Maria Gorban - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, plastic, "instagram" 2021



Maria Gorban - Russian actress, who has already made a successful career in the theater and cinema. The actress was especially loved by the viewers after the publication of the popular TV series "Kitchen". In the filmography of the performer there is both secondary and main roles.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born on December 26, 1986 (Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac) of the year in the city of Yaroslavl in the actor family and director of the Dramatic Theater Alexander Gorbanya and the actress of the Tyus Larisa Zibrova. Such a family creative composition suggested Masha the future on the acting field. Artists also had her cousin and uncle. When the girl was 6 years old, parents together with her daughter went to Moscow.

As a child, Masha participated in theatrical productions. An attractive schoolgirl got the roles of princess and snow maiders. But on his heroin, Guban was absolutely not like her, possessed by a blowing character, often fought and competed with peers. In an interview, Maria recalled himself as a difficult teenager. Most of all on the school photos, the future star of the screen resembled the famous heroine from the book "Peppi Longs."

Gorban from birth surrounded the actors of the theater and movies, so the performer knew acting from the inside. In addition, Masha loved the circus, looked at acrobats, trainers and equilibrists with admiration. But a special place in the heart was taken by clowns. In his youth, the girl also wanted to mix people with funny tricks and scenes.

Only much later, Guban realized that this path would not lead to any creative altitudes or personal happiness. Masha has learned that clowns lead practically nomadic life, often not having the opportunity to make a family and children. What a clowiness would have turned out from Mary, the audience did not know how the actress changed this decision and completely devoted himself to the acting.

Theater and films

After school, Guban entered the guitis to the acting department, for the course of Boris Morozov. The teachers knew about love Mary to clownade and hystage and to develop the other side of the acting talent of Guban, gave it predominantly dramatic roles in serious productions. The brightest of them are "three sisters" and "Brothers Karamazov". Attempts to be born into such images brought a beginner actress to tears and even before depression.

A truly beloved role came to her only on the 4th year, it was Nastya from the "mandate". The character corresponding to the temperature and character of the artist, the character allowed experimenting with speech and talk, as well as show the entire depth of the acting game and surprise the teaching staff.

The creative biography of Guban in cinema began early. At the young age, Maria got on the blue screen, and not to "Elash" or a children's film, but immediately in a serious project. It all started with the series "Simple Truths" in 1999, where the actress received a major role in one episode. In the project, her brother was already shot, thanks to which the artist and got to the shooting platform. After the first shooting, Maria received a kind of "ticket" to the world of cinema, the artist "joined" into the acting agency and began to receive offers from directories.

In 2003, Guban appeared in the TV series "Women's Logic", where he played with Alice Freundlich. Masha began to be filmed in the clips of popular pop artists. In 2004, the audience saw the beauty in the video on the song "Time" Irakli Pizza.

In 2008, the performer was able to fulfill the 2 roles at once in the same picture. In the film "Smile of God", the artist was reincarnated in a lady from 1985 and her granddaughter was already from modern times. In the same year, Guban received a major role in the medical series "I'm flying", where Vladislav Galkin also played.

The image of a stubborn heroine that dreams of becoming a doctor, despite any failures, conquered the audience and presented Maria a whole army of fans, and the medical "Dramati" anticipated the whole of the pleiad of popular TV shows of a similar genre. The following tragic events affected the project ratings: as one of the last works of the famous actor Galkina, the series often appeared in artist's death.

Maria Gorban and Vladislav Galkin in the series "I'm flying"

The first award found an actress in the same 2008. For the work in the film "Drawing" Gorban received a prize as the most charming villain film. For the same picture, Maria was awarded the Star Bridge award.

In the late 2000, the demands of the performer allowed us to choose only the rating projects. Masha appeared in high roles in the TV series "Supreme pilotation", where he played a flight attendant; In the melodrama "Blood is not water," where I reincarnated in the fatal beauty of Maria; In the medical drama "Dr. Tyrsa", which appeared in the image of the wife of the obstetrician Grushin (Mikhail Trukhin).

Later in the repertoire of the artist, a new work appears in the criminal militant "Game", where Pavel Barshak and Prokhor Rubavran starred with it. In many interviews, Guban did an emphasis on the fact that it would not participate in bed scenes and frank photography. According to Mary, in the world, so many debauchery and promiscuity, so she did not want to contribute further degradation.

However, in 2010, the world appeared to be frank filming in the magazine Mahim. The naked body of the actress with model parameters (growth - 172 cm, weight - 55 kg), decorated the cover of the glossy edition. A year later, the photo session of the same genre appeared in another edition - the male magazine XXL.

Soon, Maria played in the comedy TV series "Real Guys", and in 2012 received a sign role of his wife Hero Dmitry Nagiyev in the popular TV series "Kitchen". The pair of Gorban-Nagiyev won the popularity of the TV viewers, so MTS managers, inviting Dmitry to participate in advertising, did not forget about Mary. Rock beauty attracted the attention of the audience throughout the Sitkom, and in 2016 it appeared in Spin-Off Hotel Eleon. Together with her, Elena Xenofontova, Ekaterina Vilkova, Milos Bikovich and other performers participated in the project.

Later, the actress was decorated with his presence a melodrama "Healing", where faith played the ruler. Maria also appeared in the main women's role in the criminal militant "Odessa", where he diluted a bright male cast, which was entered by Anton Makarsky, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Sergey Safronov. The participation of the actress was marked by a lyrical comedy "I am looking for a wife with a child", the rating series "Londongrad. Know our! ", Comedy Sitka CTC Channel" How I became Russian. "

Maria Gorban - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, plastic,

In 2017, a comedy "Women Against Men: Crimean Vacation" came to the screens, in which the acquaintances of the viewers were gathered at the first part of the film Acting - Roman Yenusov, Denis Kosyakov, Anastasia Samburskaya, Alexander Golovin. And among the new participants, the public saw Gorban. Also, the fans of the performer highly appreciated the melodramatic mini-series "NEVERSHIK" and the multi-sized household drama "Createness", giving Mary deep and non-trivial images.

In 2018, Mary's filmography was replenished with a comedy "Grandma of Easy Behavior - 2. Estraar Avengers", "Grand", "Beach. Hot season. " Also, the TV viewers had the opportunity to see the favorite in the melodrama "My husband's wife."

The performer played the role of seductive Alena, to which Alexey Margarita leaves. Abandoned spouse is solved for witchcraft. The next morning after ritual Rita wakes up in the body of Alena. Partners of Maria Gorban became Vera Smolina and Evgeny Juraev. In 2019, the movie star also appeared in the cast thriller "Dangerous Temptation", which described the life of a wealthy family.

In parallel with the cinema, a performer's career developed and on theatrical scene. She participated in the entrepreneurship productions, among whom the most popular turned out to be the play "Gorgeous Wedding". At the acting comedy, in addition to Gorban, Alexander Yakin, Olga Kuzmin and Mikhail Bashkatov, were included. Also fans of the actress rated her work in the Free Love project, in which the actress played in a duet with Dmitry Dyughz.

In addition to working in Movie and the theater, Maria tried herself as a TV host. In 2019, it became known that the actress along with Maria Minogarov will hold a new season of the popular travel show "Eagle and Rusk". The season was devoted to traveling through the cities of Russia. The beauties did a long way from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad, keeping the rules unchanged - one lived for $ 100, the other did not limit himself with the help of the "golden" card.

Minogarov before that has already participated in this project - in the issue along with Jeanne Badoevoy. For Gorban, such work has become the first experience in the format of travel program. The fact that they were approved on the role of TV presenters, a blogger and artist were able to share in social networks only after the release of the first official transmission trailer. In the Actress's post, I called my decision to participate in the show "Remembrance and courage".

Personal life

The attitudes of the actress with young people did not develop at one time. Comparing all the workers with your own favorite father, Masha understood that they all losing him greatly. However, male friends have a great set. Gorban believes in true friendship and knows how to appreciate people. She also had a warm relationship with her parents, Mom still remains for Mary's best friend.

Love for football led to the fact that the performer has many friends and among the players. The first husband of the actress was the Locomotive player Yang Düritsa, Slovak by nationality. Although Mary was actually a football player's wife, the wedding lovers did not play. Yang and Maria broke up in 2011.

On the set Maria met the second chosen one. They became illuminator Oleg Filatov. In love for a long time they wanted a child, and in mid-2014, pregnant Gorban appeared in public, not at all trying to hide the stomach. The actress was not delayed in the decree for a long time, shortly after the birth of the daughter already played in a new production.

Oleg and Maria lived for two countries. The actress worked in Moscow, and her husband-Ukrainian - in Kiev. After the political situation between Russia and Ukraine began to worsen, numerous rumors began to appear in the press that Maria broke up with her husband on this basis. The divorce really took place, but his reason was the unpretentiousness of Oleg to family everyday life.

Pause in the personal life of the actress was short. In 2016, she went to the registry office with sound engineer Kirill Zotkin. In addition to the cinema, he is fond of surfing. Couple often leaves abroad.

Gorban's favorite holiday destination - Sri Lanka Island, where, after her husband, Mary itself got on the board and herself, so it is not surprising that the personal "instagram" of the artist is replete with her photos showing a slim figure in a swimsuit. Together with the married couple travels Mama Mary and the little daughter of Stefania, Kirill revealed with the girl, they became the best friends.

In 2015, the seven actresses suffered severe loss - her father died suddenly.

Recently, fans increasingly note changes in appearance of the actress. According to many, she repeatedly resorted to plastic. Gorban attribute lipophiling and Botox injections. The viewers noted that the eyebrows Mary began to look more clearly due to the tattoo procedure, thanks to which the actress even without makeup looks well-groomed.

Maria Gorban now

In 2020, Gorban continued his creative career. In addition, Masha has released a clip to the song "In the center of my universe", in which she appeared in front of the audience with piercing in the nose and in a wig with long pink hair.

In September, fans learned that Mary is busy in the shooting of the new advertising project MTS. In the company with actress, Leonid Yarmolnik was starred (played by the father of Harbor Gorban), Ingeborg Dapkunayte (who performed the role of the beloved character of the Yarmolnik), Dmitry Nagiyev in the image of Masha's husband already familiar to the public. Upon completion of the work, the artists made a comic roller, which appeared in "Instagram".

Soon, the performer appeared before the fans in the video of Dmitry Malikova, which the singer did for Titock. According to the story of the video, the artist under his own song danced in the company Mary Gorban and Irina nasal. When the music ended, Guban could not stop and continued incendiary "Pa" than caused an embarrassment of Malikov, and later - angry comments of the singer's fans, suspected an actress in a desire to seduce him.


  • 1999 - "Simple truths"
  • 2008 - "Raffle"
  • 2008 - "I'm flying"
  • 2009 - "Blood is not water"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2011 - "Game"
  • 2012-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014 - "Looking for a wife with a child"
  • 2016 - "8 best dates"
  • 2016-2017 - "Hotel Eleon"
  • 2018 - "Women Against Men: Crimean Vacations"
  • 2018 - "Dangerous Temptation"
  • 2018 - "Beach. Hot season »
  • 2018 - "My husband's wife"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2019 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior-2. Elderly Avengers »
  • 2020 - "Plague!"
  • 2021 - "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "-2"

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