Andrei Barilo - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, actor, wife, children 2021



Teenager Andrei Barilo barely died, driving an inspext glider. Now the actor has enough adrenaline on stage and in the frame, although the externally of his heroes are restrained and even cold, mostly negative. Skipping something else is not in the character of the barilo. The main thing is an interesting scenario, the character of the hero and a talented director.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born on October 19, 1973 in the Lithuanian city of Siauliai. He is the youngest of three children of the Communication officer and nurse, who also served in the military unit. The ancestors of the artist were the Greeks, Italians and Ukrainians.

The second mother of Barilo believes sister Irina, since childhood the concerned and cautious brothers. One of them, parents called in honor of Yuri Gagarin, the second - in honor of Andrei Mironova. Such a choice involuntarily predetermined the biography of boys: the eldest became the pilot of Boeing, and the creative way opened before the younger.

Thanks to the Father, the brothers often penetrated the airfield and soon learned to determine the model of the aircraft flying in the sky, and later, Barilo decided to go to the aircraft.

Andrei's first parachute jump made at 13 years old, with pride wearing a special badge on school uniform. Now at that airfield is the NATO base, and the actor says that if he worked in Hollywood, would surely bought a small plane and a license.

In addition to the flight, Barilo loved football and music. Together with the participants of the junior team, he became a medalist of the city championship. Having learned to play the guitar, Andrei gathered a musical group into which school friends entered. The team performed at various events, fulfilling the popular compositions of Viktor Tsoi and Nautilus.

At the same time, the young man studied at school does not matter, but the parents did not interfere with the hobbies of the Son, hoping that he would continue the military dynasty. However, Andrei Grezil about the acting career. He did not miss a single film, which was shown on TV or in the cinema, followed the news of world cinema, studied the biographies of popular artists.

Having received a maturity certificate, Barylo went to Moscow. Even before, I did Yuri. The remaining family members moved to the Krasnodar Territory, escaped from national strife, which, according to Andrey, in the Baltic States and the Soviet government enough.

Barilo was accepted in the Schukin school, to the course of Vladimir Ivanov. The master gathered under his wing of the future stars of the screen and theatrical scene Nonna Grishaev, Anna Dubrovskaya, Vladimir Epifantseva.

With a fellow students, Maria Aronova Andrei came up with an interesting parody of the meeting of Evgeny Onegin and Tatiana. The guys put this miniature as a graduation performance.

Another classmate Kirill Pirogov became the star of the "workshop of Peter Fomenko." Barilo did not go after another to the famous director, keeps the faithfulness of the scene on which Andrei Mironov played. He is not from those who choose himself, prefers to believe in fate and wait until the choice will make a profession.

After mystical selection in the "Siberian Barber", when Barilo just thought that he wanted to play Nikita Mikhalkov, as the call of the director's assistant was heard, he "shrewd artificially attributing the situation." The same sign role, which every artist dreams, sooner or later comes.


Even in the student years of a talented actor, Valentine Pleek, who invited the young man to take part in the play "Taming of the Shrew". Andrei Vladimirovich entrusted the role of Runets. In the graduation stage, the novice artist was played by Chatsky. Already in a mature age, Barilo admitted that he would love to repeat this role, since the young actor could not enter the image of Chatsky deep enough.

Soon a graduate of Schukinsky school began to appear on the scene of the Satira Theater. The artist whose growth is 183 cm (as weighing 78 kg), participated in the play "Pygmalion", "lucky - unhappiness", "unforgettable dating", "hot heart". In 2016, a loud premiere of Comedy Lope de Vegi "Dog on Seine" was held, in which Andrei Barilo appeared in a bright acting duet with Elena Podokynskaya.

Barilo as a guest star performs on the scene of the Wahtang theater and the "Center for Theater Technologies", the "workshop of Peter Fomenko", the "Theatrical Assembly of Goldine". In the theater "Modern" is involved in the play "Dyalushkin Son", and in the theater of Yuri Vasilyeva invited to the role in the production "Veronica decides to die." The actor was lucky to work under the leadership of Matrov Theater Directory Sergey Arzybashev, Alexander Shirvindt, Olga Saturotina.


The first roles in the films of Barylo received in the early 90s - played in the drama Oleg Kavun "Running on the sunny side." The artist also appeared in the episodic scene in the film "Halp Mi". In 1994, a young man was starred in the leadership of Vladimir Krasnopolsky "Torivka", where Olga Motherland and Gennady Nazarov made Ego partners.

The fact that Andrei Vladimirovich is waiting for a brilliant perspective, spoke invitations from the owner of the Golden Globe Agneshki Holland, Jerzya Goffman and the Unnamed American Director, with whom he discussed the merits of Oleg Dalya and Robert de Niro.

Shortly thereafter, the Russian cinema was plunged into the crisis, but the actor did not leave hope for the border, he did not leave English.

In 1999, Barilo lit up in the historic drama Nikita Mikhalkov "Siberian Barber", where he played a young Juncker in the episode.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the situation has changed, and Andrei Vladimirovich was invited to the Melodrama "The Best City of the Earth", in which we were talking about the inhabitants of the capital of the USSR of the Brezhnev era. After 2 years, the actor received an episodic role in the TV series "Private Detective".

Soon, the actor came to the television series "Medical Mystery," where he fulfilled the role of Dr. Dima, who brought the first wave of popularity to the viewers in the artist. The face of Barylo became recognizable. The tape went on screens in 2006. The hero who was embodied Andrei Vladimirovich, is complex. Dmitry can not be unambiguously called a positive or negative character. Despite the fact that the doctor is overly interesting for the female floor, he is able to love sincerely.

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Barilo also played the role of Mikhail Schlamov in the television series Atlantis. This image was contradictory, because the sludges could simultaneously love a person and be capable of betrayal. In the medical chalk of 2008, the "general therapy" barilo turned into an irresponsible ex-spouse of Anna Heroine (Anna Snatkin).

In 2010, in the detective series Zoya, Andrei Vladimirovich received a positive role of the investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which reveals a series of mysterious crimes.

In the comedy Yuri Vasilyeva "Seller toys", the Russian artist was lucky to work on one set with Pierre Richarom, and in the drama Andrei Bogatyreva "Juda" he appeared in the form of Jesus Christ. Andrei Vladimirovich does not turn the language to say that the Savior can be played, because even simple phrases in his lips turn into a sermon. In terms of religion, the actor considers himself a man of the world, does not understand divisions on Jews, Christians and Muslims and is sure that God is alone.

In 2012, the premiere of the 1st season of the new story about Sklifosovsky doctors took place. And again at Barilo, this time anesthesiologist, a service affair with the registrar in the face of Anna Yakunina.

In 2016, with the participation of Andrei Vladimirovich, the detective series "Citizen Nobody" with Ivan Oganenny, Irina Pegova and Anton Makarsky was published on the screens. In the same year, the artist tried his hand in the new role of the TV host "Legend of Space". The transfer went on the "Star" channel.

In addition, the actor reincarnated in the director Danilov in the Family Saga "Osin Nest" with Maria Kulikova in the lead role. In the historical drama on the times of the Board of Ivan III Sofia, Andrei Vladimirovich received the role of Brother of the main character of Zoe Paleologist (Maria Andreeva).

In the television series "Good intention", Vladik played Barilo, the weakly-speaking spouse Natalia Firsova (Yana Sobolevskaya). In the Ukrainian TV series "The Second Life of Eve", the artist tried the image of Herman, a friend of the main hero of Vlad (Artem Poznyak), in the criminal tape "Host" fulfilled the role of Max, her husband's main heroine Inhi (Marina Konyashkin), which became a captive in his own home.

An episodic, but a vivid role was received by Barilo in a detective comedy "Operetta Captain Krutov", where Alexey Chadov, Julia Snigir, Sergei Pustopalis appeared with him.

In 2018, Andrei Vladimirovich managed to reveal the image of the main character in the "Eclipse" drama. Sergey Mamaev from his youth in love with Svetlana classmates (Elena Velikanova), which, having met two decades after graduating from school, continues to love. The feeling develops into an uncontrollable passion, ready to destroy all obstacles in its path.

The series is a conveyor, taking strength and time, here it is easy to ride in handicrafts, says Barilo. Therefore, directors do not prohibit actors at the site to improvise, add new character traits, phrases and other "things" with their heroes.

The series "Ferry", in which Barilo starred in the company Glafira Tarkhanova and Vladimir Terchatova, received a grant from the administration of the Novgorod region to reimburse 20% of technological costs.

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The picture, telling about the unfairly convicted of killing a woman, saw the light in 2020. The actor reincarnated into a businessman changing the views and habits under the influence of the main character. At the set, Andrei Vladimirovich walked for the first time on the ferry and bought at night in a cold river.

The pleasant news was waiting for the Sklifosovsky fans in 2020 - on the approach was the 8th season of the series. According to the story, Maxim Averin's character has to fight not only with diseases of patients, but also with their own. The stroke nature of the bid delivered the mass of the experiences of the on-screen wife Mary Kulikova. And the heroes of Barilo and Yakunina expected the news of the second child.

Then Andrei Vladimirovich worked on the spy film "Fake Flag", in which it will appear in the acting ensemble with Maxim Drozd and Ingia Salurand. This is the Russian adaptation of the Israeli Drama of the same name about disguised employees of the special services. Hero Barilo was among the suspects in the abduction of a high-ranking official from a foreign country.

Personal life

The actor is reluctant to share the details of his personal life. It is known that in the 90s he married the actress of the Satilena Svetlana Ryabova Theater, which is older than the spouse for 12 years. It was a heavy time for the country, and in order to contain a family, the artist worked as a realtor. But the profession of Barilo never threw.
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Svetlana presented the actor of Sasha's daughters (1996) and Katya (1999). For what reasons the family broke out, it is unknown, Andrei Vladimirovich did not hurry to comment on the divorce with the first wife. Nevertheless, the former spouses managed to maintain friendships, Barilo continued to participate in the upbringing of girls. Later, Alexander entered the directorial Faculty of Vgika, and Ekaterina is engaged in painting and vocals.

While working on the series "General therapy", Andrei Vladimirovich met the actress Alexander Solyankina, and soon the feelings broke out between them. True, before official marriage, these relationships did not reach.

And in April 2020, the actors's subscribers were pleasantly surprised by the news: their idol married the actress Tatiana Misty. The couple decided not to make a chic wedding, Andrei Vladimirovich shared photos with the wedding rings, and the newly new spouse put the video of the registration itself.

Barilo has a personal account in "Instagram", which published photos, theatrical and film announcements.

Andrei Barilo now

With great joy, actor fans learned about the long-awaited continuation of the series "Farming", the shooting of which was started in April 2021. By the way, initially plans for the 2nd season remained in question, but the history of the main characters to the audience seemed unfinished. In addition, high ratings of melodrama contributed to the further development of events.


  • 1992 - "Halp Mi"
  • 1999 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2003 - "The Best City of the Earth"
  • 2006 - "Medical Mystery"
  • 2007 - "Atlantis"
  • 2008 - "General therapy"
  • 2008 - "Real Kabany"
  • 2009 - Barvikha
  • 2010 - "Zoya"
  • 2012-2020 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2013 - "Juda"
  • 2013 - Dasha
  • 2016 - Sofia
  • 2016 - "Osin Nest"
  • 2017 - "Host"
  • 2018 - "Eclipse"
  • 2018 - "Road from yellow brick"
  • 2019 - "Witch"
  • 2020 - "Ferry"
  • 2021 - "I'm not kidding"

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