Stanislav Madznikov - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, wife, lost weight 2021



Stanislav Ladnikov is an unusual actor, definitely not corresponding to the image of a movie star, which was formed in the public consciousness. Neither a Hollywood smile, no piercing look, the artist does not possess, but it is this "homely" image helped him gain popularity and love to millions of spectators.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Mikhailovich Ladnikov was born on May 17, 1973 in Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia. The boy grew in the family of doctors: Mom was a pediatrician, and his father was a surgeon. The actor told that in childhood he felt completely happy: it was possible to go for mushrooms into the forest, walking out in the fresh air and rejoice in freedom. The cloudless memories spoiled only the fact that the parents of Stas divorced when he was still a teenager.

From the 7th grade Stanislav lived in the village of Old Shayovo, where his grandmother was engaged in his upbringing. Under the supervision of Anastasia Fedorovna, the guy learned how to prepare and perform household tasks. Upon arrival at the new place of residence, Duzhnikov almost immediately involved in the school theatrical circle, but not as an actor, but as labor. After some time, the teenager was asked to play the role of stepmothers in the play "Cinderella". The scene was so fascinated by Dzadnikov that since then he caught fire the idea of ​​becoming a professional actor.

First, Stanislav tried to enter the Kazan Institute of Culture. However, the young man was not lucky, since that year was gaining a target course for the Kazan Drama Theater. In order to pass the competition, it was necessary to know the Tatar language, which the future actor never studied. The loans had to go home, where he easily enrolled in the Saransk School of Culture, at the Faculty of Directors.

A year later, Stas realized that in Mordovia, there were no prospects and prospects for his creativity. Opportunities started at 400 km north, in Moscow, and the aruds threw his studies, gathered things and went to the capital.

The goal of Stanislav was the theater school named after Schukin, where it was very difficult to break through. The acting biography of the publishing of the public began heavily. In his youth, the deserved artist of Russia had to live in poverty, counting only on their own strength. An incredible household sedental of a young man very helped in that period. Raznikov removed the room in the capital in exchange for help in the economy. In spite of everything, he gained in the capital and still managed to send money to parents.

Having received a few failures from the admission committee of the Schukinsky school, Stanislav entered the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, but the attempt to break into the desired university did not leave. From the 4th times the teachers "Pikes" saw out in the synthesis of the gift of the girder. Then the arranging fell under the wing of the actor Evgenia Knyazev and graduated from studying in 1998. The neighbors on the student bench in Stas were the future stars Maria Kulikov and Dmitry Ulyanov.


Immediately after graduating from the school, Stanislav fell into the Nikolai Gogol Theater, where from 1998 to 2000 played secondary roles in several performances. Madznikov reincarnated in the lawyer Zelko in the play "Rollase to Milan", Andrei Likhutina in the production of "Petersburg". In 1999, the actor was invited to Mikhail Efremov and Mikhail's project "Theatrical Event Factory". This was the first, but not the last experience of the artist in Antenpuriz.

With the center of drama and director, Alexei Kazantseva and Mikhail Roshchina Stas represented the play "Wozek", with the produce center of Oromitra - tragicomedy "Adrienne, or Bravo, Mademoiselle Lekewer!" In the interpretation of Sergey Golomazov. The main roles in this play of Ezhen Skreba were performed by Olga Drozdov and Dmitry Singers.

In 2001, Duzhnikov was invited to the troupe under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. This cooperation lasted 8 years and became useful experience for the artist who had experienced experience during this time and make useful dating in the actor's environment. As the media wrote later, Stanislav, as well as Andrei Merzlikin and Alexander Bukharov wrote a statement about the care of the theater, not wishing to "turn into the fortress" Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, while at that time provided a noticeable impact on the head of the institution.

Unemployment did not threaten. The dramatic talent of the actor noticed and appreciated Oleg Tabakov, inviting Stanislav to work in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov. The artist himself said in an interview that it was a big luck in such a theater, and the most favorable offer of Matra is extremely pollen.

On the legendary frames, Stanislav was gaining in the images of Podskolovin in Gogol "Marriage", Dr. Myers in "Primateonna", Middlekina in the "last summer in Chulimsk", Gustav in "Drunk". There are now continuing to play the art theater, in parallel with a movie.


Stanislav debuted into a cinema in 1995, while still a student of the Schukinsky school - played an episodic role of a guy in a red shirt in the film "Lady-Peasant Madrid", where appeared on the same platform with an uptreten star by Elena Cinnik. After that, the actor worked in a number of film, representing poor characters.

On the casting of the film "DBM", who made him famous, the young actor came by chance, having come for the company with colleagues from the Gogol Theater. The image of the ramping bombs instantly remembered to the audience, and the picture had such a crazy success, which in the same year it was decided to remove the continuation.

In 2001, the Raznikov took part in the filming of the Black Comedy "Down House", where, besides him, Ivan Okhlobystin and Fyodor Bondarchuk were shot. The next year was marked by a new significant role. Stanislav played the Opera Complete Mikhail Dotsenko in the most popular project "Kamenskaya-2" and was remembered by Russian lovers of detective serials.

The new round of popularity of Stanislav Duzhnikova has arrived in 2007, when the first part of the film "Paragraph 78" was published. In this picture, Stas worked in Tandem with Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Gauche Kutsenko. Despite the stellar composition, the film failed at the box office, without beating and half spent on the production of funds.

In the same year, there was a rumor that Dmitry Nazarov was replaced by Dmitry Nazarov as the main Santa Costa Costa. The actor denied this information, stating that it does not work in this image, as even children expose him. Many journalists assured that Stanislav deliberately disinforced the press to not destroy the fabulous image of the character, because Santa Claus should remain grandfather, and not to associate with a certain person.

Since 2009, and to date, Stanislav Maduzhnikov is filmed in the role of laziness in the TV series "Voronina", the adaptation of the American Sitcoma. For the sake of the image of a thick, ridiculous, but good investigator actor recovered by 20 kg in 2 months. According to Stas, he did not feel any regrets about this, because the image in which he had to be born, he really liked.

The role of Leonid Voronin is the most recognizable in the actor filmography. In 2012, the series switched to the status of the original Russian multi-versa film, as the material was over for adaptation. The main roles in Sitkom are also performed by Georgy Dronov, Ekaterina Volkov, Boris Klyuev, Anna Frolovseva and Julia Kavarzina.

The armpurists not only plays the theater and filmed into the cinema, but also voiced the roles in the artistic and animated paintings of both Russian and foreign production. In particular, his voice says the character of the Ralph from the same name Disney cartoon, Peter is the first of the "Sorcerer of Equilibrium. The mystery of the Sukhareva Tower. " In the work on the American project partner Stanislav, the famous telecommattor Vasily Utkin became. Later, a journalist, which is also distinguished by impressive dimensions, posted a joint photo in "Instagram", who gathered quite a few likes and comic comments.

In 2016, the Raznikov acted as director of the weekly transfer "Saturday evening" on the channel "Russia-1".

In December 2016, the actor took part in the traditional New Year's program of the Blue Ogonek, where, together with Nikolai Tsiskaridze, performed a music-humorous number about ballet. Stanislav played a fan, persuading to teach him to dance. On January 1, 2017, the aruds became the hero of the festive show "New Year's parade", where, together with Natalia Medvedeva, appeared in the image of a Christmas tree.

In 2018, the professional piggy bank of the artist was replenished with a fantasy ribbon "Rubezh", the main roles in which were in addition to Paulil, Elena Lyadovaya and young giving the Semen Trescukunov. Then Stas was the company Goshe Kutsenko and Daniel Svivakovsky in Comedy Edward Radzyukevich "Graphomaphia".

The author of the series "Heart of Mary" Sergey Karataev involved Dzadnikov in a detective "Journaluga" about friends-losers who did not reach success in the business genre and filed in the yellow press. But the search for "hot" turns around to investigate the businessman's fraud.

In 2019, Stanislav changed his own beliefs that Santa Claus would not work out. The actor played a bearded wizard in the musical "Miracles in two hours", the premiere of which was held on the New Year holidays on the stage of the Hope Theater Babkin "Russian Song". Music for the production was composed by the author of the hits of Russian pop Igor Demarin.

The kind of pre-fermented and the "charmas", entrenched for the loan, faced the creators of the painting "Guy from Hollywood, or the extraordinary adventures of Vesunchik's imports." Stasi offered the main role of the artist, who has to portray criminal authority. Denis Satrosov, Anatoly White and Ekaterina Vulichenko became partners in the project.

The noticeable premiere of 2020 was the dramatic series "Broken Mirror", in which Stanislav played one of the main roles. Ekaterina Volkov, Vladimir Gestouchin, Ekaterina Guseva and other eminent actors took part in the project.

Personal life

Separate Internet sources are called the first wife of Stanislav Ramil Sabitov, and no more information, except the fact that a woman in education does not lead. No comments on this occasion from the Madnikov himself.

With Christina, the actor met at the bottom of his friend's birthday. Young people did not immediately began to communicate, but after a year and a half after the acquaintance between them, serious feelings broke out. Soon the lovers played a wedding, and in 2007 a daughter was born. The couple worked for a long time in the same theater, so seemed to be an exemplary acting family. However, in 2010, Christina and Stas broke up.

According to former spouses, passion passed. But the actors managed to preserve friendly relations, and the daughter of Ustinyu they raise together. Leaving, Madznikov left his wife an apartment on the Taganka, which was helped to acquire Oleg Tabakov.

The current companion of Stanislav is Caterina Volga. Woman - florist and designer, owner of his own luxurious salon on the patriarchal ponds. According to rumors, the actor made a favorite offer, but before the wedding did not come to the wedding. Today, the actor's personal life is still unchanged - lovers never reached the registry office to legitimize the relationship.

By the fall of 2016, the actor lost weight. According to various media, he dropped from 40 to 60 kg. Today, with an increase in 191 cm, the weight of Stanislav Duzhnikov is about 90 kg. The man told the press that the secret of his weight loss is in sport and balanced nutrition. Stas believes that the useful food can be delicious, prefers to eat diverse and not sit on a specific diet, but still considers the calories of each dish and checks the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

As indicated on the official website of the artist, the runikov is present in Vkontakte, in Facebook, Odnoklassniki, and in the "Instagram" in Stas even 2 pages. True, the photo on the second does not illustrate the life and creativity of the actor, but published as "act of service of art". Account demonstrates the talent of the Stanislav-photo artist.

Stanislav Ladnikov Now

In 2021, the star of the Voronina television series joined the Ivanov-Ivanov's filmmate. In an interview, the actor shared: the continuation of the story, as it turned out, was tied to his character. And he was very worried about how the already established team would be perceived. However, the newcomer was reacted with warmth, and indeed the runts were delighted with the atmosphere of friendship on the set. Especially impressed to him in the frame of geese, ducks and other rural animals.

In one of the loudest premier Spring - the screening of the novel Vyacheslav Shishkov "Ugryum-River" Stanislav played the role of Ferapont. And this project left the indelible impressions of a lost artist. He fully plunged into the era described by the author, because even the film crew put on a sphere, corresponding to the spirit of the times.

At the very beginning of the year, Stanislav expressed the hope that the difficulties associated with the pandemic remained behind, but soon he did not escape the virus. In April, the media appeared information about hospitalizing the role of Leno Voronin's role with a diagnosis of pneumonia developed against the background of coronavirus infection. By the way, the ex-wife of actor Christina hurried to calm fans by the fact that her condition of her ex-husband does not cause concerns.


  • 1995 - "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2004 - "Turkish Gambit"
  • 2007 - "Paragraph 78"
  • 2008 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2008 - "Mines in Farvater"
  • 2009-2019 - "Voronins"
  • 2013 - "Metro"
  • 2013 - "Glaks"
  • 2015 - "Points of Support"
  • 2016 - "Journalists"
  • 2017 - "Graphomaphy"
  • 2018 - "Guy from Hollywood, or the Unusual Adventures of Vesunchik Vesunchik"
  • 2019 - "Happiness is ... - 2"
  • 2020 - "Broken Mirror"
  • 2021 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2021 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"

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