Ilya Sobolev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev - Standap-comic, showman, TV presenter, actor, musician, participant of the Krasnoyarsk KVN-team, who managed to continue his career on television. The artist claims that all his free time devotes to writing jokes. Due to hard work and irrepressive energy today, a humorist is considered one of the best representatives of the genre of Standap.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk and from an early age, loved to joke. Around the boy always sounded laughter. In school, he was the company and the "nail" of the company. But the student bestly felt on stage. At that time, the stage platform was a school, sometimes in the house of culture.

On the scene Sobolev brilliantly joked, improvised and fun to teachers, peers and other present. KVN with the participation of the young man and its production became a joyful event that the audience did not miss.

After graduation, Ilya received two formations - the highest technical (ICMIMSF) and acting.

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The creative biography of Ilya Sobolev began as part of the KVN team called the "Left Bank". In 2003, the Champion of Sobolev became the champion of the Premier League club fun and resourceful. Among the 18 teams, including "NARTS from Abkhazia", ​​"Persons of the Ural Nationality", "Ordinary People", national teams of Belarus, Kharkov, players from Krasnoyarsk reached the final and won with a higher score, dividing the 1st place with a team from Saransk "Region-13".

This allowed the "left bank" in a year to become a participant in the highest league, where the players reached the quarterfinal. In 2004, Siberians also received gold at the Voice Kivin festival. In 2005, the team became the semifinalist of the Premier League, losing the "Max" (Tomsk) and "Friends" (Perm).

Personal life

Personal life Ilya Sobolev is arranged. The artist has a favorite wife Natalia (in Maiden Pakhomov), which is engaged in jurisprudence, as well as issues of acquiring real estate abroad. Natalia Sobolev - organizer and co-owner of EMS Studio Fit Premium, Real Estate Agencies in Spain. The family lives in St. Petersburg.

Spouses together have not been the first year. When only began to meet, Ilya brought the bride to introduce his parents. Mother arranged a future daughter-in-law of real exams to make sure the girl's readiness for family life. Natalia sustained checks, and soon the lovers weaken the relationship.

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Later, their daughter Sofia was born. In September 2015, Natalia presented his spouse to the second daughter Eve. Birth took place in the Moscow clinic. Being an experienced mother, a woman has developed for microblog subscribers in "Instagram" application "Diary of food and recovery after childbirth".

Both spouses lead pages on social networks, including in Twitter, where regularly lay out joint and working photos. All free time comedian tries to spend with children and his wife.

Humor and creativity

Ilya Sobolev, as one of the most bright and talented KVN players, were invited to television. The humorist became a member of popular comedic projects, appeared in the "Devil League", "Little without rules" and "Comedy Club".

Together with Roman Klyachkin Sobolev came to the 1st season of the Show program "Laughter without Rules", where he took 2nd place. And in the 9th part of the "laughter without rules", in which most of the finalists of previous years participated, Ilya as part of a duet "Beautiful" won the 1st place.

Together with the other and counterpart Roman, he participated in the program "Let's get married", where the humorous duet was able to make Larisu Guzeyev.

The name of Ilya is associated with another member of the "laughter without rules" and the "slaughter league", protruding under the scenic name Uncle Vitya. When the latter appeared in the 10th season of "laughter without rules" on TNT, attentive TV viewers began to compare a new character with Sobolev, noting a considerable similarity. Project executives denied it, but the audience remained with their opinion.

Over time, all new "evidence" appeared. First, the image of Uncle Viti partly was borrowed from the favorite movie of Ilya "Man on the Moon." Secondly, at one of the speeches at Uncle Viti, a voice was broken, and many learned the timbre and notes of Sobolev's voice.

Plus, in 2017, a new show "Money or Shame" was started on the TNT4 TV channel, which was leading this scandalous character. Despite the fact that Sobolev continued to deny the involvement in Uncle Vita, it was to him a video message of the angry soloist of the MBand group Artem Pindyurians was sent. The fact is that on the air of the Uncle Vitya program, unluckyly responded to the team, calling it a "favorite group of worms."

Once again, Ilya began to disable from the fact that it is not he leads the show. And therefore, and to apologize to him for provocative jokes does not make sense.

In February 2010, Sobolev left the "slaughter league", deciding that it was necessary to move on. A creative producer of the project, TV presenter and 12 participants left the comer. They worked, and at the end of August of the same year on the TNT TV channel, the audience saw a new humorous show called "Comedy Battle", consisting of two parts - selected and tournament.

Five clans participated in the game: Finalists "Comedy Battle. Selection "(" Favorites "), residents Comedy Club (" Five Baklazhan "), former participants of the" Devil League "(" Aristocrats "," Summary of Happiness "and" Jokers "). Ilya Sobolev, together with the comedians by Konstantin Pushkin, Vyacheslav Commissionarenko, Evgeny Retnovyov, Dmitry Romanov entered the team "Aristocrats".

Sobolev is a talented artist who received recognition as a lead and showman. Colleagues argue that comedian is an extremely creative person. It is not afraid to experiment and does not recognize the framework and restrictions.

Therefore, Ilya manages to be implemented in the separation projects. He makes parodies and miniatures. Brilliantly performs in the genre of Stand-Up, and still works entertainer, holds solemn events, holidays and weddings. He was repeatedly invited as the leader of the company "Dula-Tour", Sberbank, Uralenergogaz, Uralsib, Mars.

Celebrity is also interested in music. Together with the popular St. Petersburg musician, the stedap-comedian recorded two music tracks - "Hansta" and "do not think." Songs became hits and held for a long time held in the charts of the first dance "radio record". Track "Ganest" even took the 16th place of the final Superchart in 2009.

In 2013, the three participants of the "Comedy Club", former Kavénceniki, decided to create a creative comedic trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev". Anton Ivanov and Alexey Smirnov, the participants of the KVN-team "Hot Finnish Guys", worked as a duet called "Bydlo", which was popular among the audience of the projects "Laughter without Rules", "Devilion League", "Deadly Night".

The third participant of Ilya organically supplemented the acting ensemble. The low artist (Sobolev's growth is 166 cm, the weight of about 60 kg) proved that it could become the energy center of a humorous scene. The residents of the club decided not to be limited to the comical numbers of the usual topics. Anton, Alexey and Ilya created their own humor format, bordering the absurd.

The "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev" trio began to regularly appear on the air of the program "Comedy Club", collecting high spectator ratings. Soon, the comedians starred together with the Ruslan White in the clip "Nuances" of the 3NT group. Once the acting ensemble received a premium in the nomination "Best Media Collective of St. Petersburg." The figurine was signed by Ivanov, Petrov, Sobolev, which surprised humorists.

In mid-April 2017, Ilya, as part of a comedy trio, traveled to the tour to China, to Hainan Island, where the festival "Comedy Club" took place. The event program included the daily speeches of the residents of the Club. In the afternoon, participants and viewers were collaborated by joint participation in games, competitions and relay. For concerts, comedians prepared the best rooms, as well as miniatures that were created specifically for the festival.

In May 2017, Artist detained PPP officers to verify the documents during which it turned out that Ilya rides the invalid driver's license. The traffic police service deprived Sobolev's rights back in 2014. But the artist, according to him, did not know about it, because he did not receive a summons from the court.

In the same 2017 held a debut of Sobolev in the cinema. He starred in the TV series "Ghost Opera", the director of whom Emil Nikogosyan, known on the films "Champions" and "Mom-3". It is noteworthy that his colleagues on "Comedy Club" Garik Harlamov and Andrei Skoroshod also starred in the project. This is the history of the friendship of the Operative Police of the Lady Police and the Ghost of the Legendary Fraudster of Pasch of the Breeze. At present, the actor's filmography is limited only to this work.

In 2018, Ilya decided to conquer the expanses of the Internet. Its YouTube Channel was registered in 2012, but only now he began to develop it and popularize. The artist is recognized: in the network he can afford much more than on TV. Here his monologues are even more sharp and topical. Also on the Comedian Channel publishes its improvised concerts and parodies on the stars of the Russian show business.

In the winter of 2018, a new "Frozhar" show was started on the TNT4 TV channel, which was leading the resident "Comedy Club". Comedy program format: Young comedians ridicule a guest guest. A TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova came to Sobolev to Sobolev, Ruslan White, Blogger Nikolai Sobolev. Some fans believe that they are brothers, but it is not so - celebrities are just namesakes. The best releases of the program Ilya spoke on the air television show "Evening Urgant".

In August 2018, both Sobolev came to the show "Where is the logic?", Ilya was in Tandem with Raper L'One, and Nikolai - with Marina Kravets. Later, the stedap comedian became a member of the humorous show "Give a bream", in which he fought in a duel with Ilya Prusikin.

In 2019, on his youthub-channel, a former KVN participant launched a new show "Can I have your phone?" In which the studio guests are invited to compete for a cash prize, fulfilling all the conditions of comic test.

Sobolev became an invited guest of the online show "What was next?", Where his opponent was spoken by Eric Davidich. The artist also appeared in the Teleigre "Improvisation".

Ilya Sobolev now

Now Ilya Sobolev is actively developing his Youtyub-Channel. It periodically lays out parodies on well-known people who distinguished themselves with bright statements. So, after Elena Malysheva called a coronavirus infection with "wonderful illness", a video showed a video dedicated to the TV presenter of the Channel. In addition, Sobolev laid out a parody of Sergey Bezruck after the actor's video calling to vote for amendments to the Constitution. The speeches of Elman Pashayev pushed Ilya to the creation of a parody of lawyer Mikhail Efremov.

In 2020, the income of the humorist fell: the number of corporate events and concerts decreased. In an interview, Ilya admitted that advertising earns up to 1 million rubles. per month, although earlier this amount was significantly higher. During quarantine comedian launched Challenge # Strigidom. He recorded the process of creating a new hairstyle in the video and suggested such videos to lay out their subscribers.

In the fall of 2020, Sobolev spoke as a TV host of the new humorous show of the TNT channel "Sing without rules", the producers of which were Garik Martirosyan, Andrei Averin and Zurab Matu.


  • 1999 - KVN-team "Left Bank"
  • 2007 - "Laughter without rules"
  • 2007 - "Dead League"
  • 2010 - "Comedy Battle"
  • 2013 - "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev"
  • 2013 - "ComedyClub"
  • 2018 - "Frozen"

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