and the operator wrote each other letters, communicating at the "you", and then Verbitskaya gathered things, took the Son and moved to the beloved to Moscow. In 1990, the spouses were born a daughter, which was called Inna.

About children TV presenter tells a lot and willingly. Maxim learned to a lawyer and was now successful in this industry. Earlier, the young man was fond of the operator's business and photography, but in the end he decided that he wanted to engage in others.

Daughter Verbicky since childhood creative personality, despite soreness. At an early age, the girl had health problems, so a long time a family lived, focusing on her needs. Inna early began to draw, later fascinated by ballet. She fell to her pet, and his love for horses literally infected mom.

In the adolescence, the girl survived Bulimia. The careless statement of the mother that the daughter of Inna would have grown up, led to the fact that she did not touch the food for days, trying to lose weight, and then fell away and gained even more weight. 6 years old parents fought for her daughter's health, Father managed to convince Innu to eat right. Now the girl looks great and works the model.

In an interview with Larisa, Viktorovna repeats that it is happy to have such a strong family. And here you can believe the word: not every couple is capable of living in peace and harmony for many years, celebrating the silver wedding.

TV presenter does not cease to experiment with rejuvenation procedures. She is no longer the first year goes to Altai, where admiring nature and ancient temples. And in 2018 first tried maral baths. As Larisa Verbicksk explained, it is a 20-minute immersion in the hard fluid, the temperature of which does not exceed 37 degrees. But the rejuvenating effect is obvious after the first procedure.

In early 2019, Larisa Viktorovna surprised the subscribers of their "instagram" by the message about the dangers of molding. According to the TV presenter, bathing in cold water affects the decrease in immunity and provokes the growth of cancer cells. The fans of Verbian wondered and reminded her that before she adhered to the opposite opinion.

Larisa Verbickskaya now

Now the TV host continues to be in the thick of secular events. But for a while, like other public people, she had to go to self-insulation on the occasion of a coronavirus infection pandemic. This period TV presenter spent in a country house in the suburbs, together with her husband and mom. Her cottage under Podolsky for more than 20 years, and in 2019 she spent overhaul overhaul, transforming both outside and inside.

In September 2020, Larisa Verbickskaya shared in the Star Program, Larisa Verbickskaya shared the beauty secrets, for the sake of which forever refused to eat alcohol. Being days and nights for the studios and in flights, to do it and keep health is simply impossible. And the leading stress is accustomed to the circle of friends and loved ones, she loves loneliness, at such moments Verbitskaya is filled with energetically.

Sometimes Larisa Viktorovna can pamper himself and sweet, but in this case it is not about cakes and sweets, it gives preference to the Kurage and other dried fruits. After conducting childhood in the Crimea, in his youth, it was fed by one fruit and nuts and was engaged in sports. So, with youth, parents raised the right attitude towards food consumed.

At the end of November, Larisa Viktorovna became the guest of the program "Secret by Million", where for the first time the leading Lera Kudryavtsevaya terrible truth about his first marriage told the last country. Verbitskaya has told why he escaped from her husband, what pain he hurt her and as he explained to his son that he was now another dad.


  • "Good morning"
  • "Alarm"
  • "Good night, children!"
  • "Ice Age"
  • "The last hero-3: stay alive"
  • "Fashion sentence"
  • "Health"
  • "Live healthy!"
  • "Diary of active life"

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