Tutta Larsen - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Tutta Larsen is not least famous for the unusual and original pseudonym. In fact, the real name of the popular TV presenter is Tatiana Anatolyevna Romanenko. The scenic pseudonym created by connecting the names of two favorite fabulous characters - the chicken tarta and Larsen Laison.

TV presenter Tutta Larsen

For Tatiana, her pseudonym is not just a bright name for a character who can interest the audience, but also a certain combination of magical sounds, which came down on her from heaven.

Childhood and youth

Tutta was born on the summer day of 1974 in the provincial village of Hangzhenkovo-North, which is subordinate to the city of Makeyevka. Talented Tatiana inherited from Elena Mikhailovna Romanenko, philologist on education, journalist and screenwriters.

Early orphanages Tuta Larsen were happy and cloudless, but at 7 years old girl first experienced a nonsense bitterness: the family left Dad Anatoly Lukich. Tanya was acutely experienced by the loss of the Father, but when her mother re-married, easily accepted the stepfather and immediately began to take him as a native father.

Tutta Larsen with mom

Little Tutta Larsen visited many circles of creative directions. In early childhood, she was given to the school ballet, from where soon the girl was kicked out. The reason for the expulsion was congenital quick temper: Tanya once arranged a fight, because of which the dance teachers decided to exclude the future viewer from the children's team.

Realizing perspectives that give knowledge of foreign languages, Elena Mikhailovna gave daughter to English language courses, thanks to which Tutta Larsen is free to communicate with foreigners.

Tutta Larsen as a child

At the age of 14, the girl began to work under the post of Mom, who at that time was the editor of the local newspaper. Tutta has already decided on the 12th year by the future profession and education, so he was happy to write 2-3 articles per day.

Larsen graduated from school with a gold medal, which guaranteed her easy receipt to any institute. The girl was not afraid to leave his hometown and recover in Moscow, where she submitted documents to the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism. Knowledge of languages ​​and considerable experience helped a girl to pass the exams without any problems and in September to go to the 1st year.

Since 1994, Tutta Larsen worked on television, and in 1996 he received a diploma in the specialty "Economic journalism and advertising".

Close cooperation with the world of music, as well as the children's hobbies of Larsen, soon pushed her to participate in several groups. Soon, Tutnt was chosen by the soloist of Jazzlobster and Thaivox teams, with the last group of the girl in 1998 recorded the album.

Career and creativity

In the third year of Moscow State University, all students passed an internship at the enterprises, and the girl was lucky to get to the advertising department of the Biz-Enterprises television. The student made a strong impression on the management of the canal, and after internship, they decided to take a girl to the post of TV presenter of one of the programs. Then Tatyana Romanenko first thought about the possibility of separating his real life from television.

Thus, her creative pseudonym was born, which was voiced for the first time in 1994, when Tutta Larsen began to lead the Music TV program "Black Friday". Later she was entrusted to the maintenance of musical news. So the television biography of Tarta Larsen began.

Tutta Larsen on the canal

The TV presenter notice the viewers and the leadership of other channels. The girl became interested in the popular MTV Russia TV channel. At first, she refused to change the offer to change the place of work, but MTV Russia offered career growth and more serious prospects for the future, and in 1998 Larsen agreed to sign a contract with the canal.

A bright image of the leading short haircut, an earrings in the nose and a pair of tattoos instantly attracted attention to her person. She took an interview with the famous musical show business figures, was a TV host show, where communicated with the audience, and thus had a thoughtless on the image and the perception of the Channel MTV Russia itself, making it a truly youth. For Larsen, work on the music canal has become the step that brought her popularity in the country.

Tutta Larsen on the canal

When a girl knew the happiness of motherhood, a hooligan image on the MTV, which she adhered to youth, became unacceptable for her. In 2008, Larsen decided to leave the canal and move to a more serious and "adult" project, which was the "Star" TV channel for her. Basically, there were historical, scientific and documentary television programs, which at that time was harmoniously combined with the internal state of the journalist. She was interested in projects related to the Great Patriotic War, where Larsen performed in the role of TV presenter and the author of the script.

Tutta Larsen in a humorous program

In 2010, Tutut was invited to the entertainment talk show "Girl". The program was popular by virtue of its format: TV weights were exclusively women who discussed current topics of the week within the framework of the ether. A company Vidide with MTV was Olga Shelest, Alla Gonlatova, Lena Perova, Marina Golub, Maria Golubanka. The last release came out in the summer of 2014.

Since 2007, the journalist participated in the recording of radio programs, for example, was the leading author's transfer of the "Show with Tuta Larsen and Konstantin Mikhailov" on the Radio "Lighthouse".

Tutta Larsen on Radio

Tutta Larsen not only made a rapid career on television, but also demonstrated acting talents. She starred in the films "Young and happy", "trap" and "lucky". In many films, the artist performed Kameo that, as you know, the directors are offered exclusively to the stars.

From 2014 and to today, Tutta Larsen is the leading program "Large fish. Evening Live, "which comes out on the Spring FM radio station, as well as the popular gear" The time of joy "and" family history ", which are broadcast on the" Vera "radio.

Tutta Larsen in the film

A talented journalist became the author of several programs: with her light hand on the radio station "Capital FM", the program "in share" appeared, and on the TV channel "Mother and Child" comes out "from zero to five".

In the spring of 2015, Tutta Larsen launched its own channel called Tutta.tv. It is devoted to maternity issues, child education, as well as psychology and family relationships.

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In 2015, Larsen became a participant in the reality show "Pregnant", which viewers looked at the TV channel "home". Sasha Zverev, Daria Pynzar and Polina Dibrova also participated in the transfer of pregnant women. Tutta at that time was pregnant with the third child, the son of Wansell.

In 2016, Tutta Larsen, together with Mikhail Kozyrev, commented on the EMMI-2016 American television award ceremony.

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In February 2017, Tutta Larsen, together with three children, appeared on the cover of AIF about health magazine. She gave journalists to publish an interview, which shared secrets of a strong marriage.

Personal life

Personal life Tarta Larsen is largely intertwined with her professional activities. With the first husband, a musician Maxim Galstian, she met with general hobby. Young people played a wedding in 1992. Their marriage lasted 8 years, but in 2000 the couple broke up. At that time, the presenter was pregnant, and parting extremely negatively affected her health: she lost a child a week after the divorce.

Soon, Tutta Larsen met the journalist and writer Zakhar Artemyev, the elder brother of the famous artist Pavel Artemieva. The couple lived in a civil marriage in which the son was born. The boy was born in 2005 and received the name of Luka, which Tatiana gave him in honor of his grandfather in the father's line.

Tutta Larsen and Zakhar Artemyev

Nevertheless, the child could not strengthen the Union of Tarta and Zakhar, and a year after his birth, the spouse broke up. Later Son TV presenter arranged in the Christian gymnasium at the monastery, as well as music school and sports sections on Aikido and swimming.

In 2009, Tutta Larsen met the musician Valery Koloskov. Lovers married and played a wedding. Valery adopted Luka, and a couple of Martha's joint daughter was born a couple of pairs. After 5 years, the family was replenished with a third child - Ivan's boy, who was born on July 1, 2015. Tutta gave birth to a son at 40 years old.

Pregnant Tutta Larsen

Tatiana Romanenko is an Orthodox believer. It is known that she took the rite of baptism at 9 in Donetsk. The sacrament was made at home, secretly, because the relatives of Tarta Larsen were communists. As he admitted later to the television star, it was consciously believed only in the early 2000s, becoming a parishion bowl of the Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the wretcheds. Now the artist visits the temple of the Trinity of the Library on Shabolovka.

Tutta Larsen with her husband Valery Koloskov

Tutta Larsen is an active blogger. In the network "Instagram", a journalist is divided with subscribers of news from his life. Recently, TV presenter and mother of three children made a discovery - a trip to Norway turned the worldview of Tarta. Larsen was penetrated by Scandinavian beauty and appreciated the freedom-loving temper of their inhabitants. According to the journalist, in the northern country, children are brought up with the feeling of the balance between the external and inner world.

Tutta Larsen with family

At the same time, in all reigns equality. Fathers are not shy to wash the dishes after dinner, and wives are happy with pleasure to business. At the same time, children can be with their parents around the clock. In offices posted children's rooms where moms and dads lead to kids.

Tutta Larsen now

Since December 2017, a popular journalist has joined the Karusel to the Children's Channel, where he made a TV host project "Breakfast with Hurray!". The co-hosts became her native daughter Marfa. The girl copes well with the duties that the TV viewers said. And after the publication in the "Instagram", Maunda's photo in Snow Maiden, followers announced the similarity of the girl with the star of the series "Game of Thrones" by Emily Clark.

The transfer is devoted to the co-preparation of simple and original dishes. According to Tarta, on the rights of a large working mother, she mastered many recipes, and even children can learn. These are fantasy scrambled eggs, and vitamin salads, and useful desserts.

The theme of maternity occupies in the life of the Tarta Larsen is paramount importance. In addition to television projects devoted to the raising of children, the TV journalist spoke by the author of the book "What kind of people", who saw the light in 2017. The presentation of the publication took place at the Moscow International Book Fair.

Tutta Larsen now

The pages present the advice of specialists with young mothers and dads, which were voiced in the ether of the Tutta.tv channel.

In 2018, with the participation of Tarta Larsen, the release of the final season of the TV-3 channel program "Invisible Man" took place. Many secrets from the TV presenter were announced on the air - her struggle with severe illness, breaking relationship with father, parting details with the first spouse.

At the end of August 2018, the TV channel "MTV Region" celebrated the 20th anniversary of its creation. The date of the big concert is scheduled for September 27, the Olympic Sport Complex is chosen at the Olympic Sport Complex. The scene came out permanent channel of the channel - Tutta Larsen, Alexander Anatolyevich, Yana Churikova, Lika Dlyugach. Music numbers will perform friends of the TV channel, the stars of the Russian show business - Spleen, Noize Mc, Therr Maitz, Christmas tree, Feduk, Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarin and reunited for the celebration of the Guests from the Future.


  • "BIZ-TV news"
  • "Black Friday"
  • "Day Caprice"
  • "Kiss in the outlet"
  • "Adrenalin"
  • "Well done"
  • "Girls"
  • "Testing faithfulness"
  • "Above the roof"
  • "Breakfast with branches!"


  • 1999 - "Simple truths"
  • 2002 - "Secular Chronicles"
  • 2005 - "Young and happy"
  • 2005-2007 - "Doomed Become Star"
  • 2008 - "Trap"
  • 2011-2012 - "Bloodforn"
  • 2013 - "lucky"

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