Vladislav Leaves (Vlad Leaf) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Murder, Cause



This person is rightly called the legend of Soviet and Russian television. In his short life, Vladislav Leaves managed to change the format of television broadcasting in the late USSR and the early Russian Federation, creating a whole series of superpopular gear. His audiences are obliged to television programs "Rush Hour", "Guess the melody" and the "field of miracles".

Vladislav Leaves is a man of severe and gloomy fate. He managed to build a whole television empire, bravely defended his principles, but at the same time he was unhappy in his personal life. The TV host tried to commit suicide and suffered for some time with alcoholism.

Childhood and youth

Vlad Lisvest was born on May 10, 1956 in Moscow, in the family of Dynamo workers. The boy studied at the Moscow sports school under Spartak society, was engaged in athletics and at a young age became the Champion of the USSR in a run of 1000 meters.

When Vladislav studied in the 10th grade, his father committed suicide, drinking a poisonous solution. The tragedy occurred due to the fact that Nikolai Leaf was afraid of accusations of disappearance of money from the factory box office. This has become a blow to Vlad, but the troubles are not over.

After a short period of time, the mother of Zoya Vasilyevna led to another man's house, which he himself was alcohol himself, and bowed to this woman. Soon Vlad married and moved to the spouse.

Initially, Vladislav, even learning at the Faculty of Journalism in Moscow State University, did not plan to go to television, as coaches proper a young athlete's breathtaking future. He possessed the necessary physical fit, with a height of 177 cm its weight did not exceed the average parameters.

The young man worked as a sports coach and was preparing for the Olympics-80. Everything went to the fact that the leaves should have become a champion and the hope of Soviet sports. But because of stresses, problems in the family and severe financial situation, the sports results of Vlad became worse, and therefore he had to abandon the career of Athlete.

Young man deepened in school. New knowledge Vlad digeted so well that after graduating from the university he was offered to undergo internships in Cuba. Suddenly, for all the leaves refused. He already knew firmly than he wanted to do, and therefore decided to gain a good newsself.

Personal life

With the first spouse, Elena Esina, Vladislav met at sports fees, while still athlete. Lena also engaged in athletics. Vlad instantly fell in love, and soon the couple played a wedding. Then the firstborn was born - a weak boy, who did not live and the day.

Elena survived a heavy nervous breakdown, began to behave with her husband aggressively. Yes, and Vladislav, say, began to look at other representatives of the fine sex. In the end, despite the birth of the second child, the spouses separated.

With the daughter of Valery Leaves did not communicate. The TV presenter doubted his paternity, although native and familiar journalists noted the strong similarity of the girl and Vlad.

The second chief of the journalist and the lead was his colleague on Tatyana Lyalin's workshop. Young people met at the university. Unfortunately, this marriage was also not happy. The couple signed up, they had a son called Vladislav in honor of the Father. The boy from the first days of life suffered from the indentation of the stomach. Doctors tried to help the child, but unsuccessfully - he was paralyzed. Soon due to the suffered influenza, the baby lost his hearing and vision, and at the age of 6 he died as a result of an accident.

And although the second son Alexander soon appeared in the family, Vladislav was in too oppressed to enjoy life. TV presenter tried to commit suicide.

After he managed to save, the leaves began to drink, not paying attention to his beloved job. Tatiana tried to appeal to the mind of her husband, but the results did not give it, and the couple divorced.

Albin Nazimova, Albina Nazimova, pulled out of the alcoholism of Vladislav Listeyeva. She touched the beloved from the noisy companies with alcohol, threw his job and devoted her husband all his time. It is rumored that thanks to her, the leaves achieved such heights. Albin itself denied these rumors. Together with his wife Vlad first gained peace of mind. For an ideal marriage lacked only children.

Lovers signed 2 years after dating and were together until death separated them.


Starting with internships on Goseradio, Vladislav thanks to the talent and chapacity quickly managed to break through the way to the top. Already in 1982, he began working as an editor in the department of broadcasting, which specialized in broadcasts abroad. Simply put, on propaganda. There, the journalist started a number of useful dating among his colleagues and in 1987 he moved to central television as a co-host popular transfer "VIEW".

By decision of the CPSU Central Committee, this TV show was to become an alternative option for leisure and a substitute for foreign radio stations, which in the late 80s were interested in adolescents and young people. The format of the program is infotective.

In the Soviet Union, it was one of the few legal ways to hear foreign music and touch Western culture. In addition, the "look" raised political and social topics. The calculation was justified: the transfer won such popularity that when in 1990 it was tried to close it, a rally was gathered before the Moscow hotel.

In the same year, Vladislav Leaves with the team was founded by the TV company "VID", whose logo was well remembered to every lover of television programs in the 90s. In 1991, Vlad received the position of general director of the company.

The idea of ​​Vladislav Listeyeva was the show "Field of Miracles", which for the first time came to teleexed in 1991. The same person was the first leading entertainment program. Vladislav told that a type of casino roulette came to such a format, and the name for the transfer team took from the fairy tale about Pinocchio.

There were no similar television programs in the post-Soviet space. Due to the novelty of the concept and active participation of stars of show business, television and cinema as guests, a new TV show was doomed to success.

Thanks to Vladislav Leaves, one of the first talks appeared on the territory of the Soviet Union - the "Topic" program, where current social and political problems were discussed.

Since 1993, when Vladislav occupied the chair of the Director of the TV company, he began serious disagreements with the team. Total leaves lasted at the post of 1.5 years, after which it was shifted by former comrades.

In early 1995, the TV host switched to the newly excited company ORT, where he took the position of Director General. It is rumored that the post got a TV journalist not only for his merit, but also because of nationality (unlike the shareholders of the channel, he was Russian).

In connection with the active activities at the new workplace, Vladislav Leaves was subjected to repeated threats. The TV host wanted to smash the current monopoly of advertisers and saw the task in making television not a means of advertising and propaganda, but a publicly available educational and cultural center.

After the leaves decided to introduce a moratorium on the display of advertising on the TV channel, the amount of threats increased. Colleagues and relatives advised the journalist to hire a bodyguard, but Vladislav still did not believe that he really threatens something. As it turned out, in vain.


Unfortunately, the life of this talented figure broke its early. On the first day of March 1995, Listeyev was shot at the entrance of his house when the journalist was returning from the shooting of the transfer of the "Peak Hour". The killers were waiting for Vladislav between the staircase spans. He died instantly. Later, foregrades will call the cause of the death director of ORT through gunshot wounds of the right forearm and blind gunshot wound.

The next day, the central channels of Russia were announced about the tragedy. On the screens, a photo of a television journalist, signed by the phrase, was shown instead of the usual broadcast grid: "Vlad Leaf killed." The statement on the death of the TV host made President Boris Yeltsin. At the funeral Albina Nazimova confirmed that the spouse knew about the planned attack. Thousands of people accompanied the journalist on the last path. The event was publicized and in foreign media. Listeyeva's grave is located on the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

The murder of the television journalist caused a huge public resonance at once for several reasons. First, the leaves died, being at the peak of his popularity, and secondly, it was absolutely obvious that the crime was not committed to robbery (the personal values ​​of Vlad remained intact).

The investigation in the case of Listeyev lasted until 2009, but the investigators did not manage to find responsible for the incident, although, according to their approval, the investigation was promoted successfully. They rummed that criminals had patrons among influential people, so the case was doomed to failure.

Different versions of the reasons for the tragedy were put forward, but they all have come down to political crime reasons. So, some tied him with the names of the head of the presidential security of Alexander Korzhakov, as well as the oligarchs Boris Berezovsky and Sergey Lisovsky, but the official investigation did not give any comments about this.

In 2010, the case of the murder of a journalist was suspended, but after 3 years, information appeared that the work would resume, as soon as the investigation appears new information.

In 2013, the theme of the death of Vlad Listeyev was raised in the release of the popular transmission of the TNT channel "Battle of Psychics". The guests of the program were journalist Evgeny Dodol, the author of the book "Vlad Leaves. Pretty Requiem, "and the daughter of TV host Valeria. The investigation of the case was engaged in Mediums Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps.

Twist of documentaries were filmed about Vladislava and several books were written, the last of which dates back 2014. New facts from TV presenter biography continue to emerge even now, more than 20 years after death.

TV project

  • "Field of Dreams"
  • "Topic"
  • "Rush hour"
  • "Guess the melody"
  • "Star Hour"
  • "L-club"
  • "Silver ball"
  • "Sight"

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