Nadezhda Rumyantseva - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, cause of death



Nadezhda Rumyantsev, for a long life, starred in 35 films, preferring the film life in the shadow of the spouse-diplomat. This actress will still remember and love the admirers of the Soviet cinema.

Actress Nadezhda Rumyantsev

She was called "Chaplin in the Skirt", "Russian Juliet Mazin", and for the public she remained to Zlitsy Kislitsy from the "Girls" and Lyudmila goodoweener from the Queen of Gas Station.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda Vasilyevna was born in the village of Potapovo, which in the Smolensk region. She became the second child in the family of a housewife Olga and the conductor of the train Vasily. When the future star was fulfilled a year, the Rumyantsev family moved to the suburbs.

From early childhood, hope was characterized by cheerfulness and energetic, any information girl grabbed on the fly. These character traits have not changed, even when the Great Patriotic War was killed and Father Nadi called on the front. Brother Rumyantseva, Vladimir, remained with his family, because it was too young for war. Nadia tried to support the military, collecting children and adolescents to entertain the wounded fighters in the hospital along with them.

Nadezhda Rumyantsev in his youth

For the Rumyantse war family ended well, the head of the family returned home alive and with the reward - the Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union. From those harsh times, the hope has gained habit to be content with small, and this feature remained true to the end of his days.

At school, the actress attended creative circles, including those associated with the theater, but at the same time they did not plan to go to the scene. However, when the school was completed and the question of choosing an educational institution, a girl who did not favor's accurate science, decided to try himself in acting activities.

Nadezhda Rumyantsev in youth

Entrance exam in school-studio at the Central Children's Theater Nadezhda Rumyantsev passed without problems. A bright and lively girl instantly conquered the examination committee to the Famousov with a fermented monologue from the play Griboedov "Mount from the mind." Later in an interview with the actress admitted that I expected failure, and therefore laid out the viewers as much as possible. Then Rumyantseva entered the guitis.

Most of all, Nadezhda Rumyantseva loved actress Olga Pyzova, who worked in the Central Children's Theater. When the studio at the theater was closed and Olga crossed the teacher to VGIK, she took the talented protégé with him. Nadezhda continued to comprehend the secrets of the acting profession in the workshop of Bibikov and Pyzhova.


The first role in the movie Rumyantsev played, while still a student of the institute. Having received the opportunity to play in the film "Towards life," she studied the lathe to better understand the lifestyle of the heroine. In addition, Nadia even went on deception, stating that he knows how to manage a motorboat. Since her heroine had to be managed with this technique, Rumyantsev was afraid that due to the lack of driving skills they would refuse her.

Of course, everything turned out when a motor boat with a desperate girl turned over. Provulusing the artist for a couple of days remained in the hospital, but in general the episode ended safely.

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Since 1952, Nadezhda Rumyantsev was engaged annually in the filming of at least one film. In 1954, the actress received a major role in the "Marine Hunter" tape, in 1955 he participated in the directorial debut of Eldar Ryazanov in Kinolent "Happy youth." The actress also played in a film bar based on the works of Oscar Wilde "Star Boy", first appearing on the screen in the image of the boy.

It is said that the role of Nadi Berestovaya in the 1959 film "Note" was written specifically for Rumyantsev.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva and Yuri Belov in the film internally

So it is or not - it is unknown, but this role made an actress by a well-known circle of viewers. It is not surprising, because she played almost self: charming, good and extremely energetic activist. Due to the combination of character and appearance, the character Nadi turned out to be touching and comic, but causing respect. In subsequent images that Rumyantsev embody, there will be a lot similar to Nadi Beressovaya.

All-Union success of Nadezhda Rumyantseva brought a role in the cult film "Girl". After the release of the film, the newspaper wrote that now every girl who had not had a chance to get into the cinema due to non-standard appearance, could try to become a movie star. Tosya Kislitsyn for many years has become one of the most beloved female characters in the USSR, and later the CIS.

Nadezhda Rumyantsev in the comedy girl

It was originally assumed that the role of Ilya Kovrigina will perform Yuri Belov, but in the Ministry of Culture insisted on the candidate Nikolay Rybnikov. Main role performers showed real courage during filming. The first scenes were filmed in the conditions of the northern regions, and the final among the winter firings - in the summer in Yalta.

The film was success abroad. Even in Hollywood, the talent of Rumyantseva was celebrated and in the future several times invited a talented actress to act in films. However, the hope of these invitations did not even know anything. The government itself answered the actress: they say, of course, thank, but too busy on the set at home.

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In 1963, the second film was released, which consolidated the triumphal success of Hope Rumyantsev. It was a comedy "Queen of the benzokolontka", which also became the property of the entire Soviet Union. Just like Tosya Kislitsyn, Lyudmila Goodevechener instantly won the adoration of the audience. In the cinemas, this tape watched 34 million people, which made a picture of the second most popular after the "Caucasian Captive".

Nadezhda Rumyantsev in comedy

The next 4 years, Nadezhda Vasilyevna starred in various movies, none of which, unfortunately, did not even approach the level of success in previous work. From the most successful works of that time, you can note the film "Marriage Balzaminov", where the artist got the role of Raisa.

In the acting ensemble with Yuri Yakovlev and Faini Ranevskaya Rumyantsev, appeared in the picture "Easy Life", with Saveli Kramarov and Lvom Durov in the comedy "Damn with a portfolio", with Vitaly Solomin in the Military film "Strong Oreshek".

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After 1967, Rumyantsev almost ceased to be filmed into the cinema, having left the country to accompany her husband in work. The actress returned already in the 70s, although he was leaving together with his spouse for several years from the USSR.

Since then, before the end of the life, Rumyantsev was mainly engaged in the voice acting cartoons and foreign TV shows. She participated in the dubbing of the films "Zita and Gita", "Terminator", "Gone by the Wind", "Angelica and King". The voice of the star of the screen sounded in the animated films "38 Parrots", "Hello Martyshka", "Grandmother of Break", "Duck stories". At one time, the hope of Vasilyevna Vel was a Sunday program for children "Alarm clock".

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Rumyantseva voiced many actipers in Soviet films. In particular, the Caucasian Caucasian Captive Nina and the modest Gulchatai from the "White Sun of the Desert" speak Rumyantsev's voice.

Contrary to common misconception, Nadezhda Rumyantsev is in no way involved in the Soviet Mercy Series "Well, wait!". The confusion arose due to the fact that the surname of the actress Voice Clara Rushane looks like the name of Rumyantseva.

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In the new century, with the participation of Hope Vasilyevna and Mikhail Kozakova, a comedy "Wonderful Valley" was published, created by the Uzbek director of early Kubayeva. The last work in the filmography of the actresses became the role of Marya Ivanovna in the comedy "Increasing joy," where she played in Tandem with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. At the time of execution, the artist was 75 years old.

In 2006, Rumyantsev last appeared on the television screen in the issuance of the transfer of the Culture TV channel "Life Lifesty" on its biography.

Personal life

It was said that in student years, the actress associated relationships with Yuri Belov, but the novel of two future stars of the screen was not durable. And the first satellite Rumyantseva became a classmate Vladimir Sculpov. Young people registered marriage, still studying at the institute, but the Union collapsed immediately after the end of the university. The husband was distributed to the provincial theater, and hope, at that time, the successful actress was already decided to stay in Moscow.

Wedding Hope Rumyantseva and Willie Khtroan

In 1965, the actress had a cardinal change in his personal life. Rumyantseva met an Armenian student who eventually became a satellite of her life for more than 40 years. The name of Willie Vakhtanovich Khstroan, and in the history of the late USSR, he was recorded as a diplomat who worked in Egypt and Malaysia, although the manves still know this civil servant exclusively as a husband of Hope Rumyantsev.

Diplomat Willy Khtroan, Andrei Gromyko and Nadezhda Rumyantsev

Young people quickly liked each other. Three years later they lived together, and then, when Willy sent abroad, the couple signed. With you, they took Karina, Khstroan's daughter from the first marriage. Hope made friends with the baby.

Joint children did not have a couple, and, as admitted in an interview with the spouse of the actress, it happened in his fault. At first, Willy persuaded the hope of waiting, fearing that the daughter would feel deprived, and then gradually expired the time of reproductive age Rumyantseva, and she simply could not become pregnant.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva and Willie Khtroan

For a while, the spouses thought to adopt the child, but they refused this idea. Until the last days of the life of Rumyantsev and Khstroan retained mutual love and careful attitude towards each other, which can be judged by the joint photo of the spouses.


There are several versions of the actress disease. One of the reasons was called the transferred head injury during the attack on the spousers of robbers in 1996. Unknowns penetrated the apartment of the actress when Hope and Willie were at home. The couple had resistance, during a fight, one of the attackers struck a strong blow to the head of the head.

Nadezhda Rumyantsev with her husband

After the injury gained, Rumyantsev began periodically experiencing strong headaches, which ended fainting. For 1.5 years before death, a neoplasm in the brain tissues was discovered. Also talked about heart disease and consequences after falling from the stairs in 2001.

On April 8, 2008, Nadezhda Vasilyevna Rumyantseva died in the Moscow clinic because of the brain tumor. This year, the film "Queen of the benzokolontka" was completed 45 years from the date of release on the screens. The funeral of the leading role in the day until the appointed date of the celebration of the anniversary. On the last path, the actress was accompanied by colleagues and fans.

Tomb of Hope Rumyantsevoy in the Armenian Cemetery

The grave actresses is located in Moscow at the Armenian cemetery. Two years later, a documentary tape devoted to the memory of the star of cinema was released on the screens. The film was called "I ask to blame love."


  • 1952 - "Towards life"
  • 1953 - "Alyosha Polysin produces character"
  • 1957 - "Star Boy"
  • 1959 - "Note"
  • 1961 - "Girls"
  • 1962 - "Queen of the benzokolontka"
  • 1964 - "Marriage Balzaminova"
  • 1967 - "Strong Oreshk"
  • 1986 - "The end of the world with the subsequent symposium"
  • 2004 - "Wonderful Valley"
  • 2005 - "Increasing joy"

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