Sergey Gorobchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Borisovich Gorobchenko is a famous Russian actor who made a successful career in the cinema and the theater. He became the hero of comedies, militants, melodramen and theatrical productions.

In the ranks of the questionnaires Static (height 190 cm), a handsome man with a soft smile and now enjoys a sex symbol. However, in the first place in the artist, the family, and the work is only a way to ensure a decent life.

Childhood and youth

Gorobchenko was born on July 29, 1972 in the city of Severouralsk Sverdlovsk region. The actor's family did not differ in the creative approach to life. Sergey's father, after graduating from eight classes and Ptu, did not continue his studies and became the driver, and his mother graduated with honors from school, after which he entered the institute and became an economist engineer. In his youth was an athlete, threw basketball after the birth of the son. Completely ordinary professions of parents pushed the guy to engage in creativity.

Gorobchenko studied at school perfectly, in high schools was in the ranks of the best students. He was fond of a little, mostly sports, played volleyball and football. In addition, the parents insisted on a visit to the music school, which probably developed creative inclinations in Sergey.

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In 1989, the future actor entered the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. Gorobchenko did not have any desire to follow the footsteps of the parents, so, he studied only six months, he moved to the State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. N. K. Cherkasova.

At the entrance exams, Gorobchenko read an excerpt from Anna Karenina. The presentation of the text and the experience of each significant moment it impressed the sitting opposite theatrical teachers, which helped get a student card without any problems. Studying in theatrical university, the guy worked up, dancing erotic dancing in a nightclub. In addition to the ability to move beautifully, this work helped Sergey to get rid of the fear of the public.

Personal life

In 1997, Sergey Gorobchenko, being a student, began to meet with a fellowship - actress Alexander Florin. Soon the couple was born the son of Gleb, whom Sergey still loves.

Sergey and Alexander lived 6 years in civil marriage, after which they broke up. The actor admits that during this time many mistakes committed, both sides tried to save the family. Everything that happened is deep in the soul, and philosophizing, according to the artist, do not want to do not want the topic of personal life.

In 2008, Gorobchenko married, and then marriage with Polina, the daughter of the journalist and the publicist Alexander Nevzorova.

The wife gave the actor of five children - the sons of Ivan, Alexander, Peter, as well as daughters Anna and Sophia. Father witnessed their emergence. Family photos regularly appear in Instagram Polina.

Senior Gleb with Mom Alexander live in Italy. The young man graduated from Film School, removed the diploma short film with the participation of her father "Remember her." Scenario and music for the painting also authorship Gleb.

Sergey 4 times a week visits the gym, engaged in boxing and skating. The actor says that without movement simply fades, and this can not be allowed to be allowed as the head of the family and creative person.

Theater and films

In 2000, Sergey graduated from the theatrical university and began to serve in the St. Petersburg Academic Comedy named after N. P. Akimov. Gorobchenko is not all the time devoted to the troupe, and in parallel participated in the entrepreneurial productions of Mikhail Boyarsky. He helped Sergey to settle in the Moscow State Theater "Lenk". It was not so easy to get there, as experienced actors played in it.

Sergey quickly won the respect of managers and colleagues in the scene and after a couple of months of work received the first major role in the performance. The zeal to the art never forced to doubt in choosing a profession and further lifestyle. Some time Gorobchenko was a star theater, but it ended, because a movie appeared in his life.

The "National Security Agent" series became for Sergey point of departure to the world of endless filming and press conferences. Of course, he did not become the main character, but his role was constant and important in the film. After filming in a detective, Gorobchenko received the first major role in the comedy film "Bashmachnik".

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Later he became one of the most promising actors of the Russian film business. The Popularity in Russia and other CIS countries, the artist received a criminal drama "Boomer", where she played Peto Frame.

The success of the picture became a surprise for the film crew. The film was given hard, worked at night, during the day - rehearsals, and in the evening, Sergey fled in Lenk. As a result, chronically did not fall out, which did not slow down to affect the performances. The theater had to part, and "Boomer", recalled the artist, "drove along the guys with a rink."

Gorobchenko went to America, escaped from his own popularity, hoping to start all at first. To earn, sang in the restaurant. One day, Richard Gir turned out to be among the visitors, the Russian was lucky to shake the hand of Hollywood celebrity. Soon, the man realized that behind the ocean should be born or get there in early childhood so as not to pass a lot of stages before being in the top. Sergey had all this, and the actor did not make sense to repeat the way. He finally stayed at home when he married the second time.

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Becoming the famous after the "boomer", Gorobchenko received a lot of proposals. In 2004, 6 films came out with his participation. So, he fulfilled the main role in the television series "Place under the Sun.". The main female heroine in the 8-serial film on Roman Polyna Dashkova played ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. After the release of the series, Dashkova stated that the casting was carried out without her knowledge and it remained extremely unhappy with this picture.

The other tape with the participation of Gorobchenko acquired popularity - "Tariff for Love." In this romantic melodrama, Sergey played a person working on a person who has everything: a good apartment, a high salary and a beautiful bride. On the eve of the wedding, his beloved unexpectedly begins to climb out of the skin to force Vlad jealous.

Gorobchenko's hero on the advice of a friend meets the same: orders a girl from an escort named Katya and goes to her in Sochi. During the rest, it turns out: the girl is not enough that is not similar to the representatives of the profession and is forced to go for this step due to personal circumstances, and there is still a countrywood owner. Katya played Alla Yuganova in the film, with which Gorobchenko after 6 years she once again crossed on the set in the series "Hedgehog out of fog."

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In 2005, Sergey receives the role of Potoulo in the TV series "Dr. Zhivago". In the adaptation of the Roman Boris Pasternak, the entire light of Russian cinema - Oleg Menshikov and Chulpan Hamatov, Oleg Yankovsky and Alexey Petrenko, Andrei Panin and Andrei Krasko.

The following officers became the following for the actor after Dr. Zhivago, which was accepted by the audience with a bang. During the war in Afghanistan, two main heroes-special forces, who played Sergey Gorobchenko and Alexey Makarov, being quadric friends, ready to come to each other to revenue at any time, fall in love with one girl and become rivals.

The officer theme continued in 2008 in the film "Moscow Gigolo". In it, the Hero Gorobchenko will be forced to turn out an officer into a stripter. The main female image in this picture embodied Olesya Suzilovskaya.

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The role of Gorobchenko in the film "Minnesota" (2009) became noticeable. In the painting, the actor played Hockey player Mikhail Budnica. To learn to play hockey, Sergey took lessons from a professional athlete.

The ability to hold in the hands of the key was useful on the set of the sports series "Molodezhka". The actor appeared in the image of the playing coach of the harsh hockey team "Bears".

The series "Brothers Karamazov" is a peak point of popularity, because the artist performed the role of Dmitry Karamazov. Sergey was awarded weighty awards for the acting game, as well as the title "Male of the Year" from the editorial board of the GQ magazine.

In the militant "Alien" Hero Gorobchenko, having lived several years in Australia, enters the realities of the criminal world of Russia, agreeing to become a "messenger duck" in the investigation of the crime.

Then the screens came out "half an hour before the spring", "Moscow. Central District, "I see - know." In the first Gorobchenko played the unavoyal son-in-law of the heroes of Alena Khmelnitsky and Alexander Lazarev - the younger. In the detective series, Sergei's hero is a hereditary policeman who has no day, the adventure. For three seasons with the captain, which only did not happen, up to the departure of the wife and the conversion to Interpol.

In the painting "Torgsin", Gorobchenko was able to reincarnate in the antipode for the previous ways of law enforcement officers. Character Sergey - Gang leader, industrial killings and robbery of citizens - customers of stores working with foreigners.

In October 2018, Gorobchenko was replenished with the series "Ahead Day", in which Ekaterina Rednikov, Maria Kulikova and Irina Goryachev played girlfriends, and two of them are the wife and lover of the hero of Sergey. The film is not easy about treason, but also about the strength of a female character.

Not all the roles in the creative biography of the actor key. In the adaptation of the Roman Sergey Lukyanenko "Chernovik" Gorobchenko lit up in the episode. Elena Yakovlev, Andrei Rudensky, Nikita Volkov, Severia, were embodied by Elena Yakita. The role of the second plan was given by the artist and in the military tape "say goodbye," telling about the protection of the Kalinin railway assembly from the saboteurs.

Also in 2018, the actor finished work in a psychological thriller "Explorer" about the girl, endowed with the ability to see ghosts. In the painting Gorobchenko played the father of the main character.

In 2019, the filmography of Artist replenished the new picture of the director Magomed Abdulkadyrov "Imam Shamil. Siege Akhulgo, "where he got the role of Charles Wrangel. The historical drama tells about the Russian Imperial Army, which participated in offensive and defensive wars. The Caucasian War, and the most famous - Akhulgo storming from June to August 1839 became the most well-known.

And the premiere of 2020 became the series "Punishment without a crime," in which the actor played the main character. Alla Yuganova became partner of Sergey in the picture.

Sergey Gorobchenko now

In January 2020, Gorobchenko fans did not joke for the health of the beloved artist: the news about the urgent hospitalization of Sergey was leaked to the press. According to some information, the actor became bad in the morning of the house, he lost consciousness than heavily frightened. The ambulance immediately delivered him to the hospital, the doctors diagnosed pancreatitis.

Later the press confirmed the actor himself. According to Sergey, the doctors explained the worsening of his health to drink alcohol for holidays, improper nutrition, fatigue and nervous tension. Gorobchenko believes that this happened because of fatigue, because it does not stop visiting numerous samples in films and serials.

The stars of the star "Bumeman" wish the favorite artist of the speedy recovery and return to operation.


1999- "National Security Agent"

2001 - "Turkish March"

2002- "Bashman"

2003- "Boomer"

2005 - "Boomer. Film second "

2006 - "Officers"

2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"

2009 - "Minnesota"

2010- "In the world they live good and good people"

2011 - "Revenge without the right to transfer"

2013-2014 - "Alien"

2017 - "Torgsin"

2018 - "I will not say goodbye"

2018 - "Explorer"

2019 - "Imam Shamil. Siege Akhulgo "

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