Tatyana Kravchenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, "matchmakers", "Instagram" 2021



Tatiana Eduardovna Kravchenko (Yakovleva) is the famous Russian actress of cinema and theater, which millions of viewers loved her heroine. More precisely, Valentina Petrovna Budko from the series "Shatta".

After the release of this comedian family tape Tatiana Kravchenko woke up famous. But few people know that the title of People's Artist of Russia she received in 2002, 6 years before the release of a television film. And this title of actress really deserved.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Kravchenko was born in December 1953 in Stino (today - Donetsk). The girl was born in an incomplete family. Her father is Siberian Vasily Tokarev, being a high-ranking supervisor and a communist, fell in love with Emily Ivanovna's young tabel.

The novel was short: the news about the near birth of a baby coincided with the news about the deadly disease of Vasily Dmitrievich. The girl's father died when she was not and six months old. Orphans remained two other daughters of Tokarev - children born in official marriage. The only meeting of Tatiana and her only sister sister Alexandra on the air of the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether" will be held later.

Mom married a second time for a man named Eduard Yakovlev. His patronymic and surname and received a future actress. The fact that Eduard Semenovich is not her native dad, Tatiana found out only when he matured.

Already in childhood, Tanya began to show their creative abilities, although there were no artists in the family. Wechi worked by an excavator. But the mother in his youth dreamed of becoming an actress. She was a star of a school theatrical mug, but her plans destroyed the war. In China, Emilia wanted her youthful dream to realize her daughter, but the husband was against this venture, he believed that Tanya should get a "serious" profession.

After the presentation of the school certificate, Tatiana Kravchenko was aimed at Donetsk State University, but could not enter the chemical faculty. A year later, in 1971, the attorient went to Moscow. Father voiced the version that Tanya will go to the Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University.

In the Theater School named after M. Shchepkin Kravchenko arrived from the first attempt. Without additional protection and repeated samples, it was accepted, despite the strong Ukrainian accent. A year later, a talented student noted the folk artist and the great teacher Alla Tarasova, she lasted Tanya to himself, to the Studio School of MCAT. Kravchenko studied at the course of Tarasova and Paul Massalsky.

From the Ukrainian show, the student had to urgently get rid of. The future star of the theater and cinema at night has learned the patter and tried to communicate more with indigenous Muscovites.

But Kravchenko understood: she will not play secular lioness. At first, I suffered from this thought, but then realized that there are many other excellent roles that will certainly bring her success.


After graduating from the Massalsky and Tarasova, Tatyana hurried to serve in Lenk, where Mark Zakharov himself was invited. But, taking the actress in the troupe, he persistently recommended to change the too common last name. So Tatyana Eduardovna began to protrude under the name of PrabaBabushki - Kravchenko.

The creative biography of Tatiana Kravchenko began immediately with the main role. The performer played the heroine in the formulation of "my hopes" on the play Mikhail Shatrov. The People's Artist of the USSR Tatyana Peltzer participated in this performance. With the legend of the scene, a beginner actress has developed almost related relations. Tatyana Ivanovna took on the role of a mentor of a young squeeze and opened her many secrets of the profession.

Tatyana Kravchenko and today serves in the "Lenkom". On his stage, she played more than 3 tens of roles, both key and second plans. During the years of service in the actress, the title of Honored Artist of Russia received first, and in 2002 it became folk.

From her first theatrical roles, the audience was remembered by the heroine of the performances of Ivanov, "they fought for their homeland" and "My Hope".

All works Tatiana Kravchenko are marked by vivid performance and professionalism. The role of Nadi in the "dictatorship of conscience", Gloria in "Dear Pamla", Minestines from "Figaro's marriage" caused a splash of emotions and a flurry of applause.

Of the last bright work of the artist in Lenkomoy, theatrians call the play "Marriage" on the work of Nicholas Gogol.

Tatiana Kravchenko's creative life was not always covered with flowers, raises and decline happened. I had to play what was given, and not to choose, but the actress never desperate and believed that the stellar roles were waiting for her in the future. During the periods of longing, Tatiana Eduardov had thoughts about the rest of the "Lenkom", but they scattered immediately when she went to the famous scene.


Tatiana Kravchenko filmography began the role of Serafim Sergeyevna Zootechnia in the picture "Arriving". But the tape that brought the first popularity, went out on the screens after 4 years, in 1981. The role of Coach Lidia Pavlovna Lavrushina in the film "The Eighth Miracle of Light" turned Kravchenko to the recognizable Soviet artist.

Then there were the drama "Mushroom Rain" and the islar movie "Torpedo-stage". Do not notice the heroine of Tatiana Kravchenko, bright, impulsive, emitting energy was impossible. Her Olga in the lyrical comedy "Premonition of Love" is Typhoon Emotions. Soon the roles were followed by the film "Vassa", in the melodraman "City of Brides", in the comedy Leonid Gaiday "Dangerous for life!".

By the way, actress does not only succeed in comedy characters, but also the heroines of detectives and drams. At the junction, the epoch actress revealed to the audience in dramatic, sometimes tragedy images that successfully recreated in the films "Lady McBet Mtsensky County", "Oragi".

In 1990, Kravchenko appeared in the cast of the tragicomedy "Sukina Children", created according to the scenario of Leonid Filatov, with the participation of the author of the player's play of Igor Shevtsov. Vladimir Ilyin, Larisa Udovichenko, Nina Shatskaya and others were also starred in the film.

It is noteworthy that years of crisis for the state that some call the "Lidi 90s", did not affect the creative path of Tatiana Kravchenko. This period of the actress was engaged in the film "If you do not have aunt", "White King, the Red Queen", "Russian Miracle", "Shirley Merley" and "Heaven Promised". In the last film, lifted by the famous Eldar Ryazanov, it appeared in the image of the overseas.

The unique charm and the "explosive" energy of this woman were often used by directors. As one of the indicative examples is hot and passionate Margarita in a wonderful melodraman "Children of Monday."

In the early 2000s, the actress began to appear more often in the series. Tatyana Eduardovna's multi-vendors are remembered in the projects "right to defense", "women in the game without rules", "Children of Arbat". The role of colorful Clara Karlovna Kravchenko performed in the rating sitcom "my beautiful nanny".

Star role and deafening popularity came to Tatiana Kravchenko in 2008, when the TV series came out on television screens. Valentina Budko, or Value - one of the main and favorite characters rating ribbon. Together with Fedor Dobronravov, Lyudmila Artemieva and Anatoly Vasilyev, actress was at the peak of fame. Tatyana Kravchenko was involved in all seasons of the project.

In one of the interviews, the artist admitted that she was waiting for a star role almost all his life. Even in the youth, studying the book on the chiromantia, "recognized" on his hand, success is precisely in adulthood when she is 50 "with a tail." Then she was upset that waiting would have long.

But today the artist is happy, which happened not the opposite. After all, many colleagues, to whom Glory came in youth, suffer from unclaimed, and the audience almost forgotten.

The comedy series "Shatta" still remains for the actress by the main project of recent years. In addition, Tatiana Kravchenko became the heroines of "branch" from the comedy - the culinary tape "Svati at the slab", where it appeared along with Olga Arospea and Olesya Zheleznyak.

The last work of the actors included the role of the housekeeper in the film "Between notes, or tantric symphony", the image of the main heroine of Taisiya in the tragicomedy "Funny life", the episode in the comedy "lucky case!".

In 2018, with the participation of Tatiana Kravchenko, the fantastic drama "Grail Magdalena Egorova" was released, where Anna Andrzrenko played the main role. The film was presented at the Film Festival "We will live."

Personal life

In the youth, the actress was hit by his bright textures. Merry, sports (growth - 165 cm, weight - no more than 58 kg), with a light in the eyes, Tatyana knew how to make an impression on the opposite sex. The lack of fans has never had.

First love came to Kravchenko at 17 years old. In one of the interviews, the actress even called the name of the young man, with whom she had the first kiss, is the Donetrian Valery Sachkov. The guy was older, studied at the Commercial Institute, his father worked as the head of the department of this prestigious university.

Tatyana Kravchenko says that the first dates are remembered for life. With Valera, she met after classes. His girl timidly told about the indiscreet plans to become an actress, to which her chosen was laughed, stating that it was "children's bow."

Looking in advance, let's say that the artist tried to find the first love with the help of Mary Shukshina and her project "Wait for me", but the attempt did not lead to anything.

After admission to the service in Lenk, the actress, like her many colleagues, fell in love with the star of Alexander Abdulov theater. She did not count on the novel and mutual feelings, but could not hide the adoration of his emotions from the object. In order to be closer to the chosen one, the artist even settled in a hostel, close to the room Abdulov. Together, the actors went on the stage "Lenkom" and even played in the film "Premonition of Love".

Tatyana Kravchenko was married twice. Vladimir Lavinsky became his first spouse, who worked as an artist-director of the MCAT Studio. According to the young man, his grandfather was Vladimir Mayakovsky himself, they say, his father appeared from the fan-walled connection of the poet. The couple settled together with the parents of Lavinsky. Tatiana received Moscow registration. Before the birth of children, the case did not come, the marriage broke up 2 years later. Later, an actress was confessed that at the insistence of the spouse was forced to make an abortion - Vladimir turned out to be a disament man, and Tatiana had just started a professional career.

The second husband is Dmitry Herbachevsky, the producer of Lenfilma. In marriage with him, Kravchenko lived 6 years. The spouses were born Anna, the only daughter of Tatiana. She was born in 1986 in Leningrad. But this union collapsed. According to the performer, the husband began to raise his hand on her, conflicts arose. Kravchenko realized that the divorce is inevitable. After another failure, the artist began to abuse alcohol, but never allowed himself too much - the responsible work forced himself to keep himself in a tone and not relax.

The actress says that all men who came across her ways, eventually sat down on her neck and became dependent. Now, when the shoulders have considerable experience and wisdom, personal life has ceased to interest Tatyana Kravchenko. She believes that in her years, love and passion not only are not needed, but also unnatural and even dangerous. The main person in her life remains daughter, about whom a woman dreams of. While the famous artist has not yet acquired grandchildren, but she believes that this family happiness is waiting for her heiress.

The only case when Tatiana retreated from his credo and succumbed to love, the shooting of the "Shatta" series began. Kravchenko, according to her, so fascinated by the role that began to experience romantic feelings for his partner Fyodor Dobronravov. Not embarrassed actress his happy marriage, the presence of children, the birth of grandchildren. But Fyodor managed to form an actress: an unrequited passion turned into a strong friendship.

In his native Donetsk, Tatyana Kravchenko is rare. Previously came there with entrepreneurial performances and walked with pleasure through the streets who remember her with a child and a young girl. But over time, the actress transported Mama and sister to the capital. Long relatives and graves of the ancestors remained in Donetsk. In order not to miss her homeland, Tatyana Eduardovna found countrymen in Moscow and communicate with them with pleasure.

The actress does not lag behind the younger generation in the desire to be closer to its fans. Tatiana has a page in "Instagram", where the photo dedicated to the work of the artist and her family is regularly appear. Often the popular performer appears in various TV shows. So, in 2015, she became the heroine of the program "Alone with everyone" with Yulia Little, and in the studio of the "Fate of Man", Boris Korchevnikov visited three times.

Many fans of the series "Shatta" kravchenko causes only positive emotions, but in 2018 Tatyana Eduardovna collided with threats to his address. An unknown began to intimidate the performer on the Internet, and then took up extortion. The artist with the intention of stopping the action of the fan appealed to law enforcement agencies.

Tatyana Kravchenko now

For a long time, the creation of the 7th season "Svatov" remained. The leading performers of the film Fyodor Dobronravov, Lyudmila Artemieva and Nikolay Dobrynin the authorities of Ukraine, on the territory of which survey was held, banned entry into the country. Compromise was found: The working group gathered in Belarus, part of the scenes was filmed in Georgia.

The shooting was completed in 2020, while it became known that the project left Lyudmila Artemyev - according to Kravchenko, it happened because of the size of the fee that did not arrange the artist.

In the new series it was decided to show the story of the origin of love between young Valentina and Ivan Buko. According to rumors, in the 7th season, Tatiana Kravchenko's character must die. While the cause of the death of the heroine is not disclosed. The premiere of the series is scheduled for 2021.

Now the actress continues to realize his talent on the theater scene. In her repertoire, the play "Dinner for a sinner". In the fall of the 2020, she took part in the filming of the next release of the humorous magazine for children "Elash".


  • 1981 - "Eighth Miracle of Light"
  • 1982 - "Premonition of Love"
  • 1982 - "Mushroom Rain"
  • 1983 - Torpedo'sians
  • 1989 - "Lady McBet Mtsensky County"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1994 - "Russian Miracle"
  • 1998 - "Monday Children"
  • 2008-2012 - "Shatta"
  • 2015 - "Between notes, or tantric symphony"
  • 2017 - "lucky case"
  • 2018 - "Grail Magdalene Egorova"
  • 2021 - "Shatta-7"

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