Lydia Arefieva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Lydia Olegovna Arefieva - Russian actress, television leading, astrologer and model. Since 2003, he has been removed in the series and films, having received recognition after filming in the comedy TV series "Interns".

Actress, model and astrologer Lydia Arefieva

In 2014, the actress became an expert-astrologer in a TV show "Let's get married." Now the fans of the cinema, and the audience of the popular television show will be recognized. Arefieva has several higher education in the field of psychology, acting and astrology.

Childhood and youth

Lydia Arefieva was born in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov on August 13, 1979 in the intelligent family. Her father is the doctor of the highest category, and the mother is an engineer and writer. Until now, the actress is warmly related to his homeland, but prefers to work in Russia.

Lydia Arefieva in childhood and adolescence with his father

Lydia simultaneously with an average educational, also finished a ballet choreographic school, and then continued to education in Kharkov, enrolling in Hnwd to the Faculty of Psychology.

Model Career

In parallel with Lidia's study, there was a model and filmed in popular commercials. Her charm and plasticity always caused admiration, which is confirmed by victories in beauty contests. Arefieva became the top model of Eastern Ukraine and Vice-Miss of Ukraine in 1998.

Model Lidia Arefieva

Later, she was invited to shooting Iil and Maxim magazines. Also, the actress advertised the products of world Samsung and Faberlic brands.

The work in the advertising business did not remain unnoticed, and the model received the title "Advertising Face - 2003". Lydia seeks not just to work, but to deal with all 100% in those sectors that they are interested.


Having received an acting profession, the actress plays in the play "Bureau of Happiness". Shooting in the movies begin for Lydia from the series "Poor Nastya". In this project, young, bright, but not yet known artists were involved.

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Lydia does not suffer from lack of roles in the film. She is constantly removed by parallel participating in television shows. In 2007, the spectators saw her in the projects of "Daddy's daughter" and "Club". In the same year, the actress starred in the roles of Lisa in the film project "Who in the house of the owner" and the journalist Larisa in the film "Volkova Hour". Arefieva in the images of Veronica from the "lawyer" and Olga from the "Bediff Cake" for long remember the audience.

From her roles, fans allocate Marina from the film "Bullet-fool", March from the "Zveroboy-3", Any from the tape "Balzakovsky age, or all the men ..." and Natasha from the "Paradise Corner". In the filmography of actresses there are dozens of work in films and TV shows.

Lydia Arefieva in the series

The comedy TV series "Interns" took the screens in 2010 made an actress popular. For filming in the project, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov carefully picked up performers. After long trials, Lydia was offered to be held as Irina Shemyakina, the head of the psychiatric department.

Arefyeva liked the heroine, she played a calm, balanced, caring woman, although in the life of the actress - the complete opposite. Lida often cannot fight excessive emotionality and temperament.

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On the setting area of ​​"Interns", Arefieva worked with Ivan Okhlobystin and Svetlana Kamnina. The celebrity does not seek to rest on the laurels of Glory, wants to do something tangible for contemporaries.

Despite the bright image, recreated Arefyeva in the rating sitcom, it never became an actress of the first plan. But Lydia has decorated with his presence of many bright projects.

Lydia Arefieva on the filming of the film

Over time, her repertoire was replenished with a melodrama "keys from the past", a mystical detective "Fifth Guard", the biographic drama "Main", the melodrama "Last Ment". For memorable works include comedy paintings "classmates" and "worst".


The creative biography of the actress is not only shooting in the cinema and performances on the theater scene. Even during the period of obtaining the formation of Arefieva, it began to try their strength on television. She appeared in the role of TV presenter of "Kich" on the Ren-TV channel.

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At the end of the school of television and radio broadcasting, Lydia began cooperation with the TNT channel in the program "Moscow: Instructions for use". In 2006, the actress turns to the first channel in the "Good Morning" program.

On the show "Let's get married" Arefieva got in 2014, although it was not her dream. The casting actress went for the company with a friend. The TV channel was looking for a replacement of Vasilis Volodya, who gave birth to a child and could not devote a long time to television. Lydia Arefieva has become perfect candidates for the released expert place.

Lydia Arefieva in the transfer "Let's get married"

Since 2009, the actress began to engage in astrology. After 4 years, he received astrological education at the Academy of Mikhail Levin. Arefieva is confident that the planets affect the life of a person, and you need to pay close attention to these signs.

In 2017, the DNA program was published on the NTV channel with the participation of Arefyeva as an expert. The company on the air Lydia was Mikhail Polikamaco and Vladimir Gliskov.

Lydia Arefieva on the shooting of the transfer

In the same year, the actress pleased fans of the theatrical formulation "We - Egosapienses", which was demonstrated on the scene of the "Event" theater. Seven actresses are involved in the performance. Arefieva got the role of Margo, leading psychological training, which gathered the heroines.

Personal life

Lydia's personal life is closed from prying eyes. But it is known that since 2005 she was married. Andrei's husband had no relation to the show business. Despite the warm relationship between spouses and the compatibility of their horoscopes, they did not acquire children.

Lydia Arefieva with her husband

In 2018, the actress surprised fans in participation in the second season of the show about the love of the "Millionaire on the issuance", which started in September on the Yu channel.

The meaning of the transmission lies in the fact that 15 unmarried girls come into fighting with each other for the right to become a companion of a wealthy businessman. The creators of the project made intrigue: for several issues, the applicant were in ignorance about the personality of the groom.

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Later it turned out that they became an entrepreneur and investor Andrei Yudin. Lydia Fans of Transcenders predicted victory in the competition for the heart of the bachelor. However, the actress dropped out of the game.

Lydia Arefieva now

Lydia does not cease to surprise fans with a multi-faceted personality. In the fall of 2018, a brand clothing showed a fashion show at the Fashion Week.

Lydia Arefieva at Fashion Week in Moscow

The actress, together with the mannequins, demonstrated outfits from the collections of the young fashion designer George Black and designer Olga Glenik. In addition, Arefieva became a member of the fashion show "Russian Silhouette" organized by Tatyana Mikhalkova within the framework of the ICF. Together with Lydia, Natalia Antonova, Anastasia Stotskaya, Anna Kazyuchits, Natalia Gudkov, went to the scene.

In the summer, the artist supervised the beauty contest "Princess of Russia - 2018". Lydia itself is in excellent form. It demonstrates the ideal figure in a photo in a swimsuit, which accommodates after summer holiday in "Instagram". Arefieva also visits classes at the school of applied socionics, where the new prognostic psychological method is developing.

Lydia Arefieva in a swimsuit

I did not forget the actress and about the main profession. She starred in 4 projects, which during the year were shown on television.

In a detective, the "ten arrows for one" Lydia performed the role of Heroine Angela, in the melodraman "Who we will not" played by Vladimir's beloved, in the history of love "Women's heart" appeared in the form of a businesswoman. Also with the participation of the actress came the picture "Price of the Past".

Lydia Arefieva in 2019

Now Arefyeva is working on the role of Marina in the comedy "Dawn on Mount Adam", where Stanislav Bondarenko, Ekaterina Copanova, Anna Ardova, are also removed. The film premiere will be held in 2019.


  • 2003 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2006 - "Club"
  • 2010-2011 - "Interns"
  • 2013 - "Balzakovsky age or all men of his ..."
  • 2014 - "Paradise Corner"
  • 2015 - "Main"
  • 2015 - "Punts for Bun"
  • 2015 - "Shadow of Dragonflies"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2017 - "Emails"
  • 2018 - "Ten arrows for one"
  • 2018 - "Who we will not become"

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