Vera Alentova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Plastic, Films, Hospitalization, Vladimir Menshov 2021



The fate of the Soviet actress of faith Alerts closely intertwined with the life and creativity of the famous artist and director Vladimir Menshov, who had to her husband. Together they created a cult picture "Moscow does not believe in tears", glorifying their names to the whole world. The artist is famous for the fact that many years remains a faithful one theatrical team.

Childhood and youth

Vera Valentinovna was born on February 21, 1942 in the provincial city of Kotlas. She was born in the actors' dynasty: Mother Irina Nikolaevna and grandmother were actors of the theater. Father Valentin Mikhailovich Bulls was also an actor, but died when faith was 4 years old, so she does not remember him. After the death of the husband, Mom decided to move to Ukraine, in Krivoy Rog, where the future actress went to school.

The childhood of the artist took place in poverty. Mother worked a lot, but there was still not enough money to the toys, and she had to make dolls from cardboard. Faith spent alone with them, inventing funny stories to pass the time. Soon she began to attach to them and friends from the courtyard. Alentova secretly dreamed of becoming an actress, but the mother was categorically against such a profession.

The alent family often moved. From Ukraine, they moved to Uzbekistan, and then to Altai, Barnaul. There, the future actress at the insistence of the mother tried to enter the Medical Institute, but she did not have enough knowledge for successful exams. Nevertheless, faith did not refuse dreams and with the help of a stepfather fell into the troupe of the local theater. Having learned about this, Irina Nikolaevna rolled the scandal, because the daughter followed first to get an education in Moscow, and then try to become an actress.

Alentova was forced to go to work, but no one wanted to take a minor girl to himself. She was refused by mail, then in a pharmacy. The only place where the future artist accepted was the melange plant, where she worked for a year.


In 1961, faith went to Moscow. She filed documents to all metropolitan theatrical schools and was adopted at the MCAT Studio School, on the course of Vasily Markov. There fate brought it with Vladimir Menshov. By the way, then the future of the Oscar-free director was considered an unprofitable student, and his wife was referred to a sad future next to the failed artist.

According to the memories of Alentian, the course was strong. Students tried to promote each other in the knowledge and originality of creative ideas, so they read literature, including samizdat, and popular magazines "Foreign Literature", "Youth Technique", "Knowledge - Strength", "New World". The guys attended poetic hearings, where Bella Ahmadulin, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Andrei Voznesensky.

Being a student, Alentova began to go to the Maschat scene. The girl hoped to get into this theater and after graduating from the university, but the young graduate was denied. Having survived the shock, faith hurried to Moscow theater. Pushkin, where until the end of the set of young actors remained a few days.

Listening to the artist was successful and in 1965 was enrolled in the theater troupe. There, Vera immediately received a major role in the "chocolate soldier" of Bernard Shaw, and soon it became one of the leading actresses.

The performer successfully managed characteristic and dramatic images. One of the bright episodes of theatrical career was the statement of "I am a woman", which went for several years with the Anchelas. But life in the theater was not simple, naive and trusting actress everywhere surrounded intrigue and deceptions. Other members of the troupe sometimes invented incredible stories about the Alentian to take away her life roles.

Directors in vains offered participation in their productions, but periods of stagnation occurred and periods of stagnant when the actress has long styled in the native theater. The most fruitful was the creative union of faith and director Roman Kozak. Together they put 7 premiere performances for 9 years. It was during this period that the peak of theatrical career of the artist was coming.

The scene has become the native theater of Vera Alentov and with her husband. Performance "Love. Letters "put their daughter Julia Menshov. During the rehearsing process, a creative family tandem cracked on the seams, three leaders were not easy to get along on the same platform. Before the premiere, a conflict situation between father and daughter reached apogee: Julia was ready to cancel the premiere. Saved the position of Vera Valentinovna.


If in the theater Vera Valentinovna literally immediately began to receive leading roles in performances, then a completely opposite situation was waiting for her in the cinema. Her debut was the role of school teacher in the film on the pilots of the "Flight Days". Then another inconspicuous role in the cinema followed, and for 10 years the actress forgot about the filming, focusing on the theater career.

In 1977, she played in the painting "Birth", and after 2 years she became a star of Soviet cinema. And thanks to the cult film, "Moscow does not believe in tears", removed Vladimir Menshov.

It's amazing, but to invite a wife to Kati director decided only after the refusal of the other two candidates. Irina Kompyko did not like the scenario, and Margarita Terekhova at that time went to shoot in Odessa. Then Menshov suggested the role of the alent, which the idles approved.

Their relational relationships were little helped by shooting, on the contrary, Vladimir treated his spouse with all severity. The film "Moscow does not believe in tears" expected an incredible success, crossed the borders of the USSR and reached America. In 1981, he was awarded the Oscar premium, but the director could not leave the country, so Alentova went abroad.

The actress traveled the world and together with people of different nationalities watched his work. Girls were suitable for her and thanked for the spiritual and plausible history.

For this role, Vera Valentinovna was awarded the USSR State Prize and was recognized as the best actress according to the Journal of the Soviet screen.

After such a deafening success, Alende began to invite to the main roles in the movie. In 1982, the film "Time for thinking", where she played a pair with Vladimir Menshov. Faith starred in the last picture of the director Yulia Rasmane "The time of desire" (1984).

Her partner became Anatoly Papanov, who played the elderly intelligent official, who in the face of the heroine of Alenta Svetlana Vasilyevna wanted to find a family, a quiet and happy life. But an enterprising woman seeks to enhance the service against his will, and everything ultimately ends tragic. In 1986, the artist was laureate of the Vasilyevsky Brothers State Prize for participation in the painting.

With Menshov, the actress worked more than once. In 1995, she starred in his comedy "Shirley Merlya", where he played several roles at once, and 5 years later appeared in the film "Envy of the Gods". In the latter, she even appeared in the frame with French actor Gerard Depardieu. Alentova played his beloved Andre. The role of the main character of the painting was performed by Anatoly Lobock.

In the mid-2000s, the actress filmography was replenished with the works in the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..." and I love the drama "and still I love." In these projects, Alentov appeared in age roles. In the first case, she played mother's mother's mother (Julia Menshov), in the second - Mother Vadim Lyagushova (Anton Khabarov).

Together with his spouse, the artist appeared in the Music Comedy "First House", where Ivan Urgant also participated, Nikolai Fomenko, Dmitry Nagiyev and other cinema stars and Russian show business. In the melodrama "Dar of God" Alentova embodied on the screen the image of Vera Levina. Soon the film "Love as a motive" came out on the screens. According to the story of the heroine of Vera Valentinovna, Mother Dean (Evgenia Bric) becomes a random killer of the son-in-law, and then herself dies under mysterious circumstances.

In 2014, the "Roadless Road" ribbon was reached on the screens, where Vladimir Valentinovich spoke as a producer. As it is easy to guess, Alentova performed the major role. In the same year, the actress pleased the fans of the elegant lady of Galina Semenovna, the comedy heroine "with the eighth of March, men!".

In 2009, Alentova became a teacher of the department of acting skills of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, where to this day students study.

Personal life

With Vladimir Menshov, Alentova met in the walls of the Studio MCAT. The wedding of young people played by students, after which a difficult test of a life and family life was followed.

For some time they lived separately, and after graduation, they even went away from different cities: faith remained in Moscow, and Vladimir was determined in Stavropol.

Tight working schedule and not the best financial situation influenced the absence of a large number of children from the acting couple. In 1969, the only daughter of Julia Menshov was born. But the spouses were tired of life decided to part.

The official divorce did not take place, since both actors were unprofitable. They continued to write each other's letters, and the husband of Alentian every weekend came to his daughter.

When the girl went to the 1st grade, the parents came together again. Since then, they no longer parted, despite the disagreements and conflicts that sometimes arise in creative families.

The name of the actress often came across the news due to numerous plastic operations. In pursuit of the youth faith Alentova, often resorted to the services of surgery. She did the first sulking operation in 1998. But subsequent interventions have greatly influenced its appearance.

After plastics, the third in the account made in 2016, the actress distorted the facial and the face: the right eye began to seem more, and the left left in a half-closed state. Alentova was shocked by the effects of the operation and thought to sue the clinic. However, the scandal managed to solve without trial and excessive noise in the press.

Despite the unsuccessful operation, Vera Valentinovna tried to keep himself in shape (growth - 172 cm, weight - 67 kg). The secret of the tightened figure of the actress is simple - regular diet, to which she was addicted in the youth. To healthy eating, Alentova tried to teach and daughter Julia, who periodically had enough courage to support mom in this endeavor.

At the end of 2016, the actress, being driving the "Lexus", fell into an accident. Moving at high speed, during the rebuilding, she rammed in front of Hyundai. It cost no victims, and the star was finished with a fine of 500 rubles. True, in the media, Alentov strongly denied the fact of the accident.

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On February 21, 2017, Vera Alentova celebrated the 75th anniversary. The People's Artist of the Russian Federation noted him with colleagues and audience on the stage of the theater. Pushkin, fulfilling the main role in the premiere of "Oranges & Lemons", specially implemented by the artistic director Evgeny Pisarev. Guests of the theater in the breaks between actions were acquainted with the exposition of stage costumes and the photo of the actress, which for half a century of service of Valentinov had accumulated a lot.

On the same day, Vera Alentov became the guest of the Evening Urgant program, in which he told about how many years he gave the native theater and why never took off proposals from other directors.

And a few days later, the documentary film "I will show you the queen-mother!", Dedicated to the faith of Alentian. The actress first told about little-known biography facts, sharing what remained behind the scene of famous films with her participation.

Colleagues in the workshop, as well as daughter Julia Menshov and grandson Andrei told their own stories about the famous actress, mother and grandmother. Veena Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Veera Valentinovna with the anniversary.

Vera Alentova now

After a small break in the film train, Verra Alentova began shooting in the adaptation of the 8th novel Victor Pelevine "Ampir V", undertaken by the director Viktor Ginzburg.

In the film, the special show of which was held in the summer of 2021, we were talking about a person turned into a vampire and a part of the imperial elite. Without losing relations with humanity, the frame (so the name of the main character) is opposed to the owners of the world.

Pavel Tabakov, Miron Fedorov, Marina Zudina, V. Vladimir Dolinsky appeared in the lead roles. Vera Valentinovna played heroine Ishtar. For this role, the actress acquired a wig with gray hair. In the plot of her heroine looks outwardly similar to Alla Pugachev, so the performer of this role wanted to move away from the concept.

At the end of June 2021, Alentova was hospitalized to the hospital, a few days later, official information appeared that the actress was diagnosed with COVID-19. A few previously dangerous misunderstanding was found at her spouse. And on July 5, Vladimir Menshov did not become: His body did not cope with the consequences of coronavirus infection.

On July 8, the media wrote that after the death of the spouse, Valentine was transferred to intensive care: its condition deteriorated sharply. However, Julia Menzhovova on the same day in Storsith posted a photo of two hands with the inscription "Mother of the house", refuting the information about resuscitation.


  • 1965 - "Flight Days"
  • 1977 - "Birth"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1982 - "Time for reflection"
  • 1984 - "The time of desire"
  • 1987 - "Tomorrow was war"
  • 1994 - "Miami Groom"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 2000 - "Envy of the Gods"
  • 2004-2007 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2007 - "And still I love"
  • 2014 - "Road without end"
  • 2019 - "Moscow Romance"
  • 2021 - "Ampire V"

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