Bozhen Raski - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Igor Malashenko, Child 2021



Bozhena Marnska is a scandalous well-known journalist, a blogger and a secular lioness. At one time, she collaborated with the publications of Kommersant and Izvestia, later created a name on the site of the LiveJournal. A woman is not shy in bold grades and strong expressions, which always causes a large resonance from the public.

Childhood and youth

Born Bozhen Raski in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) January 20, 1975. Its real name is Evgenia Lvovna Masonry. The girl grew in the family of Energy Lion Isaakovich and Mathematics Teachers Alla Konstantinovna. Back in the school years, Eugene had to survive the divorce of the parents: the father left the family, leaving his wife and child.

Since childhood, the market has been interested in accurate sciences and even studied at school with a physico-mathematical bias. According to the journalist, this passion has played a role in the formation of its analytical thinking.

The girl's labor biography began immediately after graduation, when Eugene went to work in the "Change" newspaper. The first journalistic experience did not make a special impression on the girl, and she decided to look for happiness abroad. After a short stay in America, the Marysk came back to his hometown, where he began to study at the Director of the Faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.

After graduating from the university, Evgeniya starred in a small role in the multi-sieuled film "Streets of broken lanterns" - played a waitress Zhenya in one episode. But this work became her first and last in cinema, after which she decided to go to Moscow.

Personal life

In the media regularly appeared rumors about the relationship of God with men. The journalist itself talked about a long novel, which she had happened in his youth in St. Petersburg. Despite the deep feelings, the young man did not become an official husband for celebrity.

After moving to the UK, the Raski agreed with Nikolai Bychkov, the former Vice-President of the NK "Yukos". Their acquaintance took place in 2007 on a football match in Chelsea.

The novel developed rapidly, together the couple traveled on Scotland, Cumbria and Wales. But the businessman is shortly a lover blogger. Taking advantage of her severe illness and the lack of local medical insurance among God, he sent a girl to Russia. The market was seriously worried about parting and shared emotions with subscribers of his profile.

At the homeland in the personal life of the Bozhen was waiting for pleasant changes. In February 2012, it became known that the secular lioness was in an actual marriage with a journalist and political analyst Igor Malashenko, who previously served as the chair of the Director-General of the First Channel and the head of NTV, as well as heads the international RTVI TV channel.

Malashenko was older for almost 20 years older. For the sake of relationship with the beloved, he left his wife and two children living in New York. But the joint child did not have a couple for a long time. Nevertheless, God did not get tired of repeating what is happy in marriage. According to her, a civilian husband gave her a feeling of peace, because he did not have to think about the bread.

As many fashion editions recognize, after the start of relations with Igor Bozhen, it became better to look better and give preference to elegant and restrained style in clothes, which advantageously emphasizes the feminine figure of the journalist (the weight of God is 62 kg with growth 171 cm).

In September 2018, a joyful event occurred in the life of God. Igor Malashenko managed to arrange a divorce with the first wife of Elena brewing and play a wedding with a market. The newlyweds were preparing the celebration spontaneously, nevertheless the event was bright and festive. Together with Andrei Orlov and Vadim Zhukom, the bride wrote a scenario of cabbage to the music of popular hits of the 60s, which included the songs of "Queen of Beauty", "How steamboats", "Odessa Port", "Waltz Parting", "Take Sinel, went home" and others.

The venue of the banquet of the wife was chosen by the "Meat Club 2: 0" room, because it was the name of the restaurant where they met. A creative gift to the newlyweds was presented and uncle of God - a pop poet and composer Semyon Kaminsky.

February 25, 2019 Malashenko was found dead in Spain. The cause of the death of a businessman - suicide. A few days before the tragedy, Igor found himself in the hospital after a scandal with an ex-wife Elena Pivovarova on the financial soil.

Health problems, believers, provoked Elena, "purposefully, Malashenko, to achieve favorable conditions for the division of the property." A woman who did not worry a day seem to claim 80% of the state of the media manager.

The death of her husband pledged a market. The widow of the entrepreneur survived clinical death. This news was told Elena Gusinskaya, a neighbor in the villa in the Spanish Sotogrand resort. Relatives confirmed that the journalist is in a serious psychological state, besides, it is experiencing financial difficulties.

The money issue of Bozhen touched on the show "Caution, Sobchak!". At the same time, the author of the Yutiub-Canal blogger demonstrated a luxurious apartment on the patriarching ponds, received as a gift from the late spouse. The dwelling of the Masonry, as wrote the media, is styling with antiques, paintings, antique embroidery and dishes.

However, the secular lioness complained that Igor did not mention her in the will, so he had to rent his father's apartment and publish advertising in social networks to earn. Articles of special income do not bring, and funds are necessary not only for daily needs, but also on the content of frozen embryos.

By the summer of 2019, God began to recover, staged a photo session in the house in the Riga seaside. But here the blogger was waiting for the misfortune - she fell from the stairs and broke her hand. However, after a month, the Market was conquered in a swimsuit on the beach and, judging by publications in Telegraph, went to Norway.

In the autumn of the same year, a woman, a Jew for nationality on the father's line, received Israel's citizenship. The process stretched for 7 years. At first, representatives of state administration embarrassed the fact that God was born 3 months after the wedding of the parents. Then the Israeli Consul in Moscow began to repair obstacles in an even place, simply because the Market is a famous person. God is sure that if the family had been allowed to repatriate on time, Malashenko would stay alive.

In a conversation with a colleague from the Rain Channel, the journalist said that the thought of the child helps to cope with depression. This idea took possession of God and Igor back in 2015. Malashenko insisted on addressing the services of a surrogate mother not only because of the age of his wife, and also because the markets suffer thrombophilia.

Spouses treated medical care to American and Spanish specialists. The first clinic was a queue, in the second due to the negligence of physicians, embryos died. As a result, the future parents helped in the star hospital Mark Kurzer.

Eugene's daughter was born in March 2020. For almost a month, the market hid the appearance of the girl, and when the first photos published, emphasized that the child is a copy of Igor. The press hurried to conclude that the journalist had a significant trump card in the struggle for the inheritance of a businessman - $ 3.2 million on Konu, which could receive a celebrity.

Lolita, Julia Bordovsky, Maxim Galkin and Albina Nazimov congratulated the first Bozhen. It is said that the widow of Vlad Listeyev and Alexander Vertinskaya, having learned about Malashenko's death, visited a secular lioness to support in a difficult moment. However, there was a conflict between women, and Sasha with Albina put out the door.

On the wishes of Tatiana Bruukhunova, the assistants of Evgenia Petrosyan, the Market answered with the words about the "ready bride." This statement missed the new force disputes about whether the Son appeared in the family of humorist.

Belized also made a testament. In the event of her death, and thoughts about suicide and now do not leave a blogger, I will raise a close girlfriend, the property will get a daughter.

The woman began to collect a selection of articles about themselves for a girl. The journalist learned from the Personal Arivers Photos of the Beginning of Career. Some Folloviers advised the market again to become red, others discovered similarity with Tina Karol, the third ridiculed the Manera to dress for those days.

The theme of the Maternity of God discussed the "community of Nasikomi", the site, whose users are engaged in trolling, "chill" celebrities. Heroes of publications are called patients, and in estimates of the actions are not shy of obscene brani. Insults did not bypass and market.

Journalism and blog

In 1998, Eugene began to work under the creative pseudonym of the Bozen Marida. In 2003, he went to work in the journal "Kommersant" as a freelance correspondent, wrote about secular news for the newspaper. RU ", SNC and GQ glossy publications.

Having worked out the necessary connections, Bozhen suggested the chief editor of the newspaper Izvestia (at that time Rafu Shakirov) his candidacy for the place of the leading strip of the secular chronicle. The corresponding section in the newspaper was developed by the girl alone. Bozhena Marnska wrote for publication for five years. During this time, she managed to earn a reputation as the scandalous secular journalist of Moscow.

God did not miss the opportunity to shine with the writer's talent in the "Live Journal". Publications under the fictional name Becky_Sharpe wore a more unleashed style than in newspapers. The second ironic name of the blog is "Dog-Cousca".

Thanks to the topical topics and sharp expressions, the Belarusian page enjoyed great success, and in 2008 the journalist released a book called "Thank God, I VIP" and was based mainly on her records.


Being a rather eccentric and emotional person, the Bozhaen is constantly in the center of scandals.

"This is not related to ordinary people. I basically do not like people. I can only communicate with very few, I just don't like the rest, I am Misanthrop. I believe that, for some exceptions, people are pretty nasty creatures. But there are beautiful grains of gold, with whom I communicate with joy. "

One of these situations was the quarrel of the Masonry and Tatiana Tatstnaya because of buckwheat. The scandal broke out in 2010, after the thickness was in a passing, he looked into one of the posts of God. The leading program "School of Zrossov" mentioned the case when she proposed his assistance to a journalist who had a foot surgery. Recalling the fairy tale of Alexander Pushkin about the fisherman and the fish, the thick argued that the market first asked her to buy medicines, then cook the buckwheat porridge, and then the supposedly God had wanted cheese Maasdam.

The market presented the preserved correspondence with Tolstoy, from which it was that God reimbursed Tatiana Nikitichna spent, and the cheese was not about cheese.

In the same year there was a scandal with Nikita Jigurda. The showman and the secular lioness did not find mutual understanding in the framework of the transfer of Vladimir Molchanov "All-Show". Initially, a peaceful conversation was almost ended with pouring boiling water on the chest with a shocking actor, so God tried to guard his personal space.

Not boring in the selection of words, the market wrapped an angry tirade on Stepan and Nikita Mikhalkov, after the junior restaurant was blewing coffee from poorly closed glan. Most of all the blogger was sorry for the bag for € 15 thousand. EE Roughness criticized Mikhail Bushchevsky and Alexander Dobrovinsky. In response, Bozen blamed the lawyers in Harassment, threatened by the court, allegedly had witnesses.

Dobrovinsky remembered that this journalist herself "offered sex for money, but how to get drunk so as not to understand where God's, and where the refrigerator". Breschevsky and said at all that he is a lawyer, not a psychiatrist.

In February 2012, in the publication "Moscow Komsomolets" published information that the real name of God-Kuritsyn. At the same time, the newspaper did not give any sources of his awareness. An indignant market threw offenders with a trial, but despite this, refutation refused to publish the publication. Development This story did not have.

In 2013, a lawsuit for the court, together with her spouse, did a lawsuit for the fact that in the courtyard of his house they pounced on a journalist and the NTV operator, who tried to take interviews from God.

The participant of another process was the driver of the publishing house "Seven Days" Evgeny Abramov. A woman has spent with him because of the parking space and caused an easy harm to health - splashed in antifreeze face.

As a result, the court carried a conviction, according to which the journalist was sentenced to the year of correctional work with holding 10% of its earnings in the state budget and to reimburse the company's damage.

In 2014, the blogger decided to cut the way during the search for his chauffeur in the department store parking and passed under the barrier. As a result, he fell on the Bozhen, breaking his nose and causing injury. Market shared photos after the incident in "Instagram".

The surreal situation has caused sympathy among some subscribers of secular lioness, others have cheated this event. In it, they saw the punishment of the journalist for her numerous scandals and narcissistic texts.

In December 2016, Bozena Raski again attracted attention to his person: a blogger in Facebook allowed himself an impartial statement about journalists who died in a plane crash. Recall that on December 25, the liner flying to Syria fell into the Black Sea, all who was on board were killed, the artists of the Aleksandrov academic ensemble and several shooting groups directed by the first channel, NTV and the Star Channel.

Frances of the Mountains and Tina Karol (similarity)

And if a journalist wrote about the death of the chorus with sorrow, then the MARSO's colleagues responded with disdain and wished the same participation and other employees of NTV. The press service of the canal refused to comment on the words of God.

The post of the market caused a wide resonance. The public mostly condemned the act of a journalist. The hype around the scandal became the theme of the day of numerous media, which prompted many newsmakers to try to reassure outrageous readers. Ksenia Sobchak in his column on the "Snob" platform was sharply spoken about the passion of God to the mouth and called on the public to ignore the woman, without providing her desirable attention, and remember the tragedy.

This story is not the only case. In March 2017, Bozhaen Raski accused the murder of Denis Voronenkov, an ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, shot in the center of Kiev on March 23, his widow, Opera singer Maria Maksakov. God called her "Poons and serial widow." Note that the Ukrainian authorities accused the killing the Russian special services policy.

In the process of preparations for the presidential election of 2018, the candidate for the post of head of state of Ksenia Sobchak offered to the civilian wife of God, Igor Malashenko headed the election headquarters. A journalist, which only supports Alexey Navalny, responded negatively about Sobchak. Marcas suggested that cooperation would not last longer than a month due to the independence of Igor and his impatience of Hamsia.

Belized defended Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Boris Nemtsov and other oppositionists of the authorities, although he does not consider himself a politician. Drives a journalist, according to her recognition, hatred for the meanness and "to Putin as an personification".

The impressions of the next hysterical market shared Artemy Lebedev. The designer concluded that the blogger hates young children when he flew with her in one plane. According to a man, God "began to grieve and fool in its place. Each microstrix of the child was unbearable to her, although he never cried for the whole flight. " In addition, the observer doubted Lebedev's right to fly in the business class.

By the way, in 2006 in LJ, the blogger called the children of his familiar worships and wrote that he did not agree to give birth to himself, "and as a gift to a beloved man, if he very much asks."

Bozhen Raski now

Borean on the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn. So women, if you believe horoscopes, characterize extract, purposefulness and patience. The power of the Spirit will need a market, because she is going to take revenge on whom he considers the guilty of her husband's death.

The journalist does not intend to give way and in terms of the distribution of the inheritance Malashenko, which is estimated at $ 16 million. A number of litigation of the spouses have won in the life of Igor.

However, while Coronavirus was raging outside the window, Bozhen observed the rules of self-insulation. The corresponding post is a secular lioness published in "Instagram".


  • "Thank God, I am VIP!"

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